A Hundred Others: A MM Medieval Romance

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A Hundred Others: A MM Medieval Romance Page 5

by Jude Marquez

  “Edward, whoa,” Evander said and raised his hands. “No. Actually, I was here to ask you something else.”

  The man, Edward, was eyeing Alyx. “What do you want?” Edward asked Evander.

  “The runt. The one that you were going to get rid of,” Evander said.

  “For a pet?” Edward asked. “What would your mother say about that?”

  “I don’t know. But I don’t think she would deny Alyx anything," Evander said.

  “Oh,” Edward said and strode up to Alyx. The fence separated them even if it did just come up to their knees. “That you, then?” He asked Alyx.

  “Yes, sir," Alyx replied.

  “Hmph," Edward said and frowned at him. “You better clean up after him. castle staff already has enough on their hands."

  “Yes, sir," Alyx said.

  “Do you have anything in you besides those two words?” Edward asked. The dogs around his feet started to get restless but stopped when he snapped his fingers at them.

  “Yes, sir," Alyx said and Evander snorted behind him. “I’ll keep after the dog, sir," he clarified.

  Edward looked at him skeptically for a moment before he looked down at his feet. He swatted a few of them away and reached down for a much smaller dog that was being half trampled by the others but wagged his tail enthusiastically nonetheless. He also tried to lick Edward's face a few times, something that Edward wasn't appreciative of. His hair was shaggy and curly and black as night and his eyes were barely discernible from his fur.

  But he was well fed and his claws were short and Alyx fell in love when Edward shoved the puppy at him. He scooped the small dog up in his hands and stared down at him.

  “Oh lord, get that kid out of here," he told Evander.

  Alyx was barely aware of the hand on his shoulder that guided him back into the castle.

  Chapter Eight

  Alyx was settling in well and even though he woke up some mornings still confused, for a few moments at least, he made sure that every day he did what he could around the castle, kept after his dog, and helped Gael with the numbers of the kingdom.

  Auelina found Alyx in a hallway, two weeks later, a puppy in one arm and a small child holding his other hand, the one who served him breakfast that first morning in the great hall.

  “-taught you?” He was asking. Nicholas, that was his name. An orphan from the town, Auelina recalled. His parents had perished in the sick season two years prior and Gia had brought him and several others into the castle to be raised as wards of the court.

  “My father did. Numbers as well," Alyx replied.

  “Could you teach me? I know that I’m supposed to be raised as a knight or a squire or something but I would really, really like to learn letters," Nicholas asked.

  “I would be happy to," Alyx said, a small smile on his face. “As long as it doesn’t interfere with your other chores.”

  “No, sir," Nicholas said.

  “Then we will start tomorrow," Alyx said when he caught sight of Auelina and her ladies coming towards him.

  Nicholas whispered something to him and Alyx nodded and Nicholas turned and left.

  “He made his exit quickly," Verna murmured.

  “Indeed," Auelina said as they approached Alyx. He was smirking. “What made him run off so fast?”

  “He said that every time you see him, you force him into a bath," Alyx said.

  “True enough," Verna said, a laugh in her voice.

  Verna and Bianca caught sight of the puppy at the same time and both cooed at him. They descended on Alyx.

  “He is adorable," Verna murmured.

  “What have you named him?” Bianca asked, scratching him behind the ear. The dog’s tongue lolled and he stared at everyone adoringly.

  “Knight," Alyx replied and it brought a fresh round of coos.

  “Such a perfect name," Cordelia murmured and kissed Knight on the top of his head. “I was worried what Edward was going to do with him.”

  “What were you two speaking of?” Auelina asked and took Alyx’s arm. “You and Nicholas?”

  “He asked if I would teach to work numbers and read his letters," Alyx said. “I agreed to it.”

  “Very kind of you," Auelina said as they strolled the halls and the ladies trailed after them, their skirts bright in the afternoon light that filtered in through the windows. “We had a tutor two, no three, years ago but he took sick and died. Mother had enough on her plate to keep her from hiring a new one," she directed them down another hall and stopped them in front a set of double doors. She gestured to it and Alyx tugged the door open.

