Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories

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Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories Page 118

by Kelly Fleming

  It wasn't too long before we reached another red light at a moderately busy intersection. I once again nearly came in my pants as I switched on the dome light and looked in the rear view mirror.

  I really couldn't see much of Tim. What I could see was that Sheila had removed her skirt, but still had the thigh highs on. I could see Tim's legs sticking out between Sheila's and watched as he kneaded one of her breasts with one hand as the other hand rubbed her clit in a circular motion. She was rocking back and forth and breathing heavily. Once again, car horns signaled that the light had turned green and we were blocking traffic. I saw Sheila's eyes as they looked out the windows of the van and she realized that she was a live porn show in public. Our eyes met and she started moaning and squealing before she exclaimed "Aaaah! I'm cumming! Oh God that's good! Fuck me! I'm cumming!" She threw her head back and thrashed around as the mountainous orgasm ripped through her naked body. This time, I couldn't avoid the oncoming train of my own orgasm as I watched my wife cum while being watched by people in the intersection. I proceeded through the intersection cautiously, finding it difficult to drive while cumming in my slacks. Again, after a block or so, I turned off the interior lights.

  I was afraid Sheila would come to her senses after having her orgasm, and was pleasantly surprised that she just continued riding Tim. Within a few minutes, we reached Tim's hotel and he had not yet cum. I parked the van in the well lit hotel lot, close to a lamppost that nicely illuminated the van's interior. I opened the small wing windows in the back of the van and turned off the ignition. Sheila was still riding Tim as I climbed out of the van and closed the door. I walked several yards away and looked back and could easily see Sheila naked as she was now facing Tim and was riding up and down and rubbing her full breasts on his face. I could hear Tim's moans increasing through the open wing windows and I knew his orgasm was near.

  "Oh! Ohh! I'm gonna cum!" Suddenly I saw Sheila climb off and her head disappeared from sight. Tim's moans and grunts continued and I realized Sheila had slipped back down and was sucking him through his orgasm! She had never even taken a load of mine in her mouth!

  Tim's moans and noises subsided and I walked back to the van and climbed back into the driver's seat. I turned around and saw Tim, slouched in his seat with Sheila's head on his chest. Sheila had a hand on his cock and was licking the tip of it. It was the first time I had actually seen his cock, and Sheila was right. It was already softening, but was still twice the length of mine. She smiled at me and I could see her cum splattered face. He had cum all over her face, in her hair, it was dripping off her chin, and globs were on her neck and breasts. It had been an epic cum load. Again, I assumed Sheila was ready to go home now that she had fulfilled my fantasy. She had entertained my "weird" desire and was done.

  But I was wrong.

  I asked her if she was ready to go home now, and she calmly said "No, I'd like to use Tim's bathroom to clean up." I understood that completely. That's when she rocked my world.

  "Besides, Tim says he has a friend here in the hotel. I haven't fucked him yet."

  More to cum.

  The End.

  Source from the Past

  I sat at the bar just as I'd done so many nights before, hoping to find the girl of my dreams. Actually, by this time in the evening I was just hoping to find some girl who would go home with me. I was about half tanked and feeling morose, I had no business trying to meet women in a bar I was just too shy. Women wanted men who were confident, who knew what they wanted and then took it. I wanted to be a nice guy and we all know where nice guys finish. I had decided to just leave, alone again, and never come back, when someone sat down beside me. She had short black hair that curled around her pale white face. Her dark eyes flashed as she looked into mine. She had an aquiline nose, thin and yet long, her lips were large and unsmiling. I noticed she was not wearing makeup which I though unusual for women who hung out in bars.

  "Is this seat taken," she asked as she sat, I actually stuttered my answer of no, which made her smile. She picked up my hand and examined it,

  "My name is Aloinia, no don't say anything, let me guess. I say your name is John, no Jack is that right?"

  "Really my name is Paul but if you want you can call me Jack."

  "Yes I bet I could," she murmured, "No Paul is fine, and it's a good name. Happy to meet you Paul, I've been watching you and you seem fascinating. I'd like to get to know you better, is there some place we can go to talk. If we could go to your home it would even be better."

