Teaching the Cowboy

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Teaching the Cowboy Page 3

by J. P. Bowie

  “That’s great.” Jordan gazed at the earnestness in Seth’s expression and felt a momentary twinge of envy. Finding happiness was what everyone wanted, and for some it worked out, and for others not so much. “Well, thanks for spending time with me, Seth. Feeling better now, so I guess I’ll go get ready. I’m having dinner with the bosses. Does that make me a brown-noser?”

  Seth laughed. “No. I think they’ve had all the staff over for dinner at one time or another. Me and Mike were over there last week, along with Jed and his hubby, Charles. You know them?”

  Jordan nodded. “Jed’s the one who recommended me for the job. I met him a few years back at one of the rodeos. We were both competin’ and he helped me out of a tight spot…but that’s another story.” He stood, ready to go.

  “Well, one day you might feel like tellin’ me that story.” Seth also stood, and held out his hand. “Good talkin’ to you, Jordan,” he said as they shook hands. “I think you’ll like it here.”

  “I know I will. And thanks again, Seth. I appreciate your helping me out.”

  “Think nothing of it. Enjoy your dinner with Royce and Parker. See you tomorrow.”

  * * * *

  Jordan woke the following day, for a moment startled by the unfamiliar surroundings. The early morning light filtering through the slatted blinds gradually allowed him to see the shapes in the room. The recliner he’d dozed off in last night, the tall chest with the smart TV on top.

  Dinner with Royce and Parker had been low-key and fun. Both men were so in tune with each other it was obvious that after ten years together, they were still deeply in love. And again he’d felt that twinge of envy just as he had when Seth talked of his husband. He’d come upon his bosses before they’d expected him. Parker was on the patio with Royce grilling steaks when Jordan arrived. He’d stood off to the side, unseen for a moment, watching the two men interact with each other. Royce was behind Parker, his arms around his husband’s waist while he nuzzled his neck, and Parker had writhed against him, turning his face to Royce’s for a kiss.

  Jordan had never experienced that. Never had someone look at him with such affection. Never felt loved. He’d been wanted, yes. Lusted over, been made to feel like property, but never loved. And whose fault had that been? Only his own for putting up with that son of a bitch for as long as he had. Spending time with Royce and Parker had made him long for the kind of connection they enjoyed. At twenty-nine coming up thirty, surely there was still time for that to happen in his life?

  He rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to relieve himself then shower. His cell pinged while he was drying himself. He glanced at the text message.

  See you in the stables when you’re ready. Parker

  He texted back. There in 5.

  In the common room, he found coffee brewing. Wow, I could get used to this. He filled a large cup, took a long, deep swallow then went to meet Parker. He was talking to an older guy who looked at Jordan expectantly when he approached them.

  “’Morning, Jordan. This is Andy Holt, our foreman. Andy, Jordan Hendricks.” They shook hands and Jordan got the impression of a down-to-earth, no-nonsense guy. “Andy’s been with us since day one. He was a big help to Royce and me when we started out as new ranch owners.”

  “Fortunately, they were quick learners,” Andy said, chuckling. “Good to meet you, Jordan. This morning I’ll be showing you how we coach our brand-new guests. Ones that haven’t maybe even set their ass in a saddle before. You’d be surprised how many of those we get—want to sample the great outdoors and be John Wayne for a few days without realizing that ridin’ a horse isn’t easy like in the movies.”

  Jordan nodded and followed Andy into the stable, Parker right behind them. Bob and Gerardo were busy preparing the horses for the morning’s training sessions. “We get ’em brushed, ready for saddling for the newcomers,” Andy told him. “The guests with some days in should know how to saddle their mounts, under our supervision, of course.”

  “Jordan, pick out a horse for yourself. It’ll be yours while you work for us here.”

  “That’s very generous, Parker. Thank you.”

  “Well, what’s a cowboy without a horse? That bay yonder would look swell wearing that saddle of yours. Wait till you see it, Andy. A prize, and no mistake.”

  The bay Parker had pointed out was a beautiful mare, her brown coat shining with health, her mane and tail black and lush. “What’s her name?” he asked quietly, stroking her neck and back. She nickered softly and turned her head to his shoulder.

