Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories

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Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories Page 36

by Kelly Fleming

  It is a quick run to the station, I run into a small difficulty, the big glass doors are locked the guard is asleep. Unwilling to try and wake him then get him to let me in I go around the building looking at windows. I notice one open with light inside, almost silently I scale the last little bit of the wall using my claws for purchase. I dart inside as a strikingly tall man is moving toward the window he sees me then backs up to the wall with a yell.

  "This yelling business is getting annoying, I hear very well yelling only hurts." I say as I stand up.

  "Oh dear god a talking cat standing on two legs." He stammers crossing himself, the smell of his fear strong.

  "You forgot humanoid cat woman, though if you wish to be precise I am a talking humanoid jaguar woman. Please calm down, your fear is not a terribly pleasant smell I will not hurt you I came looking for a reporter or whatever the current title for such persons is." I lean against the desk crossing my legs while he stares at me.

  "Reporter is the current title, what do you wish of a reporter?" He asks standing a little taller and taking a deep breath.

  "I wish to announce my presence, Jaguar has been out of commission for a very long time and here I am to take up the duties."

  "Could you tell me a little about...Wait please follow me I will need a cameraman and a set, the anchor desk will work fine for both." He says before moving cautiously to the door, I follow him at a distance of a few feet.

  We exit the room to a hallway, rather long hallway with doors to the right. A woman walking toward us with papers in her hands drops said papers then runs the other direction when she sees me. Thankful for no scream I follow him a little farther until we reach two large doors on the left side. Inside there are some bright lights on a very large desk, a few men moving large grey things around and two people sitting at the desk talking about a news station.

  Someone yells cut then starts yelling at the man in front of me until I enter the lights then everyone is running for the doors. The tall man turns then runs after one of the men who had been moving the grey things. I giggle when he runs into the man both falling to the floor. The tackled man screams when he looks up to find me holding a hand out to help him up.

  "Please do not do that, it is painful when I am this close." I say to him ears tucked back hand still extended.

  "Ah fuck they put something in the water I'm hearing a human voice coming from a big cat." He says the fear turning into curiosity.

  "Humanoid jaguar woman to be precise, speaking of which you never said what your name is." The tall man says as he extricates himself from the other then uses my hand to get up.

  "Apologies I did not say it specifically, I am Jaguar." I say extending my hand to the man on the ground still.

  "Dude you have purple spots." He says as he gets up with my hand.

  "Yes I like purple it helps me to refrain from being a predator when surrounded by fear."

  The tall man guides me over to sit behind the desk he sits at a chair next to me. The other man gets behind a gray thing then moves it closer, he sticks up his thumb.

  "We will get some background questions out of the way before we get to why you are here if you do not mind." The tall man says as he swivels to face me.

  "If we must I was hoping to get to why I am here and be off." I say swiveling to face him.

  "It would be best so people do not think you are just some insane person off their medication. Also if you please could you face the camera, in fact here let me get on the other side." He says before scuttling over the desk then taking a knee to one side. "Now I think the first question is what is your name, and what are you?"

  "I am Jaguar what I am in the short form, Jaguar."

  "For those who do not know, myself included could you explain what Jaguar is please?"

  "Jaguar is the Mayan god for justice, the other peoples of the Americas had other names and titles, it all boils down to if you break the law Jaguar sees you are brought to justice. It was not needed much here for a very long time, the tribes adopted a very brutal and swift form of justice, my predecessor thinks so they could avoid her."

  "What has brought you to here if you were not needed here for so long?"

  "That is easy I am from this very town. Judging by what I have found already I am needed here."

  "You mentioned before the camera came on that you have purple spots to allow you to refrain from being a predator around fear. Does that mean you would attack someone who is afraid?"

  "It means I have an urge to, being Jaguar has many perks and some disadvantages, in this case I have a predators instincts, these instincts say to attack anything afraid. I keep these instincts in control so far, I can not say they always will be, hence the reason Jaguar is looked on as a savage arbiter of justice. For your own safety when you see me crouch, do not run do not scream simply get small and stay there. I am only looking for the lawbreakers, attacking me makes you a lawbreaker."

  "You said advantages, what advantages are they?"

  "I am very fast I do not know how fast there were no ways of calculating. Though I suppose a good frame of reference would be I ran to this town today, starting at dawn from around the middle of Brazil, I reached the outskirts of town at dusk, I stopped to heat up a chicken I had caught in Ecuador for about an hour to cook it. I can also jump a large distance, I have claws very sharp that I try to not use except to climb with and start cooking fires." My ears twitch then, I hear a few miles away a woman is yelling for help a man is saying something about she deserves this.

  I get up say I will be right back then dash out the doors turn right and sprint all the way to the last room, the window is still open. I leap through the window orient myself in relation to the yelling woman and run. I cover the miles intervening with a series of leaps and runs using the rooftops to make an easier less observed path. When I reach the man and woman he is atop her holding her hands in one of his, his other hand reaching between them for his trousers.

