Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories

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Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories Page 101

by Kelly Fleming

  I study you as your eyes roam all over my nude form, drinking in the image of me sprawled out in front of you. I suddenly feel as though you could possibly stay there forever, looking back at me as if you were beautiful marble statue. Just as those thoughts were beginning to come true, you suddenly sat up and inched closer to me, crawling painfully slowly and deliberately. My heart would be jumping out of my chest and the pressure built up within my lungs would be overwhelming, so I would immediately part my lips and exhale. My arms are glued to my sides because of the sweat and emotions adhering them together. I feel as though I might faint if I keep staring at your eyes that are driving me mad with passion. I clamped my eyes shut just as I felt the small hairs along my arm picking up from the static discharge of skin-to-skin contact. My stomach quivered slightly from the shocking feel of your fingertip. My breath caught in my throat as the tip of your finger-traced lines across my forearm.

  I see nothing but darkness with my eyelids clamped tightly over my eyes. With sense of sight gone, the other four senses only heighten as you come in closer to me. The smell of you is distinct and intoxicating to me, as I become inebriated with one sniff. The feeling of your lone finger touching my skin sending shivers up my spine. The sound of my heartbeat pounding through my walls. The taste in my mouth filled with lust and tinged with an animalistic behavior. I feel my stomach caving in then inflating, over and over again as the soft fabric of your blouse tickles my navel. I feel the weight of the bed shift around me and I feel you part your legs above my hips, lean over me to reach the other side, gently plop back down and are now straddling my pelvic region. The moment your knees fell on either side of my hands, the fingers stretched over your soft, smooth skin of their own accord and caressed them. I feel your heat emitting from within you directly over my mound and I squeal from the contact. I know I don't have to open my eyes to see the Grinch-like smile on your face stretching from ear to ear. I can practically hear the sweet chuckle resonating from your throat as I know that you're in complete control of the situation – I am frozen stiff; of course, if you excuse the irregular heartbeat and the pawing action of my hands.

  With every second that passes, so does a bead of sweat, rolling down my neck, collarbones and in between my breasts as though traveling through rapids. I feel your hands enveloping my own and my body tenses up and freezes. Your touch causes my heart to skip a beat, temporarily shocking myself back to a steady rhythm, and that was when I opened my eyes. The look in your eyes was so powerful it was impossible to turn away. Your hands hugged my own, interlocking your fingers with mine and raised them high above and over my head, resting them on the pillow behind me. Your body was leaning over me along with your lips within intimate reach of mine. My breathing transitioned to panting within a matter of seconds as I scrutinized the scene before me. You looked down at me with that same mischievous-looking smirk and you tightened your hold on both of my wrists. I felt trapped for the first time in my life and I felt the dead-weight feeling in my heart that I couldn't escape. As my breathing and heartbeat skyrocketed into oblivion, rhetorical questions kept invading my mind: Were you just too intense for me? Would it be possible to even stop you if it were so? Would I want you to stop? My brain was yelling incoherent replies whilst my heart rang true with the small amount of dignity it had left.

  I was facing you; my eyes darting from your eyes to your mouth then back to your eyes only to be drawn back towards your lips. I was taking deep, long breaths now, inching my mouth further open with each inhale. My breasts were rising and falling rapidly, slightly grazing over your blouse with my nipples. I noticed how closely our bodies were twined together and felt the weight of your butt on my hips. I found it comforting and slowly, but gradually, I started to calm down. With my arms above my head, my breasts appeared fuller from defying gravity because of their positioning. I knew they looked more than inviting to you but your eyes were firmly locked onto mine and it broke my concentration. That was when I realized your face was leaning in to mine and I forgot how to breathe. Your golden hair falling on either side of your face was tickling my jaw and chin by the time I felt your lips brush mine. My lips were a jar pretending to be letting air flow in as I felt the tip of your nose nudge the top of mine. The cool air emitting from your nostrils fell onto my parted lips and it made me shudder.

