Legend of the Stone

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Legend of the Stone Page 10

by Jenee Robinson

  "Thank you for all your kindness," I reply as I stand.

  Percy stands at the edge of a little hallway. "You are on the end of the hallway, there." He points toward my destination, then he points to the door next to mine. "I am here. Good night, Alexa."

  He turns on his heels and I watch him retake his seat at the table.

  With careful steps, I approach the door, my heartbeat thumping hard against my chest. I am just being a silly girl. This is just Lance's room, nothing to worry about, I tell myself.

  I take a deep breath and push the door open with the handle.

  The room is simple but inviting all at the same time. A large bed, dresser, and washing tub are all that remain in the room.

  Undressing down to my underclothes, I slip into the sheets, curling into a ball in the middle. I wait for sleep to claim me.

  Farm Time


  I am awoken by a light knocking on the door. A little disoriented, it takes me a moment to remember where I am.

  "Alexa dear, it's Aster. Breakfast is ready if you are hungry," she calls.

  "Thank you, I will join you in a moment," I reply back, stretching my sore limbs.

  It doesn't take long for me to find my pack. I pull out a fresh pair of clothes and put them on in a hurry. The way Percy ate last night, there will be no food for me if I don't.

  I pull the door closed behind me, grasping at my chest; my necklace is secure under my tunic. I free my hair from its tie and work my fingers through it as I walk toward the table and the family that is waiting for me.

  "I seem to have forgotten to pack a brush, my hair is not normally so wild," I say as I take my seat.

  "We will find you one of my spares, if you would like," Aster replies. "Did you sleep well?"

  "Yes, very much so. There is something about this cottage that makes me believe I am home."

  Percy chokes a little on his breakfast. "That is Mother's secret, she gets you to think of this as home so you will do her endless list of chores."

  Aster eyes him. "For that remark, you will get to start with mucking the stalls out."

  This time I am the one to laugh, and Aster joins in.

  "What would you like for me to start with today?" I ask her.

  "My husband has laid claim to you early this morning." Her answer is spoken in clipped words.

  "Do not fear, Alexa, Percy got the worst of the chores with his big mouth. I would like you to help me pick the gardens. It goes faster with two sets of eyes and hands," he informs me.

  "That is definitely something I can help you with," I reply.

  The morning flies by. Lancelot is a vegetable picking machine, each row we race to see who can pick the most. He beats me every time.

  "Don't worry," he says with a laugh, "not one person has been able to beat me, not even Lance."

  "Where are your other kids?" I ask.

  His eyes get a little misty. "You met Lance, and we only have one other living son. Lawrence is running a successful farm just a ways down the road. Our little girls weren't meant for this life. They both passed not long after taking their first breath."

  I near him and he waves me off. "I am fine, it was years ago. They came and went so fast. I miss them and wonder who they would have been. Aster, she blames herself, but she gave me two strapping boys. We are grateful that we were able to raise them right. Enough about that, do you have any brothers or sisters?"

  "I have a sister, she is kind of like what Percy is to Lance. My parents died when I was ten. The parents I have now took me in and never treated me any different. Seems as if we both have some tragedy in our past."

  "That we do, let us dry our eyes. Aster is waiting for these vegetables. She is going to market today to trade for some supplies for winter. She would be happy for you to go along," he says, wiping his eyes.

  I follow with my basket and we head to the newly fixed wagon. We deposit them in the back and continue to repeat that until the wagon is full.

  I wipe the sweat from my brow and relax for just a moment. Untying my hair for the second time today, I smooth it the best I can without my brush.

  Lancelot snickers at my attempt. "You look beautiful, stop fussing with your hair."

  "You are too kind, I hope your wife agrees."

  He hops into the driver’s seat. Holding the reins, he motions for me to join him on the bench. I climb up with ease, and he guides the horses to the house.

  Percy is standing by the front door with a piece of bread sticking out of his smirking mouth.