  When she shrieks he is raping her and please someone call the police I drop down then move over to them swiftly. The man is full of whisky, when he sees me approaching he stands up saying I should wait in line for his loving. I kick him then guide him down to the ground his unconscious body surprisingly easy to move. She faints dead away, I sigh then move over to the adjacent neighbor house, knocking on the door only merits a go away I got a shotgun. Similar results on the other side I look around to see no lights on though I can hear movement in many of the houses.

  I go back over to the man and woman, he is snoring, she is still fainted dead away. I reach into his pockets then come away with a wallet I put this in my mouth grimacing from the chemicals on the wallet along with his sweat. I pick her up look where I am then run back for the news station. I stay on the streets this time hoping I will see or hear a police car. No cars are evident to me, I speed up to reach the station faster, when I am back below the window I see the window is blocked off with people and a smaller grey thing with a bright light atop it.

  "What happened to her?" The tall man shouts down.

  "Attempted rape, the man is still there, wake up your guard and let us in the front door." I yell back then say the address I had left the rapist at.

  The guard is awake this time, along with a man and a woman, I assume they work here. They lead me to sliding doors saying we will take the elevator, the woman I leave with the guard who is already speaking with the police. The large room with the giant anchor desk has many more people this time. The tall man guides me over to a chair behind the desk then kneels on the far side again.

  "Now just in case people have missed it can you tell us why you suddenly ran out of the studio?"

  "I heard a woman yelling for help a few miles away, along with a man saying she deserves this. When I reached them he was on top of her attempting to get his pants undone enough to rape her. The neighboring houses mostly had awake and watching people. I brought her here because the two houses I knocked at to get police there threatened to shoo
t me. No one called the police, the woman had fainted dead away I could not leave her there in case he woke up."

  "A most deplorable situation, I understand you took his wallet."

  "Yes, in case he got up and ran away, I do hope it is his wallet theft seems to run rampant along with a basic laziness."

  "Yes it does though I must ask how do you know so much about the state of our city."

  "I searched the internet, I had a most productive evening, I saved a woman from a carjacking, befriended a detective, took down a large group of drug people along with securing their drugs. I was treated to a lovely pizza and wings dinner and allowed access to his computer. It is really amazing the things that have been done in the last hundred years."

  "Yes many at a great loss that is all of the questions we have for you, if you would like you can say why you are here."

  "I believe I already have but I will do it again. I am Jaguar I am here to enforce laws. I am here to see that people are free to live a productive law abiding life, if you do not follow the laws I will find you and bring you to the authorities if they do not beat me to it. There is no reason to not call the police, if someone is being attacked and you know where call the police I can not be everywhere."

  I get up and walk out of the large room, the tall man following me. He calls me over to another man standing just outside. As I walk over I look this one over, older man with a set jaw, his hair just starting to go grey, blue eyes set with stone.

  "If I had not seen the scene you left in the warehouse I wouldn't believe it is possible. I'm Captain Frank Miller you seem to have landed in my precinct. Until I hear otherwise I'm going to let you do what you do. I've assigned Detective Derek Snow to oversee the investigations you leave for us you met him at the warehouse." He says his voice gravely and strong.

  "That will be fine. I am curious though how you knew where to find me."

  "You are big news, your interview was aired live, picked up by all of the stations and is likely to be featured in the news of every station in the morning and evening. You're a walking talking comic superhero I don't know if you have one yet but somebody had better set you up with an email and website, there are going to be sites popping up on you soon."

  "I honestly do not know what you are speaking of, how would someone go about making a website?"

  "Apologies I forgot you are new to all this, I will get some of the geeks at the station to set up a website for you with all the proper links for contacting the police, the laws and probably include links to the mayor. Pompous ass always has to look good."

  "I believe that is a requirement for a mayor, the one we had when I left was just the same. Had to make a grand speech before we departed to all of the newsmen, even made a show of shaking our hands. Held mine extra long for the photographers' benefit, sweaty hand on him even in January he breathed heavily on me like I excited him. Not a very good send off if you ask me."

  "It seems we have a press conference set up outside the station, they are waiting for you Jaguar." The tall man says holding a cell phone to his ear.

  "I have said all I need to, is the window still open I would like to just return to my friend and have more pizza."

  "Yes go on I shall make an announcement and be done with it." Captain says before heading toward the elevator.

  The front of the station is lit up brighter than daylight at least thirty vans are parked haphazardly all over the parking lot. Feeling sorry for the captain under all of those lights I run off to the tower and Tony with his pizza. Jumping from terrace to terrace becomes a problem there are people in the terrace next up from me about halfway up. I reverse direction and scale up the side of the building to the terrace there, my claws holding well enough for the series of jumps. Tony is sitting out on his terrace waiting for me with pants on, the robe in his hand.

  "That was a most interesting interview you gave. I am curious why you did not ever say my name." He says handing me the robe.

  "Because I like it here, the house I left is a warehouse and I do not think your neighbors would like reporters hounding them." I say losing my fur then putting the robe on. "If you would not mind of course, I could not help pay bills but I can cook, not just skinned chicken either."

