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Wanton Page 3

by Jaci Burton

  “Are you sure? It looks like there’s a horde of angry women over there.”

  Jack looked over his shoulder. “Oh. Them. They’re just interested in marrying my wallet. The single Silverwood socialites are out in force tonight and looking for any eligible bachelor.”

  Callie smiled. “Well, that would be you, wouldn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but I’m not interested in them. You look gorgeous.”

  How could he not be interested in them? But she beamed under his praise. “Thank you. A lot more made up than my typical coffee shop look.”

  “I don’t know. You look beautiful there, too.”

  Holy shit, he was good at this complimenting thing. She hadn’t had a man pay attention to her in far too long. And such a fine-looking man like Jack, too. Was she drooling? This was just unreal. He was sitting at their table, signaling the waiter to bring a bottle of champagne, chatting away with Rand and Seth as if they were old friends, and charming the panties right off Blair and Abby.

  He’d already charmed her panties off. Had been doing that daily for the past year and a half, even though they’d never had a deep discussion about . . . well, anything, actually. She knew virtually nothing about this man, other than he was tan, with blue eyes, and had the chiseled features of an aristocrat. He was tall, athletic, with broad shoulders that she longed to run her hands over, and she’d wager he was solid muscle underneath that luxurious tux.

  She knew where he worked and that he was a partner in a law firm, but she didn’t even know what type of legal field he worked in.

  “What kind of law do you practice?” she asked. They were alone at the table, since Abby and Seth were off mingling and Blair and Rand were raiding the hors d’oeuvres table.

  “Corporate, mainly. Our clients are some of the biggest companies here in Silverwood, as well as throughout the state of Oklahoma and in Texas, Colorado, Kansas, and we’re branching out into Louisiana, Missouri, and Illinois.”

  She raised her brows. “Impressive. So, you’re growing.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, opening up a few branch offices in some of the other states.”

  “Any chance you’ll be relocating?” She hoped not.

  “No way. I’m firmly entrenched here.”

  “Good.” Dammit, why did she say that?

  “Well, thanks for the compliment, darlin’. I’d miss seeing you every morning, too.”

  “You’d just miss my coffee.”

  “I don’t go there for the coffee, Callie.”

  He’d casually rested his arm over the back of her chair, the heat from his body transferring to hers, warming her from her toes to the top of her head.

  “You don’t?”

  “No. I go there to see you.”

  “You do?” Brilliant conversationalist, Cal.

  “Yeah. I do. Thought you’d figured that out by now.”

  Well, color her utterly clueless. She had no idea. What planet had she been living on?

  “So am I seeing things one-sided? Should I go back where I came from and leave you alone?”

  “Oh, God no!” she blurted, then felt the heat rise to her cheeks. “I mean, I’m flattered. Damn, Jack, I’m embarrassed as hell. I had no idea.”

  “Why?” He raised his hand and toyed with her hair, winding his fingers in the wild curls. Her skin tingled all over. “Is it such a big surprise that I find you attractive?”

  Um, hell yes. “We don’t exactly . . . mesh, you know.”

  His half smile melted her. “We don’t?”


  “In what way don’t we mesh?”

  “You’re a corporate lawyer. I own a coffee shop.”

  “So? You could be a client of mine.”

  She snorted, then covered her mouth. “Sorry. That’s just too damn funny.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You’re not taking this seriously.”

  “No, Jack, you’re not taking this seriously.” She half-turned in her chair to face him. “We don’t travel in the same social circles. You live here at the club. I live across town in middle-classville. I’m biracial, you’re whiter than a whiteout in a Denver snowstorm. I’m mortgaged to the hilt between my home and my business, and you probably make more money in a year than I’ll earn in my entire lifetime. So don’t tell me we mesh.”

  “Do you find me attractive, Callie?”


  “Answer the question. Are you attracted to me?”

  Such an unfair question. “Well, yes.”

