Tales from Shady Grove: Stories from the Trailerverse, Volume One

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Tales from Shady Grove: Stories from the Trailerverse, Volume One Page 9

by Kimbra Swain

  “Yes, I do,” I replied.

  “Luther! A big breakfast for this fine hunk of man, right here,” she grinned. “Oh, hello Deputy Maynard. You want your usual?”

  “Yes, Betty,” he said.

  “Fix the deputy here some biscuits and gravy,” she spouted out.

  “Damn woman. Write me a ticket. No one wants to hear you yellin’,” Luther scolded with a smile on his face. She winked at him, then turned back to me.

  “So, you must be the new sheriff,” she said.

  “I am,” I replied.

  “I thought it was mighty strange that we up and hired a sheriff instead of having an election. In Alabama, the sheriff is normally an elected office,” she explained. I didn’t know that.

  “Betty, I’m sure Dylan would win the job considering no one else wants it. Besides, you like him already,” Troy teased.

  “Damn straight I do. Can I feel your arms, Sheriff?” she smiled.

  It was uncomfortably charming. I turned my shoulder toward her while her bony fingers gripped my bicep. I wasn’t overly muscled, but her eyes lit up. She waved her hand in front of her face like she couldn’t breathe. I died laughing. “I think I’m going to like this town,” I said to Troy.

  “You are going to love it,” he replied.

  “Has he met Grace?” Betty asked.

  “Have you?” Troy extended the question.

  “No, but I’ve heard a lot about her since I came to town. I wanna know about Stephanie,” I said.

  Betty wrinkled her nose, then flipped her hand at me. “Go on with that one if you want. You’ll regret it though,” she said.

  “Don’t listen to her. Stephanie is a nice girl. You know what she is?” Troy asked. I nodded. “As long as you are aware of what you are getting yourself into, then, by all means, have at it.”

  I wondered why Betty didn’t like Stephanie. To be honest, I dreaded the meeting with the fairy queen on everyone’s lips. They all seemed to be consumed with Grace. Most fairy queens were exceptionally beautiful, but either didn’t have a heart or it was black as obsidian. I didn’t think this Grace Ann Bryant would be any different.


  After a full day at the Sheriff’s office learning the ropes, I jetted to the closest big city to order furniture. They told me it would all be delivered next week. I dreaded sleeping in the sleeping bag again. Maybe I could just rent a room at the small motel in town. I had plenty of money. Over the years, I’d accumulated wealth, but I never flaunted it. Money draws attention. I didn’t want to draw any more than was necessary.

  I went back to the house and changed clothes. I decided that a beer was a nice way to end the night. Perhaps I’d get a good look at Stephanie. Maybe even talk to her.

  When I entered the bar, I realized it was packed. Nestor nodded to me over the crowd. I made my way to the bar. He set a beer in front of me without even asking. “Thanks, Nestor,” I said.

  “How was the first day?” he asked.

  “Not too bad. Although I’m not sure what to make of the lady at the diner,” I said.

  “Betty! Did she molest you?” he asked.

  “She squeezed my biceps,” I blushed.

  “She’s something else. She only does that to mess with Luther,” he replied.

  “Oh! They are a couple?” I said realizing the looks between them now.

  “Yep and have been for a long time. She’s harmless. Mostly,” he said.

  “Busy here,” I commented.

  “Hot Tin Roof is the only bar in town, and tomorrow there’s a big football game. We’ve got a lot of out-of-towners,” he said.

  I nodded realizing the implications. This room was full of humans mixed with fairies. I’d figured that tonight would be a working night until she walked in the door.

  She’d traded her business dress for a flirty black dress which was entirely too short. I loved it. Tall black heels and red lips. She locked eyes with me immediately. When she winked, I knew I was in.

  Making my way through the crowd, I walked up to her where she had joined a table of women. “Good evening, ladies.” They all murmured a response. “I was wondering if I might buy you a drink, Stephanie.”

  Her smile lit up the room. I felt my heart pound as I waited for her answer. “Why, Sheriff, I don’t even know you,” she said.

  “You know I’m the sheriff,” I said. “And I know your name. I’m sure you know mine.”

