The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I

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The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I Page 201

by Thomas Stearns Eliot, Christopher Ricks

  Place des Victoires 403, 1147;

  Vieilles Actrices 387

  Taille, Maurice de la: 833

  Tandy, Alison: 39, 57, 62, 63, 66, 72; TSE offers to help evacuate from London 39

  Tandy, Geoffrey: 39–40, 66, 69; broadcasts of Practical Cats 43–44

  Tandy, Polly: 39–40, 43, 61

  Taylor, Isaac: 1084

  Tchehov, Anton: Three Sisters 647

  teeth: “plastic” II 214

  Tennyson, Alfred: 382, 550, 682, 882, 969, 971, 1021, 1112; and evolution 937;

  Aylmer’s Field 929;

  Break, break, break 940, 1201;

  The Brook 1202;

  The Charge of the Light Brigade 1168;

  Come down, O maid, from yonder mountain height II 146;

  Crossing the Bar 1071, 1104, 1123, 1133, II 142;

  The Deserted House 486;

  A Dream of Fair Women: 1122;

  The Eagle 935, II 146;

  Edwin Morris 1010;

  Enoch Arden 1109, 1135;

  The Epic 550;

  Fatima 486, 1003;

  The Gardener’s Daughter 1136;

  Gareth and Lynette 697, 1048;

  Godiva 1181;

  The Golden Year 1018–19;

  Guinevere 627;

  The Hesperides 1108;

  The Higher Pantheism 779;

  The Holy Grail 842;

  Idylls of the King II 227;

  In Memoriam 407, 480, 524, 689, 696–97, 882, 941, 1010, 1021, 1027, 1040, 1094, 1112, 1122, 1124–25, 1134, 1153, 1201;

  The Kraken 525;

  Lady Clara Vere de Vere 856;

  Leonine Elegiacs II 196;

  Locksley Hall 510, 868, 1091;

  Locksley Hall Sixty Years After 1107, 1129;

  The Lotos-Eaters 607, 912, 1078, 1103;

  The Lover’s Tale 1152;

  Mariana 469–70, 608, 930, 1003, 1130;

  Mariana in the South 471;

  The Marriage of Geraint 753;

  Maud 381–82, 390, 452, 607, 614, 670, 909, 930, 1092, 1101, 1123, 1135, 1141, 1148, 1158, 1189, 1201, II 213;

  Merlin and Vivien 1077, 1088;

  The Miller’s Daughter 653;

  Morte d’Arthur: The Epic 1173;

  Nothing Will Die 840;

  Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington 1049, II 288;

  Of old sat Freedom on the heights II 145;

  Parnassus 1002;

  The Play 1097;

  The Poet 856, II 143;

  The Princess 695–96, 705, 827, 841–42, 921, 1101, 1105, 1106, 1109, 1113, 1118, 1171;

  The Revenge: A Ballad of the Fleet II 59, 255;

  Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere 1125, 1138;

  Suggested by Reading an Article in a Newspaper 516;

  The Talking Oak 1141

  Tiresias 1048;

  Tithonus 1165–66;

  The Sisters 489;

  To —, After Reading a Life and Letters 1106;

  To J. S. 778;

  To Virgil 382;

  Ulysses 484, 681–83, 969;

  The Voyage of Maeldune 1141–42;

  Will II 146;

  The Window 920;

  The Wreck 1098

  Thackeray, William Makepeace: The Due of the Dead 947

  Thayer, Scofield: 560–64, II 364; and Vivien Haigh-Wood 645;

  typescript of The Waste Land II 364–65;

  and The Hollow Men II 417–18

  Thompson, Francis: The Kingdom of God 879

  Thomson, James (1700–48): Winter 1142

  Thomson, James (1834–82): Art 720; The City of Dreadful Night 377–78, 386, 940, 1007–1008, 1102, 1167;

  In the Room 380, 399, 661, 1133;

  Insomnia 1080;

  A Real Vision of Sin 690;

  To Our Ladies of Death 604, 637;

  Twenty-third Birthday 471;

  Weddah and Om-el-Bonain 603

  Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista: 493

  Times Literary Supplement (TLS): TSE’s earliest contribution (Ben Jonson) 547, 1179;

  account of drafts of The Waste Land 585;

  anonymous authority 672;

  title of The Hollow Men 715;

  “The Times always more or less apart” 1169

  Tinckom-Fernandez, W. G.: 415–16, 432, 579, 703, 871, 1055; vers libre 1101;

  The Waitress 1149;

  Song of the Sap 432;

