Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories

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Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories Page 87

by Kelly Fleming

  I sat up, lifting my arms up over my head and Sydney pulled my dress completely off. Tossing it on the floor, she pushed me down on my back again and let her hands glide slowly and sensually up my body from my waist to my shoulders; I felt those icy blue eyes literally devouring my nudity.

  "So beautiful." She whispered.

  That statement moved me like nothing ever had and I was suddenly caught between wanting to smile and wanting to cry. But before I could speak, Sydney took my mouth in another hot kiss as I cupped her face it my hands; it was so soft. Sydney licked and kissed her way down my chin and neck to my breasts where she snatched my right nipple into her mouth. I sucked in a deep, hissing gasp as Sydney suckled me; I could feel my nipple gorging and on the verge of popping in the warmth and wetness of her gifted mouth. Sensually molding my left breast as she pleasured my right, Sydney then drug her tongue in a long, sensual lick from my right nipple, down the slope, through the valley and up the left where she snatched my other nipple just as hungrily as she had the first.

  Continuing her descent now, I lifted my widely spread legs to accommodate Sydney's still fully clothed body as she slid down on the mattress, suckling and savoring the skin of my belly. Those powerful hands cupped the backs of my thighs, spreading my legs wider, bending them at the knees and pushing them into a v-shape as she kissed the creamy flesh of my inner thighs, slowly working down to my sex. Sydney exhaled a deep breath of warm air directly onto my pulsing sex and inhaled deeply of my scent.

  "Oh Becky, you have such a beautiful pussy." Sydney hissed. "So ripe and alive. And so fucking wet too."

  Sydney gave me a long, lavish lick with the full flat of her tongue all the way from my sphincter to the hood of my clit and I nearly bucked off the bed as the erotic stimulation coursed like current all through me. With that, Sydney let my legs fall to the mattress and she dove into me, slurping, licking and sucking on my most delicate flesh.

  "God, you're drenched baby!" She said with a mouthful of my puffy folds. "So fucking hot!"

  Sydney tugged and sucked my folds into her mouth as my eyes spun frantically in their sockets. I had never experienced such intense oral pleasure. Sydney snapped her lips over the hood of my clit, sucking it vigorously and battered it with her tongue as she teased the surface of my slit with her finger; dousing it in my arousal and then slid it inside me. I sucked in another deep gasp as Sydney pumped her finger deep within me and sucked my meaty lips into her mouth. My heart was on the verge of explosion and I pawed desperately at the sheets. Suddenly, Sydney released me and sprang up on her knees between my legs. Taking my hand, she placed it on my spasming vulva; I don't think I'd ever felt myself being more aroused in my entire life.

  "Pleasure yourself for me, Becky. Let me watch you while I get naked. It's fucking hot in here." Sydney ordered.

  In the near twenty-four years of my marriage, I had never pleasured myself in front of my husband. In truth, I'd never pleasured myself in front of anyone in my life; I had a hard enough time doing it when I was alone. But Sydney had me so hot that I happily complied, and had the added bonus of watching Sydney strip at the same time. She stood up on the mattress and didn't waste any time; virtually ripping her clothes from her body and within seconds, I was staring up at one of the most magnificent specimens of physical womanhood that I had ever seen. Those broad, powerful shoulders and arms; all clad with sexy bulging muscles. Then there was that pristine torso and waistline, the surprisingly bountiful and sinfully sexy breasts and that flat, muscle ripped abdomen; exquisitely defined six pack! And those legs; masterfully sculpted and shapely works of art.

  Sydney undid her ponytail and shook out her gorgeous auburn hair so erotically that I quivered with desire to the very core as she stared so intensely down at me; her eyes burning with raw lust and unbridled passion.

  "Oh God, that is so fucking sexy." She hissed as she watched me pleasure myself. "My turn now!"

  Instantly, Sydney dropped to her knees, down on her belly and snatched my sex rapaciously into her mouth again. Her attack was so forceful and sudden that my back arched into a virtual horseshoe as I sucked in another deep, gasping breath.

  "Oh my God!" I gasped. "Oh Fuck!"

