The Demon Lord

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The Demon Lord Page 18

by Nikki Frank

  Omri reached to touch my arm and I slapped his hand away. “I know I needed to know, but you’ve given me the bad news. You’re done. Get out.”

  The door burst open and two nurses with scowls on their faces took Omri’s arms, escorting him from the room.

  Omri grabbed at Talon. “You need to talk to her. She wouldn’t listen to me.”

  Talon shot Omri a look of loathing, but stepped inside my room. I couldn’t even focus on him without hurt overwhelming me.

  “You took a new partner.”

  “I was assigned a new partner,” he corrected.

  “How you got one doesn’t matter. You agreed.”

  “I had to. Who else is going to protect Emmett and Elita? I assume you want him guarded properly?” His voice had an irritated snap and I hoped it wasn’t directed at me.

  Another stab of pain ran through my heart and I let my head droop. “Just go. I hope you’re happy with your new partner. Good luck to you both.”

  Talon crossed his arms and glared at me. “No. I’m not leaving. I refuse to let you victimize yourself and villainize me in the same breath. If by wishing us good luck together you’re implying I’m going to be in a relationship with my new partner you’re wrong―”

  “Am I? Look what happened with us.”

  “Shut up, Livy.”

  I blinked up at him and kept my mouth shut. He’d never been so angry with me.

  “That’s better. Things won’t happen like they did between us. I insisted on a male partner.”

  I blinked again. “But that’s never done, unless it’s siblings.”

  “When your partner saved the princess from the dragon, you can pretty much get what you want. I pulled strings. I told them I didn’t want to worry you while you healed, and I didn’t want to lead some other poor girl on. I told them the same thing I told you. I don’t want to work with anyone else, ever. This is only until the price is off your head and you’re fit to fight. Though strictly speaking we don’t need an official partner for our new posts with Elita.”

  I had no words. Tears fell freely.

  Talon sat beside me, wiping them away. “I hope you don’t really think so little of me.”

  “I actually couldn’t believe you’d take another partner. But Omri wouldn’t lie, even to spare my feelings. Why didn’t you tell me yourself?”

  He ran a hand across my cheek. “Because I thought you might take the news this way. You only woke up yesterday. I didn’t want to stress you out.” He glared back at the door. “Thanks to Omri for helping me out.”

  “Speaking of Omri, Talon, could you please bring him back, so I can apologize.”

  “Why? Look at the way he left you.”

  “I wouldn’t let him finish. I probably cut him off before he got to the part about your partner being a guy.”

  Talon frowned. “He should expound less and highlight the important parts first. But yeah, I’ll go get him.” He started to get up but stopped and looked me over. “How are you feeling today?”

  “My throat hurts. I’ve never felt this stiff and I ache on the inside, but not too bad. My body feels abused.”

  “Geez, I wonder why? But I’m glad to hear you’re not in any real pain.”

  Suddenly, Talon pinned me against my pillows. His chocolate brown eyes stared at me. He kissed me. Not the careful, sweet kisses I’d received from him since I’d woken up, but something far hotter. The machine began to beep as my pulse skyrocketed.

  Talon yanked the band off me. “I’m not hurting you, right?”

  I gave a shuddering breath and a shake of my head. He went back to kissing me and his hands ran up my body, starting at my hips. At a knock on the door he was sitting demurely beside me. I had no idea how he managed not to blush when the nurse walked in.

  “We lost your vitals.” The nurse gave my face a close look. “We should take your temperature as well. You look quite flushed. We don’t want you getting an infection.”

  “Oh, I’m sure she’s infected,” Talon quipped. “Probably contagious, too.” He gave the nurse a cheeky wink and she shooed him out with a smile.

  Chapter 18

  Talon returned later in the afternoon with a hesitant looking Omri in tow. I apologized, and he gave me a real smile. Talon on the other hand gave him an impressive lecture about the manner in which he delivered information. Elita brought dinner for all of us to have an impromptu picnic in my room and the nurses let Ferika visit for the meal.

