Teaching the Cowboy

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Teaching the Cowboy Page 9

by J. P. Bowie

  “I couldn’t help but hear some of that.” Blake sat beside him on the bed. “The door isn’t made of very sturdy stuff, I’m afraid. Can I help somehow?”

  Jordan turned to face Blake. “The last thing I want is for you to be involved in this mess. How much did you hear?”

  “Well, I was trying not to listen. There’s an old saying that eavesdroppers never hear good of themselves, but a couple of things like—Grant had to rear his ugly head at some point, and something about six months of silence. So, I’m guessing that this is what you don’t want to talk about?”

  Jordan turned away and nodded. “Blake…look, I have to deal with this on my own. This is a part of my life I don’t want to share with you. It’s seedy, it’s low, it was a nightmare and sometimes it still is. And here’s the thing…you and I, we’re just starting to know each other, and I don’t want anything to fuck it up.”

  Blake nodded but Jordan could see in his eyes the myriad questions running through his brain. “This guy, Grant…he’s a threat to you?”

  “Not now. He was, but he’s been in an institution for the last six months, so he’s not a threat, not anymore.”

  “But he’s reared his ugly head again, as you said. Which means he’s being released, yes?”

  “Blake, please, I don’t want you—”

  “Fine!” Blake grabbed Jordan’s shoulders. “You don’t want me involved. That’s your prerogative, but I don’t want you feeling you can’t talk to me about it. Isn’t it better I know what’s going on rather than wondering if you’re okay when we’re not together? Jordan, I’m a big boy, I can handle adversity. I do it all the time in my job. I have to deal with crazy kids and sometimes even crazier parents. I just don’t want you to feel you’re alone in this. And don’t forget, if you’re in need of legal help, who better to deal with it than Royce Chandler, the man you work for?”

  Jordan stared at Blake’s earnest expression then pulled him into his arms and kissed him long and hard. Blake didn’t protest, just returned the kiss with as much force as Jordan. Their teeth knocked together, their tongues furious inside each other’s mouths, their lips to the point of bruising. Jordan pushed Blake down on the bed and pulled his towel off, then his own briefs. Naked, they were all over each other, grinding their bodies together with a visceral passion that blacked out everything else from Jordan’s brain…everything, that is, but the feel of smooth skin over hard muscle under his hands and the way Blake was kissing him back, taking over every particle of sense that might be left in his mind.

  Locked up tight in their mutual crushing embrace, they rocked together, their erections, slick with pre-cum sliding one over the other, the friction too intense to control. Blake came first, gasping and mumbling incoherently into Jordan’s mouth. Jordan was right behind him, the surge of his semen coating both their torsos with liquid heat. The sound of their rasping breaths filled the room. They clung together, Blake, it seemed, as unwilling to let go as Jordan was to release him.

  “Well,” Blake said finally, his voice a tad shaky, “that’s one way to change the subject.”

  “I couldn’t stop myself,” Jordan whispered. “I got lost in your eyes when you looked at me all serious like. It was almost like you could solve every one of my problems all by yourself. I know that’s not so, but there’s an intensity about you sometimes that just makes me believe it.”

  Blake smiled. “It’s what some of my students call Mr. Cameron’s laser-beam eyes. I do tend to get somewhat forceful when I want the person I’m talking with to really listen.”

  “And you were right, about Royce, I mean. I just don’t know how he’ll handle me coming to him with legal questions so early in my employment.”

  “I don’t know him well, of course,” Blake said, “but he comes across as a man who’d consider the welfare of his employees to be important. Besides, you may be overly concerned about Grant’s intentions. Maybe he’s benefitted from his time in the institution.”

  Jordan nodded. No way in hell could that be true, but if Blake wants to believe that, it’s all to the good. “Yeah, you could be right, I suppose. Maybe I’m just jumpin’ the gun.” He kissed Blake’s lips. “Now, I think we need another shower.” He grinned. “You made quite the mess there.”

  Blake laughed that low, sexy laugh of his. “And of course, you had nothing to do with it.” He trailed his finger through the stickiness on Jordan’s chest then licked his finger. “Tastes most definitely like you, Jordan, my boy.”

