Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories

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Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories Page 104

by Kelly Fleming

  For her part, Liz was in absolute heaven. She soon figured out that the best thing for her to do was to simply lie on my chest and let herself be fucked. Plainly and simply, she was being taken, a plaything for Pete and I and she willing gave herself to us. We fucked, and then we fucked some more. There weren't a lot of words exchanged between the three of us, just a lot of moaning and groaning. The room was filled with scent of lust – there was a whole lot of fucking going on! Occasionally Liz would breathlessly gasp, "Sooo good, so fucking good!" This was work too! I was sweating, Liz was sweating and poor Pete, without the aid of something to support him was sweating so badly it was dripping off his chin onto Liz's back. All of a sudden I looked at Liz when I heard a familiar sound. It's a throaty gasp she makes when she's got a great orgasm brewing. I had a feeling I was going to see one like this sometime tonight – and it was on its way. Her eyes glazed over and her mouth was slack-jawed – frozen in a silent scream and her orgasm fought for release.

  Then it hit.

  Because she was on top of me, I could feel her thighs begin to quiver. This was basically followed by what could only be described as something akin to a seizure. Her head snapped back, just barely missing Pete's face, her whole body started to shake, her asshole clamped down on Pete's cock and her pussy was in full-blown spasm on my cock. Her voice was a simply, high-pitched scream that only intensified as her orgasm continued. It seemed to last for hours, but in truth, it was more like a full minute of sheer bliss. I have never seen anything so raw and completely sexy in my entire life. We had released her inner slut and she was "all-in." As the waves of her pleasure finally started to subside, Pete and I instinctively both knew how to finish this unbelievable fucking. He pulled out of her, I pulled her off of my cock and rolled her off of me and we both knelt on either side of her frantically stroking our cocks.

  "Yes! Yes! YES! Cum for me you fuckers! Cover me with your hot cum! Spunk this fucking slut with every drop you've got!"

  That did it for me. The cum blasted out of my cock like a water from a fire hose. The first shot hit her right in the chin, the second on her throat and the rest on her heavenly tits. This was all Pete needed and he came soon after, painting the rest of her body from just below her breasts right down to her still-twitching pussy with another 6 or 7 blasts. We then both collapsed on either side of the vessel that had just provided us with such pleasure. All three of us were panting like we had just run a full-out sprint – and in a lot of ways we had. I looked at Liz and she was about the sexiest mess I have ever seen. Her hair was tousled everywhere, her whole body was red and flushed from exertion and she was covered from chin to pussy in two huge loads of cum.

  "Oh my god, I can't believe I just did that!" she panted as her breathing began to return to normal. From there it got quite a bit surreal as we all lay there talking about what just happened. I was struggling just a tiny bit as to what had just taken place. Had I opened a Pandora's box? Deep down, I honestly didn't think so, but I thought to myself I wouldn't be normal if the thought didn't cross my mind.

  Finally, Liz looked down at herself and said, "Wow, I'm quite the site – Liam, I really need to have a shower, would you like to join me?" I smiled and said, "You really need to ask?" With that she took my hand and looked at Pete and said, "Excuse us for a while Pete!" and led me to the bathroom. It was just what we needed. We needed to reconnect and see in each other's eyes that we were both ok with this evening. I soaped Liz all over; she did the same to me, unbelievably coaxing another erection out of me. We talked, reassuring each other that we were fine. It occurred to me that if this was really bothering me, why was Rex ready for another round? Obviously it meant that I was secure with Liz and I and I need not worry. We got out of the shower and dried off and donned the bathrobes that were in the room. Pete looked up at us as we entered the bedroom and said, "Well, I best not be the only frousy one in the room!" and padded off to the bathroom to have his own shower.

  I collapsed on the huge bed and lay there, with the evening's events playing through my mind. Very quickly it seemed, fatigue got the better of me and I drifted off to sleep.

  "Honey?...Baby?....Liam Honey, wake up! I don't want you to miss this." I heard Liz's voice through the cloud of my drowsiness, but I also heard the insistent slap of skin and skin and some gasps and moans and immediately my senses were alert. I looked up to see Pete with his cock buried once again in Liz's ass!