  When she stood, I noticed her all black jumpsuit, formfitting across her big chest and down to her firm hips. She offered me her arm and as I got off my stool I noticed that she had to be close to six feet tall and she towered over me. We walked out together while I told her I had taken a cab to the bar, she said that was fine and that we would take her car. Her car was an old muscle car from the sixties; I found out later it's called a GTO. Aloinia unlocked my door for me but it must have been stuck and I couldn't open it.

  "Sometimes it does that here let me get it for you."

  She grabbed the doorknob and gave it a yank and the door opened for her. As I got in, I couldn't help but think, 'Oh great not only is she taller and I am but she is stronger as well.'

  If I had been smart, I would have thought about what my grandmother always said about 'If it's too good to be true,' but that was the last thing on my mind. It wasn't intil later that I found I was glad I hadn't. I was nervous and tried to make conversation,

  "So Aloinia that is an unusual name, just where are you from?"

  My question just hung there, unanswered and then she turned on my street and parked at my apartment. She stopped the car and as she started to get out of her car she simply said, "Los Angeles." She had me so off guard that I didn't even think about how she knew where I lived until later when it was too late.

  As I say, I am rather shy and awkward around women so I was pleased that Aloinia took the lead once we were in my place. She pushed me up against my door and began to kiss me passionately, her firm body up against mine. She then took my hand and led me to my couch where we sat for more kisses. My cock was already straining against my trousers when she grasped it firmly.

  "Oh I like this you already have achieved a nice firm erection. Do you mind if I look at it?"

  She didn't wait for my reply as she unzipped me and stuck her hand into my boxers.

  "This won't do, I need to see the whole unit, stand up I wish to pull your pants down."

  Slightly embarrassed I stood to allow her pull my clothes down. She picked up my cock and as she rolled it in her hand she said,

  "You have good size, not too large and the testes look healthy. Can you tell me the volume of your sperm when you ejaculate?"

  When I told her I had no idea, she suggested we measure it. She then began to masturbate me in earnest and I began to respond immediately. I swear I came in her hand in about three strokes.

  She took a small vial from her pocket and scooped my issue from her hand into it. When she held the vial to the light, I could see there were markings on the side to allow her to measure how much in the vial. She then took a small box like item from a different pocket; it had a recess in the center and the vial fit inside it. She pressed a few buttons on the side and after a few seconds, I heard a slight ping. She looked at a readout on the side and then shaking her head she looked up at me.

  "That's a very low sperm count you have there Paul, I don't I'll be able to use you."

  When I asked her, just what the hell she was talking about she went on to tell me the most bizarre tale.

  Aloinia said that she was from the future and men are all but extinct. Women rule the world and the few males left are impotent and sterile. After perfecting, a system for reproducing without male sperm the women started getting rid of males who were alive and avoiding births of any more. The problem was after a few centuries a flaw developed and it got worse with every generation. Finally, in the twenty-seventh century
it became so prevalent that they started sending people back in time to collect male sperm in hopes of correcting the problems of the new offspring.

  At this point, I interrupted her,

  "Does this mean you have never made love, I mean you have never fucked a man?"

  When she answered, no I said,

  "Aren't you even the least bit curious of how it would feel? Do you realize it has been the driving force of all the animals for thousands of years?"

  "It is funny you put it that way because I am curious, if for nothing else but scientific study."

  "Well you're here in the twenty-first century and I say you should give it a try."

  In one of the boldest moves of my adult life I reached over a pulled what resembled a zipper down the front of her jumpsuit. Aloinia looked at me strangely but said nothing, which only encouraged me to go farther. I instructed her to stand and when she did, I peeled her clothes from her leaving her naked, ready for my instructions. I led her to my bedroom where I gently pushed her on my bed. I climbed on top of her and positioned my cock at the entrance of her pussy.

  "This may hurt just a little as I penetrate your hymen..."

  "What, no, don't worry about that, they take that when you're born, just hurry I want to feel this."

  I did as instructed and just plunged myself inside her. Her eyes shot open,

  "Oh my god, oh my god, what is that feeling, oh don't stop please don't stop."