  They showered together again, this time without any frantic sex, just lots of long, slow kisses and caresses, and Jordan knew that, despite the sensual fog that clouded his thinking, without a doubt, when Blake left the following day, he was going to miss him like he’d miss his left leg.

  Chapter Eight

  “So how was your weekend?” Seth asked the moment he stepped into the common room Monday morning. He and Jordan had made a morning habit of meeting there for Jordan’s first coffee of the day. Tim and Stu, who also had rooms in the bunkhouse, would join them sometimes and today was one of those.

  “It was good,” was all Jordan would say.

  “You go somewhere?” Tim asked.

  “Not really. Just met up with a friend in Sacramento.”

  “A friend he spent the weekend with, if I’m not mistaken,” Seth said, slyly. “And I know I’m not…mistaken that is.”

  Stu raised an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”

  “Seth likes to live vicariously through other people’s lives,” Jordan told him.

  “Oh, a fifty-cent word this early in the morning,” Seth teased. “And whatever it means, you’re wrong.”

  Tim laughed. “How can you say that if you don’t know what it means?”

  “Do you know what it means?” Seth asked snippily.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact. It means you imagine how people spend their time, and you invent scenarios they might be involved in.”

  “Huh.” Seth frowned at Jordan. “You sayin’ I imagine what you’re up to when you have secret calls on your phone that make you look all goofy-like? I know you’re seein’ somebody, and as your best friend, at least here on the ranch, I have a right to know who it is.”

  “No, you don’t,” Stu said.

  Tim added, “That’s called just bein’ plain nosy.”

  Jordan chuckled. “Thanks, Tim. Maybe I’ll make you my best friend here on the ranch.”

  “Oh, come on, dude,” Seth whined. “At least give me a clue. Do I know him?”

  “If I say yes, will you leave it alone?”

  Tim hooted. “Of course, he won’t. He’ll pepper you with guesses until you want to shoot him. I know, I’ve been there.”

  A vacuum cleaner being pushed through the doorway followed by Maria put an end to their conversation, and Jordan couldn’t help but wonder what it was Tim had been about to say. Wow, you’re getting nosy like Seth.

  He’d done nothing but think about Blake and his time together since he’d seen Blake off at the airport. They’d made plans for a weekend together in two weeks’ time, but Blake had said he’d drive down, and even if Jordan couldn’t get extra time off, he could come over to the hotel when he was through for the day.

  “I’ll get a place closer to the ranch this time,” Blake had said, during one of their kissing fests while they lay in bed snacking on burritos, corn chips and salsa. Every moment of their time together was fused in Jordan’s memory banks and he’d already jerked off twice to the images of Blake naked in the shower, in the bed, on top of him, underneath him. The only thing that had been left undone was Jordan’s promise to himself that Blake would fuck him. Somehow, that just hadn’t happened and he blamed Blake and the way he always managed to maneuver Jordan into the top position and have his cute ass tantalizingly near Jordan’s cock or mouth. Next time…without a doubt.

  Blake had almost managed to block Jordan’s mind from the news his brother had called him with. Almost but not altogether. The lingering
fear that Grant might just find him and wreck his chance of a new life had an annoying habit of surfacing in his mind and souring his mood when he least expected it. What he needed was a daily dose of Blake’s sweet body and sexy laughter.

  Parker and Andy were waiting for them when they made it over to the stable. Andy told them there were four new guests and two who had added a couple of extra days to the original reservation. “Because they’re having such a great time with you guys,” Parker said, grinning. “Tim, they’re yours. They asked for you specifically. You must have impressed them to no end.” He waggled his eyebrows comically. “Just tell me it’s not your end they’re impressed with.”

  “No sir, Boss,” Tim exclaimed, his cheeks a little pink. “They’re real nice guys.” Jordan liked Tim. Like Seth, he was an uncomplicated soul with wholesome good looks, a quiet sense of humor and no nastiness that Jordan could see anyway. He liked Seth too, even if he was a bit nosy. He had a feeling Seth only pried because he wanted Jordan to have a boyfriend or someone special in his life…he just also wanted to know all about it. Jordan would get around to telling him about Blake eventually.

  “Okay,” Parker was saying. “Seth, you’re with Jordan, and Stu you’ll be with Clint. The new guests will meet you back of the stable at eight.” He glanced at his watch. “That’s in five minutes. Y’all have a good day.”

