The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I

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The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I Page 198

by Thomas Stearns Eliot, Christopher Ricks

  Hunt, Leigh: Rondeau 623

  Husserl, Edmund: Logische Untersuchungen 391; Ideas 824

  Hutchinson, Mary: II 422–23; envelope verses II 156, 157, 160

  Huxley, Aldous: 419, 444, 456; Crome Yellow 610;

  Happy Families 787, 812–14;

  Leda 632;

  Those Barren Leaves 441

  Huysmans, Joris-Karl: À rebours 1145

  Ibsen, Henrik: Hedda Gabler 977; Peer Gynt 606

  Ignatius, St.: 523

  Inventions of the March Hare Notebook II 302–304

  Irving, Washington: Tales of a Traveller II 56

  Isaacs, J.: 785

  James, Henry: 357–58; “the keenest sense of Situation of any novelist” 407;

  The Ambassadors 407, 410, 661, 695;

  The American Scene 1101, 1111, 1087, 1163;

  The Art of Fiction 763;

  The Aspern Papers 487, 488;

  The Beast in the Jungle 699;

  The Bostonians 401–402, 404–405, 407–11, 1077, 1147;

  Confidence 494;

  The Golden Bowl 401, 406, 941, 1150;

  Italian Hours 389, 670, 1087;

  The Madonna of the Future 488;

  The Middle Years 494;

  The Next Time 426;

  The Portrait of a Lady 406, 611;

  The Princess Casamassima 611, 942;

  The Sense of the Past 908–909, 1012–13, 1015, II 68;

  Venice 670;

  Washington Square 477, 965, 1160;

  The Wings of the Dove 477, 912

  James, William: 1117; A Case of Automatic Drawing 668;

  Is Life Worth Living? 876;

  Pragmatism 416;

  The Principles of Psychology 377;

  Some Problems of Philosophy 384, 700, 907–908, 968;

  The Varieties of Religious Experience 377, 391, 700

  Jammes, Francis: Les grues 1176; J’aime dans les temps 1101;

  Tu écrivais 658

  Janet, Pierre: on hysteria 446

  jazz: 635, 788–790

  Jeans, James: 1093

  Jefferson, Thomas: 956

  Jennings, Richard: II 235, 497

  Jerome, Jerome K: Fanny and the Servant Problem 430, 643

  Jevons, F. B.: 720

  Jews and anti-Semitism: 472–73, 438, 486–87, 493, 485, 495–96, 685, 794, 874, 1188, 1193

  Joachim, Harold: 442, 450, 607, 1022

  John of the Cross, St.: 574, 818, 906, 972, II 449; “negative way” 899;

  Ascent of Mount Carmel 735–36, 807, 923, 945–46, 1028, 1030, 1133;

  Dark Night of the Soul 738, 919–20, 923;

  Spiritual Canticle 741

  Johnson, Jack: II 201

  Johnson, Lionel: Dead 840, 909; Experience 939, 1026;

  The Troopship 1073

  Johnson, Samuel: 467, 779, 1094; “anfractuous” 500;

  The Battle of the Pygmies and Cranes II 64–65;

  Dictionary 500, 665, 918, 1027;

  Life of Dryden 779, 1045;

  Life of Mallet 356;

  Notes to Shakespeare 665;

  On the Death of Dr. Robert Levet 767;

  The Vanity of Human Wishes 875, 1024, 1026, 1041, 1214

  Jonson, Ben: The Alchemist 473, 482, 1179; Song 1070;

  A Tale of a Tub 514, 1083;

  To the Immortal Memory and Friendship of that Noble Pair 496;

  Volpone 432, 489, 665

  Joyce, James: 368, 495, 515, 521, 572, 578, 592, 597, 712, 847, 1006, 1099, 1222; “somewhat sabbatarian mind” II 248;

  Finnegans Wake 596–97, 1222

  ULYSSES: I (Telemachus) – 477; II (Nestor) – 686, II 56;

  III (Proteus) – 472, 530, 1188;

  IV (Calypso) – 602, 641;

  VI (Hades) – 614, 653–54;

  VIII (Lestrygonians) – 506, 810;

  IX (Scylla and Charybdis) – 1160, II 57;

  X (Wandering Rocks) – 1020;

  XI (Sirens) – 821, 823;

  XIII (Nausicaa) – 692;

  XIV (The Oxen of the Sun) – 1186, II 58;

  XV (Circe) – 596, 615;