  Things were awkward with Ferika, or maybe the feeling was all mine. After all, I had killed her brother. Whether I was alone in the feeling or not, I didn’t like the nagging in my gut. On my third day awake I got permission to leave my bed. I waited until everyone else had gone, and snuck over to Ferika’s room. The interior surprised me. She had a large feathery mat on the floor, but then again, we were in the Borderlands. A dragon would never fit in a regular bed.


  She looked up from her mat and smiled. “You heard I’m being discharged?”

  “Actually, no. But congratulations. Can we talk for a bit?”


  I stepped inside the door. “I . . . I’m sorry. About your brother.”

  She let out a sigh which carried a wisp of smoke. “I wondered if that’s what was bothering you. Don’t worry about what you had to do. You heard him. He didn’t care for me. You lot are the first ones who ever have. I only mattered to him for lineage reasons. Family pride. He never would have let me live a peaceful life. I’m free and I’m dragon enough not to be bothered by what it took to accomplish my goal. Rather, I’m grateful for the service you provided me. Your motives don’t matter.”

  I nodded. “I think you’ve covered everything I might have used to hold onto guilt. I’m glad you’re not mad at me.”

  She nodded knowingly. “Yes, you have enough enemies without being the source of a dragon’s grudge.”

  “Not for that.” I gave her an exasperated look. “You’re my friend. I don’t want you to be mad at me because I want to continue being friends.”

  She gave a purr which vibrated the floor. “I keep forgetting things work this way with my new friends. It’s so different from my previous life.”

  I smiled at her. “To some extent I know what you mean. Having been isolated amongst humans, unable to fully be myself and now this. I didn’t realize an imp could have six friends. But now . . .”

  Ferika gave another purr. “Since you’re finally out of bed, stay and tell me about life amongst humans. I mean, before all this happened?”

  She scooted herself into a coil and motioned for me to take the middle. Heat radiated inside her coils and she kept up a thrumming purr which made me want to close my eyes and nap. But I answered all her questions and asked her lots of my own. I took my time and reveled in quality girl time I never knew I wanted or needed.

  ~ ~ ~

  I stood at the door to my hospital room in my normal clothes, waiting as Omri lectured me on the terms of my confinement to the palace grounds. I only half-paid attention. After spending three and a half weeks total in the hospital I needed to go. Besides, the rules were easy enough to understand: I wasn’t allowed to leave. Period.

  I followed Elita through the palace as she chattered and pointed out portraits of her ancestors, family heirlooms, the locations of various things like the dining hall and the council chambers. I peeked in at the council chambers, the legendary room where the Fairy Synod met. All my assignments had come from there. They ruled everyone’s everyday life. The chamber was disappointingly boring, full of long tables and stiff-looking chairs.

  I’d only ever been inside one palace in the Borderlands and only seen one bedroom, the one Zaemon had locked me in. Though that room had been used for actual living creatures, it wasn’t much be
tter than a cell and it had stunk of sigbin. My new accommodations, in the Lord High Governor’s palace were light and airy and contained a fluffy bed, flowers on the nightstand, TV, and bookshelves. I would be comfortable here. Eventually, the space might even become a home.

  “Well?” Elita bounced on the balls of her feet in excitement.

  “I love it.”

  She pounced on me. “I knew you would.” She pointed to a door on the far side of the room. “That’s your shared bathroom. The one on the other side is usually mine.” She heaved a sigh. “But Daddy thinks it’s best if I’m not in my regular spot, just in case. So Omri and Ferika are staying in there. I’ll be directly across the hall and Talon and the new guard are sharing the quarters next to mine. Have you met him yet?”

  I shook my head. No point in trying to talk, she wouldn’t let me get in a word edgewise, anyway.

  Sure enough, Elita plowed on. “You’ll get a chance to meet him tonight. I’m having a small dinner party in my room for all of you. It’s a ‘hurray you’re well’ for you, a ‘welcome’ for Ferika and Lynx, and I have some big news to announce.”