  So began another week at the Seven Plus Ranch and Jordan was glad there was enough to keep him busy. That, and thoughts of Blake never far from his mind might be enough to keep his focus away from Grant Svenson and every nasty and mean-spirited thing the man had ever done to him.

  * * * *

  “So, how was it? I’ve been waiting all day for the chance to ask you, without a bunch of nosy kids milling around.” Duncan didn’t exactly leer at Blake, but there was a definite smirk on his lips as he stared at him.

  “Amazing.” Blake grinned at his friend. “Totally, completely and overwhelmingly amazing.”

  Duncan rolled his eyes. “So, no good, huh? I told you you’d be wasting your hard-earned money on a plane ticket just for a booty call.”

  “Oh, Duncan,” Blake teased, “it was so much more than a mere booty call. It was like being transported to heaven. I swore I could hear angels singing every time he kissed me.”

  Duncan made a gagging noise. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, that is the cheesiest thing I have ever heard. Fucking angels singing? Blake, you’re losing it.”

  “Oh, I lost it over and over and over in his arms.”

  “Stop! What did you do with my friend Blake? My oh so cool, if not downright cold, Blake Cameron? A weekend away and you’ve come back cheesier than a body-ripping romance novel.”

  Blake chuckled. “I think it’s a bodice-ripper. Yeah, you’re right, I’m being an idiot, but just for you, Duncan. You, who encouraged me to take the chance and see him again.” He grabbed Duncan and kissed his cheek. “And I thank you, Duncan, from the bottom of my heart.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Duncan muttered. “Okay, don’t go see him again if this is what he does to you. I want my old Blake back. The one who poo-poos the very idea of having someone in his life. Now, one go-around with the cowboy and it’s all hearts and flowers.”

  Blake couldn’t resist. “Oh, there were so many more than just one go-around, I can assure you.”

  Duncan groaned. “Shut up. Where’s that drink you promised me. I really need it now!”

  Laughing, Blake walked over to the kitchen to get some ice for their drinks. “Scotch okay?”

  “Very okay after what I’ve been listening to.”

  “How was your weekend?”

  “Obviously nothing like yours.” Duncan heaved a long sigh. “I got stood up by my latest boyfriend who is now added to the list of exes.”

  “Oh, really? I’m sorry.” He handed Duncan his drink. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers, indeed. So, are you going to see the most amazing cowboy in the whole wide world again?”

  “Hopefully in two weeks. I would’ve gone this weekend, but I promised my parents I’d join them for a family dinner on Saturday. I put them off when you and I made arrangements for the trip to Sacramento, so I’m more or less obligated to attend this one.”

  “Oh, lucky you,” Duncan said in anything but a congratulatory tone. “You get to spend time with your asshole bro and his wife and kids and your sister with her homophobe of a husband. Wow, who could ask for anything more?”

  Blake grimaced. “I know it’ll be hellacious, but Mom and Dad put so much effort into these get togethers, I’d feel bad saying ‘no can do’. Despite the fact the conversation for the most part will be anti-Dems, I always manage to get Mom and Dad on their own for at least a little while for some cozy chats.”

  “Isn’t it amazing that your wonderful parents managed to produce asshats like your brother and sister?” Duncan rolled his eyes. “My commiserations.”

  “Anyway, Jordan doesn’t know if he can get more time off, so I’m going to drive down. That way I’ll have my car and won’t be stuck in the hotel if he has to work. He can just come on to the hotel after he’s done for the day.”

  Duncan cackled. “So he can do you for the evening!”

  “That’s crass, Duncan, and was that a trace of jealousy in your crassness?”

  “Of course not.” Duncan sniffed. “I’m very happy that you’ll be lassoed and no doubt tied to the bedpost. Tell him to wear those chaps that’ll show off his ass. That should get the party started.”

  Blake laughed. “Yeah, I’ll be sure to ask him that.”

  Duncan stretched out on Jordan’s couch. “This is so comfy. I need to buy a new one. I still have Carey’s and it’s beginning to stink like the rotten liar he is.”

  “Duncan, are you ever going to admit you’re not over him? Have you thought of maybe answering just one of his calls and trying to talk things out?”

