Opal Rain

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Opal Rain Page 6

by Crystal Lewis

  Chapter 6

  “Mum, are we far enough away yet?” Jasmine asked we had been walking for hours, the sun had just about set.

  “For now this will be far enough but I fear that we may never be able to get far enough away, we can stop as soon as we find some shelter.”

  We continued to walk in silence everyone lost in their own thoughts. The sun had set completely by the time we finally found a spot that Rose deemed was safe enough for us to spend the night. At first no one spoke we just sat there looking at one another waiting for someone else to speak first, eventually Jasmine stood up and ask the question that had been weighing on every bodies mind all day.

  “What did they think they would gain by attacking us?”

  “I believe they want the information regarding the fey to never be passed on. They are of course vampires just like us however they like most other members of our kind believe that we should be praying that their kind be whipped out rather than helping them save it.”

  A shiver ran down my spine, “If most of your kind believes that you should not be helping us how do we know who we can trust?” I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear the answer but I asked the question because I needed to know.

  “There are very few left that we can trust, there is only one other group of Vampires that I know of that truly support what we are trying to do. There is a group of rebels that were cast out from our community during the war because they didn’t believe that all fey should have been punished because of the actions of a select few,” emotion was high in her voice and I could tell it was hard for her to tell us this, then she turned to Jasmine and Lily and added, “Their leader was your brother I am not proud of what I did but I had to protect him I banished him and his followers from our community because they would have killed them all.”

  “I don’t understand Mother,” Lily said her voice dripping with sadness, “You and farther always told us that Cole died at the hands of the humans.”

  “At first we had to tell you girls the same stories that we told the council out of fear that our cover would be blown and over time it just became too hard to tell you the truth. Your dad and I secretly continued his work and when the war was over we were the ones that started the process of helping the fey hide.”

  “How did you get them to agree to hide our kind when it seems that they would rather see us whipped out?” I asked.

  “For a time they thought that it was worth it to try and persevere your kind in order to continue with a fair fight when they were more stable, however now that there are only a few fey left they have reverted back to the old ways, they are trying to pretend that they are still fighting to save your kind however over the last few months assassins like the one we encountered earlier have been picking of anyone who worked with us in tracking information that was important to the survival of the fey, unfortunately much of the information died with your farther girls, I just hope that what the tree of us know will be enough tho help these to discover their destinies.”

  “It will be alright Rose we will work this out the five us together will find your son as well.” Tabatha spoke up for the first time since we left.

  We were sitting in silence considering what our next move should be when a noise just behind me made me jump. My heart started pounding in my chest no animal would have been able to make a noise like that. I want to scream I wanted to get up and run but I knew that if I did I would give away our position to whoever was out there so instead I grabbed Roses’ hand and focused on finding her son. My heart stopped when I found his energy he was really close then I did something that shocked me I stated calling to him across the connection. Without any words at all I tried to press upon him just how much danger his mother and baby sisters where in. His energy pulsed in anger the force of witch scared me and I dropped the connection and lay back on the grass exhausted.

  After a few minutes there was a rustling behind us as the bushes moved the others sprang to their feet bracing for an attack,

  “No,” I cried, “don’t attack he is not a threat, its Cole.”

  The other for lowered their weapons however they did not relax until the tall vampire crashed into our small shelter and they could see that we truly weren’t in any immediate danger. Rose fell to the ground tears streaming down her face when her son stepped into the clearing, the rest of us just stood there unable to move completely in awe of the vampire standing before us. The moment was broken however when a young female appeared at his side.

  “You scared me half to death taking of like that Cole,” She choked wrapping her arms around him.

  “I’m sorry Sylvia, my family was in danger and I hadn’t to find them we have to protect them.”

  “How did you know that they were in danger and exactly where to find them?”

  “The young fairy that travels with them,” he said looking at me, “was able to guide me through her ability to sense energy.”

  “Is that so,” Sylvia said stepping in to take a better look at me, “You are miracle there hasn’t been a fairy born that can use its power to guide another being in over a thousand years and even then those who have gained the ability have been training for years before they could truly master that power. How old are you anyway?”

  “I am 11,” I stammered in response, her odd question had caught me off guard.

  “You truly are very young to have that much control over you powers,” she whispered.

  “It isn’t safe here we must leave, we have been followed,” Rose said, her voice barely more than a whisper.

  “Right we should split up its safer for us all if they don’t know exactly where we are heading, “Sylvia said, stepping up and taking charge, “Cole you can take the angle, lily and your mum back with you, take them east, I will take Jasmine and the fairy to the north.

  Nothing else was said Sylvia gave Cole a quick hug and we set off. No one said anything as we walked, we were all tense expecting an attacker to jump out at us at any moment I was relieved when we reached the campsite and I was able to relax.

  “James is your father back yet,” Sylvia asked, a young boy when we entered the campsite.

  “Not as yet mother,” He replied, “what’s going on?”

  “He went out to rescue your grandmother, aunties and a couple of fey that accompanied them, it’s nothing to worried about we found them with little trouble thanks to the fairy here.”

  “Excuse me,” Jasmine said, “her name is Opal.”

  “I am sorry dear I don’t mean to rude just with so much going on.”

  “How old are you?” I asked turning to address James.

  “16, I will be turning 17 in a few months though,” he replied sounding quite proud of himself, then extending his hand added, “come I will show you around while we wait for my father to return.”

  I took his extended hand and followed as he led me around. I wasn’t really paying much attention to him as talked however, I just kept running over things in my head, a few days ago the only person who depended on me was me now everyone I meet was relying on me to save a race. I didn’t have long to think though not long after we left the others Cole and the other arrived.

  “Mum has been looking for you,” James said when he spotted his farther.

  “I know mate I already spoke to her, she sent me to look for the two of you.”

  “Are the others ok,” I asked feeling the panic building up inside me.

  “Yes we all made it back in one piece now we wanted to start teaching you and Tabatha of the prophecy and decide what our next move should be.”

  The three of us walked back together, James not for a moment letting go of my hand.


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