Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2

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Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2 Page 15

by Bliss Carter

  They stood like that for long moments, kissing and cuddling. Grace felt small hands on her leg and she wiggled until Walker put her down. Grace immediately knelt down to Jaxson and looked at his face. He looked worried. “What is it sweetie?”

  Jaxson looked up at Walker and blurted out, “Walker said he loves you, but he didn’t say he loved me. He does, doesn’t he mama? Because you and I go together, right?”

  Walker abruptly picked Jaxson up off the floor and cradled him to his chest. He hugged him so tight and closed his eyes in emotions he couldn’t even name. Jaxson clung to him, his little legs wrapped around his chest and arms around his shoulders. He felt Grace’s hand on his face and Jaxson’s back. “Jaxson, I love you so much. Just as much as I love your mama. When I told her I loved her, you were included in my mind and I should have shouted it out loud, too. You are one of my most favorite people in the entire world. I’m so grateful that I found you when I found your mama.”

  To Grace’s shock, Jaxson began to cry. “I love you, too, Boomer. I’ve been wondering when I was going to hear you say it to me. I know men don’t talk about stuff like that, but it still sounded cool if I could hear it. You’re like my dad, now. Right mama? Boomer’s my dad?”

  Grace was totally caught off guard by that question. She didn’t know Jaxson thought about that kind of stuff, but it shouldn’t surprise her. He knew what a father was, was around kids at school who talked about their dads. He hadn’t addressed it with her as a worry before. She looked up at Walker, not wanting to say anything out of turn. Walker looked down at her and gently kissed her lips. Then without turning his eyes away from hers, he stated to Jaxson, “Yes, son. I am definitely your dad in all the ways that you want. You can call me whatever name that sounds good. Boomer, dad, daddy, Walker. Whatever feels right to you. But I will always see you as my child, my son. Does that sound good to you?” Walker wiped a tear that ran down Grace’s cheek at his words. His eyes were a little wet as well.

  “I love it! I want to call you daddy, maybe dad some. Can I start now?”

  “Yep. You can start whenever you want to.”

  “Cool!” Jaxon exclaimed, wiggling out of Walker’s arms after planting a kiss on his cheek and going over to the guy’s side of the bowling lane. “Hey, guess what? Walker’s my dad now. Isn’t that cool?!” The men gave him high fives and talked about how awesome having Walker for a dad was going to be for him.

  Grace could hear major sniffling behind her from the women’s side. She ignored their tears since she was dealing with her own. “Are you sure Walker? It isn’t too soon for you to have him call you that?” Grace asked quietly so Jaxson wouldn’t hear. She had to protect her son, no matter who it was.

  “No, it’s absolutely not too soon. I’ve been waiting for this day forever. For the ‘I love yous’ and to hear Jaxson call me his dad. I just never knew for sure if that second part would happen soon or at all. It had to be something Jax wanted. Thanks for surprising me and throwing me off my game, baby.” Walker laughed at her face and leaned down to kiss her again. “I love you, angel. My beautiful, angel.”

  “Okay, since we’ve established the love and daddy stuff…shut up Killian…can we get back to bowling?” Birdie yawned and asked with amusement in her voice. Grace shook her head at her as if to say, you can’t fool me sweetie pie because I know you crave exactly what you’re witnessing with me and your sister. Birdie seemed to understand her silent message and just winked at her, but then a long, sad look came over her face and she looked over at Killian, but shuttered it quickly and went back to her smartass self. It made Grace’s cuts clinch, knowing that Birdie was hurting. When Birdie hurt, the only way she knew how to deal with it was sarcasm.

  “Yep, let’s finish up this game and see who wins. Winners get treated to a waffle cone at the Ice Cream Spot later.” Walker exclaimed as he kissed Grace one more time, then sauntered back over to the guy’s side. Grace picked up the special ball Walker brought her and kissed it, then proceeded to get a strike. She winked at him as she took her seat. It had turned into the perfect night.

  Chapter Eight

  Daddy! We need to hurry and pick up mama from work. I can’t be late to football practice.” Jaxson was nearly bouncing in his seat in Walker’s truck. He couldn’t help but grin over at him. It was still a shock to hear him call him daddy, though he had been doing it for several weeks now. It still caught his heart every time he heard it or said it.

