Holiday Hunks - St. Nick's Christmas Wish: Hot Hunks Steamy Romance Collection

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Holiday Hunks - St. Nick's Christmas Wish: Hot Hunks Steamy Romance Collection Page 11

by Tamara Ferguson

  “That’s the great thing about working in a salon. There’s always someone there who can do my hair. I wear it like this a lot too.”

  Nick reached out, twirling a few strands in his fingers. “My niece’s is the same color as yours. Nearly white.”

  “I’d love to know all about her.” Emma finished her coffee and stood. “I should be back in about twenty minutes.

  “I’ll be here. You don’t mind if I shower?”

  Rolling her eyes, she punched him in the arm. “The clean towels are under the vanity.”

  “See you shortly.”

  Emma was still smiling as she got into the jeep. The roads had all been plowed, so it was an easy drive to the inn. She borrowed the keys for the apartment from Jake, who looked at her curiously after she told him she was fetching Nick’s clothes.

  An hour later Emma and Nick were walking through the buffet line beside some of the guests. Today, another tree would be brought in for the charity auction happening the day before Christmas Eve. All the inn’s guests were welcome to help the employees decorate and there were contests going on for kids and their families during the entire day, along with ice skating and hockey happening at the rink on the Dragonfly Pointe Bay.

  Emma became busy right away with the decorating tasks she was expected to assist with, so rather than have Nick stick around, she would say goodbye to him for now so he could run his errands and change clothes, and maybe get a little work during the day since she was supposed to call him later today.

  They were walking into the lobby when they ran into Tanya, who instantly froze, her mouth gaping open.

  And then she glared at Emma, who held up a staying hand. “We just ran into each other last night. Nick, this is my friend, Tanya. Tanya, I guess you’ve met Nick?”

  Tanya went all syrupy sweet as she reached out with her hand. “Hi, Nick. Nice to see you again. May I ask what your intentions are?”

  Obviously amused, Nick’s gaze turned from Emma to Tanya as he shook her hand.

  “Only the most honorable of course, Tanya.”

  And then he turned and winked at Emma. “I know it’s a little soon to admit this, but I was thinking marriage…”

  And with that parting line, Nick didn’t look back, making his way through the breezeway, outside.

  Emma stood there in shock until Tanya elbowed her in the ribs. “Em. What in the hell happened last night?”

  Emma turned on her heels, heading back to Danielle’s office for the assignment sheet. “You’ll have to excuse me, Tanya. I think I might need some time alone to freak out.”

  Tanya started laughing loudly.

  * * *

  Nick was a little bit in shock when he walked outside to fetch his SUV. Since it was piled high with snow, he sat in the driver’s seat after starting it up, waiting for the SUV to thaw.

  He sat there and thought about the fact that he’d just nearly proposed to another woman after breaking off another engagement six months earlier.

  Was he losing his mind?

  No, he really did want to marry Emma Caffrey, and he had no doubt at all about it.

  What next? He’d buy a house right away, he decided. Not some condo or townhouse, but a real house that was near the lake. Maybe he’d build one eventually, but for now, he’d try to find one he could move into right away.

  Plus he definitely needed a garage. Clearing snow off his vehicle on a daily basis was something he wasn’t really looking forward to. Nick wondered if it was their responsibility to have the apartment parking lot plowed?

  Luckily, he did have a scraper in the back seat, so eventually, he was able to clear off the snow and be on his way. ‘

  He was still feeling muddled, but in a good way, and he smiled; thinking about the previous night on his way back to town.

  Right now he would take it one day at a time and see what the future would bring.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Later that afternoon at the Christmas tree farm, Emma had a wide smile on her face, watching as Nick and Jack dragged the freshly cut tree along the path ahead of her. She couldn’t believe that neither one had ever been to a tree farm before, since it was something she and her parents had been doing with her entire life.

