The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I

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The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I Page 189

by Thomas Stearns Eliot, Christopher Ricks

  —— The Waste Land Manuscript in American Literature Jan 1974

  —— Eliot’s Early Years (1977)

  —— Eliot’s New Life (1988)

  Gourmont, Remy de, Physique de l’amour: essai sur l’instinct sexuel (1903); tr. Ezra Pound as The Natural Philosophy of Love (Boni & Liveright, 1922).

  Gray, Piers, T. S. Eliot’s Intellectual and Poetic Development 1909–1922 (1982)

  Green, T. H., Prolegomena to Ethics ed. A. C. Bradley (1883), TSE’s copy (5th ed., 1906), Houghton.

  Greene, Edward J. H., T. S. Eliot et la France (Paris, 1951). Read in ts by TSE, who endorsed a printed copy “Lu et approuvé / T. S. Eliot / 2. xii. 51” (McCue collection).

  Gregory, Horace, The House on Jefferson Street: A Cycle of Memories (1971)

  Grierson, Herbert J. C. (ed.), Metaphysical Lyrics and Poems of the Seventeenth Century (1921); TSE’s annotated copy, Magdalene.

  Griffiths, Eric, and Reynolds, Matthew (eds.), Dante in English (2005)

  Gross, Harvey, The Figure of St. Sebastian in Southern Review Autumn 1985, repr. in Olney ed.

  Haffenden, John, Vivien Eliot and “The Waste Land”: The Forgotten Fragments in PN Review May–June 2007

  Hands, Anthony, Sources for the Poetry of T. S. Eliot (1993)

  Harding, Jason, The Criterion: Cultural Politics and Periodical Networks in Inter-War Britain (2002)

  —— (ed.), T. S. Eliot in Context (2011)

  Harmon, William, Eliot’s Raids on the Inarticulate in PMLA May 1976 (a)

  —— T. S. Eliot, Anthropologist and Primitive in American Anthropologist Dec 1976 (b)

  —— Eliot and His Problems in Sewanee Review Summer 1986

  Harvard College Class of 1910. Secretary’s Report. TSE submitted autobiographical notes to the Third (1917), Fourth (1921), Seventh (1935), Thirtieth Anniversary (1940), Fortieth Anniversary (1950), Fiftieth Anniversary (1950) and Fifty-fifth Anniversary (1965) reports.

  Hayward, John, Notes to The Waste Land and to Four Quartets for Pierre Leyris’s translations respectively in Poèmes 1910–1930 [1947] and Quatre Quatuors [1950]. English ts, King’s. The notes are designated Hayward. For the designation Hayward Queries among notes to The Dry Salvages, see headnote, 3. COMPOSITION.

  —— (ed.), The Penguin Book of English Verse (1956), issued in hardback as The Faber Book of English Verse (1958)

  Hegel, G. W. F., Lectures on the Philosophy of History tr. J. Sibree (1905); TSE’s annotated copy, Houghton.

  Herbert, George, The Poems of George Herbert (World’s Classics, 1907); TSE’s copy, Valerie Eliot collection.

  Herrmann, Frank, Faber’s Forty-Five Years Ago in Antiquarian Book Monthly Review Sept, Oct and Nov 1992

  Hesse, Hermann, Blick ins Chaos: drei Aufsätze (1921); TSE’s copy, King’s.

  —— In Sight of Chaos tr. Stephen Hudson (Zurich, 1923)

  Heywood, Christopher, “Lady Audley’s Secret”: A T. S. Eliot Source in RES May 1976

  Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan (1651); TSE’s copy (New Universal Library, [1907]) dated Feb 1914, Valerie Eliot collection.

  Hodin, J. P., T. S. Eliot on the Condition of Man Today, interview in Horizon Aug 1945 (typescript read by TSE; letter, 25 Apr).

  Homer, The Odyssey [in Greek] ed. John J. Owen (1859); TSE’s copy, King’s.

  Hooker, Richard, Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (1593–97); TSE’s copy (Everyman Vol. II only, 1907), Houghton.

  —— Works ed. John Keble (3 vols., 1836); TSE’s copy (2nd ed. 1841), Valerie Eliot collection.

