Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories

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Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories Page 108

by Kelly Fleming

  He wasn't inside her. Instead, his cock was laying straight up and flat against his lower stomach, with Rose sitting down upon it. He felt her start to shift her hips forward and back, and her wet pussy was rubbing up and down the underside of his shaft. She tilted her pelvis a little forward, and he then felt the hard nubbin of her clit rubbing back and forth, from the base of his balls to the ridge of the helmet of his cock head.

  "Mmmmmmmmm", he heard her long, throaty groan, and knew she must be tugging and pinching her own nipples as she used him as a human vibrator.

  "If you untie me, I could pinch those nipples for you", he said smugly, showing off that he could tell what she was doing from the sounds of her moans.

  "Don't make me gag you too." she said, as she reached down and pinched his nipples hard, feeling his cock twitch as he yelled out in pain.

  "OWWWWWW" he yelped, and she jammed her fingers into his open mouth to quiet him down. John tasted the tell tale flavor of her pussy on her fingers, so he knew she'd been up and busy for awhile. At this point he decided to sit back and enjoy the ride, as he slowly licked and sucked her cream off of her hand.

  Rose's other hand was pulling on her nipple, and the feeling of John's tongue swirling around her fingers was sending her closer to climax. She started rubbing herself faster over John's cock, and he could hear her breath coming in shorter bursts, knowing she was about to come.

  "Yes, YES, YESSSSSSS" she screamed, as the first wave of orgasm took over her body. He felt her cum dripping over his cock and was trying to buck his hips, as he was close to cumming too.

  A few stroked later, as Rose's climax was subsiding, she lifted herself up, and giggled as she saw John's cock spring up off his belly and twitch and jerk, almost begging to be brought to climax.

  "Oh no you don't" she warned, "this is MY day, remember?"

  John felt her get up off the bed and start walking toward the bedroom door, and he started to panic. "Where you going?" his voice almost cracking.

  "Downstairs to get a bite to eat." she replied, continuing toward the door.

  "WAIT! You can't leave me like this." he pleaded.

  "Why not?" she teased, "that's how you left me last night."

  "But I got to take a piss" he begged, "just let me up to go to the bathroom, and you can tie me right back up when I'm done"

  "You should have thought about that last night!" was all she said, and he heard her footsteps heading down the hall, and then down the stairs.

  John's mind went from worrying about cumming, to worrying about pissing. He couldn't help but start taking mental inventory of how much he drank last night. Was it two martinis? No three. Half a bottle of wine. And how many beers at the club? It was hot and we were working up a sweat dancing...three? four?


  All this thought about liquid beverages was not helping the urgent feeling in his groin. He and Rose had tried wet sex once, but that was back when they were dating, and in the shower. Now he's left here to either burst his bladder, or piss on himself in his own bedroom.

  Still blindfolded, he had no idea what time of day it was or how long she had been out of the room. He was concentrating so much on the pressure in his bladder, that he didn't hear her sneak back into the room.

  She was getting quite a kick out of watching him squirm on the bed, tugging at his restraints. Then she saw it. The first dribble of yellow spilled out of the top of his cock, dripping down the shaft and over his balls.

  "OH NO" John said to the empty room, knowing that the dam had been cracked, and the flood would soon follow. His cock twitched a couple of times, and then the thick stream of yellow burst from his dick shooting all the way up to his chest. He felt the warm piss spreading up over his chest, and could smell its pungent odor the closer it got to his face. The release of his bladder felt great, but he could not see or control where his stream was being directed, and the more he let himself go, the higher up his body it would reach.

  Rose was choking back her laughter as she watched John piss on himself. She was really turned on the first time they experimented with golden showers, but thought it might ruin the relationship if she let on how much she liked it while they were just dating. She was looking for a way to introduce it back into their married sex life, and was proud of herself for finding the perfect way.

  When his piss stream rose to the level of hitting him square in the face, it sent an electric charge directly to her clit, and she moaned involuntarily.

