Legend of the Stone

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Legend of the Stone Page 7

by Jenee Robinson

  She appears from behind a tree. “Dammit Alexa, how’d you know I was here?” she complains.

  I shrug my shoulders. “I’ll never tell.”

  “Since Arthur was the first to claim his partner,” Beck chimes in, “I vote that Merlin is the first seeker.”

  We all nod in agreement.

  “We will give you to the count of twenty. Then you are fair game,” he pauses as he peers at Merina, “and no magic is to be used.”

  I pull Arthur on my back and prepare to run once I hear Lance start counting.

  I whisper over my shoulder, “You tell me where you want to hide and I’ll get us there.”

  He returns my whisper with a breathy “Yes.”

  Lance steps up to the barn and covers Merlin’s eyes as he closes his. The moment one leaves his lips we all scatter.

  Arthur whispers to me about a tree that he likes to climb, it is just on the other side of the barn. I dash in the opposite direction to the others. With his little arm he points to the tree he wants us to hide in.

  I transfer Arthur from my back to the tree, and he climbs up a few limbs until he is secure and hidden. I start my ascent as Lance calls out fifteen. I climb faster, whisper for Arthur to move up, and I slide behind him. My back is to the tree as I wrap him in my arms to keep him still and warm. As the sun lowers in the sky, the air is starting to cool.

  “Twenty, here we come,” Lance hollers.

  Arthur and I quietly watch for Lance and Merlin to approach. I am a little in awe of how well Arthur is behaving.

  We hear Merlin’s laugh, so they must have found a pair. Arthur goes to speak, but I raise my finger in front of my mouth, as footsteps grow louder.

  His eyes go wide, but I shake my head no. He opens his mouth and closes it again.

  The owner of the footsteps appears under the tree; Arthur and I peer at him. It is Declan. I motion for him to go and he just laughs as he walks on.

  Merlin’s giggle rings in the air. Arthur and I are the only team remaining hidden, as we wait for them to find us.

  Arthur snuggles up even more to me. I run my hands up and down his little back for extra warmth.

  “Don’t worry, I bet they will find us soon,” I whisper.

  We wait and wait, the sky growing darker by the minute. The game was lasting longer than it should have.

  Throwing the idea around to climb down or to wait, Arthur’s snore has made the decision for me. I readjust my back on the tree, hoping for a comfortable position.

  I concentrate on staying still and keeping this sweet little boy in my arms warm.

  After a while, I start to doze off. I try every trick I can think of to stay awake.

  When I think I can no longer keep my eyes open, I get a glimpse of a light moving toward us. My senses awaken, and worry spreads through me. What if this is a stranger coming toward us. I left my sword at the training grounds. The boys were so eager to play I didn’t give it another thought, until now.

  The light of a lantern stops in the exact spot that Declan did earlier. I squint, trying to make out the face in the dim lighting, a shadow following him.

  “Alexa, it’s Declan. Are you and Arthur still sitting in that tree?” he calls up to us.

  “Yes, we were waiting to be found. I guess we won, huh?” I say back.

  “Why haven’t you come down?” he replies.

  “That would be on account of Arthur falling asleep in my arms. I didn’t want to wake him. I thought Lance would be a better hunter. Did he even look for us?” I ask.

  “Yes, Merlin and I were scouring the farm for you two,” Lance growls, from behind Declan.

  “Well don’t just stand there, get up here and take Arthur. My feet are starting to fall asleep,” I complain.

  “Lance, take the lantern, I will climb up halfway and have Alexa lower Arthur to me. Once I have him I will transfer him to you so I can climb down,” Declan states.

  I wait until I hear Declan below me before I move the sleeping boy. With gentle hands, I lower him to his father.

  I stretch my arms and legs before I make my descent. I am almost to the ground when I lose my grip and fall the rest of the way.

  I close my eyes and brace myself for the impact that never comes. I do hit something solid, but not the ground. For the second time today I am in the arms of Lance.

