When We Break

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by E. L. Todd

  When We Break

  Book Thirty-Nine of The Forever and Ever Series

  E. L. Todd

  Chapter One


  The second I was on American soil, I headed to Skye. “Fuck, I hope it’s not too late.”

  Scarlet sat in the passenger seat. I was speeding but she didn’t tell me to slow down. “You never submitted the papers, right?”

  “No.” Both of my hands were on the wheel.

  “Then everything should be fine. You can slow down, Sean.”

  My foot wouldn’t leave the pedal. “What if Cayson doesn’t take her back? What if he’s so pissed off he never gives Skye a chance?”

  “Believe me, Cayson will move back in in a heartbeat.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “He said a lot of things because he was heartbroken. Don’t take it seriously.”

  I would never forgive myself if I pushed him further away.

  “I don’t know about your relationship with him…that’s up in the air.”

  The idea strained my heart. “Honestly, I can’t blame him.”

  Scarlet looked out the window. It was her way of saying, “I told you so.”

  We arrived in Skye’s driveway then left the car. I almost forgot to kill the engine until Scarlet reminded me. We reached the front door and I turned the knob.

  “Whoa…” Scarlet pulled the door shut. “Sean, we don’t live here. Knock.”

  “I don’t have time—”

  Scarlet knocked for both of us.

  I ground my teeth and kept my words back.

  Skye opened the door a moment later, looking pale and depressed. “Hey, guys. Everything okay…?” She spotted the flustered looks on our faces.

  I walked inside with Scarlet behind me. “I need to talk to you.”

  “What’s wrong?” Skye turned to us, that same look of fear in her eyes. “Did the judge not file the papers? Is there something wrong with the divorce?”

  “You aren’t getting a divorce.”

  “What?” she asked. “Did Cayson have something else up his sleeve?”

  “No.” I started to pace the entryway. “Skye, he didn’t do it. He was telling the truth all along.”

  Scarlet remained off to the side, her eyes glued on our daughter.

  Skye didn’t react like I thought she would. “What…I don’t understand.”

  “Cayson is innocent,” I said. “He didn’t cheat on you. Everything is okay. He can move back in and you guys can be together again. It’s great news.”

  Skye still didn’t process it. “Where are you getting this from?”

  “I paid Laura a visit.” I didn’t tell Skye about it because I knew she would get upset.

  “Laura?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “As in—”

  “The woman who wrote Cayson that letter.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “How did you find her?”

  “She left her address at the end of the letter,” I explained. “And it’s me we’re talking about here. I can find anyone.”

  “And she said nothing happened?” Her eyes started to glow, like the life was creeping back into her veins.


  “And you believe her?”

  “She has no reason to lie,” I explained. “And she told the exact same story Cayson told—word for word.”

  Skye dropped her hands to her sides and her breathing changed. She started to take deep breaths, like she couldn’t handle what I was saying. Her eyes coated with moisture. “He was telling the truth the entire time?”

  I nodded and felt the shame grow deep inside me.

  “And I didn’t believe him…”

  “Pumpkin, he looked guilty,” I said. “No one would blame you for assuming the worst.”

  She covered her face and sighed. “All this time was wasted…I should have just believed him. I feel so stupid now.”

  “It’s okay,” Scarlet whispered. “Go talk to Cayson.”

  She remained in the same spot like she didn’t know what to do. She was taking everything in slowly, like it was too good to be true. “You’re right.” She grabbed her purse and her phone.

  I was worried she was a little off balance with the bomb I just dropped on her. “How about I drive you?”

  “No, I’ll be okay. Bye.” She headed into the garage without saying a word to either one of us. It was like we disappeared. Once the door was shut and she was gone, we were alone.

  Scarlet came to my side and rubbed my shoulder. “I’m glad everything is going to be okay.”

  I couldn’t forget the way Cayson spoke to me. I couldn’t forget the look of despair on his face. He was a different man when he signed those papers. He was angry at everyone for not believing him.

  And I didn’t blame him.

  Chapter Two


  I couldn’t believe I was doing this but I didn’t have much of a choice. Cayson asked me to make this announcement and I had to do it. While I dreaded it, I couldn’t deny that it needed to be done. Skye and Cayson were officially divorcing and gossip was going to seep out eventually.

  “Are you going to tell us why we’re here?” Arsen had his arm around Silke. “Because Ryan is babysitting and we’d like to utilize our freedom.”

  “Yes.” I rubbed the back of my neck and released a sigh.

  “I’m having people over in a few hours and I need to get the pool ready.” Conrad eyed his watch.

  “What people?” Roland asked. “All your friends are here.”

  Conrad mumbled under his breath. “Shows how much you know.”

  “You have a pool?” Theo blurted. “Since when?”

  “It’s near the back patio,” Conrad said. “It’s one of those infinity pools.”

  “And why are we not invited to this party?” Theo asked.

  “Do you have a vagina?” Conrad asked with a straight face.

