A Hundred Others: A MM Medieval Romance

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A Hundred Others: A MM Medieval Romance Page 11

by Jude Marquez

  “Did they get away?” Alyx asked.

  “No,” Cordelia said.

  “Evander had Eros,” Auelina said.

  There was an almighty crash from the hall followed by shouting voices. Another clash and something hit Cordelia’s door. Ricardus backed off a step and raised his sword in the direction of the door.

  “Gael!” Cordelia screamed and the banging stopped.

  “Keep your mouth shut,” Alyx snapped in the ringing silence. Then the banging returned and they watched as the door splintered.

  “Would you rather come here or Verna’s room?” Cordelia hissed. “They are unarmed and they have children with them.”

  Ricardus met Alyx’s glance at the door where it sounded as though there were at least three men trying to get in.

  “Behind me,” Ricardus ordered Alyx. “The corner, the three of you,” he said to the women.

  The door splintered again and Ricardus took a deep breath, straightened his shoulders and looked to Alyx. “Tell His Highness that it was an honor serving with him.”

  “Tell him yourself,” Alyx replied. He stood in front of Gia and backed the three of them into a corner. “No one dies tonight.”

  The door fell after only one more hit and Alyx was right, three men fell into the room. Gia stood over Cordelia and Auelina who clutched each other in the corner. All three were only in their dressing gowns and Alyx wanted to pry the men’s eyes out of their heads for the way they looked at the women behind him.

  “Only one to defend these four?” One man laughed and headed for Ricardus. The other two went around them as the first man engaged Ricardus in a fight.

  “No- please-” Alyx started, straining his voice. He remembered Edward's instructions, to make himself look even smaller and weaker, so that his opponent would underestimate him.

  His heart felt like a hummingbird in his chest and he spread his arms out in front of the women.

  “The king’s betrothed,” one man hissed to the other. They were filthy from the war march and they smelled twice as bad as they looked.

  “We can take him back to Thomas, let the man have their turn. Give Thomas the Princess. Maybe get a turn with her for reward,” the other said mockingly.

  “Take me- just leave-” Alyx started.

  The man who spoke first reached out and grabbed Alyx by the throat, hauled him close. “We will not be gentle as your prince-”

  The blade was in Alyx’s hand in a moment, the silver slicing through his own sleeve and upwards into the man’s rib cage, where Alyx pushed it up even further, aiming for lungs, heart, blood vessels. The blood sprayed the front of Alyx and he jerked it out, twisting as he went.

  The man collapsed at his feet.

  “Do not seek mercy from me,” Alyx said to the other man.

  As most do, seeing Alyx’s slight form, he charged. Normally, Alyx would have stepped aside, let the man crash into whatever was behind him, but the women were behind him. Although he had no doubt of their abilities, Alyx knew that this was his duty.

  In a moment of clarity, Alyx kicked a bench in front of him, into the man’s path. His momentum carried him forward and he fell over it. Alyx kicked him in the face, thankful for his foresight to put his boots on, and threw him to the floor. The man was barely conscious when Alyx pulled him up to a sitting position, yanked his hair back cruelly, and slit his throat.

  As the man slumped over in his grasp, Evander, Gael, and some of the knights skidded into the room. Aldous and Ralph caught the man that was fighting with Ricardus still and threw him to the floor where ropes were produced and he was tied up cruelly.

  Evander’s eyes were glued on Alyx, along with most of the room.

  Evander approached Alyx slowly. Alyx stood, his clothes heavier with the weight of blood they soaked up. He felt it sticky on his face and in his hair as well.

  “Are you injured?” Evander asked.

  Alyx shook his head and wiped at his brow. He was sweating. And also covered in blood, as he smeared it on his face. “This is not my blood,” he said. His hands were trembling but he slid the blade back where it belonged, under his tattered sleeve. He flexed his fingers and his vision blurred. “Dear god,” he hissed and bent over, his hands on his knees.

  “Come,” Evander said, his hand on Alyx’s back. He guided Alyx away from the bodies, helped his sister and mother and Lady Cordelia away from them as well.

  “Where?” Elyes asked. “The rooms are compromised.”

  “The war room,” Evander muttered.