  “We have to stop meeting like this,” I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

  Declan smiles. “I’m going to put Arthur to bed, it is past time for us all.”

  With his sleeping child cradled in his arms, he picks up the lantern and makes his way to the main house.

  “Do not do that to me again,” Lance growls.

  “Play hide and seek?” I ask innocently.

  “You know exactly what I mean.” His reply is gruff.

  The breeze picks up just enough for me to get his scent; it’s a mix of sweat, dirt and steel. Not normally a scent I enjoy, but on him it makes me want to stay in his arms.

  I wiggle out of his grip, standing on my own two feet.

  “It isn’t my fault you didn’t find us. So don’t take that tone with me. I am hungry, tired, and in need of a bath. One wouldn’t hurt you either,” I huff as I head back to the DeGore house.

  Cursing myself for not having a light source, I fumble my way around the barn. Just as I’m about to fall on my face, strong arms grip my waist.

  I right myself and the hands release me. “Thank you.”

  “You are a stubborn ass, aren’t you?” Lance pipes us.

  Ignoring him I start back for the house. I carefully take another step, but when my foot meets the ground, a hand grabs my elbow. Before I realize what is happening, I’m thrust against the wood that makes up the barn.

  Lance’s scent creeps into my nose, making me curl my lips at the smell. I am about to make a comment on it when his lips slam into mine.

  He envelopes me in his arms, and I do not fight him. As I go to respond, he breaks the kiss and lets me go.

  “What the hell?” I question.

  Wishing I could see his face in the dark, to read the emotions, I wait for a reply.

  “I apologize,” is all he says.

  I hear his feet move as he steps away from me.

  “No, you can not just say ‘I apologize.’ I want a real answer.”

  His footsteps continue. I listen and follow them carefully until I touch his back. My fingers explore his body until I am able to find his arm.

  “You can not be overprotective one second, then passionate the next. I want an explanation,” I tell him.

  “I don’t know. I have never had all these emotions running through me. I can’t explain it, I have a strong pull to you. I want to love you and protect you all at the same time. It’s driving me mad, why do I feel things for a woman I just met?”

  His answer shocks and relieves me all at once. I am not the only one questioning these reactions being close to Grey and Lance.

  “Glad it’s not just me,” I reply, letting go of his arm. “This is a conversation for later. I am dead on my feet and I don’t know what torture Declan has for me in the morning.”

  Lance laughs. “Follow me.”

  “Unlike you, I can’t see in the dark.” I hook a finger in his waistband, trying my best to keep my hold on it until I spot the light of the house.

  My fingers are still resting in his waistband when Grey walks up beside me. I remove them and smile at him sweetly.

  His face is full of concern. "I thought maybe you and Lance got lost, so I came out to find you two."

  "Oh no, we had a little discussion but we were heading in to grab some dinner," I reply.

  He walks close next to me, his fingers skimming mine when they bump together; I wish he would take my hand but don't ask.

  "What were you two talking about?" Grey questions.

  "About me moving into my parents' old house. He and Percy have been staying in it. He offered to move out, but I was telling him there is no need. It has thr
ee rooms, so there’s no reason for them to have to leave. We will each have our own space, I just can not share a bed with my sister another night. I don't mind the snoring, but she is a mean sleeper. I didn't remember that, but I've got the bruises to prove it. That, and I think she would much rather share it with Beck." A shiver runs through me as I say it.

  "Why do you detest Beck so much? He is a great friend and loyal knight," Grey states.

  I look up at him in the dim lighting coming from the house. "It's not for any of those reasons, there is just something about him I don't like. I can not put my finger on it; I think it is his personality."

  He laughs. "Yes, he can be a little much at times."

  Lance hasn't said a word the rest of the walk back. He holds open the door for Grey and me, then closes it behind him.

  Tiffany rushes up. "Oh, thank goodness you're back. Arthur will not lie down until he knows you are here. He insists that his new friend, Alexa, is the one to tuck him in. That stubborn boy."

  "It would be my pleasure," I reply and follow her to the boys’ room.

