Marked for Damnation

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Marked for Damnation Page 18

by S.A. Tadej

  “Shit, now what?” Devin whispered to himself as he scratched his head. He thought about just breaking the door down and opening fire, but his handgun only held thirteen rounds and he didn’t have any extra bullets. He was sure that Damien and Kya had created God only knew how many new vampires when he didn’t return with me.

  He looked up at the sun. Darkness would be approaching soon. The vampires were probably all sleeping inside. And the girl… well who knew where they were keeping her. His guess would be that either Damien or Kya herself was keeping watch over the small child. He felt some comfort in knowing that they probably wanted the child alive to use as bait for what they really wanted – which was me.

  Devin heard a vehicle approaching and his head spun around to look. Driving right toward the house was an old Ford pickup truck. Who the hell could that be? He thought. But his question was soon answered when I emerged from the truck and slammed the door closed behind me. My face was stone cold determination as I walked toward the house.

  As I approached the house, a figure darted from around a tree and grabbed me. I opened my mouth to scream but a strong hand quickly muffled it. I began kicking wildly until I heard the familiar voice. “Shhh… Nicole, it’s me. I’m going to uncover your mouth. Don’t scream,” Devin pleaded.

  I nodded in agreement and he released his hand from my mouth and let me go. “What’s going on? Have you found her?” I whispered.

  “What are you doing? I told you to stay put. It’s much too dangerous for you to be here,” Devin scolded, ignoring my questions.

  I could tell that he was upset, but I didn’t care. “I told you I wasn’t gonna be left behind,” I reminded him. “Now where is she? Have you found her?”

  Devin smirked in defeat. “Not yet,” he admitted. “All the drapes are closed and I can’t see inside. I don’t know where they’re keeping her.”

  “Well let’s just go inside and see, shall we?”

  Devin grabbed my arm to stop me. “We have to be smart about this. We can’t just go running in there. I’ve thought about that already and this handgun only holds thirteen bullets. I’m sure there are more vampires than that.”

  “Well, look what I found in the truck.” I grinned as I held up a small handgun of my own. “Fully loaded too.”

  Devin grinned back. “That’s great, but it’s probably still not enough.”

  I pushed past him. “I don’t care. I’m going in. The more time we spend out here arguing, the less chance I have of finding my cousin alive.”

  “I think it’d be best if we waited until dark. Then I’m sure a bunch of them will be heading out. We could hide out and wait until most of them are gone. I don’t think they’ll hurt her.”

  I raised my eyebrows at him. “In case you’ve forgotten, she’s full of human blood – innocent blood too.”

  “You’re right,” Devin responded.

  “Really? You’re actually going to agree with me for once?” I teased.

  He smirked and took a few steps toward the front door. “I want you to stay right behind me, okay?” he commanded.

  I shook my head.

  “And if anything happens to me, I want you to run, okay?”

  I frowned and nodded. He reached out and held me tightly. Then he pulled away and looked at me nervously. “Lets do this.”

  Devin turned the knob on the front door. As he had expected, it was locked. “Stand back,” he ordered as he kicked the door in. I followed him inside. A few vampires were asleep on the sofa and some on the floor. I followed a few feet behind Devin as he made his way across the living room. A few of the vampires started to stir. As one opened his eyes and began to get up, Devin brought his gun up and shot him in the heart. The man fell straight back.

  The noise of the gunshot woke the remainder of the vampires in the living room. Devin turned toward me and whispered in my ear. “I’ll do my best to hold them off. Go upstairs. I’ll bet that’s where they’re keeping her.”

  I nodded and slowly made my way to the staircase. I turned around just before I was about to go up and saw that Devin was fighting off a couple of vampires at once. I saw one coming at him from behind and I just reacted. I jump kicked the man in the back of the head. He fell to the floor and I shot him in the head.

  “The heart,” Devin called out as my victim started pulling himself up from the floor.

  I aimed my gun again and shot him in the heart. Then I dared a look at Devin again. He was fighting off so many. Walls were being broken, windows were being shattered – it was insane. But so far, he was still standing and I was grateful for that.