  His friend stared at him as if he had the devil’s horns growing out of his forehead. “How could you ask such a thing of me?” he gasped.

  “Well, it’s pretty obvious to me that you miss him. I know he cheated, but he did apologize and beg your forgiveness. Maybe you should consider that.”

  “Blake, please, I’ve moved on since then. He means nothing to me…nada, niente, zilch, et cetera.”

  “Mmm…” Blake didn’t continue the conversation although he knew Duncan was lying. Just the little things he said, or his reaction to Carey’s name at times was enough to let Blake know Duncan still missed his ex-lover. They had come so close to getting married a year ago. Maybe it was just as well it hadn’t happened, but still… Looking at his friend’s freckled face in sad mode made him want to hug him close and tell him not to be so inflexible. But then how would he feel if his boyfriend cheated? A strange question to ask himself, he thought wryly. He’d never had a boyfriend, or at least a boyfriend of any longevity, so cheating had never been an issue.

  “You’ve gone quiet,” Duncan said, invading Blake’s thoughts. “I suppose you’re lost in the reverie of the mind-blowing sex you were bragging about earlier.”

  “No, I was thinking of you and Carey and how connected you both seemed.”

  “Stop thinking about me and that s.o.b. and connections, for God’s sake.” Duncan knocked back the last of his drink and held out his glass for a refill.

  “You’ll have to stay the night if you have another,” Blake told him. “I’m not having you drive half-cocked. You’re a bad enough driver when you’re sober.”

  “You are a terrible friend.” Duncan pouted and Blake laughed at him. “Oh, all right, I’ll sleep on this comfy couch if I can have another. I’d go home but talk of Carey has made me not want to be alone.”

  “Oh, Duncan…” Blake took his friend’s glass, poured him another then sat beside him on the couch. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but you and Carey were so good together, and let’s face it, since then there hasn’t been anyone in your life you can stand having around for more than a week or
two. Can’t you forgive him this one slip?”


  “I hear he’s not seeing anyone…hasn’t since the breakup.”

  Duncan stared at him. “How did you hear that?”

  “Word gets around. What sense is there in both of you being unhappy without each other? Just call Carey, talk, maybe meet for a drink or something, see if you two can work things out. What’s the harm in that?”

  Duncan took a long swallow of his drink. “The harm in that, dear Blake, is that I might just capitulate and have him back in my life and go through all that shit again. I can’t trust him, Blake. I’d wonder what he was doing any time we weren’t together. All it took was two nights away on that fucking teachers’ retreat you and I went to for him to have that fucking Oliver Brant in our bed…our bed, Blake.” Tears sprang into his eyes. “Now look what you’ve gone and done.”

  “Sorry.” Blake put an arm around Duncan’s shoulders. “I just hate seeing you so unhappy and, I have to say this, having sex with just about any guy who looks at you twice is not the answer. You’re not yourself, Duncan.”

  Duncan sighed. “I know. I’ve become a bitter queen, and there’s nothing worse than that. I hate being without him, but I just don’t know if I can ever recover from the sight of Oliver Brant’s bare ass in my bed…and it wasn’t even that great of an ass. Downright flabby in my opinion.”

  Blake choked out a laugh and hugged Duncan to him. “Oh my God, what a visual.”

  Duncan managed a chuckle. “It wasn’t pretty.” He sighed. “You really think I should call Carey?”

  “Yes, I do. It’s not like he hasn’t tried calling you a dozen hundred times. At least respond the next time he calls which will probably be any time tonight or tomorrow. How many times did he call when we were at the ranch, and since we’ve been back?”

  Duncan nodded. “He is persistent, I’ll say that for him.”

  “Because he loves you and he’s sorry for what he’s done. Just talk to him, Duncan, and see where it leads.”

  Later, after he’d tucked Duncan up on the couch and gone to his own bed, he wondered if he should have coaxed Duncan into talking with Carey. What if Duncan was right and Carey couldn’t be trusted? But the fact he hadn’t dated since he and Duncan had split said something, didn’t it? If he was that much of a philanderer, why hadn’t he hooked up with guys…like Duncan had? His friend was lonely, but quantum dating wasn’t the answer, and in his opinion, Duncan was finding out fast that most of them paled in comparison to Carey.


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