Legend of the Stone

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Legend of the Stone Page 5

by Jenee Robinson

  Grey must have noticed the doubt on my face. He steps closer and takes my hand in his.

  “Do not fret, Alexa. You are not alone in this. We will all figure it out together. That is one reason Arthur had a round table. You are the queen, but if you follow Arthur’s lead, his knights were not only his subjects but his equals and that is why the people loved him. He took what his knights would advise and even though the decision was on his shoulders, he always chose what was best for the kingdom. Not what was best for himself and his knights, but everyone.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief and give his hand a little squeeze. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a small yellow glow in the distance. That, I hope, means that we are nearing the DeGore house.

  As we near the dwelling, Beck glances over his shoulder and shakes his head. “My queen, I do not think it wise to knock on the DeGore door with you and Grey hand in hand. He is to be your guard, not lover.”

  “If I am the queen as you keep stating, it is none of their business with whom I hold hands with. I do not have to explain my choices to you either,” I retort.

  This shuts him up, and we continue to the house with only the sound of crickets chirping in the dark.

  Beck takes the lead and approaches the door, while the rest of us wait in the shadow of the forest. Grey and Beck discussed the details of what our plan was to be once we were to reach the home. Beck would go to the door first and assess the situation, and if it was safe he was to come back out and retrieve us.

  He disappears inside, and Grey squeezes my hand in reassurance. Merina is standing on my other side, her head on my shoulder.

  “I hope Beck hurries, I do not like being out in the open and in the dark,” Grey whispers.

  I do my best to contain my laugh. “Well, I have a knight and a mage on my side, I am not too worried.”

  “I, for one, am exhausted and my feet hurt.” Merina complains. “I could sleep standing up if my feet didn’t ache.”

  “Yes, I think we could all do with some rest. It has been a long day, full of surprises I would’ve never realized were to come. I wake up a butcher and I stand now as the lost heir to a throne. Not the way I thought my day would go,” I reply.

  Grey is about to speak when the door opens. Beck walks out to us and Merina rises from my shoulder, only to slump on his.

  “They welcome us to stay the morning, as we have passed the twilight hour. Tiffany has spare beds made up and ready.” He turns to me. “Declan and Tiffany are most excited to meet you.”

  “I hope I am not a disappointment,” I mutter.

  Beck slings an arm around Merina’s waist and turns back to the house. “Follow me,” he calls over his shoulder.

  Grey lets go of my hand, and sorrow filters through my chest. Is he embarrassed to be seen with me? Why did he decide now was the time to let me go?

  I take a step toward the cabin, and Grey places his hand on my shoulder. “I only released your hand so I could follow. That way no one will attack you from behind.”

  I understand the logic, and my emotions make me feel silly. Why was I so upset over a man I met this morning?

  With my head held high, I try and walk with confidence into a stranger’s house.

  It is a modest home. I step into the kitchen where I am welcomed by a beautiful woman. Her blonde hair is pulled in a low ponytail, her smile wide on her face. Her forest green eyes have a warm and caring look in them. She pulls me into a hug and introduces herself as Tiffany.

  Once she releases me, I start to introduce myself, but a handsome knight enters the room as he pulls on his shirt, with Beck.

  Declan is a little taller than Beck, and he is more muscular than both Beck and Grey, at least that’s the way it looks in his loose tunic and trousers. Declan has sandy blond hair that is held back with a tie and his hazel eyes stare at me with distrust.

  “This is the one you said you saw pull the sword from the stone?” He steps closer to me. “Are you sure? She does not look like much of a leader.”

  Grey steps up beside me, grabbing my hand. “Yes, Declan. She is the lost heir. When we meet up with Lance tomorrow, he will tell you the same.”

  “Would you like to see the sword?” I ask.

  “It would be my honor, if it is the sword of ages,” Declan replies.

  He holds his hands up in anticipation of me placing the sword there. I gently set it on his palms and take a step back.

