Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals

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Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals Page 70

by Iris Murdoch

Florio, John

  Foot, Philippa

  Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, The

  Francesca, Piero della

  Frankfurt School, the

  Frazer, Sir James

  Freud, Sigmund

  Freud and Man’s Soul

  From Religion to Philosophy

  Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals see Grundlegung


  Gay Science, The

  Genet, Jean

  Goebbels, Joseph

  Goethe, Wolfgang von

  Golden Bough, The

  Golden Bowl, The


  Goya, Francisco

  Greece, Classical and Hellenistic

  Greene, T. M.

  Gregory, Richard


  Grünewald, Isaak

  Haldane, R. B.


  Hartshorne, Charles

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel

  Heart of Darkness, The

  Heart of Midlothian, The


  Hegel, G. W. F.

  Heidegger, Martin

  Helsinki Agreement, the 1975

  Henry IV

  Henry the Eighth


  Herbart, Johann F.

  Herbert, George

  Herder, J. G. von

  Hermes Trismegistus


  Hitler, Adolf

  Hjelmslev, Louis

  Hobbes, Thomas

  Holbach, Baron Paul von

  Hölderlin, Friedrich.

  Hollingdale, R. J.


  Honest to God

  Horkheimer, Max

  Hudson, H. H.

  Von Hügel, Friedrich

  Hume, David Husserl, E. G. A.

  Huxley, Aldous

  I and thou

  Iliad, the


  Imitatio Christi

  An Introduction to Metaphysics


  Isherwood, Christopher

  Ivan Ilyitch

  James, Henry

  James, William

  Janik, Allan


  John of the Cross, St

  Johnson, Dr Samuel

  Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious

  Joyce, James

  Julian of Norwich

  Jung, Carl Gustav

  Kafka, Franz

  Kant, Immanueland passim

  Keats, John

  Kemp, J.

  Keynes, J. M.

  Kierkegaard, Soren

  Kilvert, Francis

  King of the Dark Circle, The

  King Lear

  Koestler, Arthur

  Kraus, Karl

  Kripke, Saul


  Lacan, Jacques

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover

  Language, Truth and Logic

  Last Days of Kant, The

  Lawrence, D. H.

  Lawrence, T. E.


  Leavis, F. R.

  Lectures and Conversations on Aesthetics, Psychology and Religious Belief

  Leibniz, G. W.

  Leskov, Nikolai

  Letter to Can Grande

  Letters from Ludwig Wittgenstein with a Memoir


  Lichtenberg, Georg C.

  Liddell, Henry G., and Scott, Robert

  Life Divine, The

  Listener, The

  Locke, John

  Lodge, David

  Lord Jim

  Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir

  Lukács, György

  Luther, Martin


  McTaggart, John M. E.

  Magic Flute, The

  Malcolm, Norman

  Malory, Sir Thomas

  Man’s Vision of God

  Mao Tse-tung

  Mao Tse-tung, Madame

  Marcel, Gabriel

  Marcuse, Herbert

  Marlowe, Christopher

  Marx, Karl

  Mary Magdalen

  Matthew, St

  Mauriac, François

  Mauvaises Pensées et Autres

  Measure for Measure

  Melbourne, Lord

  Meno, the


  Midsummer Night’s Dream, A

  Mill, John Stuart


  Mind in Science, The

  Minima Moralia

  Mishima, Yukio

  Momigliano, A. D.

  Mondrian, Piet

  Montaigne, Michel de

  Moore, G. E.

  Morris, William

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

  Le Mur

  Murasaki, Shikibu

  ‘My Early Beliefs’

  Mystical Elements in Religion, The

  Nansen, Osho

  Natural History of Religion

  Natural Law

  La Nausée

  New York Review of Books, The

  Newton, Isaac

  Nicomachean Ethics, the

  Nietzsche, Friedrich


  Nolan, Brian

  Notebook (Lichtenberg)

  Notebooks (Simone Weil)

  Notebooks 1914 — 1916 (Wittgenstein)

  Observation of Self-Consciousness

  Ode to Dejection

  Oedipus at Colonus

  Ogden, C. K.

  On Certainty

  On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason

  One-Dimensional Man

  Orwell, George


  Oxford University

  Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety

  Paine, Tom




  Pascal, Blaise

  Pasteur, Louis

  Pater, Walter

  Paton, H. J.