  Pete looked at me with a sheepish grin and Liz looked at me almost apologetically. "Baby, you fell asleep and when Peter got out of the shower we got talking about our night and well.... I just had to one more time. I didn't want to do it without you watching so I woke you up."

  I didn't mind a bit. In fact, this time, with all three of us more in control and not out of our minds in lust, it was a pleasure to watch them. This was fucking because they wanted to – what happened earlier was fucking because they needed to; such was the urgency of their lust. I got off the bed and sat in the nearby chair and simply observed. This sex was for pure pleasure – it was affectionate but not really intimate. Two people simply enjoying the pleasure of the flesh. It occurred to me that if you could reproduce this exactly, then couples would not have fights over infidelity. In this moment I truly knew that Liz loved me but was enjoying what Pete could provide for her. But these moments are fleeting and exceedingly rare. Jealousies, feelings and insecurities will always get in the way. I even doubted that we would ever reproduce this with Pete (although I couldn't completely close that door right now.) So, I enjoyed it while it lasted. Their coupling was very athletic, elegant and a HUGE turn-on. They fucked doggie-style, then moved to Liz on her back. Eventually Pete rolled onto his back and Liz sat astride his hips happily bouncing on his cock. As Pete's lust started to build, he took the lead and put Liz on her back with her legs in the air and he fucked her in the pile-driver position, bringing groans of appreciate from his lover.

  They must have fucked non-stop for almost 15 minutes when Pete placed Liz on the edge of the bed and he stood behind her, feet on the floor. He spread her legs and got between them and pushed his cock into her ass from behind. Then he started to hammer into Liz with hard insistent thrusts. As his orgasm approached, he once-again reached up and grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, this time more for effect then anything else and announced that he was going to cum.

  "Yes, Pete, yes! Cum for me lover!" Liz screamed. With one last thrust, Pete grabbed her hips, threw his head back and bellowed, "Fuuuuucccccckkkk!" as he came for the third time this evening in my wife's ass.

  It had been quite a show and the most appreciative person in the room seemed to be old Rex who was achingly like a stone. Liz looked over at me, crawled off the bed and walked over to where I was sitting and extended her hand. "Well, my love, it's time for me to give you back a little of what you've given me!" I took her hand, not knowing what she meant until she lead me to the patio door that opened to deck of our cabin. Liz knows how much I love fucking outdoors but rarely allows it at home, always being worried that the neighbours will catch us. However, with this secluded cabin on a cool night in a place where no one knew us AND with what had happened already, she was ready to go.

  She simply walked over to the railing of the deck, raised one leg up onto it, looked over her shoulder and said, "I've had my fill of average cock for the night, come on you fucking stud, give me that big, fat monster I love inside me so much!" She didn't have to wait more than about 2 seconds as I shed the robe, dipped my hips and jammed my cock into her dripping pussy in one hard thrust.

  "Fuck yes!" Liz screamed and for once it was me that was temporarily worried about getting caught. But then, I didn't care and set to the task of giving my wife the fucking of her life. It was a very quiet, very still night and I'm sure you could hear our bodies slapping together and our moans and groans all around the area, from the other cabins around the bends in the shore right back to the main hotel. But honestly, we didn't care.

  We fucked with
great abandon for quite awhile and as I started to get close to cumming, Liz sensed my impending explosion.

  "Yeah baby, cum for me, cum for me so I can have you inside me the rest of the night."

  That did it for me and as my nuts emptied for the third time in about 5 hours I literally bellowed, "Fuck Yes!!!!!!!" and honestly didn't give a damn who heard. I led Liz back into the room where we saw Pete lying on the bed sound asleep. We both collapsed there too, with Liz between us and fell asleep without saying another word.