  She twisted her smile into something adorably crooked. “Dylan Riggs, I will allow you to buy me a drink. Here let me join you,” she said leaving the ladies behind. They all watched us walk away. I knew I was a good-looking man, but these women looked like feral dogs. Any one of them might jump me. Stephanie was the only one I was interested in.

  We walked up to the bar, and she motioned to Nestor who made her a cocktail. A martini. He placed it down before her. “Put it on my tab,” I told Nestor. He nodded then walked back to the other patrons.

  I took a swig of my beer watching her tip her perfect lips to the edge of the glass. I never wanted to be a martini glass in my life until then. I was determined to have her. She and I could make a beautiful baby. I was getting ahead of myself though. While I was lost in my thoughts of marriage and making a baby, she giggled.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You seem to be a bit distracted. I thought I could keep your attention,” she said.

  “You have my full attention.” I tried to be charming.

  She giggled. When she did, her boobs almost jiggled out of her dress. My eyes widened, then shot back up to hers. “I don’t mind you looking, Dylan. In fact, I’d like to show you more than that,” she said.

  “Whoa! I didn’t expect the immediate offer,” I said.

  “Why not? You are handsome,” she said tracing a blood-red nail down my chest. “You are interested. And I’m willing to bet, since Jeremiah dragged you into this crappy little town, that you know exactly what I am.”

  She pressed closer to me. My free hand instinctively went to her waist keeping her close to me. She was a summer queen. The smell of peaches and rain floated around me as she turned up her charm. It wasn’t needed. I was already in. She couldn’t seduce me. I had an immunity to that. Just something I picked up along the way. However, I loved how forward she was being.

  “I do know what you are,” I said. She peppered a kiss on my neck. I gripped the beer tightly as the surge of desire forced its way into me. Fairy girls knew how to turn on a mate. They were built for it. Stephanie was no exception.

  “You didn’t even flinch, Dylan Riggs. What are you?” she questioned.

  “If you spend a little time with me, I might tell you,” I raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Sounds promising. Would you like to come back to my place?” she asked.

  Pulling out my wallet, I threw some cash on the bar. Nestor looked up with eyes like a hawk. He smiled at me as I wrapped an arm around Stephanie to maneuver us out of the crowd. Just before we got to the door, a tall brunette walked in. Every man in the room turned to look at her. She was dressed to kill. If Stephanie was sultry, this woman was pure erotic.

  The deep red dress she wore hugged every curve of her body. Her tall heels lifted her several inches higher than her already taller than average height. Her calves curved to perfect hearts. And her lips were full and blood red. She was sex in a red dress.

  Stephanie tensed when their eyes met. The woman looked from her to me. Her lips turned upward to smile, and her deep brown eyes flickered with admiration as she looked up and down without shame, but only for a moment. Quickly her face changed, and she lost her cool edge. I knew the look. She feared me. Cutting her eyes to the crowd, she turned away from us.

  “Let’s go before she gets her hooks into you,” Stephanie whispered in my ear. She then slid her tongue from the curve of my ear down to my cheek. She marked me like I was her pet.

  “Easy there, Princess,” I said. Her eyes flashed with the name.

  “Let’s go, p
lease,” she muttered.

  When I turned back to the woman, her eyes turned from brown to turquoise for just a moment as she watched Stephanie compete for my attention.

  “Hey. You got me, babe. Easy does it,” I said taking her hand. She seemed a little desperate to get me away from the woman. Her eyes seemed pleased when I assured her that I was still leaving with her. However, I was drawn to the other woman. I observed that every other man in the room was as well. I suspected it was the one they all talked about. Now I knew why they talked. She was a magnet, and we were all just helpless sheet metal. Stephanie tugged on my hand. She looked genuinely worried that I was changing my mind. Perhaps, for a second, I was, but I wasn’t the kind of guy who went after the popular choice. I was sure the other woman had plenty of suitors without me hanging around, but the fear in her eyes confirmed that taking her home with me wouldn’t be as easy as it had been with Stephanie.

  As we walked out the door, I heard Nestor say, “Grace, it’s good to see you.”

  The fairy queen.