  “He’s Talon’s new partner. He’s . . .” She cocked her head and gave me a veiled smile. “. . . tasty. Are you sure your heart’s set on Talon?”


  Elita shrugged. “Well, you’re not bound. You can always change your mind. I know Ferika wants to eat him.”

  “Not that Ferika’s picky. I’ve seen what she eats,” I muttered.

  “You’re so sweet and innocent.” Elita patted my head condescendingly.

  Before I’d figured out what we were talking about she gave me a little wave and pranced out my door hollering over her shoulder as she went. “My room, five o’clock.”

  I checked my clock; the numbers said three. I poked around my new home to kill the time. The closet contained a full array of impractical clothing. I’d have to order some more. I’d never asked Elita what my salary would be. I hoped these were either gifts or returnable. A tap at the door drew my attention.

  “Livy? It’s Talon.”

  I dashed for the door. I couldn’t think of a better way to kill two hours than to hang out with Talon. Yanking the door open I stopped and gaped. Talon stood outside my door, white teeth in his smile contrasting with his green skin. But the two figures behind him had me gulping. One had Talon’s green skin, the exact same shade. He stood about an inch shorter than Talon and had a white tuft of hair in front of each ear which matched the shocking mop of white hair on his head. Next to the man stood an unmistakably human woman with Talon’s mischievous dark brown eyes. Oh my God. I was meeting his parents.

  Talon pushed his parents inside and mouthed “Sorry” at me. Out loud he said, “Olivia. These are my parents, Inessa and Dagger. Mom, Dad, this is Olivia. My partner. Or she was going to be. Only now we’re both Elita’s new bodyguards. Or we will be once things are settled with . . .” He trailed off.

  I knew exactly what he meant. Not needing a partner felt like a piece of my identity had disappeared. Assassins worked in pairs. We bonded through partners. The lack of needing him in the usual way left things feeling far too wide open.

  Suddenly, I realized Elita had been right. Talon and I had no claim on each other now, besides our feelings. Our feelings were strong, and we were attracted to each other, but we’d only begun to test those waters. The hospital isn’t the most romantic setting. Were we attached enough to pass someone else by? What if Talon met another girl? Not needing a partner opened up a whole new selection for him to choose from. I gulped as tears stung at my eyes.

  Talon grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the far side of the room. “What’s wrong with you? Seriously? My parents made you cry?”

  “Why did you even bring them? We should have talked about this. I . . .” A rush of nervous energy something akin to adrenaline surged through me. Usually I let the fight instinct have the upper hand. This time flight dominated.

  “They want to meet you.” Talon gave me a strange look. “You saved my life. Remember your mom and the embarrassing display of gratitude I received? My parents are like that, too.”

  I fidgeted. “Um, if you’re sure. I don’t know what to say.”

  “In this mood, it’s probably best if you don’t say anything.” He shook his head. “You’re acting like I’m introducing you as my fiancé or something.”

  “Your what?”

  “It’s just an expression. You’re obviously not . . . I mean . . .” He hung his head. “This is so not going the way I meant. Please?” he asked without looking up. “Go say hi and let them thank you.”

  I nodded and sidled over to them. “Hi,” I gasped out. “Nice . . . nice to meet you.”

  Dagger roared with laughter. “I assumed Talon had gone nuts. He told me when he first met you he wanted to protest his assignment to the Synod and said you were underqualified to be an assassin. I figured any girl who could dive under a dragon had to be blatantly proficient and my son was too stupid to see it.” He leaned in and gave me a conspiratorial wink. “He can be sometimes, my dear. But in this case, I should have had more faith in him. If it weren’t for all the accolades lavished on you by the Lord High Governor, I’d be inclined to agree with his initial assessment.”

