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Home Base Page 9

by C M Hoffmann

  Wyatt, “Word.”

  Cane and Wyatt make their goodbyes and Cane looks out the peephole of the front door. “You know, the cavalry had the right idea. Got at least one steve out there. Go grab a machete and the M48 Tomahawk out the man room.”

  Wyatt collects the melee weapons and returns, “Guess I get the machete?”

  Cane smiles, “Yessir, that’s MY tomahawk. You shoulda brought your own. I’ll let you get the first of the day though.”

  Wyatt puffs out his chest, “Psh, I got this.”

  Cane opens the front door and ushers Wyatt out, “After you, milady.”

  Wyatt pushes Cane in response and strolls out the door passed the littered bodies on the front lawn towards the roaming corpse. “Hey! Come see yo daddy.” The steve turns to face Wyatt and begins to approach. Wyatt unsheathes the machete from his belt and swings, cutting halfway into the steve’s face, and it falls... taking the machete with it. “Dammit, it’s stuck. Big Dog, need you out here.”

  Cane, already at Wyatt’s side, sends the spike of the tomahawk into the top of the skull of a steve creeping up on Wyatt. “I got you, Big.” Cane holds the steve upright, kicks for its lower back and pulls up with the tomahawk, dislodging it from the corpse’s cranium.

  “Don’t know where I’d be without ya.”

  “Probably six feet under, get in the jeep.”

  The rest of the ride to the intersection rendezvous point is relatively quiet, same as the previous day.

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  Pops passes the living room where Wade is putting his shoes on and goes to Gavin’s room to wake him up, only to find he’s up already, armed to the teeth. “You’re up early.”

  Gavin, “I’m up still.”

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “Too much even for Cane’s smart ass. Why now? What the hell is all this. It’s not supposed to end this way. That woman up on the bridge with her kid, of course we’d pick up someone like that. We’re all separated by about a mile each. I’m just angry. It’s fucking frustrating.”

  “We’ll do what we have to keep everyone safe. What’re you thinking about Mallory and Justin?”

  “Well she’s beautiful for one. The kid seems great. Wish I could’ve found someone before all this bullshit started. But now here I am, thirty-five, still at home with you and mom. I think it’s time to officially give up. Couldn’t have met her on the way to lease, no that would’ve been perfect. Distracted the hell out of me when that jackass was in the bed of Cane’s truck. I’m drawn down on him and out the corner of my eye, I spot this woman, terrified, in the passenger seat. All I could think is I would kill to protect her. Guess that was as close to love at first sight as I’ve ever heard.”

  Pops sits on the bed next to Gavin, “Son, it ain’t ever been easy for you. We all know why you chose to stay home. No one thinks any less of you for it. There’s still a place for you and your brothers here. Always. Things will turn around. Only way out is up, things’ll get better. I’m going to make sure your mother is set for today. You wanna stay home and mope? Or, do you wanna get out and prove you’ll kill for Mallory?”

  “Hell no! I’m not staying home. Finally a way for me to take out my aggression and who knows maybe some nice ‘steve girl’ will take a liking to me.”

  Pops laughs, “Might not be the kind you want.” He goes to his and Mom’s bedroom, “You gonna be ok by yourself?”

  Mom, “Of course, just make sure you get back here when you can. The dog will be my backup.”

  Pops, “We’ll come home as soon as possible.”

  Pops and Gavin make their way to the front of the house where Wade is almost finished dressing, they all double check each other for their gear. Gavin does one last check of the chamber on his M&P and drops it in his thigh rig holster. He rechecks the chamber on his Ruger 9mm and replaces it on his opposite hip. Wade slings his AR-15 across his chest and readjusts the straps on his Beretta’s holster attached to his upper thigh.

  As they make it to the driveway, Pops asks, “You driving?”

  Gavin nods and they climb into his truck. When he backs out of the driveway, a steve is wandering in the middle of the road. Without a word Gavin gasses the truck in reverse and slams into the steve. The truck bounces as the steve is sucked under the tires like an undead speed bump. Gavin exits the truck and looks to the figure with the collapsed rib cage.

