by Robert Olson
Model making 95
materials 95
showing the model 98
types of models 95
Movies, early 4
difficulties with weather 5
glass-roofed stages 5
moves to south and west 5
need for set designers 5
outdoor filming 5
production centers 5
News broadcasting 117
the art director’s role 118
chromakey process 121
a production meeting 118
Paint department 4
Paint frame 27
Paper for drafting 75
Pattern, choosing wallpaper 18
Pencils 68, 76, 77
for drafting 76
for sketching 68
lead hardness 77
Perspective sketching 69
Platforms 25
for seating 113
lighting use 20
Polglase, Van Nest 7
RKO supervising art director 7
Portfolio presentation 134
Producer, job requirements 51
Production designer 3–4
agreements with producers 52
how to find 51
job desription 3
range of knowledge 11–12
title origination 4
Production environment 18
cyclorama 21
lighting grid 20
lighting pipes 20
lighting platforms 20
soundproofing 20
stage floor 21
Projection, rear 32
Prop master 101
Rear projection advantages 32
Research 4
how to use materials 61
methods 59
organizing materials 61
for talk show set 113
Résumé preparation 134
Scenic artists 27
Scrim to hide cameras 113
Script 4, 53
Script analysis 57
Selznick, David 3
Set decoration 101
keeping records 102
property rental 101
the process 109
Set designer 4, 13
Sizing of sets 21
Sketch artists 12
Sketches 4
presentation 73
Special effects
blue and green screen 34
computer compositing 34
as cost-effective solution 29
front projection 34
glass shots 31
in-camera 29
laboratory 32
matte painting 31
miniatures 31
minitures, hanging 31
modern 34
optical printer 32
overcranking 30
puppets 34
rear projection 32
as safety consideration 29
single-frame exposure 30
single-frame photography 30
undercranking 30
Stage floor in drawings 88
Stage setup supervision 99
the critique 102
Standing sets 6
T-square 77
Talk show 111
production meeting 111
staging of 111
Televison 8
changes the film business 8
Theater set designers 7
sets used in early movies 5
Tracing paper for sketches 67
Triangles 79
2001: A Space Odyssey 34
Unit production manager 4
Van Vliet, John 34
Vegetation 64
high-definition 9
picture tube 18
Video recording 8
kinescope method 8
Video system
American 17
European 17
improved technology 9
picture path 18
Videotape recording
changed television production 8
Virtual reality 9
Visualizers 12
Wallpaper 3
samples 18
Winton, Walter 6–7
Work area, for drawing 80
Work opportunities 133
colleges and universities 133
corporate video 136
display 134
independent producers 135
interviewing 137
local television 135
motion pictures 136
network television 135
nonunion productions 136
photography 134
public access cable 134
Color Plate 1
Color Plate 2
Color Plate 3
Color Plate 4