  The Street Organ 1076, 1154

  Titian: Bacchus and Ariadne 1123; Perseus and Andromeda 1177

  Tocqueville, Alexis de: Democracy in America 964

  Tourneur, Cyril: 457; The Atheist’s Tragedy 1020, 1023;

  The Revenger’s Tragedy 476, 481, 483, 528, 637, 701

  tradition: 355–60; “deficient in tradition” 360;

  “the historical sense” 478;

  “and new learning” 484;

  “traditionalist as a Chinaman, or a Yankee” 693;

  Eastern and Western 976, 1162;

  “great stream of European tradition” 1021

  translation: TSE begins translating Laforgue’s Hamlet 453; encouraged by Pound to translate Aeschylus’ Agamemnon 552;

  “translations of one’s own works are useful texts for the study of a foreign tongue” 572;

  considers translating Hofmannsthal 805;

  “several translations” of poetry desirable 900;

  “must be a personal interpretation” 906;

  “connotation” 907;

  attempts to translate Kuhlemann’s Tristan da Cunha 961–62;

  translates Charles Maurron’s Concerning “Intuition” 1099

  FROM FRENCH: 444; Baudelaire (Symons) 1103;

  Arnaut Daniel (Pound) 464–65;

  Remy de Gourmont (Pound) 483, 644, 1127;

  Charles-Louis Philippe, Marie Donadieu (Violet Schiff) 413;

  Marcel Proust (Scott Moncrieff) 428.

  For Anabasis, see Perse, St.-John. For Pastels in Prose, see Merrill, Stuart

  FROM ITALIAN: Cavalcanti (Pound) 733–34. See also Dante.

  FROM LATIN: (Pound) 422; Petronius 593.

  See also Pervigilium Veneris

  FROM RUSSIAN: Dostoevsky 373–74

  FROM SANSKRIT: (Lanman) 699; Upanishads (Purohit Swami/Yeats) 977

  OF TSE INTO FRENCH: Ash-Wednesday (Menasce) 727, 734; (Nouveau) 734;

  Burnt Norton (Geffroy) 910;

  (Vigée) 911–12;

  Coriolan II. Difficulties of a Statesman (Limbour) 816;

  The Dry Salvages (Vigée) 971;

  Four Quartets translations compared 900;

  Four Quartets (Leyris) 914, 962;

  Journey of the Magi (Gilson) 762, 764–65;

  Landscapes (Mambrino) 850;

  Little Gidding (Mambrino) 997;

  (Gide/Bosco) 998, 1000, 1001, 1012, 1014, 1021;

  (Leyris) 1011, 1034;

  The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (Monnier/Beach) 399;

  Poèmes 1910–1930 (Leyris) 460, 588, 698;

  Preludes (Vivien Eliot) 412;

  A Song for Simeon (Cattaui) 766;

  The Waste Land (Menasce) 572, 589, 609, 658, 680, 700

  OF TSE INTO GERMAN: Four Quartets (Nora Wydenbruck) 947; The Waste Land (Curtius) 689

  OF TSE INTO ITALIAN: 446, 480, 800; The Hollow Men (Sanesi) 717;

  Ash-Wednesday (Sanesi) 742–43

  OF TSE INTO SPANISH: The Waste Land (Flores) 589, 680

  OF TSE INTO SWEDISH: Sweeney Agonistes (Mesterton) 791, 813, 815; The Waste Land (Mesterton) 612, 618, 655, 669, 674, 694, 701, 704–707

  Trevelyan, Mary: II 65, 187, 201

  Trollope, Frances: 493

  Turgenev, Ivan: The Skulls 530

  Turner, W. Mc. (Francis): sent manuscript of Little Gidding for Magdalene College Library II 511; stuffs manuscript in a drawer II 512

  Twain, Mark: 876, 1022; Autobiography 442;

  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 963–64, 975

  Underhill, Evelyn: Mysticism 745

m: 440, 534–35, 759, 782, 1072, II xi, 58; “Bad Form” 812

  Unwin, J. D.: II 222

  Upanishads: 76–77, 462, 699, 708, 957, 977, 980

  Valerie’s Own Book 708, 1068, 1210, 1218–20; described II 304–305

  Valéry, Paul: “too intelligent to be a philosopher” 519; Cantique des Colonnes 718;

  Le Cimetière marin 723;

  La Crise de l’esprit 700, 805, 955;

  Eupalinos ou l’Architecte 921;

  Poésie et pensée abstraite 947

  Vaughan, Henry: 769; The Night 539;

