Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2

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Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2 Page 6

by Bliss Carter

  “Oh my gosh, Walker. Really?”

  Walker gawked at her. “What? Hell no woman! I thought it was you. It’s okay if it was you, babe. I know that kind of stuff happens eventually in front of each other. I just didn’t think you’d be okay with it on the first day. What the hell have you been eating lately? Broccoli with a side of napalm?”

  “No! It wasn’t me! I swear I don’t. Ever.” Grace knew, that Walker knew she was lying her ass off. But she was sticking to that story. And that was final.

  Both adults turned at the same time and looked over to the couch. Jaxson still sat with ear buds on, playing the game. Another huge sound came from over where he sat, vibrating on the leather of the couch.

  “Oh my gosh! It’s Jaxson. Of course, it is. He isn’t even phased by it. Oh wow, I thought it was you, Mr. Bad Ass Cop. Oh my gosh Walker, I’m dying. You should have seen your face when you thought it was me. I could see our next kiss being denied.” Grace began laughing so hard that she couldn’t contain herself. She set down her spoon on the counter and slid down to the kitchen floor. Tears streamed down her face and it was so red from lack of breath, she looked like a beet.

  Walker soon joined in, letting the hilarity of the situation bombard him with laughs. He shuffled over to Grace and sat down next to her, tears running down his face as well. “Baby, I’ve never been happier to be wrong in all of my life.” He clutched at Grace and they leaned on each other, finally laying on the kitchen floor together in a heap, cuddling and wiping away each other’s tears of laughter.” A few giggling kisses were given as apologies, one that deepened with tongues touching, wet lips grinding into each other for a few moments. They pulled back and just lay there, staring at each other with big smiles.

  A shadow came across Grace and she looked back towards Jaxson, who was standing over both of them, looking like they had lost their minds. “What’s so funny mama? What joke did Boomer tell you? He told me lots of ‘em this afternoon.”

  “Nothing Jaxson. Just Boomer and I being silly.” Grace chuckled, holding her stomach which was sore from all the laughing she and Walker had been doing.

  Walker sat up and pulled Grace to sit beside him. Without thinking about it, he kissed her cheek and put his arm around her, with Jaxson standing there and staring at them.

  “Is Boomer you’re boyfriend now mama?”

  “Uhmmm, well Jaxson…” Grace started her explanation and looked up to Walker to help her. But he just looked down at her, silently stating to her that this was her story to tell and how she told it to her son. Grace took a deep breath and said, “Yes, Walker is my boyfriend. We’re dating now. And you’ll be seeing a lot of him from now on. Are you okay with that?”

  “Are you kidding? It’s awesome! My mama’s boyfriend is a police officer. That’s the coolest job in the world. And that makes Walker, I mean Boomer, kind of mine, too, right?” Jaxson looked back and forth between the adults, questions in his eyes of what this meant for him. How did he fit in?

  “Jaxson, remember earlier today when I told you I was going to be your mama’s protector, making me yours, too?” Walker asked gently.

  “Yeah, and I told you that Uncle Cade had told me how you were going to become important to me and mama soon. Well he said as soon as you and mama got your heads out of your asses,” Jaxson stated with a shrug.

  Grace scowled, stating “Language Jax.” After hearing his mumbled apology, she noted to make sure all the girls and Cade knew that Jaxson listened to every word they said and would repeat to anyone who would listen.

  Walker just snorted at what Jaxson said, agreeing with him. “Yeah, well I finally got my head out of my…butt, so me and your mama are dating each other and are boyfriend and girlfriend. But that also means I’m dating you, too. And I take dating very seriously.”

  “Dating? Me? How can you date me? I’m a little boy, not a girl,” Jaxson asked, confused.