  I was now glad that Aloinia had jacked me off earlier so that I would last longer. I held her arms down over her head and as I looked into those dark eyes of hers, I began my assault in earnest. I began pumping ever faster and I could feel the heat of our bodies rising.

  "What is happening to me, oh you must stop please I feel faint, oh god no, no please don't stop oh my, oh my oooh."

  Her excitement was driving me into frenzy until I came as never before and my energy going as fast as I pumped deep inside her. I lay on top of her, spent exhausted and unable to even think of moving.

  "Paul what just happened to me, I've never felt anything so wonderful in my life."

  "Aloinia, you just had an orgasm, don't tell me you've never had an orgasm before."

  We lay together quietly for a long time in fact I think we must have dozed off all of a sudden she pushed me off her and jumped out of bed.

  "It's late I'm going to miss my window if I don't go right now. Paul I had no idea how good all of this was, we don't do anything like this now. I have to go now but would it be all right if I came back to visit you from time to time. I promise I won't be any trouble but I need to have that feeling again."

  Of course, I told her it was OK. As she was leaving, she threw me the keys to her car,

  "Will you take care of My GTO while I'm gone, thanks you're a sweetheart."

  She was then out the door and gone.

  About two weeks later, there was a knock at my door and I opened it to find a large blonde standing there. Her attire and figure were identical to Aloinia but her looks were different. "Aloinia?" I asked, and the girl replied,

  "No I'm Ilesha, Loinia's cousin; she couldn't come back because you made her with child. That's why I'm here can you do the same with me?"

  I took her arm and as I led her to my bedroom, I told her,

  "All I can do is try."

  The End.

  Seduction in the Night

  I'd been looking forward to the school trip for ages, and not for the usual reasons. No, I wasn't excited about the city of Paris, with its beautiful buildings and thriving culture- though wonderful, I had other thoughts on my mind. Helen was going. Ah, Helen. She was the most attractive girl I had ever seen. Her large brown eyes, her plump breasts, her flowing blonde hair and sleek legs... Yes, I had dreamt of her for a long time. And now, she was going to be on the same trip... staying in the same hotel. The very thought made me quiver!

  Helen was straight. She had dated a few boys, all of whom were jerks, and didn't deserve her attention. The kind of boys who take, and don't give, if you know what I mean. I had only been out with one boy, which was a mistake. Id also gone out with a few girls- but no-one at school needed to know that! You know how people get; staring and whispering. I didn't need that. I kept myself to myself, and that's that. Anyway, imagine my surprise when I found out I would be sharing a room with Helen? Not many people were going on this trip, and the teachers wanted to mix us up, for us to 'make new friends'. And wow, did I want to make friends. I knew that this was my chance, and that I couldn't blow it.

  The flight there was ok, nothing much happened. I read my book for the most part, and listened to my favourite tunes. I made sure I was sat behind Helen and her friends. They were all complaining about being split up from each other; especially that Helen had to go with that 'weirdo Maria'. Helen was nice about it, saying I didn't seem so bad. Just her acknowledging my presence made me tingle with anticipation... Once, she stood up to get her bag from the locker, and her pink shirt strained over her bra... I could see her deep cleavage heaving as she pulled her bag down; and let me tell you that at that moment, I could have jumped on her! A man sitting next to me was staring at her too- we caught each other looking, which was quite funny, and a little bit awkward too.

  Once at the airport in Paris, we all went to the toilet to freshen up. Amidst the clouds of perfume and hairbrushes, I saw Helen putting some fresh lip-balm on. Oh, those lips... So pink, so full and soft looking... I had to force myself to look away. Usually, I hate doing my makeup. I have pale gray eyes and pale skin, dark hair- nothing special. My boobs are quite small too, but I've never really have any problems with them. Tonight, though- I put makeup on. Eyeliner does suit me, and I wanted to look good tonight.

  'Erm.. hi.' I turned to see Helen in her full glory, smiling at me. 'You're Maria, right? Since we're sharing a room tonight, I thought I should talk to you.'

