The Deadline Series Boxset

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The Deadline Series Boxset Page 54

by Wendy Soliman

  ‘We also have lots of enquiries for bookings on the annexe.’ She sent him a cherubic smile. ‘Who am I to deny these thrill ghouls their five minutes of reflected glory? Only problem is, a lot of them have mentioned His Lordship.’ She nodded towards Cosmo, stretched full length in front of the fire. ‘They want to know if there will be photo opportunities. Can you imagine how that would go down?’ Alexi shuddered. ‘Blood will be spilled.’

  ‘I doubt it. He likes being a celebrity. My money’s on him behaving impeccably.’

  ‘I admire your optimism.’ She pulled a doubtful face and wriggled into a more comfortable position. ‘Anyway, Marcel has promised us the best Christmas lunch in living memory to thank us for clearing his name.’

  ‘He’s not still being nice to people is he?’ Ty asked, feigning alarm. ‘That goes completely against the grain.’

  Alexi chuckled. ‘Don’t worry, he’s back to shouting and throwing his weight about.’

  ‘Normal service resumed then. Thank heavens for that.’

  ‘What about Greta and Guy?’ Alexi asked. ‘Any news from the CPS yet?’

  ‘It looks like it will be probation for them both,’ Ty replied. ‘Ben Avery has arranged for Greta to talk to a shrink about the scars left by Juliette’s treatment of her during their school years. The shrink’s report will weigh heavily with the judge when it comes to sentencing. There’s also the small matter of them turning themselves in voluntarily only a couple of days into the investigation due to guilty consciences.’ Ty made quote marks round the last two words with his fingers. ‘But I could still throttle you for voluntarily going with her when you knew she was involved with Juliette’s death.’

  ‘Yeah well, once a journalist.’


  ‘Honestly, Ty, you’re always talking about your instincts. Well, in this situation, I used mine. I had my phone with me and just didn’t sense any hostility in Greta. Besides, I can defend myself, especially against another woman.’

  Ty snorted. ‘Come at it whichever way you like, she covered up a death and tried to frame someone for murder. I still have nightmares when I think what she could have done to you.’

  ‘Well, she didn’t. Cut the girl some slack, Ty. She’s had some bad breaks. We all have our demons and Greta hadn’t been able to get past hers, until now.’

  ‘Yeah, you’re right.’ She sensed some of the fight drain out of Ty. ‘Anyway, going back to Vickery, once he got over his annoyance at having his time wasted, he’s been sympathetic to Greta’s cause. Besides, it looks good for him that he solved such a high profile case, even if technically it was us that did it for him.’

  ‘Why didn’t the police notice that the tape had been doctored?’

  Ty shrugged. ‘Reduced resources. Some civilian watched it all, made sure the time stamps looked genuine and that was all the urgency it was given. The tech guys would have got to it eventually but they had other priorities.’

  ‘Well, at least Greta and Guy found each other again and Greta can finally put the past behind her.’

  ‘I still have trouble with the fact that she tried to frame Marcel. That was downright wicked.’

  ‘Yeah, but he was a bad boy for overstepping the mark with Juliette. As for Greta and Guy, the media are clamouring for their story and I’ve promised to write it for them once their case has gone to court.’

  ‘Which means they’ll get public sympathy.’

  ‘Yep, and I figure both will get job offers rolling in after that. And, just so that you’re aware, I shall make my story balanced and paint Juliette in a not entirely bad light. Just because she was a poor little rich girl doesn’t mean she had it easy. I mean, we’ve both met her father.’

  ‘True.’ Ty stroked her hair. ‘Do Greta and Guy deserve public acclaim after what they did?’

  ‘They are not career criminals, Ty. I honestly believe Greta was not entirely of sound mind when she staged Juliette’s death and I have some sympathy for her. I did a feature on the long-term effects of bullying once and you wouldn’t believe the scars it leaves. Anyway, everyone deserves a second chance.’

  ‘Okay, if you say so.’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘Right, so we’ve solved the case and fixed Greta and Guy’s futures. That means you have no further excuses to delay making a decision about us.’

  ‘What do you have in mind?’

  Ty’s expression turned serious. ‘I want to be a full time presence in your life, Alexi. No half measures.’