  Several weeks went by, and I was blessed with the constant presence of Stephanie. I was starting to think that she and I could make a real go of things. Perhaps I got lucky and found a girl to settle down with right off the bat.

  I hadn’t seen Grace again, but part of me wanted to. I wanted to know why she was afraid of me. Frankly, I should have been terrified of her, but there was something behind the pure sex of her body that spoke to me. Perhaps Jeremiah was wrong, and there was more to Grace Ann Bryant than just a fairy whore.

  Stephanie helped me pick out furniture and decorated my new home. She practically moved in. I was fine with it. I wanted a companion. I never expected it to be so easy to find one.

  I was heading out to work one day, and she still laid in our bed. Her black hair contrasted with the white sheets and pillows. She was gorgeous.

  “Hey, beautiful. I’m heading to work,” I said, kissing her on the forehead.

  “Ugh. Don’t go. Please stay with me. I want more,” she purred. She rubbed her hand along the crotch of my pants sending tingles up and down my legs. I leaned into her touch. It felt so damned good. I’d never stayed with any woman longer than one night, but this one, I wanted to keep her forever.

  “I wish I could, Princess,” I said reluctantly pulling away from her.

  I had a meeting with Jeremiah to discuss something important according to him. Rushing out of the house, I tried to calm my libido which was firing on all cylinders.

  When I pulled up to the Hot Tin Roof, it was before business hours, but Jeremiah assured me that I could come on in. Nestor allowed him to use the bar for business from time to time. I parked between Jeremiah’s crusty Buick and a shiny new Ford F150 crew cab. It was midnight black and glistened in the sun. Whoever drove it had one fine-looking truck. I’d have to look into getting me one. I owned a farm now. It was only logical that I own a big truck. This was the South after all. Any man worth his salt owned a big pickup. I laughed at the notion but seriously considered buying one.

  I pushed the swinging door open and interrupted an argument.

  “You can go to hell, Jeremiah Freyman. This was not part of my agreement,” the woman yelled.

  “Grace, we have to make changes from time to time. It’s no big deal,” Jeremiah assured the woman.

  It was Grace Ann Bryant. Only without the sex in a dress look. Instead today, she wore her hair back in a ponytail with tight cut off jean shorts and a t-shirt twisted tight under her breasts. She looked better this way than in the dress. The outfit left nothing to the imagination. The bare skin exposed around her flat stomach screamed to be touched. I stared too hard at it.

  She turned her eyes to me. I saw that fear again. Her fury turned back to Jeremiah. “Don’t think I don’t know why you brought him here. I don’t need a fucking babysitter,” she screamed.

  Wow, the mouth on this one. Vulgar and sexy.

  “Hello, Grace,” I said trying to be diplomatic.

  “Fuck off,” she growled. She started to walk out, but Jeremiah grabbed her arm. I noticed Nestor watching them carefully. “Let go of me! You filthy Sanhedrin murderer!”

  “Grace, I’ve never killed anyone. Please calm down. This will be good for you. I know you. You are going crazy in that trailer,” Jeremiah coaxed her. “Come on. Have a drink. Nestor, fix her something.”

  “I don’t think she needs anything, Jerry,” Nestor replied.

  “Is there a reason I’m here to watch this hissy fit?” I asked.

  “You have no idea what a hissy fit is Dylan Riggs. Don’t make me show you,” she turned her anger toward me.

  “Actually, I’d like to see a real hissy fit. Go ahead pitch it,” I teased.

  She showed me her long middle finger. I had to fight the urge to stick it in my mouth and suck on it. Fuck. Where did that come from? Damn, fairies.

  It was too late. She saw the look. Her face changed immediately as she sauntered toward me. “Mr. Riggs, I’d like to show you something, but it won’t be a fit. Although you might have one.”

  “Wow! You know how to flip a switch,” I laughed. She realized her seduction didn’t do anything to me.

  “What’s wrong with you? Are you gay?” she asked. “That’s perfectly fine if you are. I just assumed you were straight after Stephanie used her tongue to clean your earlobe.”

  “Ah! You remember that?” I laughed. “Yes, Stephanie is my girlfriend.” There. I said it out loud. We were practically living together. I considered her my girl.

