Teaching the Cowboy

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Teaching the Cowboy Page 12

by J. P. Bowie

  ‘They’re releasing you,’ he’d said, pale with shock. ‘Just so you know, I’ve tried to have them reverse their decision, and I’m going to warn you that if you go anywhere near Jordan or my mother, I will kill you. Understand?’

  And Grant had played the part of the terrified victim he’d perfected during his stay at the institution, whimpering in fear while Paul had railed at him. It was what he did when the orderlies would push him around. Cower and bleat with feigned terror, when all the time he wanted to lash out and hurt every single one of them. If only he’d had his gun, he’d have taken them all out. Some of the inmates, too, who were more than just mean to him, but he’d played the part well, answering all the questions those stupid psychiatrists set him. More like psychos really. They believed everything he’d told them. Every single goddam lie about his miserable childhood and how Jordan had bullied him then flung himself under Grant’s motorcycle in order to stop him from getting away from Jordan’s abuse. Crazy bastards hadn’t bothered to check his story except for questioning Paul and Jordan a couple of times, and they hadn’t really believed them. Ha, ha. And now here he was, a free man with only one thing on his mind…revenge.

  He’d seen Jordan with that Jed Miller too. He’d know that big guy with the copper-colored hair anywhere. He’d had the hots for Jed once upon a time. Who wouldn’t? Crazy on a horse, fearless. He’d been sure he and Jordan were doing it behind his back, though Jordan swore otherwise. But, in his mind he could see those two beautiful bodies grinding together, and some nights he’d get off on it, even in that shithole of a place, in the dark, in the cold…

  He watched four young guys get out of an Uber cab and use the code to open the side door to the security gate. Soon the place would quiet down, but the night time lights were too bright for him to sneak around inside the grounds, even if he could break through the fence. No, he’d have to wait until Jordan was on his own somewhere, and with the weekend coming up, Jordan might just have a day off, and head out on his own. If so, he’d be ready.

  * * * *

  Blake was pleased to hear Jordan sounding so happy. “I got Saturday off, babe, so I can meet you Friday night and spend all day Saturday with you. Saturday night too, ’cause I don’t have to be on duty until one p.m. Sunday.”

  “That’s great,” Blake enthused. “I’ve booked us a room at the Lafayette Hotel. Sounds fancier than it probably is but it’s real close to Denton, so you won’t have far to drive. Here’s the address. I’ll call you after I check in and give you the room number.”

  “I can’t wait to see you, Blake. It’s been two weeks and I miss you so much.”

  “Miss you too. We’re going to have a lot of lost time to make up.”

  “I’ll do my best.” Jordan chuckled. “But a weekend is just not enough.”

  “We do have mid-term in a couple of weeks. I usually go visit my folks for a couple of days then, but that leaves me with a whole week free. What d’you say? Could you put up with me for a whole week?”

  There was a pregnant pause and Blake started to wish he hadn’t asked that question, but then, “Are you kidding? I could put up with you for a whole lot more’n that. That sounds fantastic. But you gotta let me help with the hotel. A week’s a long time in a hotel…expensive.”

  “I’ll check around for one that does weekly rates. They’re usually cheaper. No word on Grant’s whereabouts yet?”

  “No, the cops have nothing so far. I’m beginning to think Paul’s right about him leaving California. I hope so anyway.”

  “That makes two of us. I know you’ll breathe more easily when he’s apprehended or gone for good. Oh, I just thought of something better than a hotel. An Airbnb. That way I can cook you dinner and stuff.”

  “Oh, that sounds great, Blake. We’ll talk more when I see you tomorrow. Gotta go, Seth’s yellin’ at me ’bout somethin’ or other. Bye. Lo—”

  “Bye.” Blake ended the call slightly startled. Had Jordan been about to say, ‘Love you’?

  He’d imagined his cowboy would be slower on the draw than that. Shit, now I’m thinking in Western movie jargon. What the hell? He laughed lightly, more at himself than anything else. Jordan had said he had—how had he phrased it? I’m feeling for you things I didn’t know were possible. But that was still a long way from saying ‘I love you’, wasn’t it?