  The slight shake took you by surprise and I felt your lips curl into a smile on mine as I relished the sweet feel of them. It made me feel light-headed and I was on the verge of fainting as I felt your lips plant a kiss on my parted ones. My lungs reacted by taking in a huge breath and that was when your lips crashed against mine. I moaned uncontrollably from the feeling of you being so passionate with me and I knew if only a kiss could do this, I could only imagine what else I could be feeling by the time night would be over...

  Your hands left my wrists and I could tell you were pleased that they stayed put, squeezing the sides of the pillow till my knuckles were white. The kiss was only growing more and more passionate as I felt your fingers tangling themselves in my hair. I was involuntarily rocking my hips back and forth beneath your heat, my toes curling themselves into the sheets. I felt your teeth tugging on my bottom lip, pulling it deeper into your mouth and my eyes fluttered. Your movements were fluid and languid. I felt your hands move across my face, pawing at it gently and occasionally sticking your fingers in my mouth for me to suck on. Your lips would continue to suck my bottom lip into your mouth with me panting out my whimpers and gasps all too loudly. I'd feel your hands drift down my shoulders and my sides then back up as you cupped my breasts. The groping pressure of your hands clasped around my breasts was overwhelming to me as I felt you nibble on my bottom lip. Your tongue ventured out and began to lick all around my bottom lip, underneath it following after my chin and finally to the middle of my throat.

  Your lips were on my skin faster than a lioness with her prey. (Yes, I know that sounded cheesy, but deal with it :p) The suction you were making on my throat was causing me to moan and writhe continuously. Still, I kept my hands where you left them, even though every fiber in my body was screaming for me to be defiant. I kept curving my hips into what lied between your thighs and I could tell from your knee-jerk reactions you were annoyed by it but enjoyed it nonetheless. I kept to myself an impossibly quiet giggle, knowing that I caught you off guard at least once whilst you were on duty. All it took was a small bite from you against my throat to make me forget about anything going through my head other than knowing the feeling of pleasure. My heels were digging into the bed as your lips traveled further down my neck where you licked and sucked on my collarbones, making me both giggle and moan.

  With every kiss, your lips inched closer and closer to the two perky mounds a top my chest. Every kiss sent chills through my body; the blood coursing through my veins felt thick, everything within my body was tightening and I felt as though I would suffocate. Your kisses stopped short of the flesh resting between my breasts and your tongue danced across the surface as if it were the most delectable treat. Your palms were massaging my breasts with the utmost care as your tongue licked my skin clean of sweat and lust. Just as I was regaining my bearings, I felt your tongue dart across one breast in your left hand and I opened my eyes to see you staring straight at me, your tongue only centimeters away...

  My eyes became glued shut as I felt your lips enclose around my nipple, your tongue working it around in circles. It hardened to your touch and I squealed my approval when your teeth bit down on it, the stub becoming more painfully pleasurable with each squeeze. I bit down hard on my bottom lip and knew you noticed this as well and was rewarded with a hard suck on my breast. The whites of my eyes were only visible as you manipulated my breasts each with its own tender loving care to be given.

  Your kisses trailed down my abdomen, each planting of your lips on my skin causing my back to arch. Your hands moved to my back, holding and caressing it as it arched in ecstasy to each of your licks and kisses. My eyes had reopened by now, watchi
ng your body slide further down mine, your face disappearing and melting in the shadows. The hands that were once behind my back were now underneath my butt, groping and massaging it as the kisses trailed even lower. I saw the footsteps your kisses left along my skin, making them glimmer along the moonlight. Your hair swept back and falling along the right side of your face, you began to kiss my pubic bone. I remember involuntarily bucking from the delicate kiss, arching my back into a complete 'U' shape with my bottom lip trembling. You snaked your hands over my thighs and planted a smooth kiss right over the most sensitive of parts of my lower region.