  XVIII (Penelope) – 634

  Juliana of Norwich: XVI Revelations of Divine Love 997, 1031–32, 1037–38

  Junius: 805, II 449

  Juvenal: Satires 518

  Kant, Immanuel: 832, 1138

  Kauffer, E. McKnight: 547, 711, 758, 784, 816, II 207, 235, 422; Marina illustration 774;

  “facial resemblance” to TSE 775;

  commissions Defense of the Islands 775, 1046–47

  Keats, John: 541, 687; Endymion 1086, 1148;

  The Eve of St. Agnes 387, 399, 627, 1092, 1096;

  Fairy’s Song 1148;

  The Fall of Hyperion 1136, 1148;

  The Gothic looks solemn 839;

  Isabella 390;

  Lamia 622, 1074, 1126;

  Ode on a Grecian Urn 620, 629, 827, 911, 921, 1148, 1190, II 223;

  Ode on Melancholy 843;

  Ode to a Nightingale 390, 541–42, 839, 1015, 1072, 1148, II 221–22;

  On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer 1216;

  Sonnet XVII (“Happy is England! I could be content”) 1140;

  To Autumn 1196

  Kellond, Ellen: cockney accent 638

  Kenner, Hugh: 581; on Pound 367

  Kennerley, Jean: verse for II 188–89

  Kennerley, Morley: II 75, 189

  Keynes, John Maynard: 604, 830, 861; The Economic Consequences of the Peace 675–76, 822, 1030

  King, Henry: An Exequy To his Matchless never to be forgotten Friend 420, 486, 1041

  Kipling, Rudyard: 578, 670, 695–96, 782, 934, 937, II 57; The Appeal 840, 879;

  The Army of a Dream 640;

  As Easy as A.B.C. 515;

  At the End of the Passage 405;

  “Back to the Army Again” 1204;

  The Ballad of Boh Da Thone 658;

  The Ballad of East and West 492;

  Barrack-Room Ballads 1137;

  Bertran and Bimi 501, 542, 1162–63;

  The Betrothed 384, 487;

  The Broken Men 511, 715, 1153;

  Brugglesmith 651;

  Captains Courageous II 281;

  A Conference of the Powers 1125;

  A Counting-Out Song 721;

  The Craftsman II 61;

  Danny Deever 724;

  Dedication from “Barrack-Room Ballads” 1004, 1137;

  The Explorer 763;

  The Fabulists 1007;

  The Finest Story in the World 673, 696, 1068;

  From Sea to Sea 493;

  Gentleman-Rankers 389, 415, 1153;

  The Jungle Book II 223–24;

  Kim 614, 691, 1070;

  The King’s Ankus 966;

  Land and Sea Tales for Scouts and Guides 721;

  The Long Trail II 52, 73;

  Love-O’-Women 938;

  The Love Song of Har Dyal 374;

  The Man Who Would be King 762–63;

  Mandalay 1185;

  La Nuit Blanche 625, II 68;

  One Viceroy Resigns 1080;

  The Outsider II 251;

  Outsong in the Jungle 637;

  The Parting of the Columns 948;

  The Power of the Dog 778;

  Puck of Pook’s Hill 432;

  The Rupaiyat of Omar Kal’vin 496;

  The Second Voyage 777, 1108;

  The Ship That Found Herself 683;

  The Song of the Banjo 404, 670, 692, 852, II 68;

  The Song of the Dead 682;

  A Song of the English 679;

  The Story of Muhammad Din 834, 1056;

  The Supports 778;

  “They” 905, 911, 1034;

  Through the Fire 680;

  To be Filed for Reference 844;

  Tomlinson 715, 1124;

  Toomai of the Elephants II 223–24;

  The Undertaker’s Horse 1111–12;

  The Vampire 395;

  The Way Through the Woods 932;

’Omer Smote ’is Bloomin’ Lyre 431;

  The Widow’s Party 1159;

  Wilful-Missing 629;

  William the Conqueror 1124

  Knight, G. Wilson: 751, 941, 1202; Coriolanus and Coriolan 819;

  on Hamlet 941;

  Pericles and Marina 772–75,

  The Wheel of Fire 941, 1099, 1139

  Knopf, Alfred A.: 713–14; declines to publish Prufrock and Other Observations 368–69;

  Poems (1920) 465–67;

  declines to publish The Waste Land 558–59

  Krehbiel, Henry Edward: Afro-American Folksongs 789

  Kreymborg, Alfred: 366, 401; Lima Beans 544;

  Pianissimo 846;

  Puppet Plays 788;

  Krutzsch, Gus: see Eliot, T. S.