  “If this is not the sword, it is quite the mystery why it was stuck in a rock in the middle of a forest.”

  Running his eyes over every inch, he calls Tiffany over, and she does the same as her husband before her. Her eyes grow wide as her gaze returns to Declan’s face.

  She takes her place beside him, and Declan kneels on one knee raising the sword toward me as Tiffany bows.

  “Your Majesty. I am sorry for doubting you. I pledge my sword and honor to your service and safety. You are the lost heir,” he states as his eyes meet mine.

  I glance to Grey, and he motions for me to take the sword.

  “I would expect no less. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be doing your job,” I reply, reaching for the sword.

  The sparks fly from the handle arcing with my hand, but this time I am not taken aback and grip the hilt with my palm. As I lift it, the whole sword shimmers with sparks.

  Everyone in the room has the same expression of awe on their faces.

  Beck steps up. “That is new.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “It did it at my house, but not this much.”

  Declan stand., “You and the sword are bonding. My father told me stories about Arthur and his sword. That it has been enchanted and it would recognize its true owner.”

  I yawn in the middle of his statement, causing him not to continue.

  “Forgive me, it has been a rather long couple of days.”

  Tiffany steps up and grabs my other hand. “Don’t worry, we can talk more in the morning,” she assures, as she walks me to a small hall. “Will you need your own room, or will you share with Grey?”

  I can’t stifle the laugh that comes from her question.

  “No, I can share with my sister. Grey and I just met today. I believe we are on the way to being more than friends. Best not rush it.”

  This gets a laugh from Tiffany. “I am sorry I misjudged the situation, my queen.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for, and please call me Alexa.”

  She shows me to where my sister is sprawled out on the whole bed. “Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer your own bed?”

  “I have had to share a bed with my sister more times than I can count. I will be fine, thank you.”

  Tiffany does a semi-bow and retreats to where we left her husband and Beck, leaving me in the doorway with Grey.

  “I will be outside your door. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to come and get me.”

  “I am sure I will be fine, but I am grateful for you to be so close. I hope I didn’t overshare with Tiffany, but we did just meet, and I don’t know where this thing between us will go,” I say honestly.

  “Neither do I, let's just take it slow,” he says as he inches his face closer to mine. His lips are light on mine as he applies just a little pressure and he kisses me softly. It sends a shiver down my spine as he does it one more time.

  “Good night, Alexa, my queen. Get some rest, we have the rest of our lives to figure this out,” he promises.

  I shut the door behind me and look at my sister, her body sprawling over the whole bed. Picking the side closest to the door, I begin to push and twist her to the other side.

  She mumbles a little, but rolls onto her side, giving me enough room to lie on my side. I set my bag on the floor and prop my sword against the wall. As gently as I can muster, I lie facing the door, and Merina’s snores confirm she didn’t wake.



  My mind replays the events of the day over and over, as if it’s still trying to take hold that this
is not all a dream. I try to clear all the thoughts away, but as soon as my eyes close, I see Lance pulling his trousers down to reveal his tattoo. Before they were low enough to see it, I made him stop. In reality I longed for more. Then there’s Grey, just as handsome as Lance but so different. I didn’t feel the pull to him at first, not until he came for me in the forest, after my childish tantrum.

  He never made me feel bad about it, he simply overlooked it and was about to talk some sense into me. Before Merina found us, a weird sensation came over me, and I began to look at Grey as more than a knight.

  I shook my head. I must rid myself of these thoughts. Sleep, I must sleep. My eyes are heavy and almost closed when Merina rolls over in her sleep, slapping me in the forehead.

  Thanks, sister, I didn’t want any sleep tonight.

  As dawn approaches, I roll over, coming eye to eye with Merina.

  “It is about time, you’ve been snoring for hours. It’s a wonder the house is still standing,” she jokes.

  “So says the bed hog,” I retort.

  She bats her eyelashes. “‘Me? Never! Now do tell about you and Grey. It was a wonderful surprise to see the two of you holding hands.”