  Horace, Works tr. into prose by Christopher Smart (1756); TSE’s undated 20th-century repr., with some annotation, Houghton.

  Howarth, Herbert, Notes on Some Figures Behind T. S. Eliot (1965). TSE read this in ts in 1961 and insisted it be rewritten (see Materer).

  Husserl, Edmund, Logische Untersuchungen (2 vols., 1900, 1901); TSE’s annotated copy (Vol. I being 2nd ed., 1913), dated “Marburg 1914”, London Library.

  Huxley, Aldous, Crome Yellow (1921); TSE’s copy, Houghton.

  —— Selected Letters ed. James Sexton (2007)

  Jain, Manju, A Critical Reading of the “Selected Poems” of T. S. Eliot (Delhi, 1991)

  —— T. S. Eliot and American Philosophy: The Harvard Years (1992)

  James, Henry: the fiction included in the New York Edition (1907–1909) is cited from there.

  —— Confidence (1879)

  —— The Bostonians (1886)

  —— In the Cage (1898)

  —— The American Scene (1907)

  —— Italian Hours (1909)

  —— The Middle Years (1917); autobiographical fragment

  Janowitz, H. D., “Marius the Epicurean” in T. S. Eliot’s Poetry in Journal of Modern Literature Spring 1989

  Jayne, Sears, Mr. Eliot’s Agon in Philological Quarterly Oct 1955, repr. in Roby ed.

  Joachim, Harold, The Nature of Truth (1909); TSE’s annotated copy, Magdalene.

  John of the Cross, St., The Complete Works tr. and ed. E. Allison Peers (3 vols., 1934–35); TSE’s set, Magdalene. Asked by the Bishop of Willesden to suggest a book he would like, TSE had proposed Vol. 1 of this, 15 June 1934: “Mrs. Stuart Moore tells me that it is much better than the previous Lewis translation.” The first volume is inscribed to TSE as “A Helper of the Diocese and a True Friend of New London in Middlesex with gratitude from G. Vernon Willesden, Sadlers Wells June 1934”.

  —— The Mystical Doctrine of St. John of the Cross tr. David Lewis, rev. Dom Benedict Zimmerman, abridged R. H. J. Steuart (1934)

  Johnson, Loretta, A Temporary Marriage of Two Minds: T. S. and Vivien Eliot in Twentieth-Century Literature Spring 1988

  —— T. S. Eliot’s Bawdy Verse: Lulu, Bolo and More Ties in Journal of Modern Literature Fall 2003

  Johnson, Samuel, Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets (Chandos Classics selection, [1872]); TSE’s copy, Valerie Eliot collection.

  Jones, Florence, T. S. Eliot among the Prophets in American Literature Nov 1966

  Jones, Genesius, Approach to the Purpose: A Study of the Poetry of T. S. Eliot (1964, 2nd ed. 1967). In the front of his copy TSE wrote: “A good deal of his interpretation seems to me to be fantastic over-interpretation. I wish he could just enjoy it as poetry! — But he does like it! Overrates my work” (Valerie Eliot collection).

  Jonson, Ben, The Works ed. C. H. Herford, Percy Simpson and Evelyn Simpson (11 vols., 1925–52)

  Joost, Nicholas, Scofield Thayer and “The Dial”: An Illustrated History (1964)

  Juliana of Norwich, XVI Revelations of Divine Love ed. R. F. S. Cressy (1670, repr. 1920)

  Julius, Anthony, T. S. Eliot, Anti-Semitism and Literary Form (1995; 2nd ed. 2003)

  Kant, Immanuel, The Philosophy of Kant, sel. and tr. John Watson (1908); TSE’s copy, dated 3 Mar 1913, Houghton.

  Kearns, Cleo McNelly, T. S. Eliot and the Indic Tradition (1987)

  Kenner, Hugh, The Invisible Poet: T. S. Eliot (US 1959, UK 1960). TSE in 1958: “His chapter on F. H. Bradley contains the most valuable new information for the reader. I especially like the title of Kenner’s book. I like the image; it’s very appropriate” (Levy 105).