  “The children-” Alyx said. “They are in Verna’s room.”

  “Gael,” Evander said. Gael disappeared and they were joined with the ladies and the children in their wake.

  Evander led the way, sword in hand, and threw the doors open to the war room. The table that dominated the room was huge and scarred.

  “Bring the villagers into the castle walls,” he ordered.

  Ralph turned, left the room. As he did, Bianca led the ladies and children into the war room.

  “Children, the corner. Ladies, if you could stay with them. Mother, Auelina, I need you here,” Evander directed. He was completely unperturbed by the look of Alyx, although Alyx had to remind himself that Evander was probably far more used to blood soaked men than Alyx ever would be.

  Aldous spread a map out on the table and it was weighted down with hands or small daggers. Bianca approached Alyx with a bowl of water and a rag, clean clothes in hand from a wardrobe in the corner. Alyx let her wipe the blood from his face and body.

  “Send scouts immediately, I want to know how close they are to us,” Evander said.

  Tobey turned and left. As he left the room, Jeanna entered, two baskets in hand, bandages in hand. She approached Alyx first, but Bianca told her that Alyx was uninjured.

  Ely came in next, food and water in hand. Lights flared to life around them.

  “Did they say anything?” Evander asked Alyx.

  “Only to threaten the rape of the Princess and I,” Alyx said and Bianca’s hands paused in her ministrations.

  There was silence in the room.

  “They are doing as I predicted. They will take Auelina by force and rule by impregnating her. Torture you by torturing Alyx,” Gia said.

  “They will have to kill us first,” Cade swore.

  No one disagreed with his sentiment.

  Evander studied the map. His hands were laid flat against the table and he still only had his trousers on. His feet were bare. Bianca touched the collar of Alyx’s shirt and he pulled it off, let it fall to the ground with a sickening plop. The trousers followed. Bianca kept her eyes on Gabrien’s boots as Alyx changed.

  “Evander,” Auelina murmured and put a hand on his shoulder. He put a hand over hers but did not look up. Gia had a bundle of clothes in her hands but she did not try to approach him.

  “I need to send you away,” Evander said finally.

  Auelina closed her eyes but not before Alyx read the hurt on her face.

  “I’m sorry-” she whispered. Alyx wondered what she was sorry for. None of this was her doing and the fact that these men were trying to get to her to rule the kingdom was not her doing.

  “You aren’t stupid, Auelina, do not pick up the habit now. I am going to send you away so that those men cannot touch you. Or mother. Or Cordelia,” Bianca was lacing up the front of Alyx’s shirt when Evander met his eyes. “Or Alyx.”

  “Where?” Geoffrey asked. “Our allies, the neighboring kingdoms, are four days hard ride from here. The closest one, anyway.”

  “And there is no way that Thomas's forces are that far away,” Gael added.

  Evander’s eyes looked over the map. “They come from the north. Who are we friendly with to the south?”

  Alyx looked to Gia and opened his mouth but she shook her head, once. Alyx closed his mouth and said nothing.

  “The old Singer hold,” Aldous said and tapped his finger to it.

  From the hall they heard a unified step and t
urned to see soldiers began to line the hall. Guards.

  “They’ll go to Edward’s place. It’s fortified,” Aldous said.

  “Two days ride. And there is no caretaker there. God knows what kind of shape it’s in,” Cade added.

  “We are not looking for comfort. A hiding place. Shelter. The rest we can bear,” Gia said.

  “Elyes, Aldous. See that the men are ready to ride,” Evander said. He dismissed the rest of the men, ordered the women and children off to prepare for the journey and when the royal family was alone once more, Evander closed the door, barred it and gathered everyone in the corner.

  “One of my soldiers-” Evander began softly. “Someone had to have let them in. Had to have access to the water that put Elyes and Gabrien out. There is a spy in my inner circle and I haven't a clue who it is.”

  There was a heavy silence and Alyx looked to Gia who was staring at him. He nodded.

  “We are not going to Edward’s,” Gia said.

  “I have a holding in the south. A man by the name of Franco has been keeping it for me,” Alyx said.

