Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories

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Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories Page 63

by Kelly Fleming

  As my cock rises, so to does the depth of your oral caress. Until that instant, I thought we were merely showing this unknown guest how two lovers please each other, when I hear you softly, but with a command that leaves no room for disagreement, speak to her, and tell her, "Lean over here and suck him, it tastes so wonderful."

  And with some trepidation, she does, tentative at first in her licks, but soon, bobbing her head with delight on the hardness of my cock. Losing myself in the delight of her action, I lose track of you.

  Then, as my head rolls to one side, I see that you have raised her dress and have begun your own oral attention to her pussy. Your actions have a definite response on her, as her sucking and licking of my cock takes on a new fervor, a more manic and demanding tone. Soon, fearing her reflexes will result in a bite, she removes her mouth from me, and proceeds to use her hands, gently coaxing me, while telling you what she wants. "Yes, oh yes...suck me there...bite my lips...ah...ah.." and while her passion rises, I can no longer hold back and my cock explodes, onto her breasts and chin...with a cry she dives to taste it, reveling in the salty delicacy...

  And then her own shudders begin...knowing your touches and caresses have reached the tipping point, her thrashing continues...intensity growing, until at last with a marvelous groan she climaxes...and tenses up while the waves hit her, emanating from her clit, but radiating throughout her body. The shudders are beautiful to feel, incredible to see. And knowing you've pleased us both, a smile crosses my face, thinking of how I might now have an accomplice in using my will.

  To make you do the one thing you cannot. Allow me, or us, to concentrate on YOUR pleasure. More to come. Or more to cum. What a delicious thought.

  The End.

  A Hot Afternoon

  It's a warm day, a hot day. It's in the middle of summer and you've been wearing a bikini and a small pair of shorts all day and as we were making lunch together it was all I could do not to pull those shorts down and the bikini bottoms aside and take you right there in the kitchen. We've just had lunch and now the kids have gone off to various friends, we've made sure of that. We need to have the house to ourselves for a while. They have barely left when we lock ourselves in our bedroom.

  Our clothes come flying off. You surprise me when you kneel right before me, kissing your way down my body to my already active staff. You say you've been thinking about this all morning as you start caressing and kissing me at my most vulnerable spot. Licking my eager equipment in ways that make me go cross-eyed. Then you press it against your bosom, using your breasts to envelop it. No matter how many children that you've breast fed I still find those hills of yours incredibly sexy. You use them to great effect on my most excitable bit. Taking the tip in between your slightly parted lips to add to the effect.

  I can't take it anymore and almost brusquely I help you onto the bed, down on your back. The landscape of your magnificent body laid out before me and I can't help but worship it. No matter how many kids you've had you're still beautiful to me. I kiss and caress my way down your body, all the way out along your legs. But then I have to pause to get something from the drawer of your night stand. Your favourite toy that I've seen you use to such effect that just hearing it turns me on. But I'm only going to use it for your sake today. I kiss and lick my way to your centre, to the deep origin of your womanhood. To that glorious animal which can both give and take.

  You caress yourself as I let my tongue go wandering in search of your love-bud. I take my time but when I find it the moan you let out makes it slightly painful for me to be lying on my belly on the bed. Something keeps trying to push me off the bed even though it feels great to just rub it against the sheets. I turn on your toy and as I start applying it your moans get louder and louder. You even start shivering and I know I'm on the right track. God how I love making you come. How I love the taste and feel of your ecstasy. Slowly and gently I insert it, going slow to tease you further. Soon I feel on of your hands on the beck of my head pressing me closer against you. It's to be expected and I love it when you get a little rough with me. As I increase the pace your moaning builds up into a crescendo. Your back starts arching and relaxing like you're trying to imitate a belly-dancer while lying on your back. The more intensively you seem to be enjoying yourself the more intensively I keep going. I want to push you over the edge and see you explode before me. When you finally do all I can think about is how much I love you and want you. It hardly needs saying that I try to prolong that moment as much as I can.