  I stammered and blinked up at him. Talon was obviously this man’s son. I couldn’t tell if his comments were meant as insults, teasing, or real disbelief. Such infuriating men in this family. His mother laid a gentle hand on my head. The power reserve hummed in her the same way it now hummed in Emmett.

  “Thank you, Olivia.” She kept her voice soft and soothing. “For saving my son’s life. I am in your debt.”

  “No need.” I dropped my gaze to the floor and wondered what color I blushed now that my skin was buttercup yellow. Did I blush orange?

  I hoped they’d take a hint and leave but Dagger got some sick enjoyment out of watching me squirm. They stayed all the way until ten-‘til five.

  “Talon, Elita expects us for dinner in ten minutes and I still need to change.”

  “Me, too.” His relief at the excuse to get his parents out shone obviously on his face. I received a hug from Inessa on her way and got a wink as cheeky as Talon’s from Dagger.

  I tapped on Elita’s door and Emmett opened it. Of course, he would be here. But . . . Since a relationship with her wasn’t mandatory, where exactly did that leave the two of them? I needed to get him alone at some point, so I could ask. He said he liked her, but did that mean like? I had no experience with romance and I’d never be able to tell by watching. They were quite kind to each other but nothing obvious, at least to me. As opposed to Omri and Ferika who were almost disgusting to be around.

  “Wow, Livy. You look . . .” He blushed. “I had no idea you were such a . . . girl.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not.”

  He took my hand and pulled me inside. “Compliment for sure. Elita’s raking the staff over the coals because they mixed up everyone’s dinner. But she’ll be thrilled. She’s been dropping hints about your outfit for days but refused to tell me more. Hey, Talon.”

  Talon turned, and his jaw dropped. A warm tingle ran through me. He started wandering over, looking dazed but someone else had caught my attention. On the other side of the room stood a young man who had to be Lynx. I don’t know what Elita meant by “tasty” but he was the most gorgeous male I’d ever seen in real life.

  Lynx had shimmery gold skin, hard muscles and thick gold hair. Not human blond, gold like metallic threads. His eyes were the most unreal shade of apple green and his smile would melt steel. He smiled at me and my knees went weak. How could I possibly be worthy of this angel’s attention? Lynx brushed past Talon and approached me. Part of me registered the look of hatred on Talon’s face, but only a small par
t. The rest of me tingled at the possibility this divine creature sought my company.

  Lynx took my hand and kissed the back of it. Somehow in one simple gesture he took my ability to speak. “Ah, the dragon slaying imp. A pleasure to meet you. You are quite renown.”

  My brain whirled as I tried to remember what the word renown meant. Talon stepped up beside Lynx and gave me a disgusted look.

  “He’s flattering you about being famous. Don’t trust him. He’s a makhai.”

  This time Lynx shot Talon the dirty look.

  “Wait.” I shook my head. “How’s he a makhai? Aren’t they classified as demons?”

  “Technically, yes.” Lynx’s voice was beautiful and deep and masculine in a way which made my stomach thrill. “But we’re also classified as malevolent, not evil.”

  “Meaning he’s sneaky and can change his allegiance to suit his own ends,” Talon spat at him.

  Lynx eyed him antagonistically. “I’m in the same classification as your dragon friend. You don’t seem to have a problem with her.”

  Talon flushed with anger, then quickly let his color drop, stepped from beside Lynx to my side and slipped an arm around my waist. “Our partnership is not a measuring contest,” he said coolly. “It’s about team work. And yes, Ferika’s infinitely preferable to work with than you. Surprising a dragon would make a better team player, but watch her. You might learn something.” He bent and pressed a kiss to my temple. “Yumiko wants to see you but can’t call. You forgot to look around.”

  I blushed and started toward the waving Yumiko but Talon caught my arm and whispered in my ear.

  “Watch out for Lynx. Makhai dazzle on the battlefield, it’s one of their skill set. But in day to day terms that means they use their power to always stay on top in a group and they pretty much always get their way with the opposite sex. You have to outsmart the feelings he causes. Don’t lose your true feelings.”


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