  Wade jumps out of the truck walks over, draws his 9mm, and shoots the steve in the left eye. The sound of the bullet exiting the steve’s skull and ricocheting off the blacktop road brings an unusual peace over him. He and Gavin stand there staring for just a moment before getting back in the truck, each experiences a feeling of relief both of stress and safety.

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  Trey had long since brought little Emma inside for fear of the weather getting worse. As he stands up on the roof and stretches, a few people have come outside to observe the damage caused by the fires the night before. He watches with a look of disgust on his face. ‘Everything that’s going on and people still find ways to torment each other,’ he thinks to himself. He stretches again and heads inside.

  Lynn has a nice breakfast of eggs and bacon laid out on the table as Trey plops into a seat and sets his seven mag against the wall, Emma comes waddling in dragging her favorite stuffed monkey.

  Emma, “Daddy, I’m sorry I falled asleep. Did I miss anything?”

  Trey not wanting to worry the five year old, “No, baby girl, no excitement last night.”

  “Ok good,” yawn. “I’m glad you’re safe.”

  Lynn, “He’s always safe. Want some breakfast, little bit?”

  Emma climbs up a chair, “Yes, ma’am.”

  They enjoy a quick breakfast together and Trey goes to gear up for the day. While he finishes securing the last of his weapons, Lynn walks down the hall and leans against the door frame, arms crossed. “What are you planning on doing?”

  Trey, “We’re going to go to work today, see if there’s a big picture. Think you can manage without me?”

  Emma wraps one arm around Lynn’s leg, the other properly cradling her monkey, “Don’t worry, Daddy, I’ll protect her.”

  “I’m sure you will, but you still have to do what she tells you to.”

  Emma makes a face, “But I can help.”

  Lynn looks down, “You can help, by going to get some real clothes on. We have things to do.” Lynn starts to shoo Emma down the hall, but she doesn’t budge, looking pleadingly at her father.

  Trey winks at Emma, “Get to it, girlie.” He checks and rechecks his gear and then takes a moment to sprawl on the couch. Lynn joins him in the living room.

  Lynn, “Be careful. Who knows what’ll happen next with these things.”

  Trey, “‘Steves.’ I’m sure there are more surprises coming. And whatever they may be, we’ll be ready for them.”

  “I can’t believe Cane named them, he’s so special.”

  “Aren’t we all, though?” Trey kisses his family goodbye for the day and fights the dogs back as he exits the house. Once in his truck he makes the drive to the intersection through the nearly empty streets.

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  Cane and Wyatt arrive at the intersection first. Cane sees his squad mate, Coll, and some other officers standing by at the nearby gas station. He pulls into the parking lot, rolls down the window and waves to Coll, “Good to see you still up and about. How’s it hangin’?”

  Coll, “To the left. Honestly with you and your family home, I’m sure the city will suffer even more.”

  “Good to know you haven’t lost your sense of humor. Don’t be mad that we bring chaos wherever we go.”

  “Oh I’m not mad. I’m sure these things will love you as much as the normal criminals do.”

  “Speaking of which, how are our fine upstanding citizens we see so regularly.”

  “Most of ‘em are dead or turned. The Park and the Manor burned down days ago. They all just turned on each other. Either thro
ugh violence or those things.”

  “Well shit. Here we thought we’d need to convoy to keep the criminals at bay. Oh and by the way those things are ‘steves’.”


  “The zombies, we’re calling them steves, you have no choice, just accept your fate.”

  “That’s absolutely ridiculous. Why would you name them?”

  “First: It is not ridiculous; Second: everyone else seems to enjoy the new name; Third: it’s not like I named them individually.”


  “How’s the family?”

  “It’s getting rough. Glad I started getting paranoid like y’all and put some food away. But I’m seriously lacking with guns and ammo.”

  “Tell you what, after we see what the chief wants us to do at work, we’ll get you squared away. Just remember: we don’t have unlimited supplies so keep it quiet; we like you so I suppose we can keep you from going steve on us.”