  I kiss my way up your body as you start coming back down, landing after your trip into outer space or should I say inner space? Wherever we humans go in those moments of intense and unrelenting ecstasy. You're panting, sweaty and happy, as I reach your lips. I get to kiss the most beautiful and wonderful woman in the world. We both know that you won't be getting up in a while, that you need to regain some energy. It isn't much of a surprise therefore when you ask me to move a certain part of my anatomy closer to your lips. Straddling your chest I again watch you devour me. One of your hands playing just at the root of my sack as your lips engulf me. In a moment when your mouth is empty you tell me that it's your favourite part of me. In a moment when I can keep my eyes open I tell you how beautiful you are to me. You can't seem to keep your bosom out of this game either and feeling you use it upon me drives me insane with lust. The fact that you've been groping and clawing at my bum with your other hand hasn't helped me keep my sanity intact.

  When I ask if you're ready to go again I can see your eyes light up with that feverish desire that made me want you in the first place and has kept me at your side all these years. I can't help but let my fingers explore the deep of your wet well before letting the proper tool do the job. Those lips that you have down there are truly amazing. Thick and full they're just as beautiful as those surrounding your mouth. Now I let those other lips of yours taste and nibble at the tip of my most delicate spear. God how I want you. With your legs spread wide I slowly push home, little by little. Fighting the urge to just slam inside and then keep slamming until I'm completely spent. Neither of us can seem to keep our eyes open as I explore your secrets. I find myself gasping and moaning almost as much as you did just a little while earlier. The pleasure in this act is delicious. I lean forward to kiss and get met by your hungry lips. Going slowly to leave plenty of room for acceleration. The primitive parts of my brain want to slam into you so hard that your back touches the floor having gone through the mattress and broken the bed.

  Slowly I start going faster and faster, fighting to restrain myself just a little even though all of my body keeps crying out for me not to. My rewards are your more and more plentiful moans and the way your fingernails keep scratching my back. The quick thought that I might have to wear a t-shirt when the kids get back flashes through my head. Grinding against you, not content with just sliding in and out but also rubbing my whole groin against yours, just because I have to. Because I can never get too much or even enough of your skin, your body, touching mine. If I could I would spend all day every day just holding you tight so that our skins made contact as much as physically possible.

  Plundering you onwards I go faster and harder. Sex can be hard work but I barely notice that I'm sweating. But then so are you which makes our skins slippery as they touch one another. Sliding against each other as we make passionate love. I wish every day could be like this, every second of every hour of every day. God I'm going crazy. But then it's you that makes me go this way. Your effect on me cannot be overstated or overestimated. You are the goddess of my desire and I wish for nothing more than to be allowed to worship you. Worshipping you in a way which we both greatly enjoy.

  An idea strikes me, or perhaps rather more of a desire. A desire I've been feeling all day. I pause and ask if you feel able to get up a bit. When you say yes but ask why I tell you or rather ask you, beg you, to go stand on all fours on the bed. With a naughty smile you comply. You're so sexy in this position. I simply have to grope, nibble on a
nd even gently bite your behind before re-entering. Your back enchants me and I must kiss it. Kissing your neck to because I have to. Taking you in this position like an animal, holding you tight to feel your skin against mine. My wandering hands seeking out your bosom and then one of them seeking out your rosebud. Just holding you like this turns me on even more and I can barely control my pace as I start moving, a couple of fingers on each hand playing with your buttons. I feel aggressive, sexually aggressive. I just want to fuck and take and thrust. Watching, feeling and hearing your pleasure is the factor that keeps me going and makes me go harder. Your pleasure adds infinitely to my own.

  You can barely keep the front part of your body up and in the end you fall down on the bed with your head and chest, your rear still facing upwards and egging me on. I keep plundering you, I have to. My consciousness is dominated by desire and for all my intellect at this point in time it's my body that's completely in charge. I couldn't stop even if I knew that climaxing would kill me, rather I would seek death with ever increasing vigour. I'm breathing like I was coming up on the last stretch of a marathon, fatigued yet fighting to keep going. I can feel you shuddering under me and when I open my eyes I catch a glimpse of you biting into a pillow, I'm biting into my own lip myself. Harder and harder. The bed is shaking but there's nobody else at home to hear us. We're free to be the sexual animals that we truly are inside. I lift you up, with what strength I do not know, for the last few thrusts.