  I had no idea how long we had slept, but I was awoken by an insistent knocking at the cabin door. I got up and nearly went to the door naked, but remembered at the last moment and slipped on a robe and stumbled groggily out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me and opened the door to the cabin. Standing there was a staff member from the resort with a large tray and he announced "room service". When I told him that we hadn't ordered anything he said to me, "Yes sir, I know, but apparently a gentleman came to the front desk earlier this morning and ordered it for you and asked that when we deliver it, we should also pass this envelope on to you." After thanking the man and giving him a tip, I went into the bedroom and discovered only Liz on the bed, slowly coming out of her deep sleep. In my haste to get to the door I hadn't even noticed that Pete had left! I awoke Liz and after stretching (and after silently telling Rex this wasn't the time!) we went into the dining area to see what was for breakfast.

  The tray contained a feast of bacon, eggs, ham, toast, pancakes, coffee and juice. Not surprisingly we were famished but wondered where Pete was, although we had our suspicions. These suspicions were answered when I opened the envelope and read it aloud to Liz.

  "Liz and Liam:

  I woke up early like I usually do, but much, much sorer then I'm used to! To be honest, seeing Liz lying there gave me some really, really naughty ideas, but I do have some things back in the city that I need to get to today, so I thought it best to give you guys some privacy. I want you to know that last night was beyond amazing. Liam, thank you for approaching me with this idea. While I'd like nothing more than to tell all my friends about the amazing night I just spent, it will never go beyond the three of us. Liz, you are one amazing, sexy beautiful woman and Liam is extremely lucky to have you. Thank you for being so open last night. To you both, I think it's no secret that I've stayed away from marriage; however the love and respect that you both have for one another gives me hope that maybe one day I'll be able to find the same thing – you guys are a great example of what marriage should be. I hope that last night was everything you had hoped for.

  See you at the gym

  Your "average" friend.


  With that, I looked at the next page, which contained the receipt for the accommodation and breakfast both paid for by Pete. I shook my head. Pete was anything but average in my books.

  Liz looked at me as we finished our plates and said, "Honey, are you ok? Are we ok? I want you to know that last night was incredible, but you are the one for me – so, please tell me, are you ok with what happened last night and with what I did?"

  My answer was to stand up from the table, with Rex poking through my robe and saying, "Baby, does this answer your question?"

  Liz threw her head back and let out her low, sexy laugh, "I guess it does – what time is checkout?"

  My reply to her? "Oh, in about 3 orgasms!" And we ran like kids to the bedroom.

  The End.


  Being one of Los Angeles top defense attorney's was a dream come true. I had worked so hard to get to the top and now I just started working for one of the biggest law firms in the country. I shed so much blood, sweat, and tears for this, at the time, I didn't know how I would make it. But in the end, it finally happened for me.

  During the first few weeks at the firm, nothing eventful really happened. But then one of the cities most notorious crime lords was busted and we were representing him. Preparing for this case wasn't going to be easy. I knew he was guilty, but as my job title says, I am defending him and I needed to cut holes in the prosecution's case, regardless how I personally felt about the case. I also knew that because he was rich he would want things done quickly and quietly. No press releases, no media, nothing was allowed in this case.

  After hours and hours of pouring through thousands of papers, we were finally ready to make our case. We were pretty solid that we would disprove the prosecution, no matter what the evidence said. Days went by and the trial dragged on. And in the end, we won. I was on top of the world. My first case was one of the most notorious criminals, but I proved him innocent. I had a nice bonus sitting in the bank and was in a celebratory mood.

  So me and my team went down to the bar at the Hilton and started the night right. A few hours and many drinks later, I was tired and I said goodnight to everyone and headed home. My apartment was only a few blocks from the hotel, so I decided to walk. Stumbling a few steps before my head finally started to clear, I smiled to myself. Just before I reached the front of my building, I saw a hooded figure off to the side. Being wildly content and drunk I just thought nothing of it and proceeded to go inside. The hooded figure followed me and stepped in the elevator with me. I got off at my floor and stepped off. I dug in my purse for my keys and as I started to unlock my door, a hand with a rag clamped over my face and my world went black.

  When I came to, my hands and feet were tied to the headboard and footboard of the bed. And I was naked. How the hell did I end up like this? I shook my head to try and clear the fog. The last thing I remember was unlocking the door to my apartment. Then I remembered the hooded figure that I thought was just a weird teenager. Just then, a very pretty woman came into the room from the hall.

