Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2

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Boomer's Saving Grace: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 2 Page 18

by Bliss Carter

  "That very day I planned how I would propose to you. This exact plan. The same song, someone playing it for me and kneeling at your feet with an engagement ring burning a hole in my pocket. I love you both so much that it’s hard to say exactly how much or why. It just is. God put you on this planet for me. As a gift for me. A gift I will always treasure. A gift that will never be anyone else’s. And in return I promise to protect you from harm. Make you laugh. Make you the best pancakes ever on Saturday mornings. And to show you that my love isn’t something you have to earn or yearn for. It’s yours for the taking, any time you want or need it. Grace, Jaxson I have a question for each of you. First, I need to ask you, Grace. Then I’ll ask you Jaxson, okay?” At Jaxson’s nod, Walker continued.

  “Grace Evelyn Puckett, I cannot live without you. I love you so very much. Will you please do me the honor of marrying me, becoming my wife, my soul mate?” Walker asked as he opened up the ring box for her to see. Grace’s breath caught at the sight of the beautiful ring nestled in velvet. Walker held her hand and took the ring and slid it onto the end of her finger, but waited for her answer.

  “Yes! Yes Walker, I’ll marry you. I’ll marry you tomorrow if that’s what you want.” Grace wept as Walker slid the ring past her knuckle and leaned in to kiss her deeply on the lips. Then Walker sat back on his heels again and looked to Jaxson.

  “Jaxson, you and I have already had a talk about all of this. You helped me pick out the ring for your mama and you already call me daddy. But I need to ask you a question, too, because it’s only right that you get to answer just like your mama did. Jaxson Puckett, I’ll be marrying your mama and when I do that, I’ll be changing her last name to mine. I want to know if we can work on changing your last name to mine as well? You’d be Jaxson Collins after a judge approves it. It may take a while to do, but I won’t stop until it’s done if that’s what you want. Do you want to become a Collins? You’ll be my son no matter what your last name is.” Walker held his breath to see what Jaxson would say, as well as how Grace would react to this. He hadn’t talked directly about this with her before now.

  “Yes daddy, I want to be a Collins. I can learn to spell it I promise! I can become Boomer Jr.!” The whole room laughed at that and to Walker’s relief, so did Grace. He looked over at her, as if to apologize for overstepping. She knew what he was saying and put her hand on his cheek and lovingly caressed it with her thumb. She nodded her head. That’s all Walker needed. He held out his hand for something Kresley was holding. He gave it to Jaxson to unfold. It was Jax’ favorite college football team, the Georgia Bulldogs. It was their football jersey, red and black and on the back was his name, or soon to be name, Jaxson Collins. Jaxson took a few moments to read it, and when it comprehended with him what he was seeing, he burst into tears and launched himself into Walker’s arms. He hugged him tight and told him he loved him.

  Walker had held it together for as long as he could, but that did it for him. He openly began crying, tears running down his cheeks at the feel of those small arms wrapped tight around him like Jaxson would never let him go. Grace joined the hug, her arms wrapped around them both. She kissed them repeatedly. Finally, Walker gained control and they all stood up together, with Jaxson perched in Walker’s strong arms and Grace leaning back against them both. He spoke into the mic again and said one final, simple sentence. “Meet my new family, y’all, The Collins Clan 2.0.” At that, the room erupted into cheers, tears and applause. Walker looked around the table at the faces surrounding them and was in awe at the love he could feel coming from them.

  Grace was basically in a stupor. She couldn’t believe everything that had happened in the last 30 minutes. She hadn’t even gotten a good look at her ring yet. She stared down at it and was in awe. Walker and Jaxson picked this out together. And it was perfect. It was a three-carat diamond solitaire, cushion cut. There were clusters of diamonds that cascaded down each side, with the solitaire built up in a higher crown to be prominent. The setting was platinum. It was gorgeous. She looked up at Walker and Jaxson who had come back to where she sat quietly. Walker sat beside her and put his arm around her, hugging her.