  “I am unsure myself. When he came for me in the forest, my emotions were in an uproar and I had a longing for him. What is the matter with me, sister?”

  She tilts her head back in laughter. “There is nothing wrong with you at all. You’ve seen the way Mother and Father look at each other when they believe we aren’t looking?”

  I nod, waiting for her to go on.

  “Mother always told me, once I find my one, I will know. I never thought her words were true. That is, until I saw the looks on yours and Grey’s face. It was the same as our parents.”

  “Sister, you are in need of more sleep. You are talking crazy,” I say with a laugh.

  Her serious face stops me.

  “You are not joking? Are you?”

  “I’m afraid not, you have found your mate.” By the expression on her face, I know she is genuine in what she tells me.

  My throat dries and my stomach heaves at the notion. It is not that Grey isn’t handsome and pleasant, but I thought it would be a few more years before I would settle down.

  Fate has chosen my mate, but am I strong enough to fight it? Or will I accept and jump in feet first?

  Jumping up from the bed, I pace the length of the room. My mind is on overload, thoughts flying around, so much that Merina has to stop my pacing.

  She holds my face in her hands. “I promise this isn’t the end of the world. You do not have to decide anything right now. I will tell you that this is a rare find; he is your soulmate, partner, and other half.”

  The sincere look in her eyes, the words to tell her that I got the same vibe from Lance, get lost in my throat. Maybe I was imagining things, I was only with Lance for a few moments. I decide that I’ll keep this to myself, just until I figure out if it was real.

  A knock on the wooden door startles me from my thoughts.

  Tiffany’s sweet voice floats through the slats, “My queen, breakfast is ready when you are.”

  I open the door and she steps in. “Tiffany, please, call me Alexa.”

  She nods to me. “M’lady, may I have a minute of your time?”

  “Of course, what can I help you with?”

  She begins to speak, then her eyes lock on Merina and she pauses.

  “Tiffany, anything you wish to say to me, you can do just that in front of my sister. More likely than not, I will tell her later anyway.”

  “Not that your love life is any of my business, but it may be better for all the knights to see you as their equal. If the other knights see you’re already favoring one over the rest, it may cause ill will between them. I am not telling you to deny your heart, just remember you’ve just met a few of the knights. You need to win them all over, so that they would be willing to pledge their swords and life to you, not the present king,” she replies.

  “Your words do not fall on deaf ears, I have never felt a pull like I do to Grey. I will do my best not to let that cloud my judgement nor sway any of my decisions. My sister was just telling me about fated mates. I had no idea that was a real thing.”

  “I know all too well about fated mates, it will be hard to resist the call to be close or just touch here and there. I was almost engaged when I met Declan. My father almost lost his mind when I called off my relationship with the now king. The King’s father was more understanding as he wanted his son to marry to strengthen the kingdom, which is how the queen took the throne here. Once they were on their honeymoon, Declan and I were free to pursue our life together. It was fate we were able to meet and have this wonderful life we have now,” she tells us.

  Merina and I must both have a look of amazement on our faces, because Tiffany just laughs. As she starts to speak, two little blurs run into room. They attach themselves to either side of Tiffany, with their heads buried in her dress.

  “Ah, Alexa and Merina, I present to you my twin sons, Arthur and Merlin. They just turned five.” As she says their names, they shyly look toward us, peeking up from the fabric. They look just like mini Declans, except that Merlin has brown hair that is almost black in color. They have the same hazel eyes as their father, but the smile that fills these innocent faces is a gift from Tiffany.

  I bend down to one knee and extend a hand to the boys. “Hello, Arthur and Merlin. It is a great pleasure to meet you. My name is Alexa, I hope we can be friends.”

  Arthur takes a step closer to me, as Merlin hides back into the fabric. I do not move a muscle as I watch Arthur stretch out a hand to mine. He takes another step and grips my hand firmly and shakes it.

  “It is my pleasure to meet you, Alexa. You are just as beautiful as Uncle Grey said. I can see why he likes you,” Arthur says.