  "ROSE!" John pleaded, piss falling into his open mouth as he yelled her name.

  "Shhhhh, honey" she whispered from across the room. "It is so fucking hot watching you piss yourself, be quiet and enjoy it."

  And enjoying it he was. Rose thought she saw him swallow the accidental mouthful of piss.

  He did.

  John too was really turned on by wet sex. Rose didn't know that when she was out of town, or went to bed early, he would regularly piss himself while reading golden showers stories online and jerking off. He too wanted to make this part of their regular love making, but was always afraid that Rose would think he was weird.

  Rose was getting extremely hot watching this little show, and moved herself to the side of the bed. As John's stream was slowing down, she leaned forward and stuck her tongue into his yellow fountain. John could feel her hot breath on his cock, so he knew she was near.

  The next sensation blew his mind, as he felt her soft, plump lips close around his cock while he was still pissing. Her spasms from her throat rippled up through his cock and he knew she was swallowing his golden nectar.

  When he finally stopped pissing, he felt her lips leave his cock again, and then was shocked when her lips pressed on his, and she shared the last mouthful of piss with him. She watched his cock jerk and spasm as their tongues explored each others mouths, and she knew she had herself a piss buddy.

  "You made quite a mess John, let me dry off your face" she said, and John looked forward to the soft feeling of a dry towel. Instead, he felt the downy touch of her moist pubic hair, as she dropped herself down and started rubbing her mound all over his face.

  Her cunt was already sopping with her juices, and she was getting even more excited lewdly rubbing herself on his head, feeling his piss soaking into her pubes. His tongue was darting out trying to find her pussy or clit, but she kept wiggling herself away from it every time it would get close. She appreciated the gesture, but she was really getting off being in total control.

  With another wiggle, she got herself in perfect position, and started fucking her clit up and down the bridge of his nose now. Her hands returned to her tits and she started bucking up and down on his face using his nose as a tiny dildo. Every now and then her bucking would lift the blindfold, and John would find himself looking directly into her chocolate brown asshole.

  John started wiggling his head back and forth, rubbing his nose side to side over her clit as she bucked up and down, which sent her into another mind blowing orgasm. Hearing her cum again, his cock started twitching, hoping that it would finally get some attention.

  Still sitting on his face like a pillow, he felt her reach out and take his neglected member into her hands. She stared rubbing it up and down, and then he felt an unknown tightness.

  While still trying to figure out what was causing that tightness, Rose returned her lips to his cock and started sucking him.

  A few minutes in, her lips again left his cock. "You still got more work to do mister" she said, and he realized she just rolled a cock ring down to the base of his shaft, and he couldn't cum now even if she wanted him to.

  Rose went back to sucking John's cock, while raising her hips up off his face. John breathed deep, with his nose finally free of her snatch. He was just starting to relax, enjoying the electric feeling of her lips on his cock, when he felt it.

  The hot jet of her piss splashed over his forehead, drenching his hair and running down over his face. Rose had released her bladder, which took him by surprise, still b
eing blindfolded. She started rocking her hips, covering the entire upper half of his body with her warm yellow offering.

  Then she relaxed her knees and dropped her pissing cunt directly on his mouth. Self defense kicked in and he started drinking and swallowing as fast as he could, trying not to drown, but enjoying each mouthful as it went down.

  John felt her pussy clench and her stream stopped abruptly, as she lifted her head off his cock and stood up on her knees. She pulled the blindfold off his eyes, and kissed him deeply again on the lips.

  "I want you to watch this" she said, as she crawled back down the bed, and squatted just above his crotch, his pleading member sticking straight up in the air.

  Rose closed her eyes and started pissing again, this time aiming her spray at his cock and balls. John was craning his neck to watch this beautiful scene, and her piss almost seemed hotter now that he could watch it leaving the folds of her cunt.

  Rose lifted herself up high, grabbing his rigid cock with her right hand, and then dropping her ass straight down on it, burying it deep within her asshole, thanks to the warm lubrication of her piss.