  "Ah, finally, you're awake. I'm glad to see you coming out of your nap," she said as she looked at me.

  "Who the fuck are you?" I exclaimed. "What the hell are you doing?"

  "I know the case you just won jumpstarted your career. I know that you just got a big fat bonus and I know that you freed a guilty criminal."

  "Apparently you don't know as much as you think. He was proved innocent. Now untie me and I won't press charges against you!"

  "You and I both know that he wasn't innocent! My family has lost everything because of him! We lost our home, our business! And my parent's are divorced because of that fucking asshole! You set him free! You let him go back into the world and you will pay!"

  I watched her cross the room and make her way over to the bed.

  "What are you going to do?" I asked as fear coursed through my veins. I was afraid of what she was going to do to me. I was also afraid that I might like it. I always had this thing about being tied up.

  "I'm going to make you suffer. You're going to pay for ruining my life. You're going to feel what I felt. Helpless. Scared. Alone. And worst of all, knowing that you can't do a fucking thing to help yourself," she said as she stood at the end of the bed, looking down at me.

  She then bent over and retrieved a riding crop with a wide tip from a bag that sat at the end of the bed. My eyes widened as an evil lust washed over her face. She walked to the right side of the bed and began running the crop all over my body. She twirled the tip over my nipples, making them harden into tiny pebbles. She ran it down over my stomach and towards my dampening pussy. I cursed my body for responding to this. My mind screamed for her to stop. My hands and feet ached to break free. But my body said yes. My body said more. My body said take me, fuck me like the slut I am. She reached my mound with the tip and spanked it and then massaged the sting away. I gasped as the burning sensation from the slap quickly faded into pleasure as she massaged it through. My pussy began to throb and pleasurably ache as she continued to spank and massage me.

  She spanked my pussy one final time and moved back to my breasts. She slapped them and paid special attention to my aching nipples. She slapped them over and over until I cried out with the pleasure/pain. She smiled wickedly with lustful revenge blazing in h
er eyes. She then set the crop aside and pulled a vibrator from the bag. She laid down between my legs and began to tease my throbbing pussy. She touched the tip of the vibrator to me and I jumped as the tingling sensations drove me closer and closer to the edge of orgasm. She tickled and teased mercilessly she pressed her face to my now dripping wet pussy and began licking me. She licked me up and down and all over, while her hand played with the vibrator. Her tongue speared deep as she began to tongue fuck me. My breathing became heavier as my orgasm built. I moaned as I felt myself about to explode.

  "You like that? You fucking like that, you fucking whore!" she yelled at me. "Tell me what you want! Tell me you want to cum! Tell me you like it!" "Oh fuck! Oh yes, I want you to make me cum! I want my juices to explode all over the bed!" I exclaimed just as I began to cum. My orgasm ripped through my body. Wave after wave of pleasure rippled through me, my body writhing with pleasure.

  When my orgasm subsided, the woman climbed to the top of the bed and demanded I taste myself on her. Surprising myself, I eagerly kissed her, lapping up my juices like a kitty with milk. She then moved away to the bag on the floor. She picked it up and left the room without a word. She's done I thought. She's going to leave me tied up like this. But then just a few minutes later she returned wearing a huge strap on dildo. She set the bag down, but only after grabbing something else out of it. That something was a small butt plug.

  "No! Please don't," I begged as she knelt on the bed and began lifting my butt in the air. "Please! Please, I'll do anything else," I sobbed.

  "How does it feel to be there, all tied up. Helpless to break free at the mercy of someone else. I have the complete power to break you," she said.

  She began rubbing the plug in my pussy juice and then rubbed the tip of it along my asshole. I begged and begged her not to do it, but she ignored my pleas and began slowly inching the plug into me. I cried out as she thrust it all the way in. She then began to rub the strap on all over my swollen clit and soaking wet pussy. I moaned as the tip rubbed over my already sensitized clit, sending shivers down my body and making my nipples harder than they already were.


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