  They’d only known each other less than two months and most of that time they hadn’t been together. Yes, the sex was great, fantastic even, but could a relationship be built purely on physical appeal? He’d never been in love. Duncan had told him he’d know it when it hit him, and he had to admit there was a definite spark there between Jordan and him. Just the thought of him made him smile…and hard at times.

  Well, I guess this gives us something else to add to our conversation.

  * * * *

  From his hiding place, Grant watched Jordan’s Wrangler pull out through the gate. It was Friday, late afternoon, and dang if he hadn’t been right. Jordan had somewhere to go, and on his own, by the looks of it. Maybe he had a date? What a shame I’m gonna spoil whatever it was you had in mind, Jordie boy. He glanced at the knife lying on the passenger seat. He hadn’t been able to get a gun, but the knife had been an easy steal from the hardware department in a shopping center.

  He followed the Wrangler, not too close, and always keeping a car or two between them. They drove through Denton then on for two three more miles before Jordan pulled into the parking lot of a small hotel, The Lafayette. Looks cozy…for the time bein’, anyway. Heh.

  He waited until Jordan had exited his car, carrying his backpack, then walked up the few steps to the hotel entrance. He let five minutes pass then climbed out of the car and walked into the hotel’s foyer. The front desk receptionist looked up as he approached.

  “Can I help you, sir?”

  He didn’t miss the slight turnup of her nose when she took in his appearance. He guessed he didn’t look too hot, rumpled clothes, a five-day growth of beard an’ all, but hell, he could be an eccentric millionaire for all this bitch knew.

  “Yeah, Jordan Hendrick’s room please. He’s expecting me.”

  She typed in something on her keyboard then shook her head. “We have no Jordan Hendricks registered here, sir.”

  “The hell you don’t,” Grant snapped. “I just saw him walk right in here a few minutes ago, so don’t tell me he ain’t here.”

  The woman stared at Grant, obviously shocked. “Sir, I can assure you there is no one of that name registered here. He might be visiting a guest, but his name is not in our computer.”

  Well, shit. What now?

  “He may have walked through to our pool area,” the receptionist said, eyeing Grant warily. “Perhaps he was meeting someone there?”

  “Oh, right, maybe. Thanks.” He walked quickly away through the lobby. Shouldn’t have been so snippy with her. Draws attention if I need to get outta here quick…

  * * * *

  “You look and taste good enough to eat,” Jordan murmured after their first long, loaded kiss. Blake had greeted him at the door wearing only shorts, the sight of his naked chest and sexy smile immediately inflaming Jordan’s senses. Every single part of his body seemed to hum with the desire to ravish this man he held in his arms. The groan of lust that escaped Blake’s throat made Jordan hold him even tighter, and each time their lips and tongues meshed, it caused a near meltdown in Jordan’s brain. He pushed his hips forward, grinding his crotch against the hardness of Blake’s arousal, palming his butt, pulling him in, deepening their kiss, sweeping his tongue over Blake’s as if he wanted to reach every corner of his lover’s mouth.

  Blake’s smile when Jordan pulled back a little was beautiful and teasing at the same time. “I was hoping you’d say that, about eating me, I mean.”

  “Aha, no wasting time, huh?” He slapped Blake’s butt playfully.

  “Not if I have anything to say about it,” Blake said, unbuttoning Jordan’s shirt. “We’ve wasted enough time
in the past two weeks.” He opened Jordan’s shirt enough so that he could lick and nip at Jordan’s nipples, drawing a long, excited breath from him. He backed up, holding Blake in his arms until his legs hit the bed and he fell onto the mattress, Blake on top of him.

  “You feel as good as I remember you, maybe even better.” He pressed his lips to the base of Blake’s throat and sucked on the soft flesh. Blake groaned but continued peeling at Jordan’s shirt until, with Jordan’s help, it was off and he tossed it aside.

  “Now for your jeans,” Blake muttered.

  “And your shorts so I can see as well as feel what’s so hard there.” Jordan grinned at him while they undressed each other.