  Light flooded into the hall from the floor to ceiling window. Bookcases reached near the ceiling. One long desk was against the wall, putting the windows to the left of the desk.

  “Once Nicholas tells Lenore, she will tell Annabelle, Annabelle will tell Kenley, and Kenley will tell George," Auelina said and stepped into the library. “One cannot have what the others do not and they are fiercely competitive, Master Alyx.”

  “M-Master?” Alyx said and tightened his hold on Knight.

  “That’s what your students are obligated to call you," Auelina said, her smile bright. Her ladies all exchanged pleased smiles.

  “Students?” Alyx whispered.

  “Welcome to castle De Loughrey," Auelina said, her smile wide.

  “Dear god," Alyx whispered.

  Auelina took his arm again and led him out. Verna closed the door behind them.

  “I will speak to mother about the schedules," Auelina continued. “I believe morning lessons would be for the best, don’t you?” Auelina asked.

  “I, uh-” Alyx said.

  “I’ll ask Gael and Evander and Cade to find suitable desk. No, just Evander and Cade," Auelina amended. “I’ll ask Gael for supplies.”

  A door was thrown open and Cade fell through the doors, covered in dust and laughing. Aldous and Geoffrey followed him, then Elyes and Gabrien. Gael and Evander followed them and Alyx felt a hot flash of shame, as they fell through the doors, swords in hand and smelling of sunshine and sweat.

  Unlike Alyx who was being kept inside like a sickly nurse maid.

  “Well, if it isn’t my three favorite people in the palace!” Gael yelled.

  “Good god, Gael, why are you yelling?” Cordelia asked.

  “Evander smashed his helmet into his head," Cade said and there was a fresh bellow of laughter. “He’s been yelling ever since.”

  “At least it wasn’t his face," Cordelia said and let Gael take her hand and lay a kiss there.

  “I don’t trust you two together," Evander said and looked between Auelina and Alyx. “Both of you are two smart by half. Are you conspiring?”

  “Not at all, dear brother,” Auelina said brightly. “Outright planning.”

  Evander offered Auelina her arm, but she batted him away. “Alyx and Knight smell ten times better.”

  “Fair enough," Evander said. “Will you let me in on your plans?”

  “Once you’ve bathed," she turned and sniffed daintily at her other brothers. “All of you. We’ll speak at dinner," she stood on her toes and kissed Alyx on the cheek. “Dinner, sir. Not a word until then.”

  “Yes, Princess," Alyx said.

  “Ladies," Auelina said and in a bright swirl of colors, they swept away.

  “One of those women is going to break my heart," Aldous said with a sigh.

  “Not Jess," Gael said.

  “Or Auelina," Evander warned.

  Aldous sighed again but his eyes did not lose their dreamy look.

  “Dinner," Cade said and dashed off to his room. They all left in separate directions and Alyx ended up walking with Evander up to his room. They were silent and there was tension in Evander’s shoulders that hadn’t been there before.

  Once there, a maid was there to undo all the armor and leather and complicated lacings that kept Evander tied in. He was down to his braies when he dismissed her.

  “Your bath is ready, sir," she murm
ured and left.

  Alyx sat on the bed and watched as Knight made himself comfortable in the room. Evander crossed the room in several long strides and into the bathroom. There was splashing water and Knight settled down on the rug and closed his eyes. Alyx had long gotten used to the casual nakedness of the castle men here. He was not one to complain.

  “Why is the floor so warm?” Alyx asked when Evander came out, pulling a tunic on.

  Evander blinked, confused for a second. “Hot springs. Underneath the castle, it pumps hot water up the walls and into the sinks and baths here. Did you propose to my sister?”

  “No," Alyx replied, confused. “What? Why would you ask me that?”

  “The way you two spoke and she kissed you-”

  “On the cheek," Alyx said. “And no. There was no marriage proposal," he shook his head. Evander crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Alyx curiously.