  Walker sat up straighter and pulled Jaxson over to stand next to him. He took the little boy’s hand in his, not holding tight. He gave Jax the secret hand shake he used as a kid. “See this handshake? I’m going to teach it to you and it will be special just between us. It will be our way of telling each other if we’ve had a good day or not. And yes, I’ll be taking you to do things that don’t involve your mama or girls. How about a trip to Legoland? Maybe to see a Braves baseball game and eat lots of hot dogs and popcorn? That’s my idea of dates with you. It will be guy dates with the boyfriend. Maybe sometimes Uncle Cade or some of my other guy friends can go with us. That way you and I can get to know each other doing fun guy stuff. It will definitely help your mama feel more comfortable around me if she knows you and I like each other.”

  “How does all of that sound, Jax? Be honest.” Grace asked, nervous for the answer. She felt Walker’s hand stroke up and down her back for comfort. He knew this was very important to her.

  “It sounds super duper with an extra super in there. I’m excited. Boomer can help me with lots of things. I didn’t tell you this, but I dreamed before that Boomer was sitting with me, holding a baby in his arms. It was my little sister, just born at the hospital. Maybe that will actually happen! I want to be a big brother.” At that vivid, jaw dropping statement, Jaxson ran off to play more of his game before his time was up.

  Walker cleared his throat and said, “Well, he doesn’t have a filter either does he? Like mother like son I suppose.” He laughed gently at that.

  Grace looked shell shocked for a second, then rallied and smiled at him. “He dreams lots of stuff, Walker. Just ignore it. He’ll forget about it in a week or two.” She turned to get up on her knees to get her butt off the kitchen floor, but Walker stopped her, fingering her blonde curls and looking at her stunning blue eyes.

  “I don’t think he’s crazy. I know without a shadow of a doubt that you would make one hell of a gorgeous baby sister for him one day. And maybe, it will be me sitting there holding her, wondering how I’ll ever be able to let her go for some man to love. I think about those things a lot, Gracie. Don’t discount my emotions and how things affect me, just because I’m a guy. Okay?”

  Grace nodded silently and mouthed “Okay” to him. They both got back to work getting supper ready for them to eat. They worked together with ease, often looking back at each other and laughing. Talk of futures and Jaxson becoming a big brother were shoved to the back of the closet for now.


  Later that evening, Walker and Jaxson sat playing Mario Cart on the Xbox and Grace took the opportunity to group chat the girls, letting them know that she was doing okay. She checked her phone for the first time and found out that a group message had already begun without her hours ago. She scrolled back up to read what she had missed.

  Kresley: Grace, let us know how you’re feeling after you wake up from your nap or whatever else you decide to “do” later. Hehehehe

  Birdie: Lord Kres, just because you’re getting some every day, doesn’t mean everyone else is doing the same. Boomer is a gentleman. And Grace is a scaredy cat.

  Francie: I hope Grace is getting deep sleep. Her circles had circles within those circles. Wanna bet nightmares have plagued her and she’s too stubborn to say something?

  Gertie: I’m not betting on a losing hand. I’d recognize sleepless nights anywhere. And Grace fits that definitely.

  Kres: Cade says that PTSD can rear its ugly head in the most unlikely of places. We’ll get her through it. We always do. She’s an Anderson for life, with or without the last name.

  Francie: I guess we’ll be waiting to hear from her. Hopefully before New Year’s. Later guys.

  Grace: So, let me tell you a story about the gaseous sound that almost ended a relationship on Day 1…

  Birdie: WHAT? Grace, please, please, please, with all that’s lovely and beautiful in this world, please tell me you did NOT "sound off" in front of that man. I mean, come on. You can hold it in and hope to pass it silently in the other room.

  Kresley: Can that ruin a r
elationship? I mean, really. It’s a natural bodily function.

  Francie: I’m dying laughing about this. So Kres, has Cade done that in front of you yet? I bet it was like glitter and smelled like rainbows and unicorns

  Grace: Y’all, Jaxson let out one so loud that Walker thought it was me and I thought it was him…and then the smell over took us. It was gag worthy. Y’all really should spend quality time with Jax…and his smells of mass destruction

  Gertie: I’m usually more prudish than this, but oh my, I’m laughing so hard. Please tell me that Walker’s face was captured in picture for us to see when he thought you had done it? Was he repulsed? Impressed? Thought the smell was going to knock the beauty off your face?

