Hometown Hero

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Hometown Hero Page 11

by Susan Scott Shelley

  Mr. Brennan sat at the table, holding a cup of coffee in one hand as he chatted with Everson and Leo and woman she'd noticed in a few of the photos. He looked up and his face creased into a happy smile.

  Xavier crossed the room in two long-legged steps, set the cake box on the counter, and then bent to hug him. "Happy Birthday, Dad." He straightened and placing his hand on the small of Ashley's back, guided her closer to his father. "This is Ashley. She baked your cake."

  The kindness in Mr. Brennan's smile touched Ashley's heart. "It's nice to meet you. Please have a seat. Xavier, get her something to drink."

  The warmth and pressure of Xavier's hand at her back increased as he shifted closer. "I know you met Leo at the 5k. This is his wife, Kelsey."

  They both rose and shook her hand. She felt like she was among giants. Leo, Xavier, Ryan, Everson, and even Kelsey towered over her.

  When Kelsey moved, Ashley caught a whiff of wildflowers and vanilla. She knew that delicate scent well—her mother's preferred perfume. A yearning, a homesickness, overwhelmed her, but she managed to keep her composure. "It's nice to meet you."

  "I've been dying to talk to you." Kelsey leaned in as though they were already close friends. "With how often these guys text, I feel like I've been living through the baking competition with you. Ryan and Shane's commentary has been awesome."

  Lifting a brow, Xavier leveled a stare at his brothers. "I'll bet."

  Ryan grinned and raised his hands even as he backed up and hid behind Everson. "It's all good. Well, mostly."

  With the death glare that may or may not have been false darkening Xavier's face, Ashley moved fast to soothe. She ran her hand over his arm. "Xavier has been doing amazing. He helped me decorate your cake, Mr. Brennan. I hope you like it."

  "I'm sure I'll love it. And please, call me Mike." He rose and set his coffee cup in the sink. As tall as the rest, he ruffled Xavier's hair. "I have no doubt this one is doing well. He's always been a quick study."

  The door to the backyard flew open, and a rocket of dark fur raced around the room. With excited barks and jangling collar, Rocky jumped, placing large front paws on Ashley's thighs.

  Laughing, Ashley rubbed a careful hand over the Rottweiler's large head. "I was wondering if you'd be here."

  Xavier grabbed the collar and issued a sharp command. The dog immediately sat at Ashley's feet, its tail wagging a steady rhythm. "I'm sorry. As you can see, Rocky hasn't changed."

  Ashley smiled at Xavier and held her hand out to the dog. "And I'm glad. What an enthusiastic welcome." Rocky offered his paw. Laughing, she knelt and accepted it. "He's such a good boy."

  "When he bolted for the house, I figured you guys were here..." Shane stood in the doorway, a yellow tennis ball in his hand. Brows winging up when he caught sight of Ashley, he quickly glanced at Xavier and then gave her a relaxed, easy smile. Dropping the ball, he strode into the kitchen. "Dinner's ready, stuffed shells and salad. And don't worry, Ryan cooked, not me. If you can fight your way through the army of balloons in the dining room, that is."

  Ryan playfully punched his shoulder. "You're just jealous that we didn't make as big a fuss for your birthday."

  True to Shane's words, they did have to push through balloons. Someone had set the table with white dishes, champagne flutes, and a tablecloth embroidered with colorful balloons that continued the festive birthday theme. They crowded around the large table. Ashley sat between Xavier and Kelsey. Mike stood at one end of the table. He remained standing as everyone else took their seats and Shane finished pouring champagne into the glasses.

  Mike cleared his throat. "It means a lot to me that all of you are here today. As I get older..." He paused to clear his throat again. "As I get older, birthdays mean more. They become more precious. Some of my friends see or hear from their kids only a few times a year. But for me... My boys call and text all the time. And I see you every week, either for dinner or in Leo's case, video chat. You look out for me, and for each other. You always have."

  At the opposite end of the table, on Kelsey's other side, Leo spoke up, "Of course, Dad. And we always will."