  Kyd, Thomas, The Spanish Tragedy 543, 707

  Laforgue, Jules: influence on TSE 355–61, 364, 373, 417, 447, 456–57, 580, 1021; “geraniums” 420–21, 984;

  “l’Absolu” 449;

  “inferior to Corbière at his best” 521;

  “philosophical mood” 1079;

  Après-dîner torride et stagnante 1125;

  l’Art Moderne en Allemagne II 1108;

  Autre Complainte de Lord Pierrot 405, 411, 450, 1114;

  Le brave, brave automne! 1100;

  Ballade 539;

  Clair de lune 1102;

  Complainte de l’automne monotone 406, 1099;

  Complainte des Blackboulés 593, 1102;

  Complainte d’un Certain Dimanche 652;

  Complainte de cette bonne lune 422;

  Complainte d’une convalescence en mai 1077;

  Complainte des crépuscules célibataires 1124;

  Complainte du fœtus de poète 440;

  Complainte des Mounis du Mont-Martre 1099;

  Complainte de l’Organiste de Notre-Dame 495;

  Complainte de l’orgue de Barbarie 1075–76;

  Complainte de l’oubli des Morts 406;

  Complainte de pauvre jeune homme 519;

  Complainte propitiatoire à l’Inconscient 1079;

  Complainte sur certains ennuis 418,

  Complainte sur certains temps déplacés 376;

  Le Concile féerique 1095;

  Cythère 1103;

  Les Deux Pigeons 1102;

  Dimanches: Bref, j’allais 1115;

  Dimanches: C’est l’automne 452, 629, 801, 1076, 1091, 1097;

  Esthétique 1095;

  Hamlet 414, 422, 453, 634, 640, 770, 1081, 1088, 1096;

  Jeux 377, 391;

  Légende 383;

  Litanies des premiers quartiers de la lune 1117;

  Locutions des Pierrot 405, 411, 1081, 1116;

  Lohengrin, fils de Parsifal 447;

  Lunes en détresse 1115;

  Mélanges Posthumes 528–29, 1079, 1084, 1093, 1109;

  Le Miracle des roses 1104, 1106;

  Notes sur Baudelaire 386;

  Pan et la Syrinx 674;

  Persée et Andromède 1103, 1118, 1177, 1178–79;

  Pierrots 411, 421–22, 1108;

  Pierrot Fumiste 1103;

  Préludes Autobiographiques 413;

  La Première nuit 386, 528;

  Salomé 471, 500, 653, 1079, 1095, 1105, 1117;

  Simple agonie 1090;

  Soir de carnaval 1124;

  La vie qu’elles me font mener 453

  Lamb, Charles: 769, 1034; Characters of Dramatic Writers, Contemporary with Shakespeare 496;

  Specimens of English Dramatic Poets 619

  Lanman, C. R.: 699; Harvard course “Elementary Sanskrit” 641, 976

  La Rochefoucauld, François, Duc de: “implacable moralist” 427–28

  Lawrence, D. H.: 894; deprecated 362;

  A Bad Beginning 979;

  Constancy of a Sort 530;

  The Rainbow 677, 690;

  Red Moon-Rise 763;

  Studies in Classic American Literature 777, 978

  Layton, Turner and Clarence “Tandy” Johnstone (duo): II 224

  Lear, Edward: Growling Eclogue 631; How Pleasant to Know Mr. Lear 838, 844, 846;

  Nonsense Botany II 38;

  The Owl and the Pussycat 510, 525, 1059, 1201, 1210, II 61, 62;

  The Story of the Four Children Who Went round the World 429;

  There was an Old Man of Cape Horn 485

  Leavis, F. R.: 934–95, criticises Notes to The Waste Land 708;

  Scrutiny 1007

  Lee, Vernon (Violet Paget): 646

  Lehar, Franz: The Merry Widow 1102

  Leonardo da Vinci: Our Lady of the Rocks 612; Last Supper 521, 794

  Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien: 457

  Lewis, Wyndham P.: 368, 564, 788, 820, 1164; final oil painting 753, 1009;

  receives The Triumph of Bullshit 1114–15;

  Blasting and Bombardiering 505;

  The Enemy of the Stars 473;

  One-Way Song II 288;

  Paleface 963;

  Tarr 502, 518. See also Blast.