  “Baby, Jaxson has one more surprise for you if you can stand it,” Walker teased. Grace nodded her head eagerly and looked at Jaxson and smiled. He held out his hand to her and she took a small wrapped box. She unwrapped it and flipped the lid. One single charm, that must go on her new bracelet, was cradled in velvet. It was two adults, reaching out and holding the hand of a child in the middle. Surrounding them around the edges was the outline of a house with a roof. The word “home” was engraved at the bottom across the people.

  “It’s to add to your bracelet, mama, so you’ll remember this night when you and daddy got engaged. Do you like it? I picked it out myself”.

  “It’s perfect Jaxson. You did such a great job at doing all of this with your dad and keeping it a secret. I’m proud of you and love you.” Grace leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He hugged her then ran off to find Sara.

  Grace turned to Walker and just stared at him. Walker stared back, love coming off of him in waves towards her. She leaned over and slid onto Walker’s lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. Not caring who was watching, she leaned in and opened her mouth for him, wanting an erotic, hot, deep kiss from her new fiancé. Walker obliged and soon cut it off or he would embarrass both of them. “I love you Walker.”

  “I love you, too, angel. I wish I could say this ends the entertainment, but we have something else going on in a bit and I think you’re going to love it, along with the girls. Jaxson just left with Sara to go back home. So, we’re good to stay here until late. That sound good to you?”

  “Works for me. Wherever you go, I follow.” Walker picked up Grace and carried her over to her original chair, then called for the guys to get up. Walker went over to the host and told him something in his ear. The guy grinned and chuckled.

  “Gracie! Let me see that ring! I wanted to help him pick it out, but he wouldn’t let me. He said it had to be him and Jaxson that did it. So romantic.” Kresley stated, holding out her hand for Grace’s. “Oh wow, that’s gorgeous and it’s huge!” Gertie and Francie gathered and leaned over Kres’ shoulder, all exclaiming how beautiful it was.

  Grace turned to Birdie at that statement, waiting for the one liner to come forth. It didn’t. “Nope, not gonna do it. I’m going to let you steep in this beautiful cup of tea for a while without sarcasm.” Birdie said with a smile. Grace laughed and was interrupted from saying anything more.

  “Ladies and gentleman, we have our last surprise for the evening. A special request was given for the first official karaoke number for the night and I’ve been told to clear the stage because there will be dancing. Oh, and this song is dedicated to one Ms. Francie Anderson.”

  Everyone turned as one to stare at Francie. Her face was burning with a huge blush, but she shrugged her shoulders as if to say she had no clue what was going on. She sat down in a nearby chair. Grace noticed that all of the men folk were gone, except Captain Gunnar Phillips. He was sitting beside Darby, carrying on an animated conversation with her.

  Walker, Cade, Ash, Braxton and Killian walked up on the stage. Ash was in front by himself and the others were in the second row. They all stood with their heads down, waiting for a cue. The first few chords of a song came on and Grace knew what was about to happen. And she looked over at Francie, wanting to memorize her face. N’Sync’s song, It’s Gonna Be Me, started playing and the guys immediately started dancing. And Oh. My. Gah! Who knew they could dance like that? Where had Walker been hiding all of these talents? Then the shit hit the fan when Ash started singing. Like sing, singing. And Francie looked like she was about to drop through the floor. Or drop her panties. Grace looked over at Kresley, Birdie and Gertie. They were all looking on like they were being served their next meal. All of the guys looked drop dead sexy up there. Walker was far superior, of course. But they were dancing, bopping and Ash was singing as if he
were only singing to Francie. Grace took it the only way that it could be taken. He was saying that Francie was going to be his, that if she was going to have someone, it was going to be him. Well damn. Francie was clutching her hands together at her heart level now. And her eyes were so big in her face, behind those sexy librarian glasses. She was mouthing along to the words with Ash.

