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Driven to Distraction

Page 27

by Lori Foster

  He probably missed Mary, too.

  “Sorry,” Brodie said. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Yawning widely, Howler rolled to his back, scooted his spine a little in the dry dirt and went back to sleep.

  The dog now had plenty of room to wander thanks to a run Jack had helped him install. They’d hammered in one pole right outside Brodie’s door, the other several yards out, with a cable running between them. A ten-foot leash slid along the length.

  Sunshine beat down on Brodie’s head, making his temples sweat. The blue sky seemed to go on forever, but it wasn’t as pretty as Mary’s eyes.

  Those eyes had been filled with concern when she’d left.

  He hadn’t missed how it had shaken her, being with his family. Even after she’d rallied, the rest of them had noticed. It’d take a blind idiot not to see Mary’s reservation, and his family was anything but.

  Running a hand over his face, he bit back a growl.

  “The car looks great.”

  Taken unawares, Brodie glanced up, then dropped his hand and tried to play it cool. Though he was parked right outside the office, he hadn’t heard Jack approaching. “Yeah. Thanks.”

  Hands in his pockets, Jack moseyed over in a casual way that belied his purpose.

  Was he that far gone? Brodie crossed his arms and asked with a touch of belligerence, “What?”

  “Just wondering what’s up.” Jack started to lean on the car, but changed his mind.

  “Go ahead. She’s for driving, not just showing. With Howler getting in and out, there’s no reason to treat her with kid gloves.” To prove his point, Brodie propped himself against the driver’s door. He didn’t know how long he could stay there, though.

  He needed to be active enough to burn off the restless energy.

  Like...if he could wrestle an alligator or something, that might help. But standing around yakking? Not a good day for it, not when he burned with a...a fucking helpless need to go to Mary.

  Jack opened his mouth.

  “Nothing’s up,” Brodie barked, “so don’t feel like you have to give me a pep talk.”

  Jack held up a hand in surrender. “We’ve stayed so busy the last few days getting things set up for Howler and installing the security everywhere, we haven’t really had a chance to talk.”

  “We talked. You told me I was putting that security shit together wrong and I told you to fuck off.”

  “You were doing it wrong,” Jack insisted, then added with a grin, “But I knew you didn’t mean to be surly.”

  “Did, too.” He almost groaned at his own juvenile obnoxiousness. “Look, it all works, right?”

  Jack shrugged, then went on to ask, “What are you going to do?”

  Damn it. Playing dumb, Brodie cocked a brow. “About?”

  “Mary. We all figured she’d be hanging around more now, and instead you’re out here with your ass dragging the ground.”

  His brother didn’t own an ounce of subtlety.

  Apparently he was that far gone because he almost laughed. “What, exactly, do you want me to do?”

  Without missing a beat, Jack said, “Go after her.” Then, as an afterthought, he asked, “You do know where she lives, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I know.” Not that he’d ever been there.

  “Mary is reserved.”

  “You don’t have to explain her to me.”

  That didn’t stop him, though. “I think we overwhelmed her. And she looked guilty, too, even though there’s no reason. You need to reassure her.”

  Yeah, he had. “She told me not to worry about it.”

  Jack nodded as if he had all the answers. “She’s the type who wouldn’t share her burdens, you know?”

  “In fact, I do know.” But she had shared with him, parts from her past, some of her future hopes. He’d been making progress, and she had her walls up again.

  “Use the excuse of showing her the car.”

  Yeah, he could almost see himself knocking at her door and saying, Matilda is all dolled up now. Come see. “That’s a stupid idea.”

  “Don’t use an excuse. Just tell her you missed her.” Jack elbowed him. “It’s the truth.”

  “Yeah.” No reason to deny it. “I’ve talked to her.” He called each day and she always answered, chatted a few minutes, then let him go.

  Jack gave him a pitying look. “So you’re hanging on the phone with her instead of going to see her?”

  “I asked her over.” She’d already made plans. Whatever the hell that meant.

  “God, you’re a lost cause. Did you at least offer to pick her up?”

  He hadn’t, only because he’d known she would refuse.

  Spearing the fingers of both hands into his hair, Brodie paced away. This was ridiculous. Since when did he need love advice from his... He stopped so suddenly he almost tripped himself. He stared off into the distance without seeing anything.


  Well, hell. Yeah, he loved Mary Daniels. It wasn’t just that he wanted her—though he did, a lot. It wasn’t simply liking her and sympathizing. He also respected her and admired her.

  He wanted to keep her close, talk with her, make love to her.

  He wanted to stake a claim, then declare it to the world.

  A little flummoxed, he turned to Jack. “I love her.”

  Deadpan, Jack said, “Uh, yes, I know. Why the hell do you think I’m out here pumping you up?”

  “I assumed Charlotte sent you.”

  They both turned to see Charlotte standing at the window, watching them. She smiled and ducked away.

  “She suggested it, but I was already planning on it anyway. It was too disturbing, watching you out here fussing over Matilda, looking all glum and beat down.”

  “I don’t fuss.” He hoped.

  “Call her,” Jack suggested. “Tell her it’s important.”