  I felt like a colossal quake erupted within me and I couldn't help but gasp aloud and plant my hands on top of yours. I felt your tongue smoothing around the edges to my entrance and I was in a daze from then on out. The lapping feeling spreading from my core to my toes made me moan out what I thought was your name, but I couldn't tell because the sounds of your work and me combined was deafening. I was clawing at the sheets now, begging for release with my upturned toes and my face hidden away in my hand. As I was nearing that state of beautiful release, I was hit dead in the face of what was actual happening: the tongue that was supposed to be yours was my hand now working vigorously in and out of me, the other hand cupping my left breast tighter and tighter and my bottom lip being sucked into my mouth as I bit down hard. If I could explain how moist I was, you would be drowning in not only what it was, but also the thousands of words I would use to explain it. My toes curled once more as the second major wave of it blew over me, making me shudder to the powerful feeling of helplessness. My hips undulated once more to the calming wave, rolling over once more till, at last, it ceased.

  The End.

  The Benefits of Being Average

  " know, sometimes I wish your cock wasn't quite so long and thick!"

  Talk about your backhanded compliments!

  I looked up at my beautiful wife Liz, presently astride my hips, the cock in question buried lovingly in its favourite place. As our breathing slowly worked its way back to normal and our toes began to uncurl and relax, I rolled us over onto our sides and held her close.

  "Sorry about that honey, it's not exactly something I have control over."

  Liz chuckled, "I know baby, and trust me, I wouldn't want it any other way, it's just sometimes I know."

  I did know.

  Now, don't the wrong idea here – yes, old Rex was bigger than most, but we're not talking mutant cock here; maybe a titch under 9 inches and thick with a head to match. I've never made a big deal of it like some guys; after all, it's not like I did anything to get it – just a lucky sperm I guess. I'm more proud of the fact that, at 47, I've lost 35 pounds, added a good chunk of muscle to my frame and can fit into the size 36 jeans I wore back in college. That took work and lots of it.

  However, in the 18 years that Liz and I have been together, there's been one thing that I haven't been able to do for her in bed; something she really enjoyed before we met.

  A nice, hard ass pounding.

  We have done anal a few times, with varying degrees of success, but because of my size it's never been what Liz really wants. I can tell by her body language and her reactions when we are doing it, that it's pretty uncomfortable. And we've tried everything; toys to loosen her up, massage to relax her, EVERY kind of lube on the planet. Hell, if someone saw our "Toy box" they would think that we were lube testers, there must be a dozen different bottles in there. As I said, we can do it; it's just that Liz really craves getting pounded nice and hard – the kind of fucking that leaves you vaguely sore the next day. Unfortunately, all we can manage is a slow, tentative coupling that leaves her more than vaguely sore and frustrated, so we haven't tried it for a long time, but I knew it was something that she missed.

  I thought long and hard (pun intended) about our predicament and all of my ideas led me down the same path.

  Enter Peter

  Peter Jarvis was a guy that we both knew from our health club. There was a fairly large, (20-25 people or so) loose group that had been at the club for quite a while and knew each other well enough to socialize. There were married couples, dating couples, single men, single women, straight, gay, younger, older – you get the picture; very diverse and very informal. Once or twice a year someone in the group would invite everyone over for a party – sometimes a special anniversary; sometimes a holiday. It was all very casual and relaxed which is why we enjoy the group (and the club) so much.

  Peter fell into the single, straight guy category in our group. He was late 30's, had never married and, according to him, had never come all that close. The married women in the group were forever trying to fix him up with their sisters or co-workers and the single women in the group usually made it pretty clear that they would be interested in more than a friendship with him. I always admired Pete because he really seemed to have a sense of self. I recall him telling me that while he completely believed in marriage, he just couldn't see himself walking down the aisle. He enjoyed his freedom too much and readily admitted that he was too selfish with his time to get tied down. Pete had dated several of the women in the group (and let some of the wives set him up) and it always amazed me that when the relationships ended he and his former partner remained good friends – there was never any animosity.