  “Okay, enough talking.” We were gathered in my new penthouse that I shared with my wife. Trinity sat on the couch and remained quiet. She hadn’t socialized much since Skye filed for divorce and we submitted our specimens at the fertility clinic. She’d been on edge.

  “Where’s Cayson?” Ward asked.

  Clementine sat on his other side, her hand on my thigh. “Cayson is probably too busy saving the world.”

  “Everyone shut up.” I held up both of my hands.

  They all fell silent when they realized I was being serious.

  “Look…this isn’t easy for me to say. You’re going to be shocked when you hear everything. Please keep in mind that Skye and Cayson are our friends and we need to be supportive.”

  Roland’s jaw fell. “Slade…you’re scaring me.”

  “What the fuck happened?” Conrad asked. “Are they getting a divorce or something?”

  Why did I have to be the governor of this weird family? “When Cayson was overseas, there was a girl there. She had a thing for him but he didn’t feel the same way…and she left a note in his bag. Skye assumed he cheated, but in actuality he didn’t. Since she still doesn’t believe him they filed for divorce.”

  “Oh my god.” Silke covered her mouth and gasped.

  “Are you serious?” Clementine said.

  “The same Skye and Cayson we know?” Roland asked. “The two people who claim they are soul mates?”

  “This isn’t adding up,” Arsen said.

  They kept protesting among themselves.

  “Shut up.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “It’s the truth and nothing but the truth. Cayson asked me to talk about it with you guys because it’s only a matter of time before it gets out. Please don’t ask either one of them about it. It’s a difficult time for both of them.”

  Roland was still awest
ruck. “Cayson cheated on my sister?”

  “No,” I said. “She just thinks he did.”

  “Cayson would never do that,” Clementine said defensively. “Skye should know that.”

  Ward should his head. “He definitely wouldn’t.”

  “Well, why was there a note in his bag?” Conrad asked. “I’m telling you, everyone is evil. I wouldn’t be surprised if Cayson did that. And I wouldn’t judge him.”

  Silke gave him angry look. “Sorry Lexie broke your heart but that doesn’t give you the right to insult everyone.”

  Conrad glared at her.

  This was getting out of hand. “Stop talking. All of you.”

  They all fell silent and turned their gaze on me.

  “This sucks…I know.” I tapped my foot against the hardwood floor. “Cayson has done everything he possibly can to keep their marriage together. It’s just…a lost cause at this point. All we can do is be supportive to both of them and not choose sides.”

  “Not choose sides?” Clementine asked. “Skye is an idiot. Of course I’m siding with Cayson.”

  “Maybe he needs to learn to keep his dick in his pants,” Roland snapped.

  Here we go again. “Shut up. Your opinions are irrelevant.”

  They fell silent again.

  “We all love Cayson. And we all love Skye. It doesn’t matter who did what. They’re our friends and we need to be equally supportive to both of them. Remember, a baby is on the way and we’re all aunts and uncles. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  They all exchanged looks in silence.

  “Can we be supportive to both of them?”

  I was met with blank looks.

  “Come on, guys,” I pressed.

  Conrad sighed. “Yes.”

  “I can do that,” Roland said quietly.

  “This is stupid,” Clementine mumbled. “But whatever…”

  That was the best I was going to get out of them. “Alright. Now let’s show them some love.”

  Chapter Three


  “I’ll take it.” The apartment was the perfect size for me. It was close to the schools Skye and I agreed to enroll our son, and it was close to work. I didn’t need a lot of space because only my son and I would live here. Obviously, I was depressed that I was officially a divorced man but I knew I would never remarry. And I would never fall in love again.

  “Great,” she said. “I’ll draw up the paperwork and you can move in next week.”

  “Sounds good.” I shook her hand and walked out. There was a constant pain thudding in my heart. It was there when I went to sleep and when I woke up in the morning. The brutal way my life fell apart gave me scars that ran skin deep. I wasn’t the same person anymore. I was completely crushed.

  My phone rang in my pocket and I pulled it out expecting to see Slade’s name or someone from work.

  But it wasn’t.

  It was Skye.

  She and I hadn’t spoken since I signed the divorce papers. Everything was different now. I could never be her friend again, not after being married to her. But I had to be civil to her. Every day, I would watch my son grow but always from a distance. The three of us wouldn’t be a real family. How can I act like everything is okay when my life was a nightmare?

  I took the call. “What’s up?” I didn’t even know how to talk to her anymore. It was always straight down to business—no small talk.

  “Cayson?” Her voice was full of desperation.

  “Everything okay…?”

  “I need to talk to you. I went to the apartment over the shop but you weren’t there.” She was out of breath.

  Despite the way she hurt me so cruelly I would never stop protecting her. The defensive side of me came out. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

  “No…I just need to see you.”

  “Well, I was just checking out my new apartment.”

  “Oh.” She didn’t sound impressed by that. “Where are you?”

  “Near the park.”

  “Can you meet me there?”

  “Where?” I asked.

  “In the park.”

  Why was she being so weird right now? “Why don’t you just say whatever you want to say over the phone?” The less I saw her, the better. “Or have your lawyer speak to me.”