  Flexing her knees, she started fucking her ass up and down on his steel hard cock, still pissing over his crotch and stomach. She knew she could keep up like this for as long as she wanted, the cock ring keeping him from cumming, but the look in his eyes was telling her that it was time to let him in on this game.

  Pulling herself up, she heard his cock leave her tight asshole with a pop, and she reached down and took off the cock ring slowly, taking care not to make him cum from the sensation of removing it.

  She then dropped herself back down on him, this time impaling her cunt on his emancipated penis. With the sudden rush of blood back to his cock, the feeling of being in her pussy was magnified, and he knew he couldn't hold out much longer.

  While finally fucking herself on his cock, Rose leaned forward to grab the pair of scissors off the end table. With two quick snips she cut the scarves from the bed posts and his hands immediately went to her sensitive tits and nipples.

  Rose was now leaning forward on her hands to support her weight, as she was slamming her tingling pussy on his rigid cock. John was getting even by pinching and twisting her nipples as hard as she could bear, and Rose was starting to vibrate from the sensations in her cunt and chest.

  She finally threw her head back and tensed up, as John kept slamming into her cunt from below. Rose screamed so loud when she came that they could clearly hear her in the next county.

  John was proud of himself for holding out long enough to get her off one last time, but then he too started moaning and shooting his huge load deep within her womb. Being teased for what seemed like four hours, and being constricted by the cock ring for most of it, John couldn't believe how much spunk had built up, as he kept pumping load after load deep within her.

  Rose finally pulled herself off him and cut the scarves at the foot of the bed. John bent and stretched his legs with their new found freedom, and then grabbed Rose and hugged her tightly on the sopping wet bed.

  "Happy Birthday" he said to her, as he pulled her close and kissed her.

  "I guess it's better to be piss on, than pissed off!" she replied with a giggle, as she felt his cock stirring against her belly.

  The End.

  Closet Quickie

  We are in a poorly lit room and you have me up on a table of some sort with my skirt (I know) hiked up and my thong is nowhere to be found. You are driving two of your fingers inside of me because you are a selfish bitch and the sound of me begging for more gets you off. You couldn't keep your hands off of me nor could you sit still and you excused us so you could find the first empty room, in this case a supply closet, so you could fuck me. Who was I to object?

  My fingers are buried in your hair, my mouth is attached to your ear, and my legs are wrapped around your waist. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want you to take me. When I cum, and baby it is exquisite, my head and eyes roll back and I open my mouth in a silent scream; I can't breathe. You're too good to me sometimes and you work me hard through my orgasm then slowly cease your movements letting my muscles spasm around your fingers until their movements stop as well. You go to your knees in front of me and I shake my head.

  "Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine..," I repeat over and over until you stand back up, hushing me with a kiss.

  "Isn't that misuse of a safe word?" You ask bringing what appears to be my thong to your nose and inhaling my scent.

  Watching you sniff my thong with an all too starved look in your eyes makes me squirm with aching need before I answer, "Yes but if you were to go down on me we would be in here for hours and your parents most likely know what we're doing. We've been gone almost 20 minutes."

  Squinting your eyes at me, you stuff my thong into your pocket and exit the room leaving me by myself. I sigh heavily and slowly lower myself back to my feet and then out to the hall where I quickly find a bathroom to assess the damage. It appears to be minimal but my pussy says other wise and it takes me a few minutes to effectively clean up the wett mess between my legs. Catching a last glimpse at myself in the mirror before heading out of the restroom I try to conceal the look on my face.

  When I finally make it back to the table and back to your side I can tell by the look on your face and the death glare I am receiving from your mother the: I JUST GOT FUCKED!!! Written across my forehead is a blinking light display. The look on your sister's face is comical as she tries not to laugh behind her knowing smile. Not knowing what else to do I ask your mother, "So that cake you made last week was absolutely scrumptious. Would you mind sharing the recipe?"

  Your mother simply asks, "Are you fucking my daughter?"