  Leyris, Pierre: and Noctes Binanianæ II 230, 297

  Lincoln, Abraham: 603

  Lindsay, Vachel: 778

  Liveright, Horace: declines to publish TSE’s poems 466; meets TSE 549;

  publication of The Waste Land 549, 557–66, 569, 571, 586, II 363, 365–67;

  Satyricon 594;

  Pound’s translation of Remy de Gourmont’s Physique de l’amour 666–67

  Lloyd, Marie: 655; “great music-hall artist” 812

  Lloyds Bank: 657–58, 666; Pound “to get Eliot out of” 557, 621;

  TSE’s office 616;

  hours 617

  Locke, John: Essay Concerning Human Understanding 511

  Lockhart, J. G.: II 207

  London: Baedeker 379, 402, 438–39, 538, 615, 616, 669, 670, 678, 762, 1143, 1146–48, 1177; Proposed Demolition of Nineteen City Churches 75, 669, 671–72, 1004;

  River Thames 517, 650–51, 668, 673–74, 1040, 1171, 1185, 1192;

  Thames daughters 75, 573, 621, 673, 675

  CHURCHES: St. Magnus the Martyr 75, 669–72, 872; St. Mary Woolnoth 616–17;

  St. Michael Paternoster Royal 669, 671;

  St. Stephen’s, Gloucester Road 672,

  II 186, 216, 626

  INSTITUTIONS: Billingsgate Market 669–70; British Museum 617, 926, 1147–48;

  Café Royal 666;

  Cannon Street Hotel 658–59;

  Highgate Junior School 458–59, 614;

  London Library 375, 617, 637, 920, 989, 1031;

  London Underground (and the Tube) 654, 679, 870, 892–93, 917–18, 943;

  National Gallery 402, 439, 538, 762, 1123, 1132, 1143, 1177;

  Old Vic 469, 773;

  Sadler’s Wells Theatre 860–63, 867;

  Wallace Collection 438–39, 1177;

  Westminster Theatre 804

  LOCALITIES, STREETS: Bina Gardens II 207, 230–31; Edgware Road 984–85;

  Fleet Street 1171;

  Greenwich 674, 677;

  Hampstead 886, 918–19, 1180–81;

  Highbury 678;

  Highgate 919;

  Isle of Dogs 674, 1171;

  Kensington 672, 886, 892–93, 1002, 1004;

  King William Street 616–17;

  Leicester Square 1146, 1171;

  London Bridge 614–16, 670–71, 673, 704;

  Lower Thames Street 616, 669–70, 683;

  Moorgate 679;

  Queen Victoria Street 669;

  Richmond 678;

  Russell Square 424, 839, 917, 1002, 1212, II 75–77, 198, 641;

  Shadwell 872;

  The Strand 517, 668;

  Tottenham Court Road 613, 984, 1210, II 615;

  Tower of London 677–78;

  Upper Thames Street 487, 669;

  Wapping 1171, 1209–10

  PUBS: The Albert 1208; Bell II 59;

  Bricklayer’s Arms II 65;

  Doves II 157;

  Fox and French Horn II 64;

  The Friend at Hand 1211;

  Lion II 59;<
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  Old Bull and Bush 1209;

  Old Drury 1193;

  The Princess Louise 1197;

  The Rising Sun 1210–11;

  Wellington Arms II 65

  London, Jack: The Road 828

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: The Divine Tragedy II 56; Kéramos 1150;

  The Village Blacksmith 813, 1056, II 147, 279

  Lorrain, Jean: Embarquement 1104

  Lovelace, Richard: To Lucasta 914, 1114

  Lowell, Amy: “Amygism” 418, 563, 1225; 1777 673

  Lowell, J. R.: The Vision of Sir Launfal 406

  Loy, Mina: At the Door of the House 609; Human Cylinders 714

  Lucian: 437–38, 932

  Lucilius: 853

  Lucretius: “profound melancholy” 484; On the Nature of Things 755;

  Ludendorff, General Erich: The Coming War 825

  Ludwig II of Bavaria: 604–605; 677

  Lusitania, R.M.S.: 434, 1165

  Lyly, John: Campaspe 628, 656

  Lyman, Henry M.: Insomnia, and other Disorders of Sleep 419

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington: 525; Lays of Ancient Rome II 59–60

  Machen, Arthur: The London Adventure 826

  MacDiarmid, Hugh: “good deal of vigour” II 172

  MacLeish, Archibald: Land’s End 747, 968

  Macmurray, John: II 181

  MacNeice, Louis: Poems (1935) jacket copy by TSE 1096; Adam’s Legacy 910;

  August 1001;

  Autumn Journal 936, 955, 979, 1037–38;

  Homo Sum 828;

  Sunday Morning 869

  Maeterlinck, Maurice: 359, 468, 1081, 1137

  Mairet, Philip: II 183, 501

  Mallarmé, Stéphane: 623, 914; “Tonnerre et rubis aux moyeux” 856, 913–14;


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