  Sydney growled and grunted as she devoured me, shaking her head from side to side with her mouth full of my pussy. My arms flailed aimlessly; erratically clutching the sheets, digging into Sydney's hair, seizing and teasing my breasts, grabbing the pillow and then the cast iron of the headboard. Suddenly, Sydney rose up on her knees, grabbed my legs and roughly flipped me over onto my stomach and wrestled me up onto all fours. There is something so incredibly sexy and arousing about an older woman being completely dominated by a younger woman; particularly if the older woman is physically larger. Positioning herself directly behind me and spreading my legs, Sydney jammed a finger deep inside me and began pumping furiously as her tongue plunged into the crack of my ass. Dropping down on my elbows, Sydney suddenly jammed a second finger inside me, increasing her velocity, while her tongue lathered my sphincter. My fists clutched the cast iron of the headboard as wails of unbridled and unprecedented ecstasy poured out of my mouth. I felt Sydney's tongue press through my puckered rosebud and she was now tongue-fucking my ass while she finger-fucked my pussy.

  Sydney's tongue seemed to sink deeper and deeper into my bowels with every stroke and her feral growls only seemed to become more wanton; of course, I could barely hear them over my own orgasmic screams. Finally the orgasm smashed over me like a tidal wave and my body literally seized and collapsed on the mattress; my heart had never pounded so hard and I was gasping desperately for air as Sydney finally relented.

  "Oh God! Oh God! Oh baby!" I moaned into the pillow.

  Sydney was kissing her way up the line of my back, crawling up over me like a stalking lioness and gliding her hands over my sweaty flesh. As she came to my neck, I rolled over and snatched her; throwing my arms around her shoulders and locking my legs around her waist as our mouths scorched together in another greedy, wanton kiss. I rolled us over and pinned Sydney's seething, sweaty body beneath me as those muscled arms and powerful legs locked around me. I squirmed down her body, dragging my tongue down Sydney's amazingly soft skin, pelting her with gentle kisses and savoring licks until I reached her bountiful breasts and took one of her nipples in my mouth. Just as she had done me, I suckled and savored each of Sydney's throbbing nipples in turn, molding the supple flesh of her breasts in my long fingers.

  Sydney spread her legs wide and I slipped my body between, kissing her silky inner thighs, teasing the skin with the tip of my tongue, dragging it ever so sensually down to her beautiful little pussy; and it was SO beautiful. The heat trickling out of her young body was intense; she was saturated, swollen and the musky scent of her arousal flooded my nostrils. With no previous pussy eating experience, I decided to do a little teasing. I swirled the tip of my tongue around her hood and down the surface of her engorged inner labia. Sydney jerked and I pelted her pussy with soft, savoring kisses. Suddenly, she snatched a handful of my sweaty hair and rolled me out from between her legs and onto my back.

  "Why you dirty old tease you!" She hissed and smiled deviously. "You asked for it, and now you're gonna get it."

  Sydney sprang off the bed and opened the drawer of the bedside table. I didn't really know what to expect, but I was so aroused that I didn't really care. Gently playing with myself, I observed Sydney remove a big, thick strap-on from within the drawer and slipped it securely around her slim waist. I should have been apprehensive and freaked, but by now my mind was drowning in a deep ocean of euphoric lust and was completely fogged with carnal passion. Watching Sydney lubricate the massive cock, I felt my body turning almost of its own volition toward her; my legs wide open and my pussy aching.

  Sydney slid back onto the bed on her knees and spread me open like a pair of scissors. Resting on my right elbow and laying partially on my right side, Sydney draped my left leg over her shoulder at the knee and teasingly brushed
the head of the cock over my pulsing folds and quivering slit.

  "Oh yeah!" I hissed.

  Sydney grinned mischievously as she slowly guided the head of her cock inside me, swirled it around and pulled it out again.

  "Tease me, will ya?" She hissed. "You wanna get fucked?"

  "Oh yeah! Fuck me!" I growled.

  With that, Sydney stabbed the massive cock deep inside me; practically sheering me in half as she impaled me. My eyes nearly popped out of my head as my entire body seized with the violation. Clutching my leg thrown over her shoulder, Sydney pumped her cock in and out of me; the cast iron headboard thumping against the wall with each of Sydney's deep pelvic thrusts.

  "Oh yeah! Oh God! Oh Sydney! Oh yeah, baby! Fuck me with that cock! Oh yeah!!" I moaned as Sydney fucked me.