  Being free to say and show his love for Grace was something that Walker really hadn’t considered to be as monumental as it became. Her being the first to say it, when he had been the one to shift their relationship so many times, was everything to him. He still couldn’t believe she found the bravery to say it where and when she did. She was in public, in front of her son and her friends, even in front of strangers. And yet, she couldn’t hold it back any more. That kind of love was once in a life time. And Walker wasn’t going to miss out on enjoying every bit of it.

  “I promise we won’t be late. Your mama said she would be waiting outside and all we needed to do was slow the truck down and she’d jump in with us.” Walker grinned at the laughter coming from the back seat of his truck.

  “We can’t do that to her. She’s too short! We’ll have to stop and park and you help her into the truck, daddy. She likes when you do that anyway.”

  “Did you remember your football gear and your cleats Jax?”

  “Yes sir. Everything is packed up in my bag, along with some water and snacks. Mama and I took care of it last night while you were out working. What time did you get home? I went to bed without our goodnight story.”

  “I got home a few hours after you were asleep. I had to help someone who was in trouble and needed the police. Uncle Cade was there with me and we tried to do things as fast as we could. You know I’ll sometimes be called out after I get home, but it’s always to help someone else. And I always try to get home as quickly as I can because I miss you and mama so much.”

  “I know. I’m okay with your job. I like knowing my daddy helps people. I don’t like thinking about scary people around you, but I know you can protect yourself. Aunt Birdie says you and Uncle Cade are a bunch of bad asses.”

  “Do me a favor, son? Don’t say the word ass in front of your mama? Because we’ll both be in trouble for that.” Walker looked back into the rear-view mirror, peering at Jaxson’s blonde hair as he nodded agreement and laughed.

  “Yeah, she’ll blow her top. It’s funny when she does it, except when she does it with her mean voice. Then I know I’ve done something way bad. Hey, do you think the coach will let us kick the footballs today?”

  Walker had gotten used to Jaxson’s train of thought shifting quickly. “Maybe. You’ll just have to see what he wants you to concentrate on at practice. Just listen to him and the other helpers and do what they ask. You’ll learn better that way, I promise.”

  “I got it daddy. Have fun. Listen. Work hard. Right?”

  Walker grinned at the motto he kept repeating to Jaxson about things like school work, football practice, and life in general. “That’s right, son. Those things will always be important in whatever you do in life, not just football.”

  Walker slowed his truck down and parked in front of Whimsy Events. True to her word, Grace was standing outside the front door, waiting on her men to arrive. She carried a box with her, trying to juggle it with another bag and her purse. Walker quickly hopped out and came around to her. “Here baby. Give me all of that. Open the back door to put this stuff on the floor board with Jaxson.” Grace smiled at him and did as he asked, opening the back door. She moved back a step and Walker put the box down in the floor board and put the bag in the seat beside Jaxson. She leaned in and kissed Jaxson hello, then closed the truck door. Walker stood there, patiently waiting for her to look up. “Hey there beautiful. Give me a kiss, too.”

  Grace leaned up on her tip toes and landed her mouth roughly on Walker’s, prying it open with her tongue. S
he put her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her, where she thrust her tongue inside to tangle with his, leaving trails of fire inside his mouth. Several moments later, Grace could hear Jaxson make gagging sounds and saying something about being late. She laughed and pulled back. “I guess that’s our cue to stop the public display of affection. Love you, by the way.”

  Walker tweaked her nose, and cupped her ass, squeezing gently. “It would seem so, angel. But later, I promise to revisit this. Oh, and I love you more.” He boosted her into the truck seat and pulled the seat belt around her securely. He kissed her on the nose and then shut the door.

  They dropped Jaxson off at football practice and went to run some errands, including getting the last little bit of stuff from Walker’s apartment. The only thing left was furniture and that was being picked up tomorrow for charity. A cleaning crew would clean, so no worries for Grace or Walker to have to see about that on top of their daily schedules.