  She was missing her parents, but she’d talked to them both a few times, and apparently, they were having a great time cruising the Caribbean.

  Nick turned back. “Have you got ornaments and lights?”

  “I do. But I thought we could all go back into town after unloading the tree at the cabin and pick up some snacks for the small party I’m going to have tonight.”

  “You’re having a party?” Jack asked.

  “We’re having a party,” she answered, giving him a grin. “Kind of like an open house. My parents are away on a cruise, and I decided last minute to rent a cabin if one was available so I wouldn’t have to be home alone. And since a lot of my friends work here at the inn, I thought it would be a good way celebrate together, since almost everyone has to work during the holidays.”

  Nick looked at her quizzically when the reached the parking lot. “You live with your parents?”

  “It’s only temporary,” she answered, scrunching her nose. “My landlord hiked up the rent of my studio, and even though I could have afforded to stay there, it wasn’t worth it. I’ve got noisy neighbors for one, and he never got to repairs in a timely manner. Plus, he’s not so good about having our parking lot plowed, and I don’t know how many times I’ve had to call a friend or my Dad to drive me in to work. Although there’s a shuttlebus that runs around town a couple times a day, I work a lot of odd hours at the salon. I’m thinking about looking for a house.”

  Nick suddenly gave her a strange glance.

  “I’m thinking about it too. I’ve even started putting together a list of properties to look at. We could do it together?”

  “I’d like that.” she murmured, feeling a strange tingling up and down her spine because of the suggestive look he was giving her, yet again.

  When Nick pulled out his wallet to pay for the tree, Emma tried to stop him.

  “Let him pay for it, Em” Jack said, with definite humor in his voice. “He can afford it.”

  “I…alright,” she answered, grinning.

  * * *

  It was amazing how easy it was with Nick. It’s like they’d been together for years, except for the fact that every time he smiled at her, Emma’s heart started racing. All her friends seemed to like him, even a couple of her ex boyfriends, so it spoke volumes about what kind of a man he was.

  He was even great with kids. Many of Em’s friends were married couples, so they brought their kids along to the cabin. Em had craft supplies and plastic ornaments laying out on a table covered with plastic, and everyone who stopped by was expected to come up with some kind of ornament for the tree and sign their name for Em. It kept the kids who were visiting busy, while Emma introduced Nick and Jack to her friends.

  “You have a lot of friends, Em. They sure love you,” Nick murmured several hours later, when it was just the two of them admiring the tree. With an arm wrapped around her shoulders, Nick sat beside her on the couch, near the warmth of the gas fire. Nick had handed over his car keys to Jack a few minutes earlier, and Emma would be driving Nick back to his apartment tomorrow afternoon after he assisted with the activities happening at the inn.

  “That’s what happens when you grow up in a small town,” Emma admitted. “The bad thing about it is, everyone knows everything about your business. We’re probably being gossiped about right now.”

  “That doesn’t matter much to me,” he said softly.

  “Truthfully? Me, neither,” she answered quietly, with his lips only a breath away from hers.

  And then, he kissed her.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Nick couldn’t get over how easy life was with Emma. She had a way with people, and it was magic, the way she could make everyone smile.

nbsp; She was beautiful inside and out, and Nick couldn’t believe how hard he’d fallen, and after sharing the Christmas season with her, he couldn’t even imagine what his life would be like without her. Even when she wasn’t around, she invaded his thoughts at the oddest moments, making him smile all the time.

  Constantly teasing, Jack had noticed it too. “I really like that woman. You’re changing Nick. You used to always be so serious. Now, you’re smiling even when you’re sitting and working with Hanover Development.”

  Nick stared at Jack with amazement. “You know?”

  “I do,” Jack answered. “You’ve been so preoccupied with thoughts of Emma, I’ve managed to glance over your shoulder a time or two. You’ve been the driving force of the company all along. Haven’t you?”

  Nick became sheepish.