  Evander looked from Alyx to Gia, then round to his brothers. It had slipped his mind, among the other things that his days were filled with, to tell Evander of his lands and his holding.

  “Is he to be trusted?” Evander asked.

  “As far as I know. But I thought the same of our men,” Gia said, a hint of anger and betrayal in her voice.

  Evander pressed his lips together and nodded. “The men will be ready by mid-day,” he said. The sun had not risen yet. “Gael and Cade will ride with me, each with a division of men. I will take Ralph as my lieutenant.”

  “Not Aldous?” Auelina asked. Aldous always rode with Evander. As Alyx was told, Aldous had been at Evander's side since they were babies, abandoned at the door of the castle. They shared the same wet nurse. It was widely known that Aldous was second only to Evander's brothers.

  “He will go with you,” Evander said.

  “I will take Gabrien,” Cade said.

  “Tobey,” Gael said.

  “Aldous, Elyes, Geoffrey, and Ricardus will accompany you south,” Evander said and nodded. He straightened up and finally reached for the shirt in his mother’s hands. He pulled it on and then pulled his mother into an embrace.

  “Were it not you, I would be worried,” Gia said, her voice filled with tears.

  “I could say the same for you,” Evander said and kissed the top of her head. “Go. Ready,” he whispered and looked around the table. “Nothing more than what you need and not a word of your real destination.”

  Everyone scattered and Evander and Alyx made their way to their rooms. They dressed and cleaned in relative silence. Evander handed Alyx a leather bag and Alyx began to pack away a few essentials. Once done, he turned to face Evander, who was putting on his riding wear.

  Alyx stepped closed and began to lace closed his shirt, working the laces through the holes, pulling everything tight, as comfortable as he could get it. He dropped the lighter shirt that showed him General around his shoulders. He wore only his leather brigandine that covered his chest and torso that was lined with thin metal plates. Not suited for combat, but would offer some protection should they be ambushed on the ride. Alyx opened the cabinet where Evander’s combat crown sat, a simple gold circlet. It was not nearly as ornate as his ceremonial crown. He placed it on Evander’s head and finally met his eyes.

  “Should I tell you you look handsome?” Alyx teased gently, hoping to rid that look of despair in his eyes. “Or do you know?”

  “Should I tell you how much I love you?” Evander asked. “Or do you know?”

  Alyx raised his fingers to Evander’s eyebrow, his cheek. “I know,” he murmured.

  “Tell me,” Evander whispered. There was real fear in his eyes.

  “You were written in the stars for me, Evander De Loughrey,” Alyx said and pressed his lips to Evander’s. “There is none other in this world save you for me. I have your name and your touch etched into my soul and I wear it proudly. I am for you, in this life and a hundred others. I will wait for you, love none other, hold none other, so long as I breathe.”

  There was a soft knock at the door and Evander called to them. Aldous stuck his head in. “The family is ready, sir.”

  Evander nodded and Aldous closed the door. Alyx picked up his bag, slid his extra blades in his boots, checked the holsters on his arm.

  “You wear those well,” Evander remarked.

  Alyx smiled at him.

  “I think I would like to fuck you while you wear them,” Evander said in the same easy tone.

  “The things you say,” Alyx said.

  Evander glanced at the door and the back at Alyx. Alyx met his gaze and tipped his head to the side. Evander crossed the room to where Alyx stood, holding his bag in hand, and took it from Alyx's hand. He dropped it on the floor and pressed Alyx to the wall behind him and Alyx felt the warmth seep into him.

  Alyx pulled at the lacings of Evander’s trousers, his impatience only matched by Evander’s. Evander pulled away suddenly and dropped to his knees, unlaced Alyx’s boots and pulled his trousers down the rest of the way. He snatched the oil off the table next to them and pulled Alyx’s leg around his hip. His fingers found Alyx’s entrance and though they hurried, he was still gentle. Alyx kissed Evander's neck, listened to his heartbeat, memorized his smell. He shuddered when he felt Evander's fingers press into his entrance and began to stretch him.

  “I am ready,” Alyx murmured.

  Evander pulled away and looked at him. It was less preparation than what they usually had.