  Holding you close to me I keep going like a man possessed, without that pillow in your mouth your loud moans reverberated around the bedroom and probably throughout the whole house. Finally we can both let go. I feel your cunt convulsing around my member, squeezing it and helping to milk it over the edge. Pushing me into oblivion. I think I scream, I must have because the release is so sweet and yet so forceful that it feels like it's ripping me apart from inside. I keep going to milk every last ounce of pleasure but with each thrust I get more and more tired and with the cramp in my limbs lessening I feel my whole body going limp and flaccid. The only hard part still being inside of you. With every last centilitre of my spine released into you I hold you tight, still needing the sensation of your skin against my own. As all the raw energy inside of me is used up I begin to tremble with fatigue. None of us that sure on our feet anymore we collapse onto the bed. The last few weak and pathetic thrusts that I make are made when we're lying side by side, spooning on the bed. My weary arms gently caressing your hair. Each of us twitching now and then as every little move one of us makes creates a short and sweet burst of pleasure, aftershocks infinitely smaller than the big earthquakes we've just felt but still excessively pleasurable.

  I kiss your neck, gently, sweetly. Tired and sweaty I begin telling you how much I've wanted this, yearned for this. Thought about it for days, every time we've gone to bed together. Telling you how lucky I feel for having you. You answer that it's only fearing that your own moans would wake up the kids that you don't jump me every night whether I'm awake or not. We agree to savour each opportunity we get, as we have agreed to so many times before. We just can't seem to ever get too much or even enough of each other... I just hope our kids will one day find somebody that they like as much...

  The End.

  The First Taste

  You and I have talked online and become close. We've decided not to fight our growing passion and meet up for the first time. We set up a reservation at a hotel, saying we need a room for a conference being held in town. We get a room with two beds for an alibi.

  I arrive first at the hotel.. The room has moss green paper covered walls with intricate gold detail. The beds are covered in white duvet linens and mountains of pillows. There is a tv, a stereo, a phone, and a table/chair for working. There is also the typical bathroom.. In the middle of the room there is a rounded Jacuzzi tub. It is encased in black marble. I'm sitting on the bed when I hear the door click and begin to open.

  I stand when you come in. I am wearing a teal/blue thin cotton shirt and light tan capri pants and strappy sandals. All of which enhance my pale skin and curvy body. You are wearing jeans that ride low on your hips and a black blouse that shows off ample cleavage.

  We begin with making small talk. About things we usually don't talk about. Favorite foods, music, drinks, outlooks on life, etc.. Then we become hungry and decide to go downtown and eat. We have a nice dinner with drinks. Long Island Ice Tea for me. Vodka and sprite for you. Our conversation continues and we begin to loosen up. My eyes watch your mouth as you take each sip of your drink and bite of your food. I'm a bit obsessed with your mouth. It sends shocking thoughts through my head. We laugh and share naughty banter. Giving wicked looks and grins across the table at one another. Attempting to be subtle, but not being successful with it.

  After dinner, we call a cab and go back to the hotel. We nervously enter the elevator and go up to our floor. We enter the room.. A silence hangs heavily in the air. Pregnant with anticipation and confusion.

  You announce that you are going to go get ready for bed. You go to the bathroom and I head down the hallway to get ice and some water from the vending machine. I come back and you are sitting on one bed wearing black short boy short underwear and a green sleep tank. I gather my things and go into the bathroom to get ready.

  I brace my hands, which are shaking a bit, on the cold white marble counter top and look into the large rectangular glass mirror in front of me. Taking in my reflection. I run my fingers thru my curly mahogany hair and ask myself "can I do this?" I settle myself, change, and exit the bathroom. I am wearing a purple silky spaghetti strapped chemise that hits mid thigh.. I am aware at how the silk feels against my nipples.. Rubbing smoothly. Making them harden. And it embarrasses and excites me. Do you notice?