  Mike ran his hand over the colorful tablecloth. "Your mother would be happy that we still use this." He raised his head again. "What we have right here, around this table, is what she wanted. All of her boys, together and happy, and with people who care about them. You make me proud every day. That's the best gift a father can ask for."

  Tears pricked Ashley's eyes. Under the table, Xavier's hand closed over hers. A muscle worked hard in his jaw as he took in his father's words. Ashley leaned into him. Across the table, Everson put his arm around Ryan. And in the corner of her vision, Kelsey and Leo linked hands. Shane sat alone but seemed content.

  Mike waved his hand toward the covered dishes at the table's center. "Anyway, that's all. Thank you for making an old man happy. Now, eat."

  "You're not old." Xavier's grumble was almost like a directive. But he smiled and reached for his glass of champagne. "Happy Birthday, Dad. Hopefully, this year we won't add more gray hairs to your head."

  They toasted, and then passed around the food, and then conversations erupted from every corner. It was so different from the quiet dinners she'd shared with her mom and sister. Overwhelming, but entertaining. The evening wasn't even over, and she already wanted to come back again.

  After they finished eating, Xavier left the room to get the cake. Shane, Ryan, and Leo followed close behind with the dinner dishes. Ashley chatted with Mike, Everson, and Kelsey, while laughter and teasing banter poured out of the kitchen.

  Someone dimmed the lights, and then the brothers emerged from the kitchen with the glowing, candle-laden cake. The affection the Brennan family shared was obvious during the jubilant singing of Happy Birthday. Xavier was the most relaxed Ashley had ever seen him. She wished she could bottle up this moment.

  Ryan poured coffee, stepping over the dog as he passed out the cups, arguing good-naturedly with Shane over who should get the piece with the most icing.

  Holding the knife with ease, Xavier cut into the cake. "Dad, since it's your birthday, you get the first piece."

  Dishing out huge wedges, he passed out the plates, serving himself last.

  More nervous about this cake, this tasting, than she'd been through the two rounds of the competition, Ashley held her breath while the others took their first bites. She acknowledged their accolades but it was Xavier's approval, Xavier's opinion, she sought. He settled back in his seat with his piece, and as his lips closed over the fork, she anxiously watched his face.

  His nod and groan of appreciation relaxed her. "Delicious doesn't begin to describe this."

  She drank in the compliment like a thirsty flower soaking up water, smiling when the rest of the family echoed their agreement.

  Spending time with his family was a good reminder of what really mattered. And it gave her a taste of what she wanted her future to look like. A home, full of laughter and people and love.

  And someone special by her side to share it all. Like Xavier. Only Xavier. Falling for him hadn’t been part of the plan. But she had fallen... She just didn’t know what to do about it. She’d never saddle him with her mounds of debt. And she truly didn’t know what she’d do or where she’d go if they didn’t win that grand prize money. Maintaining a relationship would be hard if she ended up couch-surfing in Chicago, depending on the kindness of Katie’s friends.

  But a festive party wasn't a place for those thoughts. Enjoy the moment had been something her mother often said. It was time to take those words to heart. She'd enjoy this time with Xavier and not worry about what could possibly happen when the competition ended.

  Xavier cupped his hand on her shoulder. His lips grazed her ear as he murmured his thanks for the cake, and his breath on her neck sent undercurrents of warmth spreading through her system. The feather-like kiss he brushed across her temple nearly knocked her off balance.

  The evening wound down, with the family taking an
hour to say their goodbyes. Everyone seemed to have just one more story to tell. She received hugs from everyone and tons of cuddles from the dog and an invitation to come back to family dinner anytime.

  She tucked her hand into Xavier's as they walked to his car, led by Rocky. "Tonight was really nice. Thanks for taking me."

  "They liked you."

  "They liked the cake."

  The look he sent her melted any reservations she had. He stepped closer and lightly touched her forearm. "They liked you."

  "I liked them too. You have a great family, Xavier."

  He started the car. "I know it. Since we'll be hyped up on sugar for a while, do you want to come over? Rocky would love your company."