  Alexi sat up and sent him a look of genuine astonishment. She had wondered what he had planned but hadn’t stopped to consider the live-in possibility. ‘You want to move in with me?’

  ‘She’s pretty slow to catch on, isn’t she, Cosmo?’

  The cat opened one piercing hazel eye, regarded Ty lazily for a moment or two, and then closed it again.

  Alexi laughed. ‘He’s sitting on the fence.’

  ‘But I’m not. I never say anything I don’t mean. I’m not Patrick and I won’t hurt you.’

  ‘Except that every time you come into my life, a dead body turns up.’

  ‘Stop avoiding the issue. I’m in love with you, Alexi. There, I’ve said it.’ He fixed her with an intent look. ‘Don’t you have anything to say to me in return?’

  Oh yeah, she had plenty to say. She loved him right back, had known it for a while, but was way better with the written word than she’d ever be with the spoken one. Besides, she figured that actions spoke louder than words in any form so silenced him with a searing kiss.

  The End

  About the Author

  Hi, I do hope you enjoyed the Deadline Boxset. If so, please take a moment to leave a review on the site you purchased it from. I’d love to hear what you thought of this particular novel – what you enjoyed most about it and what you didn’t like. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

  Reach me at [email protected]

  I was brought up on the Isle of Wight, off the Hampshire coast of southern England, surrounded by castles, stately homes and history at every turn. I must have unwittingly absorbed the historic atmosphere because I write mostly about bygone days, living vicariously alongside my strong heroes and independently-minded heroines.

  When not letting my imagination flow over a hot keyboard I spend my time walking my beloved dog – a rescued mutt of indeterminate pedigree – and make half-hearted efforts to hold back the years through regular visits to the gym.

  Follow me on Twitter @wendyswriter

  Find me on Facebook Wendy Soliman – Author

  Check out all my books on my website: or on my Amazon author page

  Regency and Victorian Series

  Mrs Darcy Entertains Series

  Miss Bingley’s Revenge

  Colonel Fitzwilliam’s Dilemma

  Miss Darcy’s Passion

  Kitty Bennet’s Despair

  Lydia Wickham’s Journal

  Pemberley: The Next Generation Series

  Emma Bingley’s Romantic Nature

  Naomi Sanford’s Compassionate Nature

  Bella Darcy’s Impulsive Nature

  Eleanor Bingley’s Rebellious Nature

  Rosie Turner’s Contrary Nature

  Susie Darcy’s Tenacious Nature

  Ducal Encounters Series One

  At the Duke’s Discretion

  With the Duke’s Approval

  Portrait of a Duke

  For the Duke’s Pleasure

  In the Duke’s Estimation

  Captivating the Duke

  Ducal Encounters Series Two

  Reunited with the Duke

  Christmas with the Duke

  Representing the Duke

  Safeguarding the Duke

  Acting for the Duke

  Emulating the duke

  Ducal Encounters Series Three

  Conspiring with the Duke

  Dedicated to the Duke

ning the Duke’s Honour

  By Order of the Duke

  The Forsters

  Compromising the Marquess

  Beguiling the Barrister

  Finessing the Contessa

  Romancing the Runaway

  Victorian Vigilantes Series

  Saving Grace

  Heirs and Graces

  With Good Grace

  Fall From Grace

  Social Graces

  Elegance and Grace

  Riley Rochester Investigates Series

  Death of a Debutante

  Death of a Courtesan

  Death of a Prosecutor

  Death of a Scoundrel

  Perceptions Series

  A Sense of Belonging

  Stand-Alone Regencies

  To Defy a Duke

  The Duke’s Legacy

  Lady Hartley’s Inheritance

  Duty’s Destiny

  A Duke by Default

  A Scandalous Proposition

  Of Dukes and Deceptions

  The Perfect Impostor

  Forgotten Heiress

  For Want of a Reputation

  Christmas at Castleray

  Ava’s Passion

  Lady Mysterious

  Divided Loyalties


  Game of Dukes

  Contemporary Titles

  The Deadline Series

  A Date to Die For

  A Contest to Kill For

  The Hunter Files

  Unfinished Business

  Risky Business

  Lethal Business

  Stand-Alone Contemporaries



  A Class Apart


  Silver Lining

  The Name of the Game




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