  “That’s Lady,” Andy told him. “She’s only been with us a year. Feisty when we first got her, but she’s calmed down now she knows this is her home.”

  “Well, Lady,” Jordan murmured close to her ear, “I think you and I are going to be good friends.”

  Parker clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll leave you in Andy’s capable hands. See you later.”

  “Uh-oh, here comes trouble,” Andy whispered.

  Jordan sighed, watching Parker tip his hat to Wesley and his friend John as they entered the stable. Wesley’s eyes had a definite gleam in them when he spotted Jordan standing alongside Andy.

  “Mornin’, boys,” Andy sang out. “You’re a mite early. Clint’s not here yet. Should be in a minute or two, I guess.” He lowered his voice. “Watch out for the blond. He can be a pushy son of a gun.”

  “We’ve met,” Jordan muttered. “Trouble with a capital T.”

  “Hi.” Wesley sashayed his way over to Jordan. His Stetson was pushed back on his head, showing off his blond bangs. “Are you our trainer this morning?”

  “’Fraid not, Wesley. First day here and all that. Andy’s training me.”

  Wesley pursed his plump lips. “Well, I could help you with that.”

  Andy stepped between Wesley and Jordan. “Wesley, why don’t you and John go start saddling your mounts? Clint’ll be here any minute to give you a hand.”

  John grabbed Wesley’s arm and fairly yanked him away. “C’mon, these men are working, Wesley. You’re just being a pest.”

  “Am not!” But Wesley was giggling as John marched him away toward the stall where apparently their horses were waiting. Clint showed up at that moment and Andy breathed a loud sigh of relief.

  “Okay. What I like to do with newbies is get them to know the horse they’ll be ridin’. Too bad Misty’s out of commission today. She’s a real gentle soul, but Bonney’s a good ’un too, and Midnight in the next stall. Oh, these two could be our new guests.”

  The two men approached with uncertain glances around them while they walked the length of the stable.

  “Mr. Cameron and Mr. Fitzgerald?” Andy asked.

  The taller of the two smiled and nodded. “That’s us.”

  “I’m Andy and this here is Jordan. We go by first names on the ranch, if you don’t object.”

  “Not at all.” The taller, attractive man stepped forward and held out his hand. “I’m Blake and this is Duncan.” Andy and Jordan shook hands with the couple and Jordan liked Blake’s firm handshake, although the tingling effect it had on him took him by surprise. He caught Blake’s startled look and felt his face flush. Blake was good-looking in a boy-next-door kind of way, and much more his type than Wesley could ever be. Almost Jordan’s height, with curly chestnut-brown hair and eyes of a color he couldn’t quite make out in the stable’s half-light. He was leanly muscled, as evidenced by the thin cotton of his khaki T-shirt.

  “So…” Andy’s hearty tone got Jordan’s attention. “Let’s get you introduced to the horse you’ll be training with. We like for you to familiarize with your mount. Become friends, if you like. Duncan, step over here. This is Bonney. She’s gentle. Ideal for your first time. Royce told me you described yourselves as greenhorns, so Bonney is an excellent choice for you. You can stroke her muzzle, she won’t bite.”

  Duncan, shorter than Blake and with a shock of fiery red hair atop a cute, freckled face, stretched out a tentative hand and touched
Bonney’s nose. He laughed lightly. “Oh, she’s so soft.” He jumped when Bonney snorted. “Did I hurt her?”

  “Not a chance,” Andy said, grinning. “Here, use your whole hand and stroke gently. She loves it.”

  Jordan, who’d been watching the interchange, touched Blake’s arm. “This’ll be yours. His name is Midnight. A fitting name as you can see by the color of his coat.” He patted Midnight’s neck. “Andy tells me he’s a good horse.”

  “You haven’t ridden him?” Blake asked.

  “No. My first day here on the job. But don’t worry, I’ve trained folks to ride before, and I’ve been a bronco rider since I was eighteen.”

  “I thought you looked like a real cowboy.”

  “As opposed to an unreal cowboy?”

  Blake chuckled. “Quite.”

  “So come a little closer and get to know your horse,” Jordan said, copying Andy’s routine.