  She reached between the seats and rubbed the dog's head. "Just Rocky?"

  Xavier smiled and laid his hand on her thigh. "And his human."

  * * *

  The night stretched out before him, glittering with stars and possibilities. Xavier had Ashley back, no secrets between them. For tonight, he'd forget all about baking and competitions and rivals and the real world. For tonight, he’d just enjoy spending time with the most amazing woman he’d ever met.

  His family had loved her. Their opinion mattered. He didn't share the people who held such a large piece of his heart with just anyone. It had to be someone special.

  They took Rocky for a walk and then shared a glass of wine in the living room. He liked having her in his space.

  She tossed a toy to the dog and wandered to his front window. "Do you like living so close to the stadium?"

  "It's a matter of convenience. I can get to games and to the practice facility in under ten minutes. But I've pretty much always lived in this general area. You saw my dad's house. That's still a walkable distance to the stadium. The house we lived in before that one was in a rougher area, further out."

  "It's funny that we probably grew up ten blocks away from each other."

  "It is. I wouldn't have minded meeting you earlier."

  "You wouldn't have looked twice at me. I always had my nose in a book. Usually a cookbook."

  "I'm sure I would have noticed. And not just because you were reading about cakes." He joined her, staring out into the darkness. Sliding an arm around her felt natural. And right. "You might not have noticed me. I was always playing football. Or watching football. Got to the point where some people didn't think I had anything else to offer."

  She turned in his arms and brushed her lips over his jaw, on a slow trail to his mouth. "There's more to you than football. A lot more. I'm glad I met you. And I'm glad you're my partner. I still feel bad about some of the things that were said yesterday."

  "I do, too." He drew her closer. She tasted of sugar and wine. He slanted his lips over hers and indulged in another sampling. His hands urged her closer, and his thumbs traced circles on her low back.

  Framing his face with her hands, Ashley looked into his eyes. He could lose himself in that golden gaze. She rose onto her toes. "At times like this, I wish I carried a step stool."

  "I never mind helping you out like that." He adjusted his hold on her hips and lifted her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him.

  Xavier kissed her again. "I know you work in a bakery, but you always smell so damn good. Edible."

  "I'm in if you want to take a taste. Or more than a taste." She nipped along his jaw and licked over the pulse point in his neck.

  Groaning, he held her close. "What about waiting until after the competition?"

  "The last round is tomorrow. I think we've both waited long enough."

  He wanted more. A taste might not be enough. More than a taste might be enough to make him an addict. But he was halfway there already.

  With her, he walked around in a permanent sugar high.

  He slid his hands under her hips and groaned at the feeling of her body pressed against his. Leaving the dog asleep in his bed by the couch, he hit the light switch with his elbow and carried Ashley up the stairs.

  Laughing, she clung to him. "I can walk, you know."

  "But you fit so well right here." He paused in the hallway and took another kiss.


  Not just a little.

  Completely and totally addicted.

  Still kissing her, he managed to get into the bedroom. Her hands threaded through his hair, holding him in place as she explored his mouth. He'd gladly cede control.

  He lowered her to her feet and fumbled for the light switch. Twin lights on both sides of the bed cast a soft glow through the shadows.

  Ashley smiled and slowly worked the buttons of her shirt, revealing silky skin and hints of pink underneath the black fabric. His fingers itched to touch her, but he waited until she dropped the shirt on the edge of the bed.

  Xavier traced the line of her neck and curve of her shoulders, then along the edges of her candy pink bra. He took his time removing the satin cups, sucking and savoring the sugar sweet skin of her breasts until she shivered and goose bumps dotted her skin. Sighing his name, she dragged his mouth back to her own.

  Ashley's hands slid between them. Cool air hit his skin as she pushed his shirt up his torso. He tugged it off and threw it behind him. Her gaze tracked over his body, nearly as potent as her touch. Small, soft hands stroked his chest and his stomach, sending a rush of blood to his cock.