  —— The Pound Era: The Age of Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, James Joyce and Wyndham Lewis (1972)

  Keynes, John Maynard, The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919)

  Knight, G. Wilson, My Romantic Tendencies in Studies in Romanticism Winter 1982

  Knowles, Sebastian D. G., A Purgatorial Flame: Seven British Writers in the Second World War (1990)

  Kojecky, Roger, T. S. Eliot’s Social Criticism (1971)

  Laforgue, Jules, Oeuvres Complètes (4th ed., 2 vols., 1909); TSE’s copy, dated 1909, Magdalene.

  —— Six Moral Tales tr. Frances Newman (1928). This translation is used for prose, except where noted.

  —— Selected Poems with a Plain Prose Translation tr. Graham Dunstan Martin (1998). This translation is used for poems, except where noted.

  Lanman, Charles
Rockwell, A Sanskrit Reader (1884); TSE’s copy (5th imp., 1906), Magdalene.

  Larisch, Marie, My Past (1913)

  Latimer, Hugh, Sermons ed. Canon Beeching (1906); TSE mentioned his copy in a letter to his secretary in 1926.

  Laverty, Maura, Interview with Mr. T. S. Eliot, unpublished ts of a broadcast on Radio Athlone, Republic of Ireland, 25 Jan 1936, with some annotation by TSE (Houghton).

  Lawrence, D. H., Letters ed. Aldous Huxley (1932); TSE’s annotated copy, dated “T. S. Eliot, Eliot House, January 1933”, Houghton.

  Le Brun, Philip, T. S. Eliot and Henri Bergson in RES May 1967 and Aug 1967

  Leavis, F. R., New Bearings in English Poetry (1932)

  Lee, Sidney, A Life of William Shakespeare (1907, new ed. 1909); TSE’s copy offered for sale in 2011.

  Lehmann, Irmgard, Begegnung mit T. S. Eliot in Neuphilologische Zeitschrift May 1949

  Lemprière, John, A Classical Dictionary (1788; rev. F. A. Wright, 1948)

  Lennard, John, But I Digress (1991)

  Levy, William Turner, and Victor Scherle, Affectionately, T. S. Eliot: The Story of a Friendship 1947–1965 (1968)

  —— Letter to the Editor: A Memoir of T. S. Eliot in New York Times Book Review 31 Jan 1965

  Lewis, Wyndham, The Letters ed. W. K. Rose (1963)

  Leyris, Pierre (tr.), Poèmes 1910–1930 by T. S. Eliot, bilingual edition with notes by John Hayward (1947)

  Liddell, H. G. and Robert Scott, A Greek–English Lexicon (1843)

  Lidderdale, Jane and Mary Nicholson (eds.), Dear Miss Weaver: Harriet Shaw Weaver, 1876–1971 (1970)

  Litz, A. Walton (ed.), Eliot in his Time: Essays on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of “The Waste Land” (1973)

  Lockerd, Benjamin, Aethereal Rumours: T. S. Eliot’s Physics and Poetics (1998)

  Londraville, Richard and Janis, Dear Yeats, Dear Pound, Dear Ford: Jeanne Robert Foster and Her Circle of Friends (2001)

  Loucks, James F., A Second Browning Allusion in Eliot’s “Burbank” Poem in N&Q Jan 1976 (a)

  —— T. S. Eliot’s “A Cooking Egg”: An echo from Thomas Hood in N&Q July 1976 (b)

  —— Pater and Carlyle in Eliot’s “Little Gidding”? in N&Q Dec 1993

  Lowell, Robert, see Bishop, Elizabeth

  McCue, Jim, Editing Eliot in EinC Jan 2006

  —— Dilemmas and Decisions in Editing Eliot in Literary Imagination Mar 2012

  —— T. S. Eliot and the Roots that Clutch in New Criterion Mar 2013 (a)

  —— Aldous Huxley and the Sweeney Family in N&Q June 2013 (b)

  —— T. S. Eliot, Edgar Lee Masters and Glorious France in EinC Jan 2014 (a)

  —— Appreciating the Rupee in N&Q Mar 2014 (b)