  The song was soon over and the guys looked like they were about to collapse. Walker hobbled off stage and made his way towards his Grace. Francie stood up, walked towards Ash and stood before him. She just stood there, staring up at him. Ash was around Walker’s height, so 6’2 or so and Francie was only about 5’4, so there was nearly a foot difference in their height. Ash continue to stare down at Francie as he tried to catch his breath. He opened his mouth to say something and she didn’t wait. Francie pounced. She leaped up and Ash caught her to him. Her legs wrapped around him and her arms were like an octopus around his neck and head. Then her lips were on Ash’s and she was kissing the ever-living shit out of him. Ash didn’t wait, but carried her out of the bar and into the back hallway. Woah. That was different. Grace looked over at the sisters and they were all in states of shock at Francie’s reaction. But quickly went back to talking to the guys. Kresley was kissing Cade as he rubbed her belly. Killian was being fanned by Birdie with a piece of paper and Braxton was kneeling down next to Gertie’s chair, listening to her intently about something.

  “You looked sexy as hell up there baby. Can I get a private dance sometime soon?” Grace asked Walker innocently. He growled at her and grinned.

  “Anytime, Gracie. Any time you want.” He leaned over and kissed her. Then asked a serious question. “Baby, can you get me something cold to drink with lots of ice. I’m hot and about to pass out. I’m too old for this shit.” Grace laughed loudly and agreed to do that just if he would put her newest charm on her bracelet when she got back. He kissed her hand and agreed. Grace left to get her fiancé something cold to drink as a thank you. Her fiancé. Wow, that had a nice sound to it.

  Chapter Ten

  It was the morning after her engagement, and Grace stood in her kitchen, a cup of coffee in her hand as she heard Walker stirring around as he woke up. Grace had left Walker sleeping in their bed. He had snuggled tight to her last night and when she woke this morning, she had been clinging to the edge of the mattress as he was spread out and taking up two-thirds of the bed. She was engaged to a bed hog. They were seriously going to have to upgrade it to a king size if she were going to survive sleeping with her human bear. Grace giggled at that. She honestly still felt like last night was a dream. Staring down at the beautiful diamond, that shone bright in the morning sunshine coming in through the window, helped to ground her in her new reality.

  Grace shook herself out of her day dream and got busy cooking breakfast for her crew. Pancakes and bacon were on the menu this morning. As she leaned in to the fridge to grab the eggs and milk, she felt strong, firm hands sliding up her exposed thighs. She was wearing her PJ short set and her shorts were short and hugged her upper thighs and butt. Those hands could only belong to her fiancé.

  “Good morning Gracie,” Walker gruffly stated, sounding like he wasn’t fully awake yet. Grace stood and leaned back against him. She felt his very evident erection and changed her mind about how groggy Walker still was. He was very awake. Grace wiggled her ass against his manhood, which gained her a growl and a pop on her butt. Walker’s hands traveled around her waist to her front and they sensually caressed up her stomach to her breasts. She wore no bra this morning and she knew that Walker was going to be able to feel her very hard nipples. “Hmmm, a very good morning.” Walker growled as he kissed the side of her neck. His hands found their target and cupped her tits in his hands, massaging them, rubbing her nipples with his thumbs, pinching them through her shirt. Grace’s head fell back to fit against his chest and neck, loving the feelings he was arousing in her.

  “How did you sleep, Walker?” Grace asked sweetly. “Did you sleep like a rock?” Grace asked that last part with an innocent voice, but she took her hips and swirled them hard against Walker’s manhood, rolling them. She made sure to emphasize her question with gyrations of her hips against him.

  She loved how Walker growled when intensely turned on. Like he was doing now. Walker put his hand gently around her throat, his thumb caressing under her jaw, cupping under her chin. It was a touch that to some other women may seem a little high handed, maybe even aggressive, but Grace knew better. She felt cherished and that Walker was showing her how much he loved her and wanted her exactly where she was, right there with him. She knew that Walker, her gentle giant, would never hurt her. Never. “Careful Grace. Don’t force my hand today.” He whispered directly into her ear, causing shivers inside her body. He ended his statement with a loving kiss on the side of her neck, caressing her skin with his lips, hot, wet and sultry.

  “Force your hand? How?” Grace asked, curious to know. Her one hand held the arm that cupped her chin. Her other arm came up and wrapped around the back of Walker’s neck, cradling the back of his head with her hand. Her nails scraped his hair and scalp lovingly.