  “I need to feel you,” Alyx insisted. He pushed back against the wall, wrapped his other leg around Evander’s waist, and pulled him close. Evander grasped his cock in his hand and lined up against Alyx’s entrance. He tried for slow, but Alyx was impatient, let himself fall against Evander. His hot, wet hole wrapped around Evander and for a second, Evander wondered if he would faint from it. Then Alyx moved, ground himself against Evander, until he found that spot inside of himself and groaned against Evander’s mouth.

  It brought Evander back to where he was and he used his hands on Alyx’s ass to hold him still as he rubbed that spot over and over with the tip of cock.

  “None for me than you,” Alyx swore.

  Evander pushed him against the wall and began fucking him with hard, long strokes. He kissed him like he meant to devour Alyx, so that should anything happen to Evander on the battlefield, Alyx would not forget this.

  Alyx tightened his legs around Evander, relished in the sound of the skin on skin that filled the room. He memorized the moans that fell from Evander’s lips and brushed his fingers across his shoulders, his face.

  “Fuck me,” Alyx begged and Evander pushed into him as though he owned Alyx, as though Alyx were his home, his very soul. Alyx reached for every inch of Evander’s cock in him, claimed it as his own, pushed down, unable to get enough.

  It was a rough, punishing pace and they were both sweating but neither slowed. They dragged each other to the edge and fell over together, gasping and saying the other’s name.

  They stayed like that until Evander slipped from him and Alyx wanted to weep at the loss.

  Chapter Thirteen

  There were no words for Evander to say to Alyx when he was astride his horse looking down at Alyx. There was a carriage for the women and children, driven by Edward, though Gia and Auelina were on their own horses. Aldous, Elyes, Geoffrey, and Ricardus were nowhere to be found and when Alyx turned to Evander, Evander only kissed him and Alyx understood not to ask.

  “I will see you soon,” Evander said and pressed Alyx’s forehead to his own. “In this life and the next, I will be at your side.”

  “Don’t say such things. They sound too much like a goodbye,” Alyx breathed deeply. “You are only off to win a war.”

  “Only,” Evander said with a gentle smile. He kissed Alyx. “In this life and the next. Swear it to me.”
/>   “In this life,” Alyx kissed the corner of Evander’s mouth, “And the next.”

  Evander, Gael and Cade spoke to Gia and Auelina for a few moments before bidding everyone else a farewell.

  Gia was crying openly now and when she held Evander’s face in her hands, he knew his fear was not singular. Evander said something to her and she gave him a small smile and said gently, “Have faith, my love.”

  Evander wiped his mother’s face and nodded and then stood back and watched Alyx disappear on a chestnut colored stallion, trailing the carriage that was driven by Edward.

  “My fear is less knowing that Alyx is with them,” Gael confessed.

  “Mine is doubled,” Evander replied.

  “Let’s kill them all and return to our family,” Cade said. “I believe I am ready for a wedding feast.”

  “Two of them,” Evander said and clapped Gael on the shoulder. “Come. Let’s ready the men.”


  They were riding for near half a day when a single rider left the forest on Alyx’s left and rode up next to him.

  “I didn’t know that I would get the easy part for once,” Aldous said with a grin. He had the same bravado as always, but it seemed like he was missing something. Alyx could only guess that he wished to be with Evander but would follow his king's orders, come what may.

  Elyes, Geoffrey, and Ricardus joined them at different paces. Aldous stayed at Alyx’s side, Geoffrey rode with Auelina and Elyes and Ricardus stayed with Gia. Their group surrounded the carriage and though they were slow enough for the carriage to keep up, it was still a punishing pace.

  Alyx was near the front, having memorized their route.

  “How many days ride until we reach our destination?” Aldous asked.

  “Three days at this pace,” Alyx said.

  “I’ll send Geoffrey ahead to scout a spot to camp,” Aldous said and fell back. Moments later, Geoffrey rode ahead.

  That night, they laid their bedrolls out under the stars. Sleep did not come easily to anyone.

  They got up at first light and after a breakfast of dried meat and fruit and water to wash it all down, they continued on. The women and children were not keeping up as well, crammed into the carriage as they were. There were dark circles under their eyes and their meager breakfast was not what they were used to. True as they were, they did not voice a single complaint.


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