  “I’ve had to keep it quiet, because of the risk of anyone else finding out. It appears that I’ve made a clean cut from the company, and Dad’s no longer associated in the paperwork, except as an employee. Dad signed everything over to me at eighteen, but no one knows that. Every bit of paperwork shows Hanover’s was purchased by another company. Dad’s had some attempts on his life, and he wanted to make sure that I was ready to take over someday. We’ve never been able to figure out who’s behind the trouble, although I do have my suspicions, I’ve never been able to figure why.”

  “That sounds like a smart decision. But if it’s serious between you and Emma, you’re probably going to have to tell her. It’s not good starting a life together with secrets.”

  Nick grimaced. “You’re right. You can tell how serious it’s getting already?”

  “I can,” Jack answered. “It will be difficult, but another thing you should do is introduce her to your family.”

  Nick sighed. “You’re right. But not yet. I’m afraid of how they’ll react.”

  Jack remained quiet, looking thoughtful. “You think it was someone from your family responsible for kidnapping you when you were young, and making these attempts on your dad’s life?”

  “How do you do that, Jack?” Nick stood and began pacing through the office. The decorator had already done her magic in the office, and it was set up invitingly for clients with comfortable furniture and calming blue wall colors and carpet. Old black and white framed prints of scenic properties lined the walls, and despite the modern flair, it was the perfect professional touch. She would be working on the individual offices soon, so Jack and Nick had opted to move their computers into the lobby on desks for the time being for work, since the office itself wouldn’t be opening for another couple weeks and calls were already filtering in.

  Nick continued, “I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I think my Grandfather Ramsey is somehow involved. But as far as I know, he’s loaded, so there’s no real reason for any of it.”

  Jack shrugged. “Have you thought about a gambling problem, or some other vice?”

  Nick looked at him Jack sharply. “You know what? It’s odd that the detective I have on it has never been able to dig up any dirt. It’s a guy that Dad supposedly trusts, but maybe I should hire someone else?”

  Jack nodded his obvious agreement. “Don’t forget, your grandfather grew up in Richmond too, didn’t he? He probably has all the same connections your dad has.”

  “I’d better get on that right away,” Nick said. “Thanks, Jack.”

  “Anytime,” Jack answered, turning his eyes back on his computer.

  * * *

  A few weeks later, Nick couldn’t stand it anymore. He’d spent nearly every night at the cabin with Emma during the holidays, and now that she was living with her parents again, he was going crazy without her. It was like night and day, the relationship he had with Emma, compared to the relationship he’d had with Marissa.

  Emma wasn’t comfortable staying overnight with him at his apartment, because the building was in the center of town. Plus, didn’t particularly relish explaining to her parents why she was gone all night since she was currently living under their roof.

  But Nick was finally going to meet her parents tonight for dinner at the Dragonfly Pointe Inn.

  He got there a little early and ordered a drink. Tonight, he was wearing a suit, since he wanted to do everything in his power to give a good impression.

  Nick realized he was overdressed when Emma walked into the restaurant with her parents. Although Emma looked beautiful, as usual, wearing a skirt with tall boots and a cowl neck sweater, her parents were both wearing jeans.

  But when Emma looked at him with obvious approval, Nick knew he’d been right to dress in a suit. Nick stood to shake Emma’s dad’s hand.

  “Mr. Caffrey? I’m Nick. It’s nice to meet you,” Nick murmured, reaching out with his hand.

  Mr. Caffrey reached out and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you too, Nick. Just call me Ed. And this is Emma’s mother, Erin.”

  Mrs. Caffrey’s eyes were huge when she looked him over. “It’s nice to meet you Nick. Emma didn’t mention that you were so…,” she grimaced, “tall.”

  Emma blinked, glancing at her mom, and suddenly began giggling as she punched her lightly in the shoulder.

  Emma’s laughter eased the moment, and everyone was smiling when they took their seats around the table.