  From my perch on the wagon, I laugh. "Percy, it's a wonder how they kept you all fed."

  He shrugs and Aster steps out of the door at the same time. "Lots of love and eggs!"

  Percy hooks his arm in hers and walks her to the driver’s side. Lancelot jumps down and helps her up. It warms my heart watching them together.

  Aster glances at me. "Do you want to accompany me? Or did Lancelot make you come?"

  "It would be my pleasure, although I am a little sweaty. If you don't want to be seen with me, I understand."

  She lets out a laugh. "Did you forget that I raised boys? Sweat is the least of my worries."

  Lancelot steps up and places a kiss on Aster's lips. "Drive careful, I pray you're home for lunch. Percy is no cook and neither am I.

  She playfully slaps his arm. "You don't think I know that after all these years?"

  In the process of watching their exchange, I missed Percy making his way to my side. That is, until his weight shakes the wagon.

  My eyes widen as I come face to face with him. He lightly presses his lips to mine and whispers, "Enjoy your visit with Aster."

  He winks as he jumps down. My face is warm as I turn my attention back to the horses in front of me. Aster pulls the reins, and the horses respond with a slow trot. They navigate out of the farm with ease.

  Aster seems the most relaxed since I met her. Her eyes keep sneaking glances in my direction. "So, you have won Percy over, and my husband. I applaud you, that is not an easy task. Percy has been guarding his heart for years, how did you wiggle in?"

  My face heats again. "Have you ever heard of soul mates? That sometimes people feel a tug to another?"

  She keeps her eyes forward and nods.

  "What if I told you that I have that tug toward not just Percy but two others?" I ask, my voice just louder than a whisper.

  Her mouth gapes open. "That, I have never heard of; how is that possible?"

  "Since meeting the knights, my life has been turned upside down. I have been open with all three and they all have decided that we will figure it out together," I reply, hoping she hears the truth in my voice.

  "Which other knights?"


  She nods at his name, but when I say the last name she stops the wagon.

  She turns her body toward me "Did you say Lance?"

  All I can do to reply is nod.

  She swallows hard. "My baby is your soulmate?"

  I nod again, not sure how to read her emotions. She takes me in her arms and embraces me. Still unsure, I return the gesture.

  She pulls away and quickly wipes her face, her hands return to the reins, and we are back to moving on to town.

  Her voice a little shaky. "I don't understand all this soulmate business, but I always feared that Lance would never find love. Since he was a little boy, he has only had one focus, being a knight for the realm. Growing up, his father filled his head with stories of Arthur, Camelot, and the knights of the round table. He never paid any mind to the women that chased him. He was there to pick up Percy's pieces when his heart was shattered. After all that, Lance seemed to throw himself more into his work, whatever he was doing."

  She sighs and continues, "As for Percy, I am grateful that you have brought back the spark in his eyes. He is once again the happy and full of life boy I helped raise."

  "Thank you, we are still figuring it all out. We agreed to take it slow and get to know each other better before
jumping in feet first. This is new for the four of us, and I want to keep their feelings and mine in mind. Lance was the first one I confided in, that I felt a tug for not only him but the two others as well. He took me by surprise with his words and understanding. You have raised an amazing man. That is one reason I told him that I would come with Percy, I was curious to meet the people that raised a wonderful man."

  "If Lance gave you his heart, I trust his judgement. Besides, I see the way that Percy looks at you. It does this old heart good, having him back to his normal self," she says just as we hit the edge of town.

  "Where are we?" I ask in amazement. Everywhere my eyes glimpse a new color. I realize that my old wardrobe is drab in comparison.

  Aster slows as we near the marketplace. She turns off on a side street and ties the horses to a post.

  "Come girl, let us not waste the day. Our men will be hungry before we arrive home," she admits with a laugh.

  "Yes, I do not want to be the reason Percy starts to take that hunger out on the house. I can see Lancelot chasing him around with a broom."

  Aster continues laughing and gasps out breathlessly, "That would be a sight."