  On Sir Thomas Bodley’s Library 1041;

  The Retreat 910;

  Silex Scintillans 940

  Verdenal, Jean: “the memory of a friend” 370–71; correspondence 442, 449–50, 1078, 1165;

  enthusiasm for Wagner 607–608

  Verhaeren, Emile: L’Attente 1088; L’Ivresse 1099

  Verlaine, Paul: Art Poétique 664, 1097; Colloque sentimental 1119;

  Crimen Amoris 1134–35;

  Le Faune 1108;

  Impression Fausse 931;

  Nuit de Walpurgis classique 396;

  Parsifal 74, 656, 697;

  Romances sans paroles 1076;

  Walcourt 1077–78

  Versailles, Treaty of: 482, 823; Polish Corridor 478;

  Hall of Mirrors 482–83, 604;

  reparations 604, 825;

  Carthaginian peace 675;

  Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace 675–76, 822, 1030;

  Reed, Peace That Passeth All Understanding 709;

  and The Hollow Men 719;

  the Big Four 722;

  Clemenceau 822

  verse forms: blank verse 356, 362, 802, 1227; copla 850;

  free verse 361–62;

  Laforgue’s couplets 1117;

  Meredithian sonnet 430, 1146;

  Pope’s couplets 641, 1070, 1227;

  quatrains 458, 493

  (Donne), 522, 1064;

  ottava rima 641–42, 1070, 1227;

  sonnet 1227;

  terza rima 997, 1005;

  vers libre 361–62, 418, 434

  (Charlotte Eliot’s doubts), 1101, 1118;

  villanelle 1227

  Vielé-Griffin, Francis: 460–61

  Vildrac, Charles: 435, 457, 1162

  Villon, François: 1115; Ballade des dames du temps jadis 513;

  La Belle Heaulmière II 52;

  Le Grand Testament 507;

  “Je meurs de soif auprès de la fontaine” 508

  Virgil: 820; TSE “a Virgilian” 661;

  Georgics 832, 957, 1178

  AENEID: I – 73, 452, 543, 626, 628, 647;

  II – 1007;

  IV – 385, 431;

  V – 975–76;

  VI – 1172, 436, 593, 661, 738, 1014, 1020, 1168;

  VIII – 1178;

  IX – 837;

  XII – 1180

  Vivante, Leone: 575

  Voltaire: 459

  vorticism: 541; Vorticist Exhibition 1164

  Wadsworth, Edward: Engine Room 1164

  Wagner, Richard: loved by Ludwig II 604; Götterdämmerung 673–75;

  Parsifal 656;

  Das Rheingold 608;

  Der Ring des Nibelungen 608, 674–75;

  Tristan und Isolde 72, 607, 609, 1078–79, 1147

  Wanley, Nathaniel: The Little Wonders of the World 740; The Resurrection 742

  war: on writing in wartime 892, 990; l’entre deux guerres 950–51

  WARS: Hundred Years’ War (1337–1453) 951, 1017; Wars of the Roses (1455–87) 926, 977 1034;

  English Civil War (1641–1652) and Charles I at Little Gidding 989, 1033–34;

  Spanish-American War (1898) 1180;

  Boer War (1899–1902) and a scrap-book 1131;

  Franco-Prussian War (1870–71) 604

  THE GREAT WAR (1914–18): “The War crippled me as it did everyone else; but me chiefly because it was something I was neither honestly in nor honestly out of” 471;

  TSE seeks a commission in Intelligence 485;

  Forster on TSE and the war 592;

  TSE caught in Marburg 601;

  air raids 541, 943, 1164;

  Antwerp occupied 473;

  armaments 824–25;

  Armistice Day 601;

  bayonet practice 717;

  Canadian Expeditionary Force 809;

  Clemenceau 822–23;

  Dardanelles 370–71;

  The First World War (controversial title) 828;

  the Front described 1167;

  gold standard abandoned 510, 675;

  Imperial War Graves Commission 618;

  India 1055;

  “The lamps are going out all over Europe” 943;

  licensing hours 638;

  Lusitania sunk 434, 1165;

  outbreak 610;

  pacifism 436, 485;

  profiteers 510, 666, 942;

  Rats Alley 632;

  “sausage” trench-mortar bomb 824, 828;

  trenches 914–15, 936, 955, 1164, 1167–68;

  Tomb of the Unknown Warrior 610;

  victory parades 821–22;

  war poets 1168

  (see also Brooke, Rupert; Graves, Robert; Hulme, T. E.; Owen, Wilfred; Rosenberg, Isaac; Sassoon, Siegfried). See also Versailles, Treaty of.