  Coll shakes his head, “I hate to take charity but thanks; however, you do need to rethink the ‘steve’ thing.”

  Cane smiles, “Not a chance. By the way, this is Wyatt.”

  After the introductions are made, Gavin, Pops, and Wade arrive in Gavin’s truck; Trey arrives in his truck; Fitz and Rapp arrive in Rapp’s truck, and Fred arrives in the troop mobile. Everyone says their hellos to Coll and makes small talk. A loud screech turns their attention to a truck coming to a sudden halt in the intersection nearby. The truck quickly accelerates and strikes the curb going momentarily airborne before hitting the gas station sign. The effect of the crash causes the first number of the gas station prices to fall off the sign.

  Cane, “Who’da thought the steve virus would lower gas prices?” Most of the men begin to laugh.

  Wade, “Do you always have to be so stupid?”

  “Only when you’re around.”

  Pops, “That’s enough, let’s check on the truck.”

  They approach the truck and it’s immediately apparent whoever was driving smashed into the windshield by the amount of blood racing through the cracks. They inch closer and the group hears a low roar from inside the cab of the truck.

  Cane, “Guess he turned while driving. That’s an inopportune moment.”

  Before anyone can comment, a figure begins to frantically crawl out of the blown out driver side window. In mere seconds the body rolls out of the window and springs to its feet. The steve quickly looks around and locks onto the group and begins to trot their way.

  Wyatt, “Inopportune place is more like it.”

  Cane flashes Wyatt a smile and the whole group of ten takes aim at the incoming steve. A barrage of lead meets the incoming steve stopping it in its tracks after an effective round of ventilation.

  Trey, “Dead check, brother, you’re up.”

  Gavin moves to the downed steve and takes aim at its head, “Sorry man.” The gun erupts and what remains of the steve’s head is now in pieces on the pavement.

  Cane, “Well that was fun, time to go to work people. See ya later, Coll.”

  Coll shakes his head, “Bringing chaos for sure.”

  The group loads up in all the vehicles and heads towards the department. On the way they see the remains of the neighborhood across the street from the police complex, the most crime ridden neighborhood in the city. Debris, scorched earth and concrete are the only real things visible. Scattered groups of people can be seen moving about the wreckage.

  Cane turns to Wyatt, “Almost sad to know that my career is now obsolete with the criminals killing each other off. I mean I always thought it would be best if there was no need for police officers, but this is a little much. ”

  Wyatt, “Better for the rest of us though.”

  “Is it? Think about it. We don’t know how fast people turn or if it varies. We’ve seen some die and come back in seconds, others turn for no real reason at all. What if one day, all those people dead on the other end of the street decide to get up?”

  “Then we should top off our mags.”

  Cane laughs, “I knew we kept you around for a reason.”

  The convoy arrives at the police complex and Pops makes sure everyone parks on the street with enough space between vehicles to bug out if necessary. As the group approaches the front doors the chief comes outside to greet them.

  Chief, “The cancer of the department appears to have multiplied and spread. Still as infectious as ever I see.”

  Pops, “Yes, sir, we’ve got some new additions for the force. We’ll fight and survive together.”

  Trey, “And best part is, we all know how the others fight.”

  Cane, “Makes it more of a choreographed dance than a fight.”

  Wade, “Big words.”

  Cane responds sarcastically, “Means its staged and practiced before the actual fighting starts. Don’t worry we’ll get you up to speed.”

  Gavin laughs and pats his belly, “Yea speed for the fat guys.”

  Rapp, “I’ve heard you can keep up with the fastest.”

  Chief, “Well then, do I have the perfect jobs for you. Come on in and we’ll set the grounds.” The group follows the chief inside passed dozens of refugees and police officers’ families just in the front lobby area. They worry about the amount of people filling the building and can only imagine how many more will show up when supplies begin to dwindle.

  The group gathers in the chief’s office as he takes a seat behind his desk. A Mossberg 590 twelve gauge shotgun and department issued Smith and Wesson M&P .40 are on the desk in front of him. A Kevlar vest is propped up in the corner of the room. His desk is covered in paperwork, some printed, and some handwritten.