  I turned back and quickly ascended the stairs. I slowly opened the first door I came to. It was just a bathroom. There was nobody inside. I slowly crept down the hall to the next door. I opened it and saw that Kelly was inside tied down to a bed. Beside her were two female vampires asleep in chairs. I quickly ran to her side and touched her face. She opened her eyes.

  “Nicole,” she whispered, her voice weak. A new rage filled me as I took in her appearance. Her eyes were red-rimmed and blood shot and she displayed a huge welt across her cheek. It was obvious that someone had hit her.

  “Yeah, honey, it’s me. I’m going to get you out of here,” I whispered back. I pulled a knife out of my boot – another item I had found in the truck – and began cutting at the thick ropes that tied her. I got one of her arms free and saw something out of the corner of my eye. One of the vampires in the room had awoken and was coming right at me. I stood up and rested my palm against the bed as my left leg shot out and struck the vampire in the throat. She went down hard. Then I sat on top of her and put my hands around her throat, squeezing as hard as I could until she lost consciousness. I could have just shot her, but I was afraid of the noise attracting more vampires.

  I returned to Kelly and resumed cutting the thick ropes. Just as I had her completely freed, the vampire I had just struggled with was on her feet again. To make it even worse, the second female vampire that was in the room was also awake now and approaching me. I picked Kelly up and told her to close her eyes. Then I aimed the gun, shooting one and then the other.

  I heard footsteps from down the hall and stopped dead in my tracks, gripped by an overpowering feeling of dread. Damien or Kya? A new fear overtook me as I walked over to the window and opened it. It was already getting dark outside, but I could still see that you could get on the roof right from the window and slide down. Then it was just a short drop to the ground. I put Kelly down and turned to face her. “Whatever happens, I want you to keep running,” I said as I dug the small flashlight out of my pocket and handed it to her.

  “But I want you to come with me,” Kelly whined as she started to cry.

  “I can’t right now, honey.” I firmly grabbed her shoulders and looked her directly in the eyes. “Listen to me, Kelly. I want you to run straight past all of those trees out there. Keep running until you reach the road and then go left. Stay on the side of the road and flag down the first driver you see. Tell them who you are and they’ll help you.” I kissed her forehead and put her out the window. She whined for me. “Go, Kelly! Run! Run and don’t stop. I’ll be right behind you just as soon as I can.”

  I shoved Kelly through the window and encouraged her to jump down. Just as she had jumped and I was about to follow her, the door swung open. I turned my head to look and found myself staring into Damien’s eyes. He looked different to me now – hideous really. He grinned as he approached me and I felt as if I would vomit.

  “Leaving the party so soon,” he smirked. I could see the blood lust in his eyes and I was petrified. “I’ve been looking forward to this moment,” he grinned.

  “Fuck you, asshole,” I replied coldly as I reached for the pistol in my pocket.

  “Do I sense some hostility?” Damien asked with mocking sweetness. He clenched his jaw. His jaw was so tight that I
could hear his teeth grinding in frustration. His dark eyes bore into mine, full of unwavering hatred and blood lust.

  I pulled out the gun and pointed it at him. I shot at him and he dodged the bullet. I kept pulling the trigger, but each time he managed to escape it. Before I knew it, I was out of bullets.

  “Tsk… tsk…” Damien said as he shook his finger in the air and advanced on me, shaking his head. “You’ve been a very bad girl.”

  “Devin!” I shouted. “Devin, help me!” I pleaded.

  Damien grinned at me as he got closer. I put my hands up ready to fight.

  “Just look at the fighting spirit in you,” he chuckled. Then his expression changed and he smiled at me as he reached for my hand. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he grinned.

  I took a step back. “I’m about to knock that smirky little grin right off your face,” I warned. Then I grinned myself as I punched him hard in the face, my fist connecting with his jaw. I watched as his face turned several shades of rage. Then he shook his head and laughed as he rubbed his jaw. I shook out my hand, which was throbbing from the impact. He grabbed me by my hair and swung me against him.