  So, with my guts churning, I dialled Peter's cell number from work, asked him if he could meet me for a beer at a local pub and left my last call that day and headed for the pub wondering what the hell I was thinking.

  The churning didn't get any better when I spotted him in the corner booth, a sleeve of Tennant's in hand and one on the other side of the table, waiting for me. I'm sure he was curious why I called; we were good friends and all, but I can't recall ever meeting with him away from the club save for group parties.

  "Hey Liam, how's it going my friend?" Peter greeted me with a warm handshake. "I took the great liberty of having them pull a Tennant's for you – I hope you don't mind!" he said with an exaggerated smile.

  "Man, you were taking a HUGE risk there, buddy! The last time I drank one of these, it must have been, oh god, like at least 16 hours ago! I'm sure I can manage," I said with a wink and a tip of my glass – "Cheers!"

  "Thanks for meeting me, Pete – I didn't know what your schedule was like", I started.

  "No problem, you caught me on a fairly light day," he replied, "I have to admit though, I was a bit surprised that you weren't calling me to set up a squash rematch."

  I chuckled, "Well, we can certainly do that too, but I wanted to talk to you about something else."

  "Of course, what's up – nothing wrong I hope?"

  "No, not at all."

  God, it felt as if I had just eaten a whole box of soda biscuits. My mouth was dry, my insides were shaking like crazy and I could barely look him in the face. I pushed on, "Eyes on the Prize" and all that.

  I said to him, "I was wondering if you would like to spend an evening with Liz and I sometime soon?"

  "Um, well sure Liam, I'd love to – Liz is a fantastic cook and I really enjoy your company."

  I could tell he was kind of confused and why wouldn't he be. I could have asked him for dinner over the phone for Chrissakes!

  "Ah, well, dinner would be part of it, but when I said spend the evening, I meant, "spend the evening." I could feel the colour draining from my face with every word I spoke.

  Mercifully, Pete looked at me and forced me to be more clear. "Liam, you and I have known each other for a long time. I could take what you just said many ways but I don't want to make any assumptions so you are going to have to spell it out for me."

  That was enough to clear my head and quit beating around the bush. I started, "You're right and I apologize. The thing is, I have zero complaints about mine and Liz's sex life, but there is one thing that she craves that I can't give her and I was hoping that you might be able to help us out."

  "What's that?" Pete said, seemingly unfazed by my admission.

  "Well, the truth is, whenever we do anal, it's really not all that comfortable for her and it was something she really enjoyed before we met, so I feel sometimes like I'm letting her down."

  Pete smiled, "I have to admit, that while I don't make a habit of checking guys out, I've noticed you in the change room at the club and remembered thinking that you have probably left a few women sore in your day."

  So far, this wasn't the disaster that I'd feared it might be. "I prefer to think that I left them satisfied, but yeah, I guess a few have had a bit of a hitch in their step the next morning. To be honest, I don't know what the big deal is, it's not like I had anything to do with it!"

  "True," Pete replied," and I have to respect you for that. You are very modest in the change room, not like Tom Pickard – hell; he parades that thing around like a trophy! But, you didn't call me so we could talk about your junk did we? Tell me exactly what you had in mind for Liz."

  Again, I gulped and summoned up all my courage. "Well, as I said, she's told me that before we met she really enjoyed anal sex – and liked it best when it was hard and a bit on the rough side."

  Then it hit me. Here I was giving some of the most intimate details of my life to a guy that could easily just laugh at me or worse, broadcast it among my social circle. I immediately stopped and Peter must have seen the panicked look on my face.

  "Liam, buddy, I want you to know that this conversation goes no further than the two of us – I hope you know that. I have never been one to gossip or kiss and tell and I'm not about to start."

  I thought back to the many times I had heard guys in the locker room trying to get Pete to talk about a girl within our group that he was dating. He would always smile and politely, but clearly say that it was none of their business. He would maintain the same attitude even if the girl left the group and moved away – he seemed to be a consummate gentleman and it made my panic subside considerably.


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