  “Cayson, it’s not like that. I need to talk to you—face-to-face.”

  I still couldn’t imagine why. “I’ll meet you there.”

  “The north side.”

  “Okay.” I hung up.


  I walked down the path wearing my suit and tie. I hadn’t had a chance to change after work. The apartment was ready for viewing and I wanted to take a final look before I signed anything.

  There weren’t too many people in the park that afternoon. It was refreshing not to be crowded by people every other second. When I spotted Skye practically running toward me, all my thoughts ceased.

  What was going on?

  Skye reached me, clearly out of breath.

  “You’re really scaring me,” I said. “What’s wrong?”

  She grabbed her waist and she breathed through the cramp. “Cayson…I know you didn’t do it.”

  “Do what?” What the hell was she talking about?

  She tried to catch her breath. “I know you didn’t…cheat on me…with Laura. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you before.”

  Did she just say what I think she said?

  “I’m sorry, Cayson.” The sincerity burned in her eyes.

  Was this real? Or was this a dream?

  “I’m so sorry.” She moved into my chest and wrapped her arms around me. “I should have believed you in the beginning.”

  She felt real against my chest. Her arms felt physical against my body. All of this was real. It was really happening. “You believe me…?” She finally knew I didn’t tarnish the beautiful love we had together? She finally believed I would never hurt her?

  “Yes, I believe you.” She cupped my cheeks and looked into my face. Her eyes were coated with moisture and the longing shined deep within. “I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

  My hands were shaking because I couldn’t absorb everything. “Really?”

  “Really.” She pressed her lips to mine and kissed me.

  I felt her lips in return and felt the warmth spread through my body. I couldn’t believe this was real. All the pain I’d harbored vanished when her lips touched mine. I was getting my life back. I wouldn’t have to live in an apartment alone in the city. I wouldn’t have to move on without her. Everything was going to be okay.

  “I love you,” she whispered into my mouth.

  “I love you too.”

  She continued to kiss me, the salt from her tears catching on our tongues. “Do you forgive me?”’

  “Of course I do.” All that mattered was her. I wanted her back so much that I didn’t care about what she did. She finally came to her senses and that’s all that mattered. We could put this behind us—because we were a family.

  “Cayson…” She wrapped her arms around my neck. “Come home.”

  “I would love to.” I broke our kiss then pressed my lips to her forehead. My eyes were wet with unfilled tears. The nightmare finally ended. The storm had broken. My life was coming back together.

  I glanced across the street and spotted The Plaza. It was only a few feet away. I didn’t want to go back to Slade’s shop, and I didn’t want to drive to Connecticut—not right this second. “Come with me.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the cross walk.

  “What are we doing?”

  “The Plaza.”


  I gave her a meaningful look over my shoulder.

  Realization stretched across her face. “Oh…”


  Our clothes were on the floor the second we checked into our room. We didn’t have any luggage at the front desk, and the receptionist gave us a weird look when we said we wouldn’t be bringing anything.

But whatever.

  I moved Skye to the bed once we were both naked. It’d been so long since I’d been with my wife, and it seemed unreal that it was really happening then. I moved on top of her once our bodies were on the mattress and I kissed her everywhere. My lips loved her the same way my heart did.

  Skye dug her fingers into my hair and down my back. Her legs wrapped around my waist, ready for my entry. Her musical sighs played in my ear, arousing me in a way nothing else ever could.

  My lips found her voluptuous tits. They were much bigger than the last time I saw them. They’d swollen with her pregnancy, becoming even firmer. My lips lathered the skin and I sucked her nipples. I loved the way she smelled—and the way she tasted.

  Skye’s head rolled back as she let me kiss her everywhere. Her fingers felt my strands and she moved against me from below. She was just as eager as I was—probably even more so. “I’m so sorry…”

  “It’s in the past.” I positioned myself between her legs then sucked her bottom lip. I missed having this freedom, to kiss my wife whenever I wanted. I hadn’t made love to her in two months and my body was eager to feel the tightness between her legs. My heart wanted it even more.

  She grabbed my hips and yanked me toward her, wanting to get to the good stuff.

  Before I made the plunge, I kissed her swollen belly. I’d never had sex with a pregnant woman before Skye, and I didn’t realize just how sexy it was. The curve of her baby bump—the one I put there—was the most arousing sight ever. I loved kissing the area, knowing the child I made with her was growing inside. It was sexy and heartwarming at the same time. Skye and I weren’t just husband and wife. We were a family.

  I directed my tip at her entrance and immediately felt the pronounced moisture there. She was slick and ready, waiting for me to enter. Remembering how good our sex was just revved me up even more.

  “Make love to me, Cayson…” She dug her nails into my ass.

  I wouldn’t keep her waiting. I slowly inserted myself, feeling the stretching begin the moment I was inside. She was wet and warm, exactly the way I remembered her. It felt so good I released a loud moan. I’d imagined this in my dreams so many times. The moment between us wasn’t just physical. It was always spiritual, where we showed each other how timeless our love really was.


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