  Still firmly grasping my hair, he leaned his head down and I felt his cool breath on my neck. “This is going to be fun,” he whispered.

  I brought my foot up and kicked him in the groin. He keeled over and I punched him several times in the face then kicked him in the chest. Knowing he’d be right back up, I ran for the window and ducked through it onto the roof. Then I jumped down, my boots making a thud as I hit the ground.

  I heard footsteps approaching and I turned my head to look. I let out a shrill scream and ran to my “borrowed” truck. I had almost made it when his arms crushed around me – one of his arms tightly around my chest, pinning me, his other elbow around my arm, his hand covering my mouth. I sunk my teeth into his hand, but his skin was too tough. I couldn’t puncture it.

  I grabbed a fistful of his hair with my free hand and yanked as hard as I could. He quickly and effortlessly jerked his head free and clamped his fingers around my wrist. His grip on my wrist tightened and I thought it would snap in two. I whimpered in response.

  Damien laughed. He eased his grip on me and I tumbled back and broke free. I saw his fist coming at me but I couldn’t move to block it. It slammed into my cheek hard, knocking me down. He dragged me to my feet and pulled me across the grass.

  His fist came at me again, connecting with my stomach. Again I was knocked to the ground. I keeled over then fought the pain as I scrambled back to my feet and managed to get the truck door opened. I dared a look in his direction. He hadn’t moved, but his expression shook me. He was smirking at me arrogantly with devilish delight.

  My whole body shook in a violent tremor as I jammed the key into the ignition and turned it. I put the truck in reverse, turned the truck around, and sped away. I looked in my rearview mirror and he was still looking at me, that same stupid grin on his face. It can’t be this easy, I thought. He’s not just going to let me go now. Surely he’ll come after me.

  Michael closed his eyes for several seconds. “It’s happening,” he said as he opened them again and looked over at Raphael and Melanie.

  “What are we waiting for?” Raphael asked as he stood up.

  “I’ll go get the car,” Melanie offered.

  Michael put up a hand to stop her. “No, you must stay here. It’s far too dangerous.”

  “But I want to help,” Melanie insisted.

  Michael ignored her and turned to Raphael. “We haven’t much time. I’m driving; let’s go!”

  Melanie jumped in the backseat and Michael frowned at her. He didn’t have time to argue with her, so he let her tag along.

  “Damn it,” Michael yelled out as he pounded the steering wheel. “Can’t this thing go any faster?”

  My mother saw the flashing lights as the squad car pulled into the driveway. Her heart pounded wildly as she walked to the front door and pulled it open. She started walking toward the car before the officer even got out. She watched intently as he got out of the driver’s side, closed the door and walked over to the other side of the car. He opened the rear passenger door and Kelly bounded out, running toward her.

  My mother fell to her knees and opened her arms. Kelly rushed to her and they hugged each other tightly. Tears streamed down both their eyes as the officer approached them.

  The officer smiled at the encounter. “It sure is nice when I can assist in reuniting loved ones,” he commented.

  My mother stood up and picked Kelly up into her arms. Tommy came through the door and Nevaeh snuck past him and took off running. “Damn it,” Tommy swore. Then he looked over at mom and Kelly and relief washed over him.

  “It’s okay,” my mother told Tommy. “She’ll come back.” Then she turned her attention back to the police officer. “Where did you find her?”

  “She stopped a motorist out on 170. They recognized her from the amber alert on TV and brought her to the police station.”

  My mother nodded her head. “And my daughter?”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am, still no news there.”

  “She said she’d be right behind me,” Kelly interrupted in a whisper.

  “What was that, honey?” my mother asked.

  Kelly repeated her earlier statement and recounted her escape. The officer asked her several questions, but Kelly couldn’t remember where it was that she had been held. All she could tell them was that there were a lot of “scary” people there.