  “Good. Because I’m sure as hell attracted to you. Your litany of excuses don’t mean a damn thing to me. Now, let’s dance.”


  Callie gaped at Jack, openmouthed and honest-to-God in shock. He pushed back his chair and stood, holding his hand out. She stared at his hand for a moment, then slid her palm against his, feeling the light tingle of electricity pass between them.

  Oh yeah. Chemistry. Undeniably charged and elemental, there was no doubt about it. They had it, and it was strong. Did that really mean the rest of it didn’t matter? How could it not, when there were so many barriers between them?

  Then again, it was only the bet. And only this weekend. Why the hell did she care if there were barriers? It wasn’t like she was looking for a relationship with him. She was supposed to fuck him. And judging from the spark between them and the way he was looking at her right now, she could virtually guarantee that was going to happen.

  So quit worrying about all those things you have no business worrying about, and start flirting your ass off, woman. She was hot for some good fucking, and for the love of God, she knew Jack would be the one to give it to her. One absolutely insane weekend where she could act the part of the wanton, free-spirited woman and fuck her brains out. Oh, it had been so, so long. She needed this.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked, wrapping his arm around her back and tugging her closer against his solid chest.

  Yeah, he was a hardbody, all right. Just as she’d suspected.

  “I was thinking that I was worrying about stupid things instead of just enjoying myself with one very hot-looking man,” she replied, deciding to cast aside all her worries and carry out the terms of the bet while also fulfilling herself in a very satisfying way. She rested her hand on his shoulder, then smoothed it down his back just a little, loving the feel of his body under her questing palm and wishing the tux jacket wasn’t in her way.

  He glided her around the dance floor to the strains of a slow melody, his body so easy to follow. He moved with the grace of a man comfortable in his own skin. “You dance pretty good.”

  “For a white guy?” he teased.

  She snickered. “Wasn’t even going to go there.”

  “You didn’t have to. I knew what you were thinking.”

  If he knew what she was thinking, they wouldn’t be dancing. What she was thinking was how he’d look stripped out of that tux and naked, his cock hard and him coming after her. She was ready to spread her legs. Her pussy was damp, her nipples tingling, and she thanked the style of the dress for allowing her to be turned on without him knowing it.

  “Hungry?” he asked.

  She damn near choked. Yeah, she was hungry. “Not really. You?”

  “Not at all. But this place is packed. How about some fresh air?”

  “I’d love to get away from this crowd.”

  “Good. Let’s take a walk outside. I’ll show you the grounds.” He tucked her hand in the crook of his arm and led her through the throng of dancers and onto the carpet.

  They were met with a wall of gorgeous women, arms crossed, breasts nearly spilling over the tops of their designer dresses, and all looking mightily pissed off.

  “Jack, we’ve been waiting for you,” one luscious brunette said, affecting a pout that just screamed, Come with me, and a blow job is in your future.

  “Yes, Jack, you left us so abruptly,” a blonde said, batting her eyelashes. Those lashes had to be fake. No one had lashes that long or thick. Then again, judging from the looks of her boobs, nose, and chin, fake seemed to fit her. Didn’t women wear their real parts anymore?

  “Sorry, ladies, but my date is here, and I couldn’t possibly tear myself away from her.”

  His date? She was his date? Since when?

  Jack smiled and brushed past the scary-looking front line. Callie gulped back the dry lump in her throat, happy she had him there to run interference.

  Despite the warmth outside, she sucked in a breath of air as Jack pushed through the double doors and into the gardens. She’d never been more relieved to make an escape from a party, since between her own nervousness and the beauty brigade, she’d felt like she was suffocating.

  “Better?” he asked, leading them through the maze of high hedges.

  “Definitely. Thank you. I’m not much for large crowds.”

  “Me, either. I hate these events. Only reason I go is because I’m on the board and required to be here.”

  Walking with him, her arm in his, was so easy. She thought it would be uncomfortable, but it wasn’t. They strolled through the gardens, and Jack led them to a secluded bench in front of a flowing fountain.