  —— Did Eliot mis-ascribe the “water-dripping song” in “The Waste Land”? in N&Q Mar 2014 (c)

  —— Roy Campbell and “The Dry Salvages” in N&Q Mar 2014 (d)

  —— [forthcoming, 2016, in RES]

  McCue, Jim and Oliver Soden, An Unknown Bird in the Early Faber Nest in N&Q Mar 2014

  McGreevy, Thomas, Thomas Stearns Eliot: A Study (1931). TSE to McGreevy, [14 Feb] 1931: “I feel impelled to say that you have produced I think an excellent piece of criticism. It is only disfigured (1) by your remarks about the Church of England, a subject of which you know nothing (2) a gross libel on page 20 of which I hope that as a gentleman you will make public retractation. I am not an Irishman, and can prove it.” (See also headnote to The Waste Land, 9. AFTER PUBLICATION.)

  McRae, Shannon, “Glowed into Words”: Vivien Eliot, Philomela, and the Poet’s Tortured Corpse in Twentieth-Century Literature Summer 2003

  Madden, Benjamin, Arnold Bennett and the Making of “Sweeney Agonistes” in N&Q Mar 2011

  Mahaffey, Vicki, “The Death of Saint Narcissus” and “Ode”: Two Suppressed Poems by T. S. Eliot in American Literature Jan 1979

  Major, John M., Eliot’s “Gerontion” and “As You Like It” in MLN Jan 1959

  Malamud, Randy, T. S. Eliot’s Drama: A Research and Production Sourcebook (1992)

  Mallarmé, Stéphane, Vers et Prose: Morceaux Choisis; TSE’s copy (1901), Magdalene.

  —— Mallarmé tr. Anthony Hartley (1965)

  Malory, Sir Thomas, see Morris, Charles

  March, Richard, and M. J. Tambimuttu (eds.), T. S. Eliot: A Symposium (1948)

  Margolis, John D., T. S. Eliot’s Intellectual Development 1922–1939 (1972)

  Maritain, Jacques, Réflexions sur L’Intelligence (1924)

  Marshall, William, The Text of Gerontion in Studies in Bibliography 4 (1951)

  Marston, John, The Works ed. A. H. Bullen (3 vols., 1887)

  Martin, Graham (ed.), Eliot in Perspective (1970)

  Marvell, Andrew, Poems ed. G. A. Aitkin (Muses’ Library [1904]); TSE’s copy, Valerie Eliot collection.

  Marx, William, Paris in Harding ed.

  Massis, Henri, Jugements (1923–24); TSE’s copy of the 15th imp., presentation copy from the author, Magdalene.

  Materer, Timothy, T. S. Eliot and his Biographical Critics in EinC Jan 2012

  Matthews, Stephen, T. S. Eliot and Early Modern Literature (2013)

  Matthews, T. S., Notes Towards the Definition of T. S. Eliot (1974)

  Matthiessen, F. O., The Achievement of T. S. Eliot (1935, 3rd ed. 1959). TSE to Charles Williams, 22 July 1944: “Matthiessen’s book was, I think, a very good book of its date (1933): and he had the inestimable advantage, while working on it, of having me in daily view, at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and sometimes for bootleg evenings.” TSE stayed with Matthiessen, of Eliot House, Harvard, in autumn 1932. To Matthiessen, 17 Sept 1934: “if meanwhile you have any questions to ask me, I will do my best to answer them.” To I. A. Richards, 24 Sept 1935: “Matthiessen need hardly be mentioned. He is such a nice fellow, and his book was so depressing to me: I suppose he wrote it for his pupils: but should he have pupils?” To Itrat Hussain, 10 Feb 1939: “I think that on the whole Professor Mathiessen’s book gives the fullest and most satisfactory analysis of my work, though I do not wish to derogate from the merit of other critics. I spent a year at Harvard five years ago, and was constantly in the company of Professor Mathiessen, and showed him a number of lectures which have since been destroyed, and also had a number of conversations with him about my work.”