  I follow her to the back of the wagon; effortlessly I climb up and hand down a couple of baskets.

  "Do you wish for me to stay here? So no one messes with the wagon?" I ask.

  She shakes her head no. "If they are in need of the goods, who am I to stop someone from getting the meal they need?"

  Her generosity overwhelms me; it is rare to find a person with a pure heart and intentions. I have always strived to be a just person, but this is above and beyond anything I have witnessed in my life.

  Except my mother, she was the kindest soul. She would aid the people of our small village. We could be down to our last ear of corn and she would not bat an eye as she handed it over.

  Jumping down, I pick up the baskets and wait for Aster to lead the way. Her steps are slow but purposeful; she does not dally at any of the stands we pass. She makes a bee line for supplies, as well as feed for the horses and her other animals.

  "My dear," she turns to me, "you are free to look around. I will come find you once I have secured the supplies I seek."

  I nod to her and the merchant and slowly examine the stalls around. Passing a stand, I run my fingers over an icy blue fabric.

  The merchant pops up from nowhere. "Good day, m'lady. That is the most popular color this season. It would look magnificent on you, with your blonde hair and blue eyes."

  "That is very kind of you, I am just looking for now. My village does not have any colors quite like this." I smile.

  I stroll around for a while, until a piece of jewelry on one of the tables catches my eye. It is the same color and almost the same design as the one I wear around my neck. My hand fumbles up to my necklace, and relief runs through me as I find that it is still safely tucked under my shirt.

  Stepping just a few steps closer, I eye more pieces so the merchant behind the table doesn't question me as to why I am gawking at the one piece. I desperately want to pick up the ring, but I refrain. Smiling, I sigh and walk to the next booth.

  I finish my browsing and then decide that it is best to return to the cart. Scanning the area, Aster is nowhere in sight. Doing my best, I try and remember the route back to where she tied it up.

  Not finding it on my first couple of tries, I tell myself that if this next side street is not it, I will go back and seek out Aster.

  With a sigh of relief, I have found it, several baskets empty of vegetables and supplies in their place. I take a quick check of the horses, and they whinny as I pat them each both. Then I hop up into my seat and wait for her return.

  I do not have to wait too long before she returns with a strapping young lad carrying her load of goods for her. Raising an eyebrow, she just smirks.

  "Right here is perfect, thank you so much for all your help," Aster tells him, handing him a basket of fresh veggies I helped pick.

  He nods. "Thank you for all of this, Aster. My family thanks you as well."

  Aster gracefully joins me on the bench after she unties the horses. Reins in her hands, she gets the horses started home.

  "Oh, do not look at me like that. He is a helpful lad. Lancelot is the only one in my heart," she tells me.

  "No, I want you to teach me that trick. It may come in handy with Grey, Lance, and Percy." I laugh.

  She joins me. "Maybe one day." With a wink, she pulls a small pouch out of her pocket. "I saw you eyeing this. You have been a wonderful help, it's a token of my thanks."

  Carefully taking it from her, I open it, slipping the ring out. I gasp and nearly drop it.

  "Do you know anything about this symbol?" I ask.

  "A little. My husband is the expert, but do not ask him if you are not ready for a long tale. It may take him days to complete."

  I tuck the ring into my pocket for safe keeping. "Thank you, it was too kind of you."

  The ride back to her farm seems to go faster than the way to town. Aster pulls the wagon around to the barn. I hop down from my seat and take the reins from her, and then offer her my hand as she climbs down.

  Lancelot appears from the inside the barn. "It is about time you made it back. Percy is starving and threatening to cook."

  Aster laughs. "I better go shoo him from my kitchen."

  I offer to help Lancelot unload the wagon when a younger version of him steps up beside him. I do a double take, and Lancelot introduces Lawrence and then tells me to take Percy on a walk so he doesn't get in Aster's way.

  I nod to Lancelot and head into the house. Percy is sitting in the middle of the kitchen, pestering Aster as she assembles lunch.