  “Oh, man, you went commando. I love that.” Blake gripped Jordan’s erection that had sprung out at him when he eased the denim down over Jordan’s crotch. He fell on it, taking it into his mouth without a moment’s hesitation all the way to the hilt. Jordan bucked under him, the effect of Blake’s swirling tongue on his pulsing flesh edging him to the point of release way too fast.

  “Uh, Blake, wait up. You’re too darned good at this. I’m gonna come before we get started here.”

  Blake looked up at him, a wicked glint in his eyes. “And you’ll come again and again. You forget, I know what you’re capable of, cowboy.”

  “Right, but I want to get at you too, and I still have my boots on, so…” He rolled Blake onto his back then sat up to wriggle out of his jeans and heave his boots off. “There, now I’m nekkid like you and—oof!” He went down under Blake leaping on him. It seemed as if he was trying to devour him with licks, kisses and nibbles over his entire torso.

  “Roll over,” Blake panted and when Jordan had obeyed, he said, “I’ve never done this before, but with you I want to try everything. Let me know if I’m doing it right.”

  Jordan almost came off the bed from the shock of Blake burying his face between Jordan’s ass cheeks and circling his opening with the tip of his tongue. “Oh, my God.” Jordan groaned from the visceral sensation Blake had created within him. Blake’s insistent probing and sucking at the sensitive nerves surrounding his pucker was once more dragging him to the point of orgasm. Jesus, for someone who’s never done this before, he’s doing one helluva job… He arched his butt into the ecstasy Blake was bringing him, determined now that Blake should fuck him.

  He sighed when Blake pulled back then slid his tongue up the length of Jordan’s spine till he reached his ear. “How’d I do?” he whispered.

  “You were amazing, but you can’t stop there.” Jordan turned onto his back under Blake. “You have to fuck me now.”

  Blake looked surprised. “Really? Have you been fucked before?”

  Jordan nodded. “And I didn’t care much for it.”

  “Well then…”

  “But with you, I think… I know it’ll be different.” He caressed Blake’s face then lifted up to kiss his lips. “Because, I want you to. I want us both to experience everything together.”

  “Okay.” A small smile flitted across his face. “I think I remember how to do this.”

  Jordan grinned. “Be just like riding a bike, so they say.”

  “Hardly!” Blake laughed as he reached for the condom and lube. “Don’t say anything else like that or you’ll kill the moment, and my erection.”

  “Nothin’s gonna kill that erection,” Jordan said, pumping Blake’s cock gently. “Mmm…hard like a rock.”

  Blake eased the condom on then lay on his side over Jordan. He pushed a well-lubricated finger into the cleft between Jordan’s buttocks and probed at his hole, gently at first, then more firmly when the lube allowed him to breach the ring of muscle.

  “Okay?” he murmured and smiled as Jordan nodded, his eyes locked on Blake’s. Using more lube, he added another finger, pushing farther in, grazing Jordan’s prostate.

  “Oh yeah,” Jordan whispered and drew Blake’s head down for a kiss. “I’m ready for you.” He knew fingers were no match for a hard cock, but he’d dreamed of this moment, longed for it, when he and Blake would be joined together as one. And yeah, it might sound sappy to some, but he knew the sight of Blake’s beautiful face at the point of orgasm would be a moment he’d never forget.

  He bit his lower lip when Blake entered him. There was pain all right, more, the deeper Blake went, but he’d take the pain to give this man the pleasure. He arched upward, driving himself onto Blake’s shaft, tightening his arms and legs around him, holding him fast, and with his body and his words, urging him on.

  “Yeah, Blake, this is as amazing as I knew it would be. Fuck me hard, harder.”

  Beads of sweat popped out on Blake’s forehead while he rammed himself into Jordan. “God, you’re the amazing one,” Blake panted. “You’re beautiful, this is beautiful. I never knew it could be this fantastic.” He leaned down to take Jordan’s mouth with a heart-stopping kiss and Jordan held him there as their tongues filled each other’s mouths, and the first warning signs of his orgasm tightened his balls.

  “Gonna come,” he mumbled into Blake’s mouth. “You’re close, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” Blake gritted out, his glittering eyes meeting Jordan’s. “So close.”