  My moaning and screaming only fueled Sydney's passion and she dramatically increased the velocity of her thrusts; pounding her cock furiously, deeper and deeper inside me; growling like a wild animal. Sweat was racing down her seething body, sprinkling onto my stomach and breasts as she fucked me. Pumping with unbelievable vigor and speed, the searing pleasure nearly splitting me in half, Sydney suddenly stabbed me hard and deep as I collapsed on my back, arching it toward the ceiling as my howls echoed off of it. My left leg slid off her shoulder and joined my right in locking around her waist as Sydney toppled down atop me; her beautiful breasts mashing themselves against mine while her cock was still buried deep inside me. Both of us were gasping for air and I could feel Sydney's heart literally thudding against my chest as I held her against me; digging my fingernails deep into the skin of her muscled back.

  Sydney regained her composure quickly and was soon lathering my neck with licks and suckling kisses as she sensually burrowed the cock around inside me.

  "Do all your customers get this kind of service?" I asked.

  "No!" Sydney said as she suddenly rose up and looked directly into my eyes. "Only beautiful, sexy women named Becky who show up after closing on a hot summer night."

  With that, Sydney braced herself up on her muscled arms and resumed her feverous pelvic thrusts; pounding that cock with a unrelenting and merciless rhythm deep into me. Suddenly, Sydney's hands went around my throat as she stabbed that cock ever faster and deeper inside me. My hands groped desperately at the sheets and at the headboard, my screams were reaching octaves higher than I ever thought humanly possible.

  "Oh yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! OHHHHHHHHH YEAH, BABY! OHHHHHH, YOU'RE IN SO DEEP! FUCKING ME SO HARD!!" I roared.

  Whatever cool air might have been filtering into the room earlier had long since vanished. The air was stale, stifling hot and inundated with the forbidden odors of passion! Sydney and I were both so saturated with sex, sweat and tears that we might as well have been swimming. Our bodies were slick; glistening in the dim light of the room and our hair was completely waterlogged and the long locks were sticking to our sweaty skin. The sheets and mattress too, were soaked clear to the box springs.

  Sydney pummeled me with such vigor and wanton desire that despite the indescribable pleasure and intense erotica, I couldn't help but be deeply moved. It had been so long since someone had made love to me with such overwhelming passion. In truth, it had never happened.

  At last, Sydney again collapsed in an exhausted pile of sexy feminine muscle on top of me and I held her close; grazing my fingers over her sweaty back and reveling in the enticing muscularity. She rested for only a few moments and we kissed softly; then she suddenly sprung up and turned me over onto all fours. I just couldn't get over her amazing stamina. Sydney positioned herself directly behind me, spread my legs, slipped in between them and impaled me once more, holding me by the hips and digging her fingernails into my skin as she pummeled me. The headboard was slamming against the wall as my orgasmic howls bounced off them simultaneously.

  Finally, Sydney slipped out from inside me and fell over backwards onto the mattress as my arms and knees gave out and I collapsed on my stomach. Both of us were gasping and trembling with exhaustion and passion; it was so unbelievably hot in her loft now! As the intensity of the passion slowly passed, I managed to push myself up and crawl around to where Sydney was sprawled out on the soaking wet sheets. Stalking up over her sweat drenched body, I kissed her softly on the lips and suckled her tongue. I then reached down, unhooked the strap-on and slipped it off of her.

  "What do you say, I take this off of you." I said. "I like it, yes; but I like you much better."

  I let the strap-on slide off the bed and then I snuggled down beside Sydney; entwining in a seething, sweaty web of long legs and muscled arms, the two of us just gazed deeply into each other's eyes as we softly caressed each other's bodies and suckled each other's lips.

  Slowly, the air in the loft cooled and Sydney gathered me up possessively; tenderly in her arms and kissed me so deeply that I could actually taste the girl's soul. I fell asleep in her arms and had never felt more loved and safe.


  I awoke to the sound of a car engine starting in the garage below. Daylight was pouring into the window of the loft; the air was cool, but still smelled of wondrous sex. I roused myself out of Sydney's bed and wrapped my very sticky naked body up in the sheet as I virtually floated across the room and down the ladder. It never occurred to me that the service station was open or there might be customers on the premises.