  SPANISH CIVIL WAR (1936–39): Authors take sides on the Spanish War 980

  SECOND WORLD WAR (1939–45): TSE as air raid warden 886, 892, 1002; writing of Four Quartets 883, 891–93;

  air raids 943, 1004–1005, 1018, 1027;

  atomic bomb 724–25;

  Battle of the Atlantic 957;

  black-out 943, 1006;

  Dunkirk 1049;

  Siege of Tobruk 1056;

  official War Artists 1047;

  “Where are the war poets?” 891, 1051–52

  Warren, Henry Clark: Buddhism in Translations 75, 640–41, 693, 698, 739, 1027

  Washington, Booker T.: II 38; Up from Slavery 1131

  Watson, James Sibley: typescript of The Waste Land II 362–65

  Watteau, Jean-Antoine: Assemblée dans un parc 1119; Embarquement pour Cythère 447, 1103, 1119

  Watts, Isaac: 523, II 74

  Weaver, Harriet Shaw: 596, 712, 1169; publication of Prufrock and Other Observations 368

  Weber, Carl Maria von: L’Invitation à la Valse 508

  Webster, John: 478; “the greatest of Shakespeare’s followers” 529;

  Lucas’s edition 530, 632;

  The Devil’s Law Case 477, 632–33;

  The Duchess of Malfi 396, 510, 513, 608, 619, 633, 833, 949, 1038, 1180, 1182, II 594;

  The White Devil 73, 603, 619, 633, 702, 1121, 1181, 1183, 1188

  Wells, H. G.: Mr. Polly 1150; The War in the Air 421

  Wesley, Charles: II 268; Gentle Jesus II 176, 253

  Weston, Jessie L.: From Ritual to Romance 72, 588–90, 607, 612, 620, 698, 717, 852

  Wharton, Edith: 1157; The Custom of the Country 642;

  The Age of Innocence 1165

  Whibley, Charles: 577, 600, 645, 829

  Whistler, James McNeill: 1150

  Whistler, Laurence: 1058; engraves glasses for Geoffrey Faber 1215, 1217–18

  Whitman, Walt: After the Sea-Ship 394; I sing the body electric 417;

  The Mystic Trumpeter 406, 694, 697;

  Pioneers! O Pioneers! 831;

  O Hymen! O Hymenee! 1179;

  Salut au Monde! 776;

  Scented Herbage of My Breast 1178;

  Song of Myself 422, 746, 944;

  Song of the Open Road 946;

  Spontaneous Me 539;

  That Music Always Round Me 405;

  To You 538;

  When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d 406, 558, 603, 661, 663, 688, 691, 692, 911, 965, 982;

  Whispers of Heavenly Death 529;

  Whoever You Are Holding Me Now in Hand 1178

  Whittier, John Greenleaf: Ichabod 546; The Prophecy of Samuel Sewall 1073;

  Snow-Bound 114

  Wilde, Oscar: on Dickens II 70; The Ballad of Reading Gaol 420, 612, 1113, 1135, 1145;

  The Decay of Lying 615;

  The Harlot’s House 1103;

  Intentions 381;

  The Picture of Dorian Gray 381–99, 453, 495, 625, 1141, 1143, 1153;

  The Sphinx 1102–1103

  Wilkes, Thomas: A General View of the Stage 493

  Williams, Charles: 761, 858, 916; exchange of poems II 179–81;

  The Descent of the Dove 1036;

  The Greater Trumps 695, 916;

  The Seed of Adam 761, 780

  Wilson, Edmund: 569; reviews The Waste Land 573

  Wilson, John: Noctes Ambrosianæ II 207

  Wilson, John Mackay: Tales of the Borders 475

  Wolfe, Humbert: II 161, 181

  Wolpe, Berthold: II 483

  Wolpe, Margaret: II 75

  Wood, Clement: Seedtime 618

  Wood, Mrs. Henry: East Lynne II 70

  Wood, J. G.: The Boy’s Own Book of Natural History 208 (elephant), 213

  (opossum), 219

  (whale); The Illustrated Natural History 59

  (bandicoot); Natural History Picture Book 475

  (hippopotamus); 1059

  (kinkajou); 542

  (orang-outang); 1203

  (possum); 495

  (rat); Wood’s Animal Kingdom 213

  (cinnamon bear)

  Woods, James Haughton: 434, 824, 907; recommends TSE for fellowship 540;


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