  His statement gets a laugh from the three of us. He still has my hand and now confusion on his face.

  “What is so funny?” he asks.

  “Not you, Arthur, you have a great handshake. Your Uncle Grey is the funny one,” I reply.

  My answer satisfies him and he releases my hand. “Maybe after breakfast you can come play with Merlin and me.” His voice is full of joy.

  I straighten up and look down at him. “I would enjoy that very much, but I must talk to your father and the knights first. I will seek you and your brother afterward.”

  Tiffany’s lips are tipped in a smile that matches her son’s. “Merlin, please go outside with Arthur and tell your father and the knights breakfast is getting cold.”

  He squeaks out, “Yes, Momma,” and quickly exits the room.

  “They are adorable. I love their names. Did you or Declan choose them?” I ask.

  “Follow me to the table and I will tell you,” she orders.

  Merina and I do just that. In the little hallway I try and tame my wild hair, pulling it up into a messy ponytail.

  “Declan and I came to an agreement, if our babies were boys, he named them and if they were girls it would be the other way around. So this baby I’m carrying now better be a girl. He has a name for a boy already and I hate it,” she explains.

  Out of nowhere, Merina replies. “Do not fear, she is strong and healthy.”

  This stops Tiffany and me in our tracks.

  Tiffany turns to face Merina. “What did you say?”

  She points to Tiffany’s stomach. “Your baby girl, she is strong and healthy.”

  Tears fill Tiffany’s eyes as she hugs my sister. Merina has a confused expression on her face. She simply pats Tiffany on the back awkwardly until the hug is broken.

  “Thank you, Merina. That is wonderful to hear. A girl. My life will be complete once she arrives. I can not ask for anything more than a strong and healthy baby, but a girl to boot. Come now, I hear the chairs moving. If you want any breakfast, we best get in there now.”

  When we enter the den that doubles as a dining room, all the men become silent. Glancing around the table,
my eyes stop on Lance and my body tingles with the tug to him once again. Then I notice little Arthur wiggling from his father’s lap. He grabs my hands, pulling me toward an open chair right between Lance and Grey, who stand as I near. Lance pulls out the chair and I take my seat. Arthur climbs into my lap, making himself comfortable there. Tiffany brings two plates over, already full of steaming food. she smiles at me as she sets them down and Arthur digs in.

  “Well, I think Arthur has put his claim in for Alexa,” Declan laughs.

  “I always told you he would be a lady killer,” the knight sitting across from me pipes up.

  “You’re just upset Arthur beat you to it, Percy,” Grey remarks.

  Laughter erupts from the mountain of the man in front of me. His brown hair is cut close to his scalp, and his caramel eyes bore into mine as he winks at me. “You may be right, Grey.”

  His eyes focus on his plate as he resumes shoveling bite after bite into his mouth.

  Tiffany walks up behind Percy and smacks the back of his head.

  “Oh. What was that for sister?” he complains as he rubs the spot she hit.

  “No brother of mine will eat like a pig at my table nor in front of these ladies. We were both raised with manners, not as wild animals. Remember that, or next time you will eat out in the pen with the pigs,” she scolds him.

  “Forgive me, sister and ladies. I have forgotten my manners,” he apologizes and wipes his hands with a white linen napkin.

  He stands and extends a giant hand toward me. “I am Percy, and it is a pleasure to meet you.”

  I return the hand shake; my whole wrist disappears in his grip.

  “Nice to meet you as well, I am Alexa,” I reply.

  He lets me loose and repeats the gesture with Merina. What he didn’t expect was the little jolt Merina sent through his body as he took her hand in his.

  “What the heck was that for?” he asks as he jumps back.

  A smile slides across her lips. “For fun,” is her reply as she shrugs her shoulders.

  “Beck, have you been filling her head with lies about me?” His gaze goes from her to Beck and back. “He is the trickster of the group. Everything I have done to him was to repay the favor.”


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