  "Well I can live with that, though I think first order of business is getting you clothes, and no more of the whatever you did to make me want you on the street." He guides me into the apartment.

  "I am not sure I could go out in public in the dresses women wear now." I say as I sit down at the table for another slice of pizza.

  "You do go out in just fur, the dresses cover more."

  "That was a low blow, I wear only fur because it is itchy to wear clothes and have fur." I grab a slice of his pepperoni lovers, I find I like this one more, I take a second slice.

  "Hey now, that is my pizza you have the works." He closes up the pepperoni lover's box then puts it under the still open works box.

  "I like meat, blame it on being Jaguar. Besides you need to eat your frozen dinners I want to buy groceries."

  "Hey the frozen dinners are a good meal, I buy the better ones."

  "Cooking is the only way I can help out around here so gosh darn it we will buy groceries. Besides you smell a little off, like you are not getting enough of something."

  "Ah hell now you sound like my doctor, he's saying I need to eat more vegetables."

  "It's likely I do as well, perhaps I should find a doctor I have not seen one since 1900 I think it was."

  There is a knock at the door, Tony gets up and walks over to it motioning me to stay there. He opens the door then gets out of the way, I look back to see Captain Frank Miller walk in with the dark skinned cop I had seen at the warehouse. The dark skinned cop stops to stare at me his mouth hanging open, the captain walks in then looks around.

  "Tony I'm glad to see you finally found a woman, but where is Jaguar, Derek here said she was with you." Captain says turning back to Tony.

  "Captain I was not aware I would see you again." I say getting up and crossing to him holding out my hand.

  "Ah hell I wish I'd known you could lose the fur. Please call me Frank, no one calls me captain until they are up shit creek or I am." He says as he takes my hand and kisses it like a proper gentleman.

  "Detective Derek Snow, I had the pleasure of watching you take down most of the higher ups of eighth street." The dark skinned one says as he takes my hand.

  "Enough of the introductory shit, I'm here for a reason the mayor actually decided to do something on his own. Don't ask me how he knew already, as far as I know his ass is asleep hours ago. Anyway he called me up and said he is ordering what I've done for you extended over the entire city Derek is getting his own little team of detectives to collect evidence from your adventures. He has also allotted me a fund so I can get you anything you need." Captain says taking a seat at the table and grabbing a slice of the works pizza.

  "I guess I can help with the bills, I am still cooking so eat those frozen dinners." I say to Tony as he guides me back to the table.

  "Aw fuck man she's staying here? I was gonna offer my house, I got a spare bedroom and no neighbors to share an elevator with." Derek says as he pulls out the pepperoni lover's and gets a slice.

  "There is a computer here, and the perks are very enjoyable." I say as I pick up my last remaining slice of pizza.

  "Saints preserve us, you two living in sin." Frank says crossing himself before going back to his slice.

  "I've been married, ended in divorce because I could not fulfill my wifely duties."

  "Emap here filled me in on a lot of things. In the morning we are going clothes shopping for her and I guess grocery shopping." Tony says around his slice.

  "Speaking of that what ever will I wear?"

  "I have sweat pants and a t shirt you can wear until we get you clothes."

  "I am a woman I can not wear pants." I say putting down my slice.

  "Women wear pants all the time." Derek says dropping his slice
in shock.

  "My daughter is about your size hang on let me call her." Frank says before getting up with a cell phone in his hand.

  "I'm confused why can't you wear pants?" Tony asks around his slice.

  "It is not proper, women wear dresses, men wear pants."

  "Old tradition you two are not old enough to remember it." Frank says as he walks back to the table. "Sally wishes to know what colors you like."

  "I am partial to purple, black and red are nice colors on me. I've been told green is lovely on me, or maybe it was I am lovely in green."

  Frank walks away again smiling and talking on the phone, Derek looks a little nervous. I can smell the fear on him coupled with his constant glances at Frank I suspect he has a relationship with Sally.

  "Derek out with it, what are you doing with Sally?" I ask leaning forward talking low so Frank does not hear.

  "Ah shit you are way to observant, it's on again off again but we are dating." Derek says equally low.

  "Shit man and you complained that I met her first." Tony says hitting him on the arm.

  "We are in the off again phase of it, she said she had to think on things."

  "Derek, why the hell is Sally asking me to get you here?" Frank asks as he comes back over and sits down.

  "I've no idea, honest truth." Derek says holding up his hands.

  "Frank I don't mean to sound broke but is there any chance we can get hold of some of that fund, I gotta buy a closet full of dresses." Tony says finally finished with his slice.

  "No we gotta set her up with a social security number and all that fun stuff then get her a stipend as an informant. For now I'll give you a department card, groceries are on you, I was yelled at for using the card for groceries." Frank says as he pulls out his wallet then produces a rather official looking card.

  "This credit business I just do not understand, what ever happened to buying what you can afford or saving up to buy it."


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