  Grace was nervous about Jaxson and football. Walker could tell she was still on pins and needles as they locked his apartment door for the last time. He reminded her that the coaches didn’t want parents hanging around during practice just in case it made the kids nervous or needy. Grace had balked at that at first, but Walker explained to her that there were several parent volunteers that were there to oversee things and make sure the kids were safe and happy. It made Grace feel better that they had her and Walker’s cell phones, just in case, and that they knew that Walker was a police officer. That always came in handy.

  Walker and Grace had about another hour before pickup began for Jaxson, so they walked hand in hand in the grocery store, picking out new things to try, new dishes to cook together. No matter where they went, they always seemed to have fun together. It was a new experience for Grace to actually want and feel it as a necessity to be in Walker’s presence as much as possible. She never thought she would be the type to let a man make decisions for her or do things for her without her knowing first. But Walker never overstepped the boundaries to make her feel like he was manipulating her or making her do anything she didn’t want to. They usually discussed any decision ahead of time and heard each other’s opinions first. Football for Jaxson being one of them. He understood her worry about him doing a physical sport like football, but Walker stood firm with her that Jaxson needed this outlet and it would help him even in discipline with doing homework. Grace relented, trusting him.

  Grace and Walker were at the dairy aisle when she remembered she needed to get some whipped cream in a can, per Jaxson’s request. He wanted to build ice cream sundaes tomorrow for dessert at dinner. Whipped cream with a cherry on top was strictly enforced in Jaxson’s home. Grace leaned down to pick up a can of the whipped topping. Walker cleared his throat. Grace looked up and was surprised at the devilish and heated look Walker was giving her.

  “What? Why Mr. Collins, what dirty thoughts do you have in your head?”

  “Wouldn’t you love to know, Grace. I was just thinking it would be fantastic to get an extra can of that stuff for other activities.” Walker wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at that, knowing full well that they wouldn’t be participating in any use of it…not right now any way. Grace decided to test Walker.

  “Oh, you mean this? You like the idea of covering me up with whipped cream, baby?” Grace took the top off of a can and proceeded to spray her finger tip with a little, pushing her finger into her mouth and sucking. She batted her long lashes at Walker, who had gone mute.

  Walker suddenly growled and said in a guttural tone of voice, sounding like a completely dominate alpha male, “Give me some of that Grace.”

  Grace didn’t hesitate at the order. She was fully willing to play along with sexy police officer Collins. She sprayed some more cream on her finger and held said finger out to Walker, seeing if he’d take the bait. She under estimated him. Can one choke on whipped cream? Grace watched in fascination as Walker grabbed her hand, kissing it gently first, then pushed her sweet finger inside of his mouth, sucking all of the whipped topping off, bathing her finger in his hot, wet tongue. Grace’s breath caught in her chest and her heart beat sputtered out of rhythm for a sec, then sped up. Her blue eyes were as wide as saucers, almost like a cartoon character. She gulped in her throat and could only stare up at Walker in absolute heat and arousal. This was bad. Very bad. She looked around and lucky for them, no one was in the aisle with her and Walker, watching them get their heavy flirt on with dairy products. Grace started hitting at Walker’s chest and massive arm with her free hand. It was like BBs hitting glass instead of bullets. Walker didn’t budge. Not one bit. His wicked eyes said all that needed saying.

  “Oh my gosh Walker. I surrender! Let my finger go.” Grace started laughing hysterically, her finger still in the depths of Walker’s lips. She laughed so hard that she became weak and started lowering herself down to the grocery store floor, her finger still fish hooked in Walker’s mouth. This only made her laugh that much harder. Great. Now she had to pee really bad. He was still sucking on her finger roughly, making it difficult to pull out of his mouth. Finally, he relented and he helped Grace stand back up fully. Her giggles slowed down and she became still and quiet, looking up at Walker. He wasn’t laughing. He was breathing heavily and Grace looked down at the moment that he adjusted his erection, which was pushing against his jeans very heavily. After a moment, he grinned widely at Grace and noticed her blush.