  Gertie: Hang on. Someone’s knocking on the door. I think it’s Braxton. BRB

  Birdie: Braxton? On a late Saturday? Hmmmmmmm

  Kresley: Don’t Birdie. Leave it be. Let it simmer. Let the tea steep

  Grace: Well, I’m sitting here watching Walker get his butt kicked in Mario Cart with Jaxson. It’s cute. Every so often Walker will look up at me as if to say “help me”. I just look at him, wink and continue reading my book.

  Francie: Any more kisses? The one at the apartment seemed very nice, but cautious.

  Grace: What was he going to do Francie? Tongue me in front of all of y’all? Uh no thanks. He knew better. And the kisses here have been amazing. He spooned with me on the bed until I fell back asleep. He watched Jaxson while I had a three hour nap. He helped me prep dinner and cook it. He and I had a long talk and he basically told me, when I asked him what I was to him, that I was “everything”. I mean, could you swoon at that? My head is spinning with all the thoughts and feelings. Two years guys. Two years he’s been waiting on me to finally see him. Why didn’t y’all tell me?!!!

  Birdie: Excuse me???????????????????????????

  Francie: What the hell????? We did you twit!

  Kresley: Grace you are brilliantly smart, but a complete moron sometimes. We did tell you, over and over. Even Cade would joke with you. You weren’t ready sweetie. Now you are. That’s the difference.

  Grace: Yeah, I’m ready, so, so ready. And we both talked to Jaxson and it seems Jax is on board as well. Walker said we would take it one day at a time. I just hope he’ll feel the same when I lower the boom on him.

  Kresley: What? What do you mean?

  Francie: Don’t hurt him Grace.

  Grace: I’m not going to hurt him. But I do have to tell him that I had decided a long time ago that I would be celibate after having Jaxson, until I found the love of my life to marry. So, I’m going to have to inform him that there is a no sex rule in place. No one has mentioned marriage on either side, so I honestly don’t know what to say. It’s too soon. The “L” word isn’t even floating around yet. I’m scared he’ll freak and leave.

  Birdie: Wait. What? So no sex until after you get married? You know what, I’m proud of you Grace. That takes guts. Especially when you have someone as hot as Boomer pursuing you. Hot and heavy pursuing. And he’s a cop. A hot cop, with muscles bigger than my thigh. BUT, if he truly cares about you and about where this is going between y’all, then he’ll understand. You don’t give him enough credit. I’m celibate, too, you know. Waiting on something special.

  Kresley: Uhmmm, Birdie. You aren’t celibate. You’re a virgin. There’s a difference there. Because I think if you were given the right man and right circumstances, that you would no longer have a membership to the virgin club. You just have the attitude for not settling for second best.

  Birdie: True. All of the above. Maybe one day…

  Francie: It’ll happen when it happens sweetie. Look at Grace and Boomer. Two years. But they are starting things off with a formed relationship already. Now they just need to speed things up and move away from the friendship train and on to relationship cruise ship.

  Gertie: Sorry guys. Braxton had come over to check on a leaking pipe in my bathroom. He’s good at the handy man stuff.

  Kresley: Glad he could see about it. If you can’t get up with him, call Cade. He can help or he’ll find whoever he needs to.

  Grace: I need to figure out Walker’s skills as a Mr. Fix-It. It will come in handy for sure. Alright, I’m getting back to my household of testosterone. Talk to y’all tomorrow. Oh, and I’m already pre-planning my contribution to man candy Monday pics. *wink emoji*

  Francie: Woohoo! Can’t wait to see it. Kres, get Cade’s ready. Y’all do realize if the men found out about MCM they may protest. So, no tattling.

  Birdie: Later. I love y’all. Killian just came over to borrow my bathroom cleaner. Swoon worthy! Toilet brush seduction. *eye roll emoji* Kill me now.

  Gertie: LOL It’s better than the grunts.

  Birdie: Grunts with a sprinkle of bleach

  Kresley: Night everyone!