  “I’ll pack you and I up and book a flight to Vegas. We’ll be married before the end of the day. Then you’ll fully know how amazing it will be when we come together as a married couple and make love. Over and over and over…” Walker stated this as he turned her around to him, wanting to see her face. He was satisfied with the glazed look in her eyes. It meant she was feeling as much as he was.

  Grace wrapped her arms around Walker, leaning in for a ferocious kiss. One full of heat, wetness and need. She ended it too soon and leaned her forehead against his lips, sighing deeply. “As much as I would love to say yes loudly, shouting it to the ceiling, I can’t see us going to Vegas and leaving all the ones we love behind, just to have a quickie wedding. Is that really what either of us wants? I know it would hurt Jaxson not to be there.”

  “Baby, no. That’s just my sexual frustrations talking. Don’t mind them. They’re cranky all of the time anyway. I want a wedding that you’ll remember forever and one where Jaxson can not just watch but be included. I just don’t know how much longer I’m going to make it with this celibacy plan until we say ‘I Do’. I’m not a high-handed guy, but I’m kind of putting my foot down right now and saying that our engagement is going to be quick. Please?” Walker wrapped both massive arms around her and hugged her tight, letting her feel how his body vibrated against hers in need.

  “Done. No long engagement. Maybe today we can take the day and plan, set a date and get things in motion to happen as soon as possible? I got a text from Francie this morning and she and the girls, Cade, Ash and Killian want to take Jaxson to that waterpark right outside Atlanta. I think they had already planned it so we could have a day to ourselves after getting engaged.”

  “As much as I’d love to go with the little guy and watch him have fun on those slides, I can’t wait to cuddle with you all day here, just you and me. What time does he leave? What do I need to do to help?”

  Grace leaned up on her tip toes and kissed Walker’s lips. He was always so thoughtful and ready to do whatever was needed for Jaxson. “They’ll be here in about an hour to get him and I’m fixing breakfast before he goes. So, do you mind getting him up and moving to the shower, brush his teeth, find his bathing suit and beach shoes? All his beach or lake gear is in the hall closet with the beach towels. He has a mesh bag in there as well that has sunblock and an extra change of clothes. Just grab all of that and herd him to the bathroom. Thank you, baby.”

  Walker stood in awe of his fiancé. “Are you always so organized and prepared?” At her shy smile and nod, he shook his head in amazement and kissed her nose lovingly. Then he walked to their bedroom to put on a pair of shorts before waking up Jaxson.

  He opened Jax’s bedroom door and saw his dirty blonde head peeking out of the covers. Walker crept quietly toward him and sat down on the edge of his mattress. He put his hand on Ja
xson’s head and stroked his hair. “Hey Jax. Time to wake up for the day. Your mama has a surprise for you and it’s not just pancakes.” Walker smiled as he saw the covers lower down and blue eyes peek up at him. Suddenly Jaxson’s head popped all the way out and he grinned up at Walker. “Pancakes and a surprise? I’m all for that, daddy!” He giggled as Walker tried tickling him through the comforter. “Stop or I might have to tickle you back Remember I know where now!”

  Walker stopped abruptly and moved across the room quickly, holding his hands up in surrender playfully loving that he could make Jaxson laugh. “Please, please don’t do that Jax! I’ll do anything you want me to, just don’t tickle me.” He grinned as Jaxson collapsed in the bed, giggling and laughing. Reminding him about pancakes waiting for him, Walker quickly stated for Jaxson to go get a shower and brush his teeth and he’d see him in the kitchen for breakfast.

  Walker came back into the kitchen after finding Jaxson’s beach gear and bag, with a smile on his face. “Did I hear laughs come from that child’s room so early in the morning? He’s usually grumpy.” Grace asked, spatula in hand. She had just flipped pancakes on the griddle on the stove. Walker pushed her over a little and took over bacon duty, turning it in the cast iron skillet as Grace kept watch on the fluffy pancakes.


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