  “Let’s sit and talk for awhile,” he suggested, taking a seat and pulling her down next to him.

  The night sky was clear, a light breeze cooling the oppressive heat of the day. It was perfect here. And no one else was around, giving them complete privacy.

  “We never get to talk at your shop,” he said, shifting so he was facing her. “This is my chance to get to know you better.”

  And her chance to get to know him, too. “I’m glad we have a few minutes alone. I’ve been wanting to learn more about you.” Funny, she found herself shy around him now. Then again, why wouldn’t she be? How long had it been since she’d been alone with a man? And the last man she’d been alone with had been her husband, the one and only man she’d ever dated. It wasn’t like she had tons of experience with men. Fantasies, yes. Wild, wanton, out-of-control fantasies. But reality? In that she was lacking.

  He smiled. “I’ll tell you everything you want to know. I’m thirty-five, born and raised here in Silverwood. My family are farmers, uneducated, but always wanted the best for me. I went to college and law school on a scholarship and whatever student loans I could get my hands on and have been working for the same law firm since graduation. I have zero social life—correction—have had zero social life for the past nine years since I’ve been climbing my way up the ladder to partnership. It’s been all work and no play for me.”

  She laughed. “You complaining?”

  “Hell no. It’s what I wanted. Career first has always been my goal.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I’ve made myself a success, worked my ass off to get here, so I’m ready to relax a little.”

  Admittedly, she was impressed. A self-made man, one who made no apologies for his goal of success. She admired that. “Congratulations for making it to the top.”

  He shrugged. “Senior partnership is the top, but they tell me that’s pretty close to being in the bag. I’m not worried.”

  “Confident, are you?”

  “A little,” he said with a grin. “So, tell me about you.”

  “I’m thirty-three, have a house in midtown. Married my high school sweetheart, who died five years ago of cancer.”

  His smile died, and he reached for her hand. “I’m so sorry, Callie. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s okay. I loved Bobby. He was a wonderful man. But he wanted me to go on living and not die with him. So I have been. I bought the coffee shop, started small and worked my way up. I work hard at it, don’t make millions, but enough to pay the mortgage on the house and buy groceries. It’s a good life.”

  “And you do this all by yourself?”


  “No kids?”

  “No. We were going to have them, just ran out of time.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  This time she squeezed his hands. “Hey, it’s okay. Bobby is part of my past now. I don’t dwell on him anymore. I’m trying to start a new life finally. Have some new experiences, new adventures.”

  “I’d like to be part of that.”

  She sucked in a long breath. “I’d like that, too.”

  Whoa, that had been difficult. And at the same time, effortless. Being with Jack was like sitting with an old friend. Talking to him about Bobby had been easier than she’d thought it would be.

  “Everything that happens to us in our past shapes our future, who we are, what we become. We never really lose it,” he said, standing and holding out his hand. “Let’s walk a little more.”

  They passed the fountains and moved into the hedge maze on the far side. She liked this. A little spooky in the dark, but kind of sexy, knowing they were all alone out here. He put his arm around her bare shoulder and held her close against his side as they walked. Oh yeah, she liked the feel and heat of his body against hers. Too long. Much too long since she’d felt a man against her, since she inhaled the crisp, clean scent of soap on a man’s skin, felt a man’s hand holding hers. She inhaled to stave off the tears.

  “You doing okay over there?” he asked as they strolled through the maze.


  “You went quiet on me.”

  “Sorry. Just enjoying the night.” She looked up at him. “And the company.”

  He paused and turned to her, cupping her cheeks in his hands.

  She stopped breathing, trying to remember the last time she’d been kissed, because he sure as hell was going to kiss her. Years. Centuries. Too long to remember what it felt like to have a man’s mouth on hers.

  Oh, God, he was going to kiss her. Every nerve ending in her body stood poised and ready, and she knew lightning was going to strike.