  “Oh, so you aren’t a cheater,” she deduced.

  “No, ma’am, I’m not. But if she lets me go, I’ll let you know,” I said winking at her.

  She blushed for a second, then her skin turned back to a milky white. “Good for you. Cheaters are assholes that deserve to die.”

  Damn. She was brutal. I knew her kind. She meant death, not figuratively. “Jerry, why am I here?”

  “I wanted you to formally meet Grace, but she’s in such a foul mood that I don’t blame you if you want to go,” Jeremiah said.

  “Nope. How about you go and let me handle this?” I suggested.

  “You sure about that?” he asked.

  I saw Nestor raise a skeptical eyebrow. Grace started to protest. “Miss Bryant, it seems that you and I will be working together. Why don’t we have a nice cup of coffee and discuss our business relationship?” I tried to charm her. I doubted it would work.

  It didn’t. “I’m going home,” she said as she rushed out of the bar. The door slammed behind her.

  “That went well,” I smirked.

  “You got her to talk to you,” Jeremiah said.

  “If cussing is talking,” I said.

  They both laughed. “That’s Grace. Vulgar mouth.”

  “Beautiful mouth,” I said letting my thoughts slip.

  They both stared at me for a moment. “What? She’s something else.” I couldn’t think of an accurate way to describe the twisted feeling I had. I wanted to slap her and fuck her. But more than anything, I wanted that fear in her eyes to go away. There’s no way I’d hurt her. No matter what Jeremiah brought me here for, I couldn’t kill that woman. The darkness in her eyes seemed more like fatigue than hatred. From what I knew, she had been on the run for a very long time.

  “I thought you and Stephanie were living together,” Jeremiah said.

  “We are. Why?”

  “Because you could have fooled me with the way you looked at Grace,” he said.

  “Looking is not a crime. I’m more concerned with the fear she has for me. Did you see it?” I asked.

  “She should fear you,” Jeremiah said.

  “I wanna be straight with you, Jerry. I know why you brought me here, but I will never harm a hair on that woman’s head,” I said.

  “She’s not a woman. She’s a fairy queen. An Unseelie fairy queen. You cannot fathom the darkness in that woman,” he said.

  “I’ve got some pretty dark pa
rts, too. I’m telling you now. I won’t hurt her. If that breaks our agreement, then I’ll move out of town. I promise to keep her busy, but I won’t extinguish her,” I said.

  Nestor smiled. He liked my decision. Jeremiah did not. “Perhaps Caiaphas was wrong to recruit you.”

  “No, he wasn’t. Just let me prove it to you,” I replied.

  He took a deep breath. “I hope you are right, Dylan.”

  I hoped I was too.


  Two weeks later the opportunity presented itself. We had a bit of an issue out at one of the farms. It seemed some livestock was being attacked. At first, we thought it was human, but after seeing the condition of the cows, I knew were dealing with something much more sinister.

  Jeremiah had given me Grace’s number. With a little bravado, I called her.

  “Hello,” she answered in a cheery voice.

  “Miss Bryant, this is Sheriff Riggs,” I said. She groaned loudly. “Look, I know you don’t want to help me, but I’ve got a case here. I’m not sure what I’m dealing with, but Jeremiah assured me that you could help me with these kinds of things.”

  She sighed. “What is it?” Her voice came through the phone soft and delicate. It took me off-guard.

  “Um, well, something is killing livestock on Wood Ridge Road. Think you could come out here and give me your opinion on it? I’m not sure where to begin,” I said.

  “Which house on Wood Ridge Road?” she asked.

  “Hang on,” I said, trying to play dumb. “Hey, Maynard, whose house is this?”

  “It’s Mayor Jenkins’ house, Dylan. What’s wrong with you?” he called back.

  “Ah, it’s the Jenkins’ place,” I said.

  “The mayor’s house? Really, Dylan? Did you have to play dumb?” she called me out.

  I laughed. She was busting my chops, and I loved it. “Okay. You got me, but I really do need some help. Think you could come out?” I coaxed trying to turn up the charm.

  “I’ll be there in twenty minutes,” she said.


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