  I couldn’t think anymore. My cheek was on fire from the blow and ringing filled my ears. I rolled my window all the way down to let the cool night air hit my swollen cheek. Shit! Shit! Shit! I pounded the steering wheel with my fist and tried to concentrate on the road. There wasn’t another car in sight, which wasn’t uncommon for this time of night. Most people from around here were farmers. They went to bed early and were up at the crack of dawn. When I saw that all was clear, my thoughts soon returned to Kelly. Was she okay? Had she made it back to my house safely? I felt terrible for leaving her, but I had no choice. As long as she was with me, she was in danger. This “dark army”, as Devin had called them, would stop at nothing until I was dead or one of them. One thing I knew for certain – I’d rather die than to ever become what they are.

  All I could think about was my mother, my brother, Kelly, and Gina, and how much my death would hurt each one of them. I could feel the hot tears as they poured out in a flood down my cheeks as memories danced around in my head.

  The first was of my mother – her sweet smile lighting up her face as she playfully chased my brother and me around when we were kids. Then I saw my brother – trying hard to soothe my fears as we huddled together under our fort of blankets. Next, I thought of Nevaeh – she had taken to me instantly and tried to follow me everywhere. I saw her as she dashed after Devin, teeth snarling. Tommy was right; she had been protecting me.

  I could faintly see bright lights illuminating the inside of the truck. I glanced in my rearview mirror. Another vehicle was fast approaching. I was certain that it was Damien. I panicked and hit the gas harder. Something ran out across the road and I turned the wheel hard, trying to avoid hitting it. As I swerved, my truck ran off the road and into the deep ditch. It rolled a few times and finally came to a stop upside down in the field.

  I heard footsteps approaching as I frantically tried to free myself from my seatbelt. I finally managed to get it unbuckled and climbed through my open window. Damien was walking toward me and he wasn’t alone. With him was a woman I had never seen before and a man I recognized from earlier. The woman had long black hair that framed her pale white face. She was young and just stunning to look at. That was, until she got closer and I saw her red eyes. Kya! This must be Kya – the one Devin warned me about.

  For a moment I was frozen in fear. When I finally willed myself to action, I took off in an
adrenaline-fueled sprint through the tall corn stalks. I figured if anything, maybe I could hide myself. I ran and I ran and I ran, my lungs burning. Suddenly I felt a strong grasp on my hair and my head was yanked back.

  “As if you could outrun me,” Damien laughed.

  I spit at him, kicked at him, and violently swung my arms at him. It was of no use. There was no way I could take him down. But I wasn’t going to give up without a fight. He still held roughly onto my hair, so rough that I felt it would all be pulled out if he gripped it any harder. He flung me from him so hard that I flew a few feet and hit the ground with a loud thud. Still I staggered up and aimed a kick at him, right in the groin. My foot connected and he just laughed.

  In one quick movement of his arm, he had me in his grasp again. His hands tightened around my throat. Tightening more and more as his breathing appeared to accelerate excitedly. White lights appeared in front of my eyes, but still I refused to give up. I kicked at him again. His grip left my neck. I clutched my palm to my throat, gasping for breath. The cool air stung as it rushed into my lungs. Sweat trickled down my cheeks and my heart pounded wildly in my chest.

  Then his thick fingers dug into my jaw and held my head in place. Damien pulled back his arm and slapped me hard against my already swollen cheek, snapping my head around. I flew backward a few feet and fell bonelessly to the ground. I whimpered helplessly as he walked toward me. I turned my head to search for some form of escape and saw the female watching in sheer delight. Next to her, standing with his arms crossed over his chest, was the other man. I was trapped. Now he was going to do something really awful. I just knew it.

  Just as I had that thought, the woman came forward. “Let me do it,” she commanded. Damien gave a grudging nod of agreement and stepped back.

  I looked up at the woman, my eyes desperate and pleading as I screamed out in rage and fear. She laughed at me, her own eyes empty and spiritless. The hatred she felt for me was overpowering to say the least. Everything about her radiated such an intense hatred that it surrounded her like a thick, all-consuming, black cloud. It was soon evident that I was experiencing a one-on-one confrontation, personal and bitter, with pure evil. She snatched the back of my head, holding it in place. I begged - my pleas muffled, gasping sobs. She laughed softly in my ear as she jerked my head back against her. Then she bore down on me, clamping her teeth down on my neck.


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