  “Callie. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time.” He bent and brushed his lips against hers, the movement so soft and achingly tender she almost moaned. Then he pressed his mouth to hers, and there it was again: that electrical charge that tingled her clit as if he were flicking it with his tongue.

  Dayum. She did moan this time, her eyelids flitting closed so she could focus on every sensation. He pulled her into his arms and wrapped her into an embrace, fitting his mouth over hers and taking over, sliding his tongue inside and sweeping against hers.

  Possession. That’s what it was. He was taking her, claiming her. Oh, baby, and was she ever ready to give it up. Everything, whatever he wanted, was his for the taking. Right here, as a matter of fact. Just the thought of it made her go wet between her legs, her clit quivering with need. She pressed against his leg, and he pushed it between hers, allowing her clit to make contact with his thigh. She whimpered, he groaned, and she damn near flooded his leg.

  Then gentle, getting-to-know-you, calm kisses gave way to something more primal, elemental, as they began to touch each other, their kisses becoming harder, more passionate. She didn’t care where they were or who might see them. She needed to feel Jack’s hands on her, needed to touch him, to explore his body. God, she wanted to get naked with him, but that wasn’t possible out here.

  She smoothed her hands over his shoulders and down his arms, her mouth leaving his to explore his jaw, his neck, breathing in the crisp, musky scent of him. He moved his hand over her back and down, palming her ass and pushing her against his hard-on.

  His rigid length rocked against her sex, making her quest to explore him even more desperate. She leaned back, searched his face, supremely satisfied by the raw desire she saw in his eyes.

  “I want you, Callie. Goddamn, I want you right here.”

  She’d never heard sweeter words spoken. Bobby had never wanted to do anything like this, preferring his sex indoors and in their bedr
oom. Oh, she loved him and capitulated, but a part of her had always missed satisfying her baser cravings. She’d never even told Bobby about her secret fantasies.

  Now, maybe she’d finally be able to tap into them. Hallelujah!

  Until she heard whispers and laughter. She froze. Jack closed his eyes for a second, then shook his head.

  “Son of a bitch,” he whispered.

  She smiled, laying her head on his chest while she tried to gather her wits. Someone else was in the gardens just ahead.

  “Guess we’re not alone anymore,” she said, tilting her head back to search Jack’s face.

  “Guess not. Goddammit, I’m sorry, Callie.”

  She laughed. “It’s okay.” Though disappointed, she was heartened to know he wasn’t afraid to take her right there in the gardens. And he would have if they hadn’t been interrupted. Her body still thrummed with sexual vibrations, and that was a heady enough feeling for now. She’d have her moment with Jack soon.

  “I need to walk this off,” he said, adjusting the crotch of his tux.

  She smirked and walked alongside him through the maze, listening to the sounds of a couple at the other end. Whispers, mostly. And deep, sensual laughter.

  “What do you think they’re doing out there?” she whispered.

  “Not sure. Let’s sneak up on them and find out.” He grabbed her hand, and they tiptoed to the end of the maze of bushes.

  Tucked inside a quiet, dark corner was a small, white gazebo. Thickly laced lattice on three sides offered privacy from anyone wanting to know what was going on inside, but from the sounds the couple made, Callie had a pretty good idea. Her heart thumped a mad rhythm as Jack pulled her to the right side of the bushes. She realized from that vantage point they could see the man and woman seated on the bench in the gazebo.

  The woman’s long, blonde hair cascaded down her naked back, the top of her dress pulled down to her waist. She couldn’t see the man’s face, only a thick head of dark hair. His mouth was latched around one of the woman’s nipples, his fingers plucking at the other.

  Raw desire shot through Callie, her deepest, darkest fantasy come to life right in front of her eyes. She gasped, a sudden urge to lift her dress and massage her pussy nearly overwhelming. But she remembered she wasn’t alone. Jack was with her, seeing what she saw.


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