  Blake’s bare arm brushed against Jordan’s when he moved toward Midnight. And there it was again, that tingle that seemed to make its way into the pit of his stomach. He shivered and Blake glanced at him as he lifted his hand to stroke Midnight’s muzzle.

  “All right?” he whispered.

  “Oh, yeah.” They were close enough for Jordan to notice the color of Blake’s eyes. Except he couldn’t decide if they were green or blue. They’re sure pretty, though. He looked over to the next stall where Andy was showing Duncan how to prepare the horse for its saddle, so he walked over to the wall where the tackle and pads were stored. “The horses have all been brushed already,” he told Blake. “That’s a lesson for the end of the day. Right now, just run your hand over his back to make sure the hairs are lying flat before you put the pad on. You don’t want him itching while you’re riding him. Okay? You try it.”

  Blake ran his hand over Midnight’s back. “He feels good.”

  “Now do the same with the pad. Make sure there’s nothing sharp or prickly there. That’s it, now place the pad on his back.”

  Jordan snuck a sideways look at Blake’s ass when he raised himself slightly on his toes to get the pad in the right position under Jordan’s instructions. Oh, yeah…very nice. The perfect bubble butt. He would definitely have to cool it around Blake. Parker had said it was set in stone that the trainers didn’t get cozy with the guests. But there was no harm in looking, was there?

  “Okay, now the saddle…”

  Blake learned fast, but they were held up by Duncan who couldn’t seem to grasp the fact that he wouldn’t hurt Bonney by tightening the straps enough so the saddle wouldn’t fall off. Andy kept muttering, “Not tight enough, not tight enough.” Finally he took over. “See that’s how it’s done. Believe me, if she was uncomfortable, she’d let you know and no mistake.”

  They all laughed when Duncan whispered in Bonney’s ear, “Sorry, Bonney. I’ll do better next time.”

  They led the horses from the stable down to the corral, Andy and Duncan up front, Jordan and Blake walking side by side. “Where are you from, Blake?” Jordan asked, breaking the silence that had fallen between them since leaving the stable.

  “From San Francisco. And you?”

  “Uh, Fresno. What d’you do in San Francisco?”

  “Duncan and I are both high school teachers.”

  “Oh, wow. Rough job. Are you and Duncan…uh…?”

  “No, we’re just good friends.” Blake chuckled. “Anything else you’d like to know?”

  Oh yeah, a bunch of stuff, but I’d better shut it. “Sorry. I could lose brownie points for prying where I shouldn’t. I’m not usually nosy.” Truth was he hadn’t had much cause for interaction with other people. Grant had made sure no one came near them when they were on the circuit. Friends had been forbidden. Only Jed had dared start up a conversation with him in front of Grant, and it was Jed who’d saved him from a drunken Grant one night.

  “You okay?” Blake cast a questioning look at him. “You were talking, then you weren’t.”

  “I think I was talking too much. Sorry if I was being too personal.”

  “No such thing. I know we’re not supposed to get too friendly with you guys, but I don’t think having a conversation is out of bounds.”

  Blake flashed him a quick smile and Jordan’s chest tightened. Now that they were in sunlight, he could see that Blake’s eyes were more green than blue. Hazel, right? Man, but he’s pretty… Not pretty…handsome, and intelligent and way out of my league. A teacher, for Pete’s sake. Someone who knows stuff beyond how to ride a horse or rope a steer. And even if he was in my league, nothin’ I can do about it anyway. Set in stone, Parker said.

  He needed this job and he’d be a damned fool to screw it up by trying to get in a handsome teacher’s pants after knowing him for less than an hour. Wouldn’t that be sexual assault? Jesus, get a grip, why don’t ya? He’d gone this long without a man in his bed. He could suffer celibacy for a while longer.

  Chapter Three

  They reached the corral and Andy took charge again, showing them how to mount a horse. Blake was more interested in watching Jordan as he too gave a demonstration. My God, but he’s gorgeous, and that butt when he swings his leg over Midnight’s back. He had a lewd vision of that leg being swung over his thighs and those big arms wrapping him up, pressing him to that broad chest, and those lips kissing the bejesus out of him.