  They talked about everything from sports to politics, and it was so different from hanging out with his own family, who were all rather distant. Nick liked Emma’s parents, and he could see how she’d become the woman she was today.

  Apparently, Ed had nearly lost his life about ten years ago after having a stroke, so he’d taken early retirement. He’d been an investment banker traveling back and forth from Eau Claire, and it had been a high pressure job.

  Ed looked at him quizzically after a while. “Nick? You were born in Richmond? We handled quite a few transactions from a company called Hanover Industries. I know it’s a common name, but by any chance..?”

  Nick gave Emma a side glance, and saw she was still preoccupied speaking with her mother.

  “I haven’t wanted to discuss it with Emma, but yes, my family founded the company.”

  “Oh,” Ed said softly, definitely looking taken aback. “How serious is it between you and my daughter? You haven’t known each other very long.”

  “Long enough, Sir,” Nick answered, meeting Ed’s gaze. “It’s very serious.”

  “I see,” Ed answered, grinning. “This ought to be interesting. My fingers are crossed. Hopefully, my little Emma won’t break your heart, like she has with every other guy she’s dated.”

  Nick blinked, and suddenly started laughing.

  Emma and her mom were laughing too, although Nick could tell that Emma was wondering what in the heck they were laughing about.

  Nick insisted on paying for dinner, and Ed finally agreed although rather reluctantly.

  A few minutes later, as Emma’s parents made their toward their car, Nick held Emma back so he could her a proper good night kiss.

  “I’ve missed you,” he murmured, after they broke away from a passionate kiss.

  “I’ve missed you too,” she confessed. “I’m not quite sure what to do.”

  “We’re going house hunting,” he answered firmly. “Tomorrow. That is, if you still have the day off?”

  “I do,” she said. “The salon is a little slow after the holidays, so I only work long enough to satisfy my health insurance requirements so everyone else can pick up some of my hours.”

  He pressed her nose with his finger. “You’re so generous. I saw all those pictures on display at Crystal Visions. How long have you been volunteering there?”

  “Since I was about twelve,” she answered, looking sheepish. “Some of the kids break my heart, with all the issues they’re living with, and when I see the smiles on their faces when I arrive with some new craft or activity to do, it’s worth every moment.”

  “I’ve been stopping over there a couple days a week too. Since the first week I arrived in town.”

  “I know.
We still haven’t talked about your niece.”

  He heaved a sigh. “I know. We haven’t talked about my family. Period. It’s complicated, and we haven’t been able to spend too much time together.”

  “That’s what I figured,” Emma answered. “House hunting sounds fun.:

  “Great. I’ll pick you up at ten. Alright?”

  “Sounds great,” Emma answered. “I gave you the address?”

  “You did,” he said, giving her another quick kiss on the cheek and wrapping an arm over her shoulders as they walked toward the parking lot, where Ed had pulled up with his car.

  Reaching out, Nick opened the back door for Emma. “It was nice meeting you Ed and Erin.”

  “Same here, Nick,” Erin answered. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing you again soon.”

  “Goodnight, Nick,” Emma murmured, stepping into the backseat

  “Remember, tomorrow at ten.”

  Emma smiled widely as Nick closed the door, and a moment later, Ed was driving away.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Nick started out small, trying not to overwhelm Emma, but the problem was, Nick wanted a large house, a place you could get lost in, where friends and family would have an open invitation to visit but everyone could still have their privacy and space if needed.

  They were pulling into a long narrow driveway of a large property located near the edge of Crystal Rock Lake. According to Emma, the homes in this area were more private. Although the majority were year round homes, many of the owners used them as vacation spots or rentals.

  It was exactly the kind of location that Nick had been dreaming of, with a private beach, a large boathouse and plenty of property to explore.

  And the house was beautiful, looking more like a huge Italian villa rather than a ten bedroom, eight bathroom home, with an indoor pool and combination family room and game room on the lower level.


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