  “I-” He stopped. “The Princess is a breathtaking person and I have no doubt in my mind that whoever she honors with her hand in marriage will have his hands full but I am most certainly not that person.”

  Evander raised an eyebrow.

  “My own tastes run more on the masculine side," Alyx said softly.

  “Ah," Evander said.

  “If that bothers you, as I know it bothers some, I will be happy to take my company elsewhere," Alyx said and stood. Knight did the same.

  “Don’t be ridiculous," Evander said. “Why would that bother me?”

  “It bothers some.”

  “Well,” Evander said with a blindingly beautiful smile, “My tastes are equal for that of both sexes. So no, Alyx, it does not bother me.”

  “Oh," Alyx said softly.

  Evander laced up his boots and scooped Knight up off the floor. “Come. I can’t wait to hear what devious plans you and my sister have cooked up.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Mother," Auelina said as soon as everyone was served.

  “Yes, darling?” Gia asked.

  “I have a proposal," Auelina said.

  “Hopefully not of marriage. I’m not sure I can handle a competition this week," Gia said.

  “Not at all," Auelina said.

  Gael, Cade, and Evander were all watching their sister intently.

  “Tell me of this proposal then, darling," Gia said casually.

  Alyx glanced over at the table where the servants were sitting. The youngest of them were watching the table with interest.

  “Young Nicholas asked if Alyx could teach him numbers and letters. Alyx agreed.”

  “And Nicholas cannot have what the others do not," Gia concluded, following Auelina’s line of thinking precisely. She put her cutlery down and looked at Alyx. “And you agreed to this, Alyx?”

  “Yes, Your Highness. I would be happy too.”

  Gia gave him a small smile. “I believe that’s a lovely idea.”

  Auelina grinned.

  “I can get supplies," Gael said.

  “We can get desks," Evander said.

  “In the old library?” Cade asked.

  “Told you," Auelina whispered to Alyx and gave him a conspiratorial wink.

  “You have them wrapped around your little finger," Alyx acknowledged.


  After dinner, Gael ran off to find supplies and Cade and Evander muscled in five desks from a closet hidden somewhere in the castle. Auelina and her ladies stood off to the side and laughed as they watched the Princes run in and out of the old library and even Gia stood with Alyx, Knight tucked into her arm. She warned Alyx about spoiling him but was often the first to scoop the small black puppy off his feet.

  “Don’t we have servants to do this sort of thing?” Cade whined and wiped his forehead.

  “Yes but this is far more amusing," Gia said.

  Cade grumbled and went for another desk.

  Once they were done, it looked like a proper classroom, one that Alyx used to go to when his father was alive. Those were some of the best memories he had of his father, the two of them walking hand in hand to the school house, while his father pointed out interesting things around them.

  “This will do nicely," Alyx murmured and let his fingers trail over the polished surfaces of the desks. “Thank you," he said when he turned to them.

  “Are you kidding?” Gael snorted. “Thank you. Now these kids can someday take over the jobs we have now and they’ll be true to the crown.”

  Gia dismissed them all and the others left to their own activities. The ladies went with Auelina, all but one, a tall, beautiful woman with dark hair that Alyx recalled as Lady Cordelia. Her and Gael walked slowly down the hall, whispering back and forth. Cade and Evander exchanged a look before Cade left in search of a dessert and Evander gestured for Alyx to follow him. He did but Alyx hesitated at the doorway of Evander’s room when they finally reached it.

  Alyx was aware of the Crown Prince's dalliance with the people of the town. Everyone was. It was all but expected of him, as he sought out who would spend the rest of their life with him. Alyx never for a second thought he could be more than a dalliance, a distraction for Evander during his busy days.

  But his heart ached to be more; he wanted to be the one that Evander woke up to, like they had been for the past weeks. He wanted to stay in his room but Alyx knew that it was improper and he was probably setting himself up for more heartbreak. He lingered in the door, as though stepping inside would give Evander even more power over him.

  Which was silly. The Crown Prince had him, body and soul.