  Grace looked up from the group chat on her phone and noticed that Jaxson was no longer in the room. Walker was putting up the video game equipment, bent over from the waist, as he set things into the entertainment center cabinet. All three of them had enjoyed dinner together. The pot pie came out delicious and Walker had two helpings of it, along with the sides Grace made sure to include for Jaxson. Jaxson ate like a typical 6-year-old boy, fast and without manners. Until she reminded him to use them. But he thanked her several times for a good dinner. He even put his dishes in the sink without being asked. Miracles. Walker had bossed Grace into sitting on the couch while he cleaned up the kitchen. She tried to get up and help several times, but Walker had finally picked her up, deposited her back on the couch and then caged her in with his arms. He then proceeded to kiss her so roughly, wet tongue causing havoc to her system, that she honestly couldn’t think once his mouth lifted from hers. When he ordered her to stay put and let him take care of her, she didn’t argue again. She just sat and watched Walker move around her kitchen like he had always been there. Walker flexing his muscles, or working out at the gym, or bending over with his ass towards her was super sexy. But seeing him clean up the kitchen so she wouldn’t have to? Hot! Super-hot.

  Grace came back to reality as Walker stood up again and caught her ogling his ass. He grinned and sauntered over to her, sitting down next to her on the couch. He then proceeded to pull Grace onto his lap, her butt nestled into his groin, her head resting on his chest. Walker’s deep, gruff voice vibrated under her ear and it soothed her into submission as he bragged about her chicken pot pie. Grace took her free hand and rubbed up and down Walker’s chest, loving the feel of his hardness there, the pec muscles well defined, his nipples pebbling under her touch. She went bolder and pushed her hand up under his tshirt, wanting to feel his skin there.

  Walker sat there, letting Grace touch him however she wanted to, though it was driving him crazy with need. He didn’t hide how having her so close to him, touching him…how it affected him. He knew she could feel his stiffening erection under her butt. But she didn’t shy away from him. Just continued to touch him, stroking his chest, playing with his chest hair. He could tell she had something weighing on her mind and he gave her the quiet to figure it out and say what she needed to say.

  “I’m scared Walker.”

  Walker wasn’t prepared for that statement at all. She didn’t mean him, did she? Didn’t mean this? He hoped not. He placed his hand on top of hers to still her fingers. “Grace, what are you scared of? Me? This, touching me, me touching you?”

  Grace brought her head up abruptly and looked up into Walker’s worried eyes. “No! Of course not. I’m never afraid of you or how you make me feel Walker.” She stopped to lean upwards and kissed him softly on the lips, showing him with her touch more than words that she trusted him. “I’m scared to sleep. I’m tired of having the nightmares, of waking up screaming and scaring my child half to death. I think I slept so hard this afternoon because I knew you were here, with me. Protecting me and Jaxson.” Grace ended with a shrug of her shoulders, looking down shyly at her moving hands under Walker’s shirt. “But I know you
can’t stay here. Not just because I don’t want to depend on you for every little thing to do with my life, especially to sleep, but because it would confuse Jaxson.”

  Walker caressed Gracie’s hair back from her face. “I know baby. And I understand. But, if you need me, I’m just a phone call away. And I will be here within five minutes. So, if you need to be brave and try it on your own, then I understand. If you want to Facetime me until you go to sleep and keep it on video so you feel like I’m there…that’s fine, too. Or if you want me to sleep here on the couch, I’m good with that. Bottom line is, whatever you need, however you need it, I’m agreeable. It’s that simple. Your well being and safety are so far above my own or my personal comfort. And no arguing about what I just said. You are mine, Grace. Mine. And that means you and Jaxson are put first in every single small thing. Even if it sounds ridiculous. Because in my mind, with you being mine, how could you be any where else other than first?” He ended with a kiss to the tip of her nose. He leaned back and smiled at her to ease her anxiety.

  “Okay, Walker. I’m going to try it by myself. It helps knowing you’re there if I need you. I said IF I need you.” Grace reiterated her independence by that last sentence. Walker nodded his understanding, caressing her face with his fingertips. Grace kissed them as they grazed over her lips and leaned into his hand. Such a sweet man. She didn’t really know if she deserved him.


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