  You are sitting on the bed nearest the window. I walk over and sit on the edge of the bed. We glance at each other nervously. But with curiosity and heat in our eyes. We try to make small talk, but visions and memories of past internet conversations enter our minds. We laugh nervously. Filling the room with the sound.

  I get up from the bed and turn the stereo on. Just a regular contemporary rock station. I don't turn it up loudly, just enough. I return to the bed. I sit next to you. Close. I brush your hair off of one shoulder. I look into your blue eyes. "What are we doing?" I ask. "I don't know." you reply. Your pink tongue darts out and glides across your lower lip, a nervous habit. "Can we do this?" I ask. "I don't know." you reply again. You continue saying, "but I feel like if we don't do something, I'll burn up inside."

  At the same time, we each take our hands and cup each other's faces. Our mouths meet. Softly. We just slide our lips against each others. Feeling the texture and soft/fullness of them. I lick your lower lip. Lightly. Begging for entry. You open yourself to me. My tongue fills your mouth. Slowly our tongues begin to slide along together. Tangling and dancing in an erotic kiss. I plunder your mouth going deeper as the kiss continues. I'm exploring you. Your contours. Drinking from your mouth as if it contains the last drop of water in a barren desert.

  My hands move from your face to your hair. My fingers threading thru. Massaging your scalp while drawing you closer to me. Deepening and angling the kiss further. You moan and begin kissing back more. Wanting more.. Your chest is heaving from the intensity. We break apart and stare at one another. Eyes full of unbridled desire.

  We fall back on the bed, caressing each other through our clothing. Licking along skin, sucking, and nibbling. Our hands roam. Up and down smooth legs, and thighs. Over curvaceous breasts, stomachs, so erotic even through clothing. We are just feeling one another. The softness of our flesh. The curves. The shape of a woman.

  We both become more heated in the embrace. We begin to run our hands underneath clothing feeling smooth skin, nipples puckering, and heat. We both begin trembling at the excitement bubbling up inside us. We begin to arch and strain against each other. Never seeming to get enough. Not able to get close enough. Our need is boundless.

  We get
on our knees and undress each other. Your pupils seem to dilate with each newly uncovered inch of exposed skin. This is a slow process. I undress you. You undress me. Until we are completely naked and unashamed. We embrace. Breasts touching. Nipples rubbing against each other. The softness and warmth of skin sets us aflame.

  Our hands begin to roam. You hold my breasts, rubbing my nipples. I slide my hand downward trailing toward your pussy. Feeling the heat and smoothness of you. We never break eye contact through this. So we see the passion build. There is no turning back for us.

  I lay you back down on the bed. Your head is propped on pillows. I take a pillow from the other bed and place it under your hips allowing better access. I take a slow journey down your body. Using my mouth, teeth, fingers, and tongue. I'm a little nervous. I've never been with a woman before, and I'm not sure of what I'm doing. But your soft moans and pleas drive me onward.

  I take my nipple and rub it up and down your core. It is such a simple gesture.. But so erotic. Then, I get my first taste of you. Licking your slit. Allowing just the tip of my tongue to trace you. I lick your folds. All over. Bathing you with my tongue. Worshiping you. I taste the salty sweat gathered on you. You raise your head and look down at me. You giggle. It's your first time w/a woman too. Each sensation is new. I find your clit with my mouth. I gently pull it in. Tugging at it. Laving it. Experimenting with speeds and movements until I see what you like most. What your body responds to. Your clit stiffens more and seems to be begging for attention. I lick the head. The sides. Then take the tip of my tongue and begin to rub and flick the bottom of the clit. Just like you like it. Slowly, I continue this. Alternating from using the tip and flat of my tongue on you.

  I look down at you and can see wetness glistening on and between your thighs. You're so turned on that you have soaked yourself. It's an intoxicating heady feeling to know that I've had this power over you. I want to taste the moisture that has pooled there. So I lower my head and angle it to allow the best angle for penetration.


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