  “You started this baby, not me. Don’t blame me if you feel the need to squirm in a grocery store aisle.” Walker laughed at Grace’s mulish face. She put the cap back on the whipped cream can and put it in the grocery basket, along with two more. Walker laughed louder and longer at that, his head thrown back and eyes closed. Life was never boring with his Gracie. Never.

  He and Grace continued on with their shopping excursion and soon rounded the end of an aisle and almost slammed into Ash and Killian. A woman was with them, standing just behind them. Walker didn’t recognize her. “Hey guys. How’s it going?” All the guys shook hands and gave those one-armed hugs that guys often did. Grace said hello and looked on, waiting for an introduction to the woman. Ash cleared his throat a few times.

  “Walker, Grace, this is my sister Tina. Tina, these are some friends of mine and Killian’s. Walker is a Mercy Springs Police Officer.” Ash stated, looking back at his sister. Walker could see that Tina became agitated at hearing he was a cop. She was a thinner woman. And her hair looked dull and unhealthy. She had dark circles under her eyes and they almost had a gaunt, sunken look to them. She kept sniffing like she had a cold, and her eyes never stayed in one place for long. She was very agitated. Even shifty.

  “Hey Tina, nice to meet you. I knew Ash had a sister, but hadn’t met you before.” Grace stated with a gentle smile on her face.

  “Yeah, Ash doesn’t talk about me much probably. I’m the black sheep in the family.” Tina blew out a breath of agitation. She turned to Ash and said, “Can we go? It’s almost time for my appointment, right?”

  Ash looked at Walker and Grace and offered a silent apology for his sister and then turned to her. “Yeah, we’re leaving in just a second, then Killian and I are going to take you to your appointment. No worries.”

  Walker didn’t linger, sensing that Ash didn’t want to talk about it now. He looked at him, held out his hand and said quietly, “I’m here to talk if you need it bro. Come see me tomorrow.” Ash just nodded at that and he and Killian walked away with Tina trailing behind them.

  Grace waited until she saw them leave the store and turned to Walker. “Well, what in the world was that?”

  Walker took Grace’s hand back into his and pulled her down the aisle to browse some more. He leaned in and said very quietly against her ear, “If I had to guess, I’d say that Ash’s sister has a drug problem. I’m not sure what the appointment was about, but maybe he’s trying to get her some help.”

  “Oh, I hate that if it’s true. I have no clue how it would be to try to help someone
with a drug addiction. But I guess love trumps everything else and you just try your hardest to help the one you love. I wonder if Francie knows any of this?”

  “Why would she? I didn’t until just a few minutes ago and I talk to Ash several times a week at least. Francie pretends Ash doesn’t exist half the time or she gives him attitude when they talk. Ash told me once that he doesn’t get Francie’s hot then cold attitude at all. Do you know why she’s that way with him?” Walker looked at Grace curiously. When she hesitated, he raised his sexy eyebrow at her and waited.

  “Well, she was told by several women that Ash is a player. That he only goes after women he thinks are a sure thing for sex. And after he gets what he wants, he leaves them. She really likes him, but doesn’t want to have a broken heart and then have to see him often around you and Cade. So, she decided to just block him. And she’s good at that. I’ve seen her do it in the past. It’s a defense mechanism against getting hurt.”

  “Well, I can’t answer if Ash was a player in the past. That’s for him to answer, but I know that he hasn’t gone out on a date with a woman since he saw Francie at Club Vue that night. He’s hung up on her pretty tight. Maybe with a little nudge from both of us they can get their shit straight. Any little bit of info to help him with her, baby?” Walker stopped Grace in the middle of the cereal aisle as he picked up a box of Jaxson’s favorite kind.

  “Well, I’ll just let you know what a little birdy told me. The birdie being Francie herself. Since Ash can play and sing, this may come in handy. If he can dance, then he’s in for sure. Francie loves N’Sync. The boy band. You know the ‘Bye Bye Bye” song?” At Walker’s widened eyes and nod, Grace continued. “She’s loved them since she was a teenager. And still loves them. So maybe we need to have a karaoke night soon and Ash can ‘serenade’ Francie with some N’Sync. It would be epic for sure.” Grace began laughing at the image.


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