  There is only a sliver of light from the open door as I make my way over to the bed Arthur shares with his brother. Merlin is already fast asleep, little snores coming from his side of the bed. Arthur, on the other hand, is wide awake.

  He holds his hands up for me to bend down and hug him. As I do I whisper, "Good night, Arthur."

  "Good night, Alexa. I am glad you came to stay with us," he replies.

  His little hands let go of me, and I tuck his blanket back over him. "Get some sleep. I will see you in the morning."

  With that he smiles at me and closes his eyes. I slip out of their room as quietly as I can, closing the door with a squeak.

  Tiffany was waiting for me in the hall, her hair a bit wild from a long day.

  "I had them save you some dinner; come and eat before you turn in," she says.

  "Thank you, I am going to grab my things and have my sister pop me over to my parents’ house for the night. I am starving but I do not think I can keep my eyes open long enough to enjoy it," I reply.

  "Oh, so Lance took you there?" she asks.

  "Yes, and I want to thank you for all the work you've done to keep it for me. I do not know how to repay you for all your kindness."

  "No, don't you worry. Lance does most of it, only your parents’ room was what I took care of, mostly just dusting. I wish you were going to stay here. It is nice having you close, but I can see you’re in need of your own room. I can hear Merina's snores in my room," she laughs.

  "The snores aren't the worst of it; she is a hitter, that is something I forgot about. I have a feeling Declan is going to run me ragged, so I need all the sleep I can get without fearing for my life, more than I already do."

  "I heard that," Merina says as she steps out of the shadows. "I'm sad you don't want to share a room with me, but grateful as well. You talk in your sleep when you are dreaming. You think that is why I hit you in mine? Trying to shut you up?" she ponders.

  "Ha ha, sister, will you pop me over to my parent's old house?" I ask.

  "Of course I will. Beck took me on a tour of the farm, so I know what you are speaking of," she responds without hesitation, handing me my bag.

  "Thank you for the food and room,” I say as I give Tiffany a warm smile. “You are one of the kindest women I have ever met."

  She swats me. "You aren't leaving for good, just going down the road. Silly girl."

  "I know, but I didn't want to forget to tell you." I shrug.

  She smiles at me. "Go now, or one of the guys will try to get you to change your mind."

  I nod to her and take Merina's hand, and in an instant we are in the living area of my parents’ cottage.

  "When did Beck gave you a tour?" I ask.

  "As Lance was seeking you and Arthur. I think Beck is quite smitten with me," she replies.

  I laugh. "You don't say?"

  I hear the creak of a door open. Turning toward the sound, I see that it is Percy's door. He fills the door with his frame.

  "Can you two keep it down? There are people trying to sleep here," he says, his voice gruff and raspy.

  He is shirtless and I notice; my mouth goes dry and I feel the tug to him just as I do with Lance and Grey. I try to think of a witty comeback, but I'm tongue tied and my brain isn't responding at the sight of him.

  "Seeing as this is Alexa's house, she is free to be as loud as she would like to be," Merina retorts. She grabs my hand and we walk past him and into my new room.

  Merina walks straight over to the washing tub, and with a snap of her fingers it is full of steaming hot water.

  "Get in." She points to the tub. "Relax for a few minutes, then wash. As much as I love you, you stink."

  "Oh, but sister, I want to hug you first. Come on, you know you want me to," I tease.

  "So help me, I will pop you into the water so fast," she warns me.

  I undress, neatly stacking my clothes in a pile beside the tub. I test the water with my pinkie. Wow, it is hot.

  I step in, enjoying the scalding water as my leg descends deeper into the tub. The ache in my calves eases slightly. Slowly, I submerge my whole body within the hot liquid, sighing as I rest my head on the side, with my eyes closed.

  "Now that you are comfortable, tell me sister, do you feel the tug to just three of the knights?" she asks.

  My eyes pop open, and her face is smiling over me.

  "What, why would you ask that?"