  'Oh... hey!' I smiled back. There was a slight pause, and then her friends called her back. I didn't mind though, this was the first time I had talked to her. Driving through Paris in the coach was hell. I was surrounded by rowdy boys smelling of sweat, and Helen was only a few seats away- I didn't think I could take it anymore. Once, our eyes made contact and she gave me a small smile, but that was all. I couldn't take being so near to her, yet being unable to talk to her. The way she tossed her silky hair, and laid her hand softly on her breast... It made me crazy. I found myself licking my lips just thinking about tonight! I had to console myself by looking out into the darkened streets of Paris, with its tall buildings and trees. It was very beautiful, but my mind was occupied by a very different kind of beauty...

  Finally, we stopped outside the hotel. 'Hotel Lyons' the sign said, and it suited it. The building was tall and made of white stone. Golden light flooded out of the doorway and the windows, and I revelled in the smell of the night in a warm country- the smell of leaves and sun baked tarmac.

  'Right!' called a teacher. 'If you could all make your way to your rooms and settle down for the night. It's very late, so don't stay up and talk too long! Breakfast is at eight in the morning- we'll see you then, ready for a long day, ok?'

  'Ok!' we yelled back, and then started making our way up the stairs. The main hall was lovely, all golds and blues- I found our room- 8- on the first floor. When I got in, Helen was already there. My heart pounding in my mouth, I set my suitcase against the wall.

  'Hello' I said, clearing my throat. She was pulling some pyjamas out of her pink suitcase, along with her toothbrush and towel. She turned and smiled.

  'Hi Maria. I'm just about to take a shower, don't worry, I won't take long.' And then she walked off into the bathroom and shut the door. I breathed a sigh of relief. Now I could collect my thoughts. Sitting down on the bed, I closed my eyes. I was glad that I had washed at the airport- at least now I didn't smell. The sound of Helen in the shower set the hairs on my arms up and my mouth watering. Heavy scents of flowers and fruits floated into the room. Suddenly, the shower stopped and I hea
rd her get out of it. A few minutes later, the door opened and she appeared smiling, her long hair dripping wet.

  'Pfiou, nothing like a nice hot shower, eh?'

  'Yes,' I nodded.

  She set all her things down, and sat on her bed. There was a long pause, and then she drew out a magazine she had bought. Catching me staring at it, she smiled.

  'Would you like to read it with me?' I stared into her light brown eyes. She was patting the space beside her. Hell, did I?

  'Yeah sure' I said, and walked over to her bed. My legs were trembling, and my heart was beating faster than ever before. This is it, I kept thinking- this is it!

  I sat down next to her, and shifted slightly so that our legs and arms were touching. The smell of her shampoo was overpowering, but not in the bad sense- I can tell you that I definitely wasn't paying attention to 'which the new dress from vogue was'.

  'Look,' she said, pointing to a skinny girl model in a skimpy summer dress. 'Look how pretty she is- I wish I could look like her.' I looked at the model. Her legs were sticks, her face thin and colourless, her hair lustreless and pale. I couldn't understand why she would trade her body for that one, when she had the body of a goddess!

  'Don't be ridiculous! You're beautiful.' I said, before I could help myself. There was an awkward pause, and she stared at me. I noticed that her full lips were slightly open, and that her front teeth were resting on the bottom lip- and all of a sudden I couldn't resist. I breathed out, and leaned forward- kissing her. My hand crept up and cupped her face, as I sank my lips into hers. Pulling back, I stared into her eyes. For a second they were wide in shock, and then as I leant slowly back towards her, they closed slightly. She sighed. My body pulsing and my hands trembling, I kissed her again. This time my lips moved against hers, and it was like nothing I had ever experienced before.Her lips were so much softer, so much sweeter than I could have ever imagined, and my body felt so alive as they started to move with mine. My hot tongue slipped in between our lips and caressed hers. All of a sudden we were kissing deeply, and I couldn't believe my luck. My free hand crept up the side of her thigh, up her round hips, and- to my delight- stopped to cup her large breast. She wasn't wearing a bra, and the heavy warmth of her breast made me moan into her mouth. Pulling her further into me, I started to massage her breast with my hand. The feeling of her soft, full breast in my hand was better than I'd ever imagined! Pulling my mouth away, I leaned her into her pillow, and started kissing down her neck. Her breathing was growing quicker.


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