  Jordan groaned, then his climax hit and the sensation gripped him in an almost excruciating ecstasy. He cried out, “Blake!” and held Blake’s body tight against his own shuddering in the throes of his orgasm. He’d come near as he dared without actually saying the words, but the echo of ‘I love you’ remained in his mind while he sank into the euphoria that always followed making love to Blake.

  Blake collapsed over Jordan and pressed his lips to Jordan’s sweat-slicked throat. “Oh my God, Jordan,” he murmured. “That was… That was…” He let out a soft chuckle. “Actually, there are no words I can think of, beyond incredible. Thank you for, you know, letting me…”

  “Letting you? I was almost begging you.” They laughed softly together and Blake snuggled into Jordan’s side. Jordan stroked Blake’s curly hair and kissed his forehead. This is what bliss feels like.

  * * * *

  Grant had made himself scarce when the receptionist had given him another nasty look. He’d walked out of the hotel then circled around to the side where he’d found a gate propped open by a brick. Well, ain’t that handy… Using the lush landscaping as a hide, he’d prowled the perimeter, keeping out of sight of the one or two guests lying on lounges. He had almost pissed himself when he saw Jordan walk into the pool area, another man at his side.

  It was almost as if the confrontation he’d steeled himself for suddenly seemed like a very bad idea. It bothered him that Jordan looked so well and fit. So tall and handsome, his brief swim shorts defining his toned musculature, his dark good looks still turning heads. Grant knew he looked like a down and out in his rumpled clothes and with his unkempt appearance. But what right did Jordan have to look like Mr. Success when he’d betrayed the man who had nurtured him, cared for him when no one else would? When he’d forced him into an institution where, if it hadn’t been for his own resilience, he might have gone mad from the humiliation and abuse heaped on him by the orderlies and so-called authorities?

  And now here he was, looking fine, and with some jumped-up pretty man in tow, smiling like he was the happiest guy on the planet. Well, he was gonna put an end to that. “Jordan,” he snarled. “There you are. Think I’d forgotten you, that I’d leave you alone after what you’ve done to me? Well, you’re gonna come with me and you’re gonna tell all those people back in that hell hole you put me in that I didn’t do any of what you said I did. You’re gonna tell the cops that you had me arrested under false pretenses and that you are the biggest liar in the whole fucking world!”

  “Grant,” Jordan said quietly, the look of sudden shock leaving his face, replaced by one of pity. “You have to turn yourself in. The cops are out there looking for you and you’re making things worse for yourself the longer you keep running. I’m not going anywhere with you except to escort you to the neares
t police station.”

  Grant sniggered but he was aware of the couple of people who’d been lying by the pool getting up and quickly hustling inside. The man at Jordan’s side had pulled a cell phone from his swim shorts’ pocket and was punching in a number. Grant growled and lunged at the man, but Jordan stepped in front of him and shoved Grant backward.

  “Stay away from him.” Jordan’s expression was now one of anger.

  “What’s this, your latest fuck?” Grant sniggered. “Like ’em young and stupid now?”

  “Yeah…” The man moved out from behind Jordan. “And young and stupid just called the cops so you better hit the road, old man.”

  “Blake,” Jordan said, holding out an arm in front of the one he called Blake.

  Grant pulled the stolen knife from his back pocket. “Fucker,” he muttered, advancing on Jordan. “You think you can put me back in there? I’ll kill you first.”

  Somewhere, a woman screamed, and Grant cursed as several people spilled out into the pool area, including the front desk receptionist who yelled, “I’ve called the police!”

  “That makes two of us,” Blake said, “and there’s an awful lot of witnesses here, Mr. Svenson.”

  The bastard knows my name? “Jordan…” I need a different tactic here. He dropped his arm to his side, the knife no longer posing a threat. “Look what they did to me, Jordan. What did I ever do to you that was so bad? I loved you, Jordan, still do. It was always just me and you.”

  Jordan nodded. “Yeah, you loved me so much you ran me down with your motorbike and ground my leg under your wheels. I’ve still got the scars to show how much you fucking loved me. Now give me the knife and go with the cops when they get here. There’s no me and you anymore. Hasn’t been for a long time.” He held out his hand. “Give me the knife, Grant.”


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