  "In the fifteen years I've known you, I have never seen you look at a man or go speechless as I have seen since you meet these knights. You are always the one with the witty comeback or smart remark. You failed tonight, sister, and I didn't miss that you did," she replies.

  "Fine, I have felt a pull to Grey, Lance, and now Percy. What is wrong with me? Why is this happening to me? I find out that I am the heir to Camelot and I have three fated mates? What have I done for this cruel life to keep throwing surprises at me?" I contemplate aloud to my sister.

  She laughs again. "Stop being so dramatic, that is my job. I do find it interesting that you say three mates. I may pop back to mom and dad's, see what they know. What are you going to tell them? Do they know that you have this pull to three of them?"

  I release another sigh. "Grey has the pull and so does Lance. I haven't had any time to talk to them together about it, and I just felt it for Percy. I don't even know if he feels the same. I will talk to the two soon. Now, can I bathe in peace? It's been a full day and I can't even begin to think of the torture that Declan will inflict on me in the morning."

  She leans in and kisses my forehead. "I will leave you for now, but I want details after you talk to them."

  "I promise, now out," I order.

  She does her little disappearing act and I close my eyes again, letting my mind wander for a few minutes.

  When I decide that it is time to wash, the creak of my door startles me. Peeking toward it, I see Lance standing just on the threshold.

  "Oh good, I am in need of assistance. Will you wash my back?" I ask as I hold up a bar of soap.

  He swallows hard, even with the shadows in here it can be seen. He raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure, Alexa?"

  “It’s only soap.” I nod as he takes a few steps closer taking the soap from my hand. I grab a wash cloth that is sitting on the dresser near the tub, using it as a cover for my breasts as I rise out of the water, exposing only my back to Lance.

  Shivers run through me as he starts to wash my back, and I crane my neck to look up at him.

  "So, what would you say if I told you that, not only do I feel the pull to you but to Grey and Percy as well?" I ask lightly.

  My question makes him drop the soap; it slides into the tub hitting my foot as it comes to rest at the bottom.

  When I search his eyes, they hold hurt and love at the same time, but he doesn't speak. Not thinking of my nakedness, I stand the rest of the way up. I place my palm on his cheek and he pushes hi
s face so that I cup it.

  "As long as you will be with me, I will share your heart with them." He wraps his arms around me and kisses me greedily.


  I knew that Lance said she was beautiful, but I was in awe when I met her. She was laughing and smiling at breakfast, as if she were one of the family already. It took all my willpower not to stare at her.

  Little Arthur may have tried to claim her at breakfast, but I would have my stake in for her affection too. I have only ever loved one woman before, and she broke my heart into a million pieces. I swore that I would never let a woman have that much sway in my life again.

  Then I saw her, Alexa, the heir to Camelot. My resolve shattered the moment her face lit up into a smile. I did what I could to stay far away from her, but that backfired when Lance told me she was moving into the cottage.

  My anxiety was through the roof when we couldn't find her and Arthur as we were playing hide and seek. We spent over an hour searching the grounds for them, and relief washed over me when Declan told us where they had hidden.

  Lance spoke up first to accompany Declan to retrieve them, so I settled upon going to bed.

  Every time I close my eyes all I see is her smiling face. This is pure torment. Why after all this time do I have these feelings again? I built walls around my heart, and with one look from her they came tumbling down.

  I finally get my brain to stop taunting me with her face and my eyes are about to close, when I hear voices in the living area.

  I stalk to my door and wrench it open, glaring at Alexa and her sister. My face wears a grumpy mask, but as her eyes stare into mine that tug to be near her returns. I make a snide comment and close my door. Once I crawl into my bed, I pull up the thin blanket over my head, as if to hide from my feelings and her.

  I’ll be damned if another woman will break me like the last. I know I’m lying to myself as I drift off into a restless sleep.

  Tossing and turning all night, at the first ray of light I get out of bed. Declan had informed us yesterday that we would be training with Alexa, so I don a pair of loose trousers. They give me the flexibility I need to jog or train with my sword.


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