  Mattingly, Ignatius G., Mr. Eliot Visits the Elizabethan Club in Yale University Library Gazette Oct 1987

  Mayer, John T., T. S. Eliot’s Silent Voices (1989)

  Melchiori, Giorgio, Echoes in “The Waste Land” in English Studies Feb 1951

  Menasce, Jean de, La Terre mise à nu (translation of The Waste Land) in L’Esprit, May 1926

  Mermaid Plays, The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists. For the 21 titles, and for online facsimiles, see Wikipedia “Mermaid Series”.

  Merrill, Stuart, Pastels in Prose (1890); TSE’s copy, Houghton.

  Middleton Murry, John, Son of Woman: The Story of D. H. Lawrence (1931)

  Miller, James E., T. S. Eliot’s Personal Waste Land (1977)

  Milton, John, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes, & Other Poems (1903); TSE’s copy, Houghton.

  Mirrlees, Hope, Paris (Hogarth Press, 1919)

  Monteith, Charles, Eliot in the Office in Grand Street Spring 1990

  Moody, A. David, Thomas Stearns Eliot: Poet (1979, rev. 1994)

  —— (ed.), The Waste Land in Different Voices (1974)

  —— (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to T. S. Eliot (1994)

  —— Ezra Pound: Poet Vol. I, The Young Genius (2007); Vol. II, The Epic Years (2014)

  Mordell, Albert, T. S. Eliot’s Deficiencies as a Social Critic / T. S. Eliot—Special Pleader as a Book Reviewer and Literary Critic (1951)

  More, Paul Elmer, The Great Refusal: Letters of a Dreamer in Gotham (1894)

  Morley, Frank, A Few Recollections of Eliot in Tate ed.

  —— Literary Britain (1980)

  Morrell, Ottoline, Ottoline: The Early Memoirs of Lady Ottoline Morrell e
d. Robert Gathorne-Hardy (1963)

  —— Ottoline at Garsington: Memoirs of Lady Ottoline Morrell 1915–1918 ed. Robert Gathorne-Hardy (1974)

  Morris, Charles, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table: A Modernized Version of the “Morte Darthur” (1891); TSE’s copy (one vol., 1896), autographed “T. S. Eliot, First Year Class. Smith Academy”, Houghton.

  Morris, George L. K., Marie, Marie, Hold on Tight in Partisan Review Mar–Apr 1954

  Murray, Paul, The Unidentified Ghost: Arthur Hugh Clough and T. S. Eliot’s “Four Quartets” in Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Spring 1981

  Musgrove, Sydney, T. S. Eliot and Walt Whitman (Wellington, 1952)

  Newton-De Molina, David (ed.), The Literary Criticism of T. S. Eliot (1977)

  Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Beyond Good and Evil tr. Helen Zimmern (1907)

  —— The Birth of Tragedy tr. Wm. A. Haussmann (1909)

  O’Keeffe, Paul, Some Sort of Genius: A Life of Wyndham Lewis (2000)

  Olney, James (ed.), T. S. Eliot: Essays from the Southern Review (1988)

  Oser, Lee, T. S. Eliot and American Poetry (1998)

  The Oxford Book of English Verse ed. A. T. Quiller-Couch (1900)

  The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature ed. Paul Harvey, rev. M. C. Howatson (1989)

  The Oxford Companion to Music, ed. Percy A. Scholes (9th ed., 1955)

  The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea ed. Peter Kemp (1976, rev. 1979)

  The Oxford Companion to the Year ed. Bonnie Blackburn and Leofranc Holford-Strevens (1999)

  The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs (1935; 3rd ed., rev. F. P. Wilson, 1970)

  The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes ed. Iona and Peter Opie (1951)

  The Oxford English Dictionary ed. James Murray et al. (1884–present). See below, “Where Every Word is at Home”.

  The Oxford Nursery Rhyme Book ed. Iona and Peter Opie (1955)

  Partridge, Eric, A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English (1937, 6th ed. 1967). TSE: “Mr. Eric Partridge is pompous, tedious, learned and fond of irrelevant footnotes and references into which no one will ever enquire; he is a young man who will probably succeed in life and I feel that he ought to be encouraged”, Robert Eyres Landor: Selections ed. Eric Partridge, reader’s report (1927).


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