  "Percy, will you show me the rest of the farm?" I ask. He rises and moves his chair back to the table, Aster mouths thank you as he takes my hand and leads me outside.

  "How was the trip into the village with Aster?" Percy asks.

  "It was interesting, she now knows that I have three soulmates," I reply meekly.

  Percy turns his head toward me, raising an eyebrow. "How did that go over?"

  "Better than I thought it would,” I say with a weak laugh. “She told me that she was glad that the light was back in your eyes. I do believe that she is a little worried that you and Lance both have my heart. I did try to assure her that we were taking things slow."

  He walks past the barn and into the fields, taking me beyond vegetables to a sea of flowers—pink and purple wildflowers.

  "These are beautiful," I say in amazement.

  Percy smiles. "This is Aster's little piece of heaven. When Lance and I were ten, we helped plant these in memory of the two daughters she lost. She never let their loss impact her raising us, but she keeps them close to her heart."

  "It has to be devastating to lose a child, let alone two, I can not imagine that pain," I say softly.

  "Aster will come to love you, but give her time. Just as I guarded my heart, she has as well. It took Lawrence's wife years for Aster to open it to her. It may take longer since you have the heart of two of her sons." His gaze meets mine and he winks.

  I lean down and breathe in one of the pink flowers. "I will wait. She did buy me a gift when were in the village." Fishing in my pocket, I show Percy the ring.

  He is speechless; his eyes look at the ring and back to me several times.

  "Why did she get this for you?" Shock is ringing in his voice.

  I throw my palms up and exclaim, "I do not know, she said she saw me eyeing it."

  He hands it back. "Did she see your necklace?"

  I shake my head no. "Does she think I've seen your tattoo?"

  His cheeks turn red as I mention that.

  "Oh goodness, maybe I should explain to her. I do not want her thinking ill of me."

  Percy pulls me into his arms, laughter rumbling in his chest. "We will figure it out, let us enjoy our time here."

  I hug him back, when a sharp pain rips through my shoulder. Crying out into Percy's c
hest, a whisper of Grey's name fills my ears.

  Confusion is written on Percy's face as he unwraps his arms from around me. He cocks his head to the side as Lancelot and Lawrence come running.

  I am shaking all over from the sensation of the pain, and I look over my shoulder, no wound to be found.

  Lancelot speaks up, "What happened? Did Percy do something to you?" His eyes squint in anger at him.

  "No, something has happened to Grey. Percy was hugging me, then an intense pain overtook me," I explain. Without another word, I start back toward the house.

  "Alexa, wait. Where are you going?" Percy calls.

  "I must return to the DeGore farm, and from there I will search for Grey. He is hurt, I need to be with him," I reply, not missing a step as each is faster until I am running. Tears spill as I near the house. I walk inside and run straight into Aster.

  "Alexa, what is wrong? What did Percy do?" she questions.

  Percy sighs. "Why does everyone think it was me?"

  "I am sorry, no it was not Percy. It is Grey. He is hurt, and I must find him," I reply.

  "Percy, you gather the horses, I will help Alexa gather your belongings," Aster commands.

  Without an argument, Percy disappears back outside, while Aster leads me to the room I was staying in. Aster grabs my bag and stuffs in my pants and a shirt that I had on the floor, while I strap on my sword. It sparks a little in the holder, causing Aster to give me a questioning look.

  "The day I met your son, he was chasing me. I heard some men talking in a tavern; they were searching for a woman of my description. My mare led me away from the village. Weaponless, I was cornered in field with only a sword sticking out of a stone. Taking my chances, with a few tugs I removed it and I glanced up to see all the knights kneeling."

  "You are the heir to the throne,” she gasps. “Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

  "I did not want you to be in danger. The king had my parents killed and wants the same for me. It is not a burden I want for you and your husband to bear. You saw the sword arc at my touch, so I decided that I would not lie to you either."


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