  Stepping off the ladder, I found my car was parked in the second bay and it was running like new. The engine shut off and Sydney emerged from the driver's side in nothing but her grimy overalls.

  "Morning, sexy." She said.

  "Morning." I replied. "I thought you told me that there was no fix to it."

  "I lied."

  "You lied?"

  "Yep." She said as she shut the hood and turned to face me.


  "How else was I gonna get you to stay?"


  "Becky, from the moment I first saw you, I knew I wanted you more than I'd ever wanted anyone. You're only about the sexiest woman I've ever seen."


  "Are you mad at me?"

  "Mad at you? Well, let's see: You lied to me and took advantage of my emotional despair in order to have sex with me. Yeah, I suppose I'd be furious with you were it not for the fact that you made me feel more loved and desired than anyone else ever has or probably ever will." I told her.

  "So you're not mad?"

  "Actually, I'm a little embarrassed."


  "In my haste out of bed this morning, I seem to have misplaced my wallet. So I'm afraid I have no way to pay you for repairing my car."

  "Becky, you don't ..." Sydney began.

  "So would you take this instead?"

  I dropped the sheet and displayed my naked body to her right there in the garage.

  "Oh, I think we can work something out." She replied with a beaming grin.

  The service station never opened that day, for young Sydney was far too busy, and far too naked "consulting her client" to provide anyone else with adequate service. Sydney and I fucked like wild savages all day and well into the night in every nook, cranny and position imaginable. Talk about a service station.

  I finally got back on the road the following morning and no sooner did I cross the Texas State Line, did my phone inform me that I had nearly fifteen voicemail messages; all of which were from my frantically worried baby girl. I called her back, assured her I was fine and told her that I had experienced car trouble in some tiny town with no cell service and was stranded there for a couple days while the mechanic made some rather extensive repairs on the old girl. Boy, did she ever!

  No sooner did I hang up with Amanda, I called my lawyer, who is also my cousin; instructing her to get busy writing up divorce papers.

  "Bout fucking time!" She declared and we shared a laugh.

  About half an hour later, my phone rang again and it was Amanda; frantic, for she had left her precious CD collection in the trunk
of my car. I told her that I would send them via FedEx overnight as soon as I got home and that seemed to calm her.

  Yet no sooner did I hang up the phone did I pull a sharp U-turn and headed back toward the Land of Enchantment with the reasoning that I would return my daughter's CD collection to her personally. But it truth, it was really for another round of hot, wild and sweaty sex with a beautiful young mechanic on yet another hot summer night!

  The End.

  Just for Her

  "Ready?" James asked.

  She couldn't imagine how the night could get any better. Dinner and dessert at her favorite restaurant, a moon lit stroll... perfection.

  "Open your eyes!" He had led her into their bathroom, where he had prepared a candle-lit bubble bath. She'd never seen so many bubbles; they were positively spilling out of the tub. "Get in and relax, I will be right back."

  She tested the water with her toe. It was perfect. She slid in and let out a deep sigh, feeling completely enveloped in warmth. She closed her eyes until heard his footsteps. He reappeared with a tropical mixed drink for her. His eyes twinkled as he handed it to her. She took a sip and closed her eyes again, savoring the moment. She made a small noise of protest as he took the glass from her, but she obliged, keeping her eyes closed. She heard the small click of a bottle being opened, then felt his strong hands on her scalp, massaging as he washed her hair. He knew that having her hair washed was very relaxing to her. She felt the tension in her body begin to melt away. "This must be what Heaven feels like," she thought to herself.

  His hands expertly kneaded her scalp, neck and shoulders until she felt completely calm and at peace. Then he presented her with a small tray that held her favorite soaps. "Stay here and relax for a bit, I will come back in later to help you dry off." She carefully bathed herself. She loved the way this soap smelled, and she wanted to make sure she used enough that the scent would linger on her skin. After she finished, she simply laid there, letting it soak in. Just as the water started to cool a bit, he was back. He took her hand and helped her step out of the tub, carefully drying her with a large, fluffy towel. She was not used to this much assistance and was surprised at how much she enjoyed it. As James dried her hair, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply. She was taken aback when he stopped her. "Not yet" he whispered.


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