  Brodie shook his head. “She needs time to do things her own way. She’s smart. Scary smart. She’ll figure out what she wants without me pressuring her.” And God willing, she’d want him.

  Jack looked past him, shading his eyes with a hand. “Huh. Maybe she already did.”

  Turning, Brodie saw her car approaching. “Do me a favor and look after Howler.”

  “You’ll owe me.”

  “Screw you.” Brodie walked toward the dog with Jack’s laughter behind him. Howler had already gone alert, ears perked and gaze glued to Mary’s car.

  With a happy bark, he jumped to his feet.

  Brodie looked back at Jack. “He gets five minutes to say hello.”

  “I’ll come back out then.” Whistling, Jack headed to the office.

  Man and dog stood together, waiting, while Mary pulled up and put the car in Park. Thinking of everything he wanted to say to her and how to say it, Brodie prepared himself.

  Then she stepped out and he almost fell over.

  Mary, his Mary, wore a sexy, beige dress that fit her body to perfection. Gone was the boxy outfit, replaced with a dress that showed off every lush curve. The modestly scooped neck drew his attention to her cleavage. God, the woman had a fine set.

  Letting his gaze track farther down, he took in the nip of her waist, the gentle sweep of her belly, the flare of her hips. The hem ended just above her knees. Barely there sandals showed off her shapely calves.

  His nostrils flared, and his chest labored. “Holy smokes.”

  Dark sunglasses hid her eyes, but her lips curved in a smile.

  Her hair was up again, but this style was different, looser with long twining curls hanging free in key places, like over one temple, in front of one ear. It gave her a slightly messy, “just tumbled” look that he heartily approved of. Oh, hell yeah, he approved.

  Expanding his chest on a big breath, Brodie announced, “I j
ust got hard.”

  The smile froze, then twitched into a laugh. “You did not.”

  He loved how she laughed. “Made you look.”

  “Nothing new in that.” She knelt down by Howler, and yeah, that looked sexy, too. The dog gently nuzzled against her while his tail went wild. “I can’t keep my eyes off you.”

  Nice. “You can do more than look, you know.”

  “I was hopeful.” Her small hands moved over Howler’s neck and back. “I’ve missed you, sweetie.”

  Brodie stood over her. “Me or the dog?”

  Pulling her sunglasses away, she looked up his body until she met his face. “Both.”

  Her on her knees was giving him ideas. Hot ideas. Much more of that and he would be hard.

  He took her elbow and urged her back to her feet, then against him. God it felt good to hold her again. “You look incredible.” Arms looped around her, he rested his hands at the delectable place where the small of her back met the plump jut of her ass. He kissed her forehead, her cheek, her jaw. “I’m glad you came by.”

  She caught his face and captured his mouth for a slightly longer taste, then released him with a sigh. “I wanted to talk. Do you have time?”

  “Only if you’re going to tell me you want me, too.”

  “I do—oh!” Eyes widening, she looked past him to the car. “Oh, Brodie, is that Matilda?”

  He’d almost forgotten about his beloved car. “Turned out great, right? I told you red would be the perfect color.”

  “You were right. It’s stunning.”

  Howler followed them as they walked to the car. Mary circled it, and dressed like she was, he enjoyed the show.

  “You could do that a few more times if you like.”

  Reverently grazing her fingertips over the hood, she asked, “Do what?”

  Brodie twirled a finger. “Walk around the car. Slowly.” He didn’t know if she’d believe him, but he said it anyway. “The way you move is like foreplay.”

  Again she smiled. “You are such a flatterer.”

  The office door opened and Jack came out, trailed by Charlotte. They each looked a little stunned.

  Like him, they were probably wondering what had inspired the change. Brodie decided he could wait until she told him. Until then, they all stared.

  Charlotte spoke first. “Doesn’t she look great?”

  Brodie and Jack both nodded.

  Mary said, “The color suits her.”

  “Perfectly,” Charlotte agreed.

  Oh, they were talking about the car? Huh.

  Brodie and Jack shared a look. Jack gave a silent whistle and Brodie nodded.


  They turned to see Charlotte watching them, brows raised. She smiled sweetly. “I’m going to take Howler in for some lunch.”

  At that magical word, Howler went berserk, leaping around and barking. He knew most words that had to do with food. “Remember the routine,” Brodie said.

  “I remember.” Jack unhooked the dog. “As long as I don’t have to actually eat the stuff, I can—” Knowing he was free, Howler lunged for the door, nearly pulling him off his feet.

  Brodie laughed.

  “You had breakfast,” Jack complained as he regained his balance, which only made Howler more excited because he knew breakfast also meant food. “And a few treats since then. Why do you have to make people think we starve you?”

  Charlotte waved. “We’ve got it covered. You two go relax.” She paused with the door open. “You look great, Mary.”

  “Thank you.”

  After flashing a thumbs-up, Charlotte let the door close behind her.

  Alone. At last.

  Brodie looked up at the sky. “It’s got to be ninety out here. Let’s go inside.” He held out a hand, palm up.

  “All right.” Mary tucked back one of those long, teasing curls and put her hand in his.