  Chief sits down and leans forward on his elbows, “So, what do you know so far?”

  Pops reports the previous days’ events as the family made their way home. Cane, Trey, and Gavin fill in the blank areas. Fitz, Rapp, and Fred recount their previous days since the beginning of the turn.

  Chief, “So basically you have the same information we do. Just had to find out for yourselves.”

  Cane, “All due respect, what do you mean we had to find out for ourselves? Did you have information before all this started?”

  “Not per se. We had news reports of the people turning into those things.”

  Trey, “‘Steves’.”

  “Steve? Who’s Steve?”

  Gavin, “What Cane decided to call the zombies.”

  “Catchy. I’ll get the memo out. Sounds better than ‘things’ anyway.”

  Pops, “Do you have any other information or need us to do anything specific?”

  “Glad you asked. Actually, yes. I’m sure you’re wondering what happened to the frequent fliers of the ‘Kenner Hotel’.”

  Wyatt gives Cane a confused look and whispers, “‘Hotel’?”

  Cane, “It’s what we like to call the lock up. Gives it a nice flare, makes it more welcoming and cozy, don’t ya think?” Wyatt smiles and shakes his head.

  Chief, “As I was saying, it didn’t take long for the inmates to get sick, eventually die, and then turn. Unfortunately before we knew the extent of it, the city made sure we didn’t release anyone who might be infected. Essentially that means anyone who was in at the beginning of the outbreak wasn’t allowed to leave. There seems to have been a lack of spontaneous illness since the first wave hit. Of the roughly seventy thousand residents, it appears over twenty thousand were infected by the airborne virus. Given that the time it took for the virus to kill anyone infected varied from person to person, and that the dead decided to get up and attack the living and that time frame also varied from person to person, and the cycle repeated, we can relatively estimate that the remaining living citizens are immune to the airborne virus.”

  Trey, “How many citizens are still alive?”

  “So far we’ve got word that approximately twenty two thousand residents are still alive.”

  Cane, “What about bites? Has anyone been bitten and not turned steve?”

�Unfortunately, so far everyone who has been bitten has turned. And there’s no real way to test if anyone is immune to that particular method of infection.”

  Gavin, “Go on, little brother, let one nibble on your arm for a minute and we’ll see how it turns out.”

  Cane, “If I turned, you’d be the first one I’d come for, slowpoke.”

  Chief, “So back to the task at hand. We’ve noticed a progression of sorts in the way they act. After turning, they seem to be at their normal living standards of movement. So fine motor skills drop off but their strength and speed seem to be normal if not increased. After a few days they seem to just wander aimlessly. They don’t seem to be searching for anything, but if something stumbles across them, well, you get it.”

  Gavin, “We noticed something across the lake: if there is an uninfected person nearby, steves will stop feeding on a recent kill to move on to the healthy person.”

  Wade, “Almost like they want to infect first and feed second.”

  Chief, “Hmm, we haven’t seen that yet, or at least no one noticed.” The chief makes a note in a nearby legal pad. The pad itself is already almost completely filled.

  Trey, “At my house, the dogs were going nuts by the fence. I took down two out of three and they never even acknowledged me.”

  “Yes, noise definitely seems to draw them in. The louder the better. And dogs tend to dislike them, probably because they smell terrible.”

  Fitz, “Chief, I noticed you have a lot written down in that pad. Is there more we need to know?”

  “We’ll get to that in a second; how are your households?”

  Pops, “Unanimously decided it was best to board up like we do for hurricanes. Inside and out if possible. Keeps glass from breaking and even if it does the interior boards will keep the glass from falling in and the interior board is another measure of protection.”

  “Good idea, we’ll get the word out. Given our recent hurricanes everyone should still have wood laying around and if not we’ve got Home Depot secured in the event we need more.”

  Cane, “Sir, do we know what happens later in steve’s progression? It seems you said when they turn, they’re looking for food, and then after a while they just seem to laze about. So they go from what: ‘Hunters’ to ‘Lurkers’?”


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