  Whoa. He was going to sprout a hard-on right in front of everyone if he didn’t stop thinking like that. Well, he knew who his jack-off fantasy man was going to be tonight. Pity about the rules, but he wasn’t going to get Jordan in trouble and lose him his job right after he’d just started at the ranch. Was there any sex in the world worth losing his job over? Hmm, have to think about that.

  “Ready to try?” Jordan smiled down at him.

  Oh yeah, I’m ready to try…you. “Sure. How about you, Duncan?” He glanced over at his friend who was chewing his bottom lip rather rapidly.

  “I-I don’t know. Andy makes it look easy, but it’s awful high up.”

  Andy dismounted. “Come on, son. You’ll be fine. I’m here if you fall off.”

  Jordan winked at Blake. “Just a minute.” He walked over to Bonney’s right side. “Okay, Duncan, you have one of us one either side so don’t worry if you fall. One of us will catch you.”

  “God, I feel like a total dweeb,” Duncan moaned. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to learn how to ride a horse, and now I can’t even get on her. Shit. Blake, do something!”

  Blake laughed. “Just do what Andy tells you. Left foot in the stirrup and heave yourself up. You only weigh a hundred and fifty pounds soaking wet, so you’ll probably fly up there. Go on, do it. And stop chewing your bottom lip. There’ll be nothing left for that guy John to kiss.”

  Jordan raised an eyebrow at that remark, but then Duncan chose the moment to do what he was told and ended up almost going over the other side. Jordan caught him and pushed him back into position.

  “Hold the pommel to steady yourself,” Andy told him while Blake tried hard not to laugh at his friend’s panicked expression. He pulled his cell out of his pocket and snapped a photo before Duncan could yell at him. “All right now, son, I’m going to lead Bonney around the corral and you’re going to hold the reins and enjoy yourself.”

  “Fat chance,” Duncan squeaked as Bonney walked slowly under Andy’s guidance.

  “Okay, Blake. Your turn.” Jordan grinned at him and he put his cell away. He wouldn’t mention that he’d captured quite a few pics of Jordan in action while they were concentrating on Duncan.

  “I’m ready.” He put his left foot in the stirrup and swung his right leg over Midnight’s back. Wow, it really is quite high up here. He looked down at Jordan’s smiley expression. Those blue eyes of his, made even bluer by the morning sunlight, caused his heart to flutter unexpectedly. “Okay, uh, what now?” Was that his voice, all thin and God knew what…quivery? Jesus.

  “Uh, you’re good. Take the reins and I’ll lead you around the c
orral. Let me know if you have a problem.”

  You don’t want to know about this problem, Jordan.

  He tried to concentrate, he really did, but the sight of Jordan’s broad shoulders and oh-so-enticing ass in those oh-so-tight jeans would be his undoing. He was sure of it. He even started to formulate a plan where he fell off and Jordan had to catch him in his arms. This is ridiculous, he told himself. You’re here for five whole days and you’re already lusting after one of the cowboys, and you know it can’t come to anything, because of the rules, and more so, because it would mean Jordan’s unemployment, so cut it out right now!

  He dragged his gaze away from Jordan’s fine body and glanced over to where Duncan seemed to be doing a much better job of riding than he was. Look at the guy. He’s smiling and chatting with Andy, and even patting the horse’s neck. He’s enjoying this, and so should you be after the money you spent on the reservation and the flights and the new clothes you bought for the occasion.

  “Okay up there?” Jordan asked

  “Yes, thanks.” He looked across at Duncan again and noticed his horse had picked up some speed, trotting instead of walking, and Duncan was grinning like a kid, bouncing up and down in the saddle like he knew what he was doing.

  “Can we go a bit faster?”

  “Sure you’re ready?” Jordan peered up at him from under the brim of his black Stetson.

  “We won’t know till I try.”

  “Okay.” Jordan made a clicking sound and Midnight broke into a gentle trot, Jordan running along at the side. Blake gripped the reins tight, the sudden change in the movement of the horse under him almost unseating him. As it was, he slipped to the side, and immediately felt like an idiot grasping desperately at the pommel. A firm hand on his hip steadied him and he looked down at Jordan. He wasn’t sure what was more unsettling—the fact that he’d almost fallen off, which would have embarrassed him to no end, or the sensuous heat of Jordan’s big hand on his hip.


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