  Paul, St

  Payne, E. F. J.

  Pears, D. F. and McGuinness, B. F.



  Phaedrus, the


  Phenomenology of Mind

  Phenomenology of Perception, The



  Philosophical Grammar

  Philosophical Investigations

  Philosophical Remarks

  Philosophical Review, The

  Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks

  Picasso, Pablo

  Plato, passim



  Poets at Work


  Pope John Paul II

  Posterior Analytics, the

  Powys, John Cowper

  Principia Ethica

  Principles of Philosophy (Descartes)

  Principles of Psychology

  Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysic

  Prolegomena to a Theory of Language

  Proust, Marcel


  Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry, The

  Question Concerning Technology, The

  Quine, Professor Willard van O.

  Racine, Jean

  Radicals and the Future of the Church

  Ramsey, Ian

  Read, Herbert

  Reading Against Shakespeare, A

  Reading Relations

  Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone

  Religious Language

  Remaking of Christian Doctrine, The

  Remarks on Frazer’s ‘Golden Bough’

  Renaissance, The


  Revai, Joszef

  Revelations of Divine Love

  Richard III,

  Richardson, Dorothy

  Right and the Good, The

  Rilke, Clara

  Rilke, Rainer Maria

  Robbe-Grillet, Alain

  Robinson, John

  Romantic Movement, the

  Rosen, Stanley

nbsp; Ross, W. D.


  Royal Family, Britain and the

  Rubens, Peter Paul

  Russell, Bertrand

  Russian Revolution, the

  Ryle, Professor Gilbert

  Sartre, Jean-Paul


  Satie, Erik

  Saussure, Ferdinand de

  The Scarlet Letter

  Schleiermacher, Friedrich

  Schlick, Friedrich

  Schoenberg, Arnold

  Schopenhauer: His Philosophical Achievement

  Schopenhauer, Arthurand passim

  Scott, Sir Walter

  Sea of Fertility

  Sein und Zeit

  Sekida, Katsuki

  Selected Essays (T. S. Eliot)

  Seneca, Lucius Annoeus

  Sermon on the Mount, The

  Seventh Letter, the

  Shakers in North America, the

  Shakespeare, William

  Shcharansky, Anatoly

  Sharratt, Bernard

  Sickness unto Death

  Silesius, Angelus

  Seine Form der Abbildung

  Sir Gawain and the Green Knight


  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander



  Sources of the Self

  Spengler, Oswald

  Spinoza, Benedictus de


  Staten, Henry

  Steiner, George

  Stravinsky, Igor

  Studies in Pessimism

  Superman, idea of

  Surrealists, the

  Symposium, the

  Systematic Theology

  Tagore, Rabindranath

  The Taj Mahal

  Taking Leave of God

  Tale of Genji, The

  Tao of Physics, The

  Taylor, Charles

  Ten Commandments, the

  Tennyson, Alfred

  Theaetetus, The

  Theaetetus of Plato, The

  Thérèse Desqueyroux

  Thoughts of Mao Tse-tung

  Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality


  Tillich, Paul


  Times Literary Supplement, The


  Tolstoy, Count Leo

  Totem and Taboo

  Toulmin, Stephen

  Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

  Treatise of Human Nature, A

  Troeltsch, Ernst

  The Turn of the Screw


  Untimely Meditations.

  Valery, Paul

  Van Gogh, Vincent

  Vanzetti, Bartolomeo

  Vermeer, Jan

  Vermischte Bemerkungen

  Vienna Circle, the

  Virgil’s advice to Dante

  Virgin Mary, the

  Virtues and Vices

  Vollmoeller, Mathilde

  Wagner, Richard

  Waismann, Friedrich

  Wallenberg, Raoul

  War and Peace

  Webster, John

  Weil, Simone

  What is Metaphysics?

  Whitehead, Alfred North

  Wiles, Maurice

  Wills, Arthur

  Wilson, A. N.

  Wittgensteinon Rules and Private Language

  Wittgenstein, Ludwigand passim

  Wittgenstein and Derrida

  Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle

  Wittgenstein’s Vienna

  Woolf, Virginia

  World as Will and Idea, The

  Wuthering Heights

  WWI see The World as Will and Idea


  Yeats, W. B.

  Yin and Yang

  Zeitgeist, the

  Zen and the Art of Archery

  Zen Training






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