  Evander finally noticed him hesitating when he was halfway through unlacing his second boot.

  “What?” Evander asked and looked around.

  “I am feeling better, I can find another room,” Alyx said. Even though it ached for him to say it, he didn't want the others to look down on Evander for taking in a commoner, even if they were just friends.

  Evander looked at him and finally shrugged. There was a look on his face that Alyx wasn't familiar with and that was unusual. Alyx spent his days and nights categorizing Evander's facial expressions.

  “If that’s what you want to do," Evander said and sighed.

  That's not what Alyx wanted to do. He wanted to do things he had only heard whispered about in taverns and by the crudest of men he passed in the markets. His hands and mouth ached with something he couldn't name yet.

  Still, Alyx nodded and turned to find one of the soldiers walking the halls. Perhaps they could direct him-

  “But you still have nightmares. Are you sure you want to face that alone?” Evander called out.

  Alyx’s feet stopped and he felt Evander at the door, looking at him.

  “It’s okay to need to be close to someone, Alyx," Evander said Alyx didn’t turn around. He didn't want to acknowledge the truth of his simple statement or that he already needed Evander.

  “You’re the Prince," Alyx pointed out, without turning to face him.

  “No," Evander said and that did make Alyx turn around. “Not in here," he tapped his foot against the stones of the floor. “In here, I’m just Evander. And you are just Alyx. You have spent a lifetime full of days and nights alone, Alyx. It’s okay-” Evander cleared his throat. “It’s okay," he finally settled on saying.

  “Okay, you are just Evander and I am just Alyx,” he finally said and followed Evander back into the room.

  “Let’s go to sleep, Alyx," Evander said.

  And it was warm and comfortable, falling asleep next to Evander.


  The next morning they were awakened by the maids and the servants coming in and pulling the curtains open and the young men carrying buckets of water.

  “How do you do this?” Alyx muttered and threw an arm over his eyes. His body had quickly gotten used to sleeping in past dawn, eager to make up for all those lost hours.

  “It happens every day of my life," Evander said. He stood and headed for the bathroom.

  Alyx was able to bathe on his own and
then a young maid helped him dress, the strangest of all things he had yet to experience. It used to be that he only had trousers, a shirt, and his old worn boots. The royal family had a much more formal appearance and when he had tried to first dress himself, Gael and Evander had laughed so hard they cried. When Alyx asked them how they did it, there was an awkward silence until a maid rushed in to help.

  The same maid laced his shirt and handed him a belt, draped a cloak over his shoulders, fastened it closed, and stepped back.

  “Thank you," he said to her sincerely.

  She blinked and smiled. “My job, sir.”

  “Nonetheless," he said.

  Evander was waiting by the door for him and they left the room together to head to the dining hall. Knight pattered along their sides, eager for table scraps and the warm laps of the children that fought over holding him.

  Alyx hadn’t felt more welcome in his entire life in a single place.

  “Alyx," Gia said, as the dishes were being cleared away. “Are you free later today? After your lessons, of course.”

  “I am at your will, Your Majesty," Alyx said and wiped his mouth. The cloth napkin was tugged from his hand and he turned to see Kenley grinning at him. He smiled at her. She leaned into him, a quick sign of affection before leaning down and scooping up Knight. Then they were both leaping away to join her friends.

  “After lunch, I would like to speak to you about the events that led you here," Gia said. Evander’s eyes flew to her face but she only patted his hand. “Alone.”

  “Of course," Alyx said softly and he sounded strained to his own ears. He could already feel the talk that she wanted to have with him. Alyx could already see that she was going to tell him that he must keep a more formal relationship with Evander and his fears were correct. She would order him away from Evander and that would be that.

  Alyx hoped that he could maintain his job as the teacher to the children and that he could stay at the castle. If he had that, if he was still able to see and interact with Evander, perhaps all would be well.

  Gia smiled at him and stood; when she did, the rest of the hall did as well. She nodded to them and left through a door behind their table and the rest of the hall began to scatter.


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