  I look to you but you are buried in the menu. And in my defense part of the reason why you love me are my witty come backs, "Nope just this one time."

  The End.

  A Donor Couple

  It seems that sexy vampires are all the rage these days. They are extremely popular in books, television, and movies. Each new vampire franchise has better looking vampires and the acceptance of vampires in the main stream grows. The allure of the vampires has captured the hearts and minds of many, including my wife. She became quite a fan of vampires, and as such I also had to watch all the Hollywood spins on vamps. My wife's fascination with the vampire culture also led to some non-fiction shows and documentaries on vamps with some surprises for us. We learned that vampires are indeed very real with very active groups and covens. We also learned of the psi vamps, that is, psychic vampires that feed on psychic or life-force energies rather than blood. Of course, part of the life-force energy that some vampires feed on is sexual energy and some vampires favor this and are sometimes known as 'tantric vampires'.

  This, it seems, was too sexy for my wife to resist. She began making comments about what it might be like to be a donor for a psi vampire, especially if sexual energy was involved. From then on, the sex scenes in the vampire shows that my wife wanted to watch seemed to have a whole new meaning. I began to understand that it was largely an energy exchange and I admit that I was a little bit curious. I was won over after watching a vampire movie that featured the donors (in this case victims of blood vampires) being held in a cell naked, and when a vamp was hungry they would charge into the cell and chase the naked donors around and feed on them. I am not sure what it was, but that scene struck a primal cord with me and I told my wife we should consider being donors for vampires, as neither of us seemed to have any vampire traits.

  My wife was all too eager to pursue becoming vampire donors. She presented me with all kinds of information that she had found online. She found some donor/vampire match sites and vampire personals sites. As this could escalate to a sexual relationship as well, I told my wife that we should find a vampire couple as we were a donor couple. We talked a lot about how this would affect our marriage and we communicated our thoughts and feelings. After we had come to an agreement on becoming donors, my wife posted a pro
file for us on a vampire website. We discovered that it was harder to find vampire couples as many vamps seem to marry donors. My wife had begun growing very anxious and then rather suddenly we had several vampire couples interested in our profile.

  Most of the vampire couples were under 25 years old. We were in our mid-thirties, and decided we didn't want to try this with someone that much younger than us. We wanted a more experienced vampire couple and there was a couple in their early forties that was interested in us. We communicated online for awhile and warmed up to phone calls. They were an interesting couple and both had been awakened to their vampire powers over twenty years ago. They dressed in the Victorian Goth style and were very active within the vampire community. Among the vampires they were known as the Darkblades.

  We made a date with the Darkblades and met them in public at a restaurant. They were easy to find in their dark attire and Victorian Goth fashion, yet they seemed to blend in with the surroundings of the restaurant environment. We introduced ourselves and sat down at the table. We could notice the commanding presence that the vampires had and they seemed very relaxed and yet very mysterious. Cecil Darkblade was a tall and lean man with very pale skin, dark eyes and long dark hair that he wore tied back. He had a pointy face with a short trimmed goatee and wore a suit that that was all black and reflected an older period. Lilith Darkblade was a voluptuous vampire with long curly brown hair and pale skin that contrasted with her dark makeup and attire. She wore black dress with dark red stripes that almost resembled a corset and helped show off her large breasts. She wore an interesting and antique looking locket that hung down around her ample cleavage.

  We had a pleasant dinner and conversation. The Darkblades shared a salad and some fruit explaining that they hoped to have a real vampire meal later, and by that they meant feeding on us. They encouraged us to eat up and told us that we could need it for our strength. It was a pleasant dinner and the Darkblades provided stimulating conversation. We finished the meal and had some drinks and continued talking. The Darkblades shifted the conversation to the donor/vampire relationship. They asked if we knew the Donor Bill of Rights, of which my wife had practically memorized already. They asked us if we consented to being donors and would sign the donor/vamp contract, a standard document that waived liability from the vampires. Before I could respond my wife eagerly agreed for us and we were invited to follow the Darkblades back to their home.


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