  When they roamed lower, palming the bulge in his jeans, a thread snapped on his control. He groaned and pushed into her hands, and his lips sought hers once again. Deep strokes as desire grew, and her hands had him dangling on the delicious, razor sharp edge of pleasure.

  With her, every sense was heightened. Brighter, bolder, and better.

  He worked her jeans open and sank to his knees, kissing every available inch of skin as he helped her shed the rest of her clothes. Lingering when she shivered or sighed. Drawing out every pleasure to give her as much as he could. Muscles shaking, he rose and lifted her into his arms.

  Ashley stroked her fingertips along his skin, setting off little powder kegs of desire. Need grew until it swamped everything else. Desire pulsed hot under his skin, demanding to be released. He laid her on the bed. She looked like a goddess waiting to be worshiped.

  He kicked free of his jeans and boxers and followed her down.

  She immediately wrapped her arms around him. Xavier covered her lips with his and stroked a possessive line down her center. Her skin was softer than silk and warm and sweet. She felt so good moving against him.

  Eyes glowing with passion, Ashley sought to destroy his control. Her nails scraped and her fingers stroked and squeezed his skin, igniting his need. He answered every touch and matched every taste until they were thrusting together in the soft as a cloud bed.

  Keeping her eyes on his, she opened for him. Xavier rolled on protection and eased inside. Slow, to savor the tight heat. Ashley slid one hand into his hair and clamped one on his hip, as though she wanted to make sure he wasn't going anywhere. With a steadying breath, he began to move.

  Slow and deep, sensual as skin slid against skin and they watched each other. And then faster and harder, as desire crashed into desperation with gasping requests and urgent pleas and snapping hips. He linked their hands together as passion overtook him. His movements grew rough, frantic, as they met thrust for thrust. She came apart underneath him, the waves of her release setting off his own. His muscles seized as pleasure exploded like a supernova, whiting out his vision.

  He fought to catch his breath. As always, her eyes captivated him. Ashley's fingers squeezed his as they watched each other. He lowered his head and kissed her, then pushed himself up to deal with the condom.

  He returned to the bed and lay on his side, facing her. "Want to stay?"

  "Are you sure it's okay?"

  "I want you here." He rolled onto his back. And smiled when she snuggled into his side. Her fingers walked across his torso until she found his hand, and she linked their fingers together.

  He'd help her however he could and howeve
r she would let him. But right now, he felt stuck, like they were in a holding pattern until the competition ended.


  Ashley checked the items lining her station. With set-up complete, she slipped away and, still too nervous to eat breakfast, bought her third cup of coffee of the morning from the shop on the ground floor.

  As she stepped back into their stainless steel mini-kitchen, Xavier pounced, grabbing her arm, nearly upsetting the coffee in her hand. "The producer just told me they're planning on doing a follow-up TV show with the competition winner."

  His boundless enthusiasm was far more potent than mere caffeine, and Ashley soaked up the energy. "Wow, that's a good idea. I imagine they'll tie it in with the magazine release."

  "He also said you've got good camera presence."

  She couldn't let herself even begin to think along those lines. "Even with flour covering a good portion of my face?"

  "Just think, maybe that'll lead to your own baking show on their network."

  "Did the producer say anything about that?"

  "Not specifically, but it could happen. You could even put out your own line of dessert cookbooks."

  "Not to take the air out of your soufflé, but, there is a small matter of winning this thing first."

  "It'll be a piece of cake, pun intended." He laughed and rubbed his hands over her shoulders. Smugness slithered into his voice. "I know you're a better baker than Blackstone."

  She appreciated his confidence. Maybe she needed more of his winning attitude. "Even if I am, they were good enough to survive this far, and so was the other team."

  One of the producers approached them. "Xavier, can you come with me? We're getting a few photos of the Frenzy players."

  "Sure." With one last squeeze of her shoulders, he walked away.

  Alone, Ashley toyed with the edge of a cake pan. He might not be worried, but she was. All her hopes rode on how well they performed in this round. Saving her business without the winnings seemed an impossible feat. What would happen if they didn't win? What would she do? Nerves curled and swelled, and fear rolled into her stomach.


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