  Brodie knew she had strength, more than any woman should have to possess, but as he closed his larger hand around hers, she felt small and fragile. She didn’t need his protection, but he wanted to give it anyway. Protection against physical harm and emotional. He wanted to pamper her, and he wanted to love her.

  He wanted that more than he could ever remember wanting anything.

  Cooler air greeted them as they got into his place. He closed and locked the door. She set her purse on a chair and stepped out of her sandals.

  The gesture was familiar, comfortable, in a way she’d never been before. He hoped it was a good sign.

  “Know what? Even your bare feet are sexy.”

  Looking down at them, Mary wiggled her pink-painted toes and grinned. “Really? I got a pedicure.”

  “Not sure that has anything to do with it.” Even without the polish, he’d admire her narrow feet...and trim ankles. And those calves. “It’s that you’re here, more skin showing than usual, and removing your sandals makes me think about you removing everything else.” He hitched his chin at her. “What do ya have on under that dress?”

  Grin twitching, she struck a pose, hand on her hip and her expression beckoning. “Just a flesh-toned demi bra and matching panties.”

  Envisioning that, Brodie tugged at the material over his fly. “Damn.”

  The grin settled into a gentle smile. “I think maybe you missed me, too?”

  “Very much.” He moved closer. “I called, hon. You were busy.”

  With a nod, she said, “Doing this.” She gestured at herself. “Finding something that would show you...” The words trailed off, then she made her gaze direct and tried again. “I think we’ve had some misunderstandings.”

  “Misunderstandings?” That didn’t sound great.

  “Yes. Well. I mean...” She stopped, gave a roll of her eyes, drew a deep breath and gave it another go. “I’m pretty sure I understand you. You’re up-front about things, what you want and how you feel. When you’re ticked off or happy. I like that I can read you, that I don’t have to guess at what you’re thinking.”

  “If you’re ever unsure, just ask. I’m happy to share.”

  Those soulful blue eyes held his. “I’m not like you, though, so I figured it had to be more difficult for you to understand me.”

  Being honest, he admitted, “Sometimes.”

  “I wanted to clarify.”

  Brodie resisted the urge to touch her. “Should I sit down?” He had no idea where she was going with this, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

  She bit that full bottom lip, blue eyes intent with determination—and something else. Maybe a hint of...wickedness?

  God, he hoped so.

  “Let’s go to the bed instead.”

  Concerns melted away and he slowly smiled. “Hell of an idea.” As long as Mary wanted him, he could work with everything else.

  * * *

  BECAUSE BRODIE WAS so agreeable, Mary had him in bed, on his back with her sitting on his abs, in no time. After hiking the dress up high to settle over him, she bracketed his hips with her bare thighs. He rested his hands on her there, keeping them still, but the contrast of his rough palms against her smooth skin excited her. Knowing Brodie, she assumed that was on purpose.

  Before he took over, she said, “Strip off your shirt.”

  “No problem.” He moved under her, shifting enough to tug the shirt up and over his head. He tossed it off the side of the bed.

  Leaning forward, she spread her hands on his chest. The heat of the day had dampened his skin and intensified his scent. Inhaling deeply, she breathed him in and felt parts of her respond, parts that were currently against his abs.

  She liked this, being open over Brodie Crews, her legs spread wide around him. It made her feel both vulnerable and in charge, an enticing combo.

  Stroking his chest hair, darker now with a light sheen of sweat
, she swept her palms out over those rock-hard shoulders, down to stretch her fingers around his biceps. Even using both hands, she wouldn’t be able to completely encircle him.

  And he was at ease, his muscles relaxed. When those muscles bulged, he was impressive indeed.

  A strong, caring man was a wonderful thing.

  “I can lose the jeans too if you want.”

  “So accommodating.” She drew her hands down his chest. “No, this is better for now. I get very distracted with your body.”


  “Very.” She drifted her fingers over his small, flat nipples. “Very.” Down his ribs and onto his abs. “Distracted.”

  “I like you this way, Red. Confident women are sexy.” He raised his knees behind her back and clasped her waist. “Annnd...I’m hard.”

  “I know.” With a small wiggle, she confirmed the bulge under her, obvious even through his denim jeans. “I’m glad.”


  Liking the sound of that, she leaned down to kiss him. The position pressed heated parts of her more firmly to him and gave her breasts contact with his chest. “I was never a tease before.” Making sure it didn’t sound like a complaint, she added, “You’ve corrupted me.”

  He cupped the back of her neck to keep her close. “Good.” She went breathless with the way his tongue played with hers, how his bristly jaw lightly abraded and how his hands held her so carefully.

  Mary knew if she didn’t get back on track, she wouldn’t get any of it said. For that reason, she pressed her hands to his chest. He resisted only a moment before groaning and letting her go.

  Balanced on her elbows, she sighed. “I get around you and it’s so easy to just lose my head.”

  “Same.” Gently, his palms swept up and down her back, up again, then down all the way to her backside. “It’s not always this way, you know. Things are different with us.”

  “Chemistry,” she said, nodding. She’d already figured that out. She straightened again to avoid the temptation of his mouth. “I wanted you to understand why I always dressed as I did, and why I’ll usually dress differently now.”


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