The Random Affair

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The Random Affair Page 23

by James H Roby

  “No really,” she asked again. “Now what?”

  Jordan stared back at her. “I told you.”

  “No,” She said. Her brows knitted as she slid off him and poured herself into his side. “I don’t want to just sit here. I want to help.”

  Jordan cocked his head to one side. “What can you do?”

  “I can help you find him.”


  “I know things. I heard Kevin say things. About places.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Well, I can’t just tell you. You have to tell me what you know and I can fill in the blanks.” She grinned at him. Jordan shook his head at her. She may have teased him about delusions of heroism, but she was just as bad. As long as he knew her, Robin wanted to ‘play with the boys’ - be in on ‘it’. She had a flare for the dramatic not justified by a history in espionage.

  “Fill in the blanks. Who are you, Sherlock Holmes?”

  She laughed. “Shut up. Don’t blow me off. I want to help.”

  Jordan stared at her. He knew she wanted to help. She and her personal life was just as involved as Jordan’s. It would be difficult to just stand by and just let this whole thing concluded and not be a part of it. Just so, he knew he couldn’t do it. The thought of her being in danger, frightened him. He had, after so many years, gotten her back. He didn’t want to risk losing her again.

  “It’s too dangerous. You might get-” The sentence died incomplete as Robin leapt back onto his chest.

  “Oh, Jordan,” she said, “Don’t be like that. Don’t get all protective on me, OK? I’m going to help you and that’s final. Got it?”

  “Got it.” Fighting proved pointless. At least now he would know where she was.

  “Besides,” Robin sat tall with her fingers caressing his chest, “I know things no one else does. I did date Kevin for years.”

  Jordan groaned. “Did you have to remind me of that?”

  “Oh, please.” Her head cocked. “What, you stayed celibate, all these years, waiting for me?”

  “Maybe.” The word wasn’t out of his mouth before he broke into a broad grin.

  “Liar!” Robin said as she smashed a nearby pillow into Jordan’s face repeatedly. He tore it from her grasp and with something out of judo, flipped himself back on top. They laughed. When the laughter died, Robin reached for Jordan and pulled him close.

  “Jordan.” The voice was low. Emotion resonated with the word. “There’s something I have to say.”

  “No you don’t.”

  “Don’t argue with me, just listen. Tonight. This…what we did. I don’t want you to think it was just because you saved my life.” She nodded her head and tried to fight a smile. “Well, OK, it is because you rescued me. I guess you deserved a reward.”

  Silently the two lovers smiled at each other.

  “But, no, I want you to know that, I wanted this. I wanted you. Jordan, I’ve thought of you almost every day. And, quite frankly, I’ve hated you every day.”

  Jordan’s head dropped at hearing that, but Robin pulled it up by his chin. “Oh, no, baby. Don’t do that. I did hate you. But you know what - I’m tired of hating you. I’ll tell you a secret. I’ve wanted you since I saw you at Unlimiteds. And I hate to admit it, but that night you came by my apartment…I hoped that…well, you know. Yeah, I figured that would put a smile on your face.”

  She sighed deeply. Jordan got the distinct impression she was going to say something important. “OK,” she coached herself. “here goes: Jordan, you are my first love. And no matter what, that will never change. I don’t want to hate you and I’m not going to anymore. No matter what.” A pause. “I guess what I’m saying is, I love you, Jordan. I always have and I always will.”

  Jordan didn’t even know he was crying until a tear landed on Robin’s cheek. Apparently, its touch broke Robin’s will and she started crying. Tears streaming.

  “I love you, too, Bird.”

  Robin smiled at the sound of her old nickname. Another caress to his face, “Of course you do. You’re Jordan Noble.”

  He wasn’t quite sure how to take her last comment but he was sure it wasn’t an insult. He leaned into her and they shared a passionate kiss. Robin’s eyes rolled as they broke off.

  “Man, your kisses always made me dizzy.”

  “I know. I remember.”

  “Don’t get cocky, mister,” Robin smiled. Another kiss. She looked over at the clock on the dresser next to the bed. It was 2:45.

  “What time do we need to get to your office?” she asked.

  “Seven. Why?”

  “Well, I think we have enough time.”

  He didn’t know if he could stand anymore revelations. “Time for what?”

  Her legs wrapped around his waist. “Time for you to make love to me again, Mr. Noble. You have a lot of catching up to do.”

  Just before dawn, he slipped out of the bed. More of his training came into play and he stood without a sound. He looked back and Robin, hair thoroughly tossed and splayed out as if she had collapsed unconscious, remained still. He padded over to the walk-in closet. Deep in the back, a single black garment bag hung. He drew it out and headed for the master bath beyond the closet. Once inside, he closed the door and hung the bag on a hook attached to the back. Almost ceremoniously, he unzipped the bag – the opening, a steady rip of metal teeth disengaging. Within was a blue Canali single-breasted suit. The Italian designed menswear had impeccable construction and distinctive details – two real horn buttons and tone-on-tone chalkstripe. The sweat and toll of the artisans who formed this ensemble was evident in each square inch.

  Jordan never wore this suit. He bought it at the Canali Boutique on I Street in Washington DC. The day after his court martial. He was found innocent, still he felt the need to show them – to show the Air Force what he had become. The details of his dismissal are unimportant. He had done his job as always with the best interest of the nation at heart. Unfortunately, what Jordan thought of as the nation’s interest differ from his betters at the Defense Intelligence Agency. He was right, he knew this. But somehow, the suit was tainted and a big three-thousand-dollar symbol of everything he had lost.

  Until today. It felt right. He had purpose and meaning and he should look the part. He partnered the suit with a white cotton shirt, also from Canali and a pair of black leather half brogue.

  He was completing the knot of a light gray tie when Robin appeared in the door. He glanced to her. She found an old Air Force T-shirt of his and apparently nothing else. She smiled with a pride a woman only felt for her man. He turned to her, presenting the full view.

  “Looking good,” she said.

  “Feeling good.”

  And well he should. It was a long time but he had finally come into his own. He was the man he was supposed to be. He was Jordan Noble, the UrbanKnight.

  Chapter Twenty-Four: A Maiden Among Knights

  The Vette carried them to the UrbanKnights office on Jefferson. Traffic during the morning rush made the ten-minute trip twice as long. Jordan guided the car into his reserved parking space.

  “You own this?” Robin asked as Jordan opened the door for her. She had resisted the top of the sweat suit he selected for her the night before, instead keeping with the T-shirt she uncovered. The logo of the Missile Wing from Minot Air Force Base deformed around the curve of her left breast thanks to the knot she tied at the shirt’s rear.

  “Yes, and more.” A smile was in his eye.

  “Mmm, so how much is it after you split it in half?”

  He ignored her. The sex and the meeting of the minds were great, but it was a little too early in the relationship to be talking about asset division.

  They entered through the rear of the building. After passing a kitchen, they emerged in the cubicle farm. Ms. Brown in a black dress, had her back to them, a portable device in her hands. At the sound of their approach she turned. Normally cool as December at the Nort
h Pole, Ms. Brown arched eyebrows moved up at the sight of Jordan’s companion. To her credit, a second hadn’t turned before she got herself under control. Her eyes traveled down Robin’s slim frame from top to bottom. Robin didn’t break stride and pretended to not notice the woman.

  “Elevator’s this way?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” Jordan said. “Give me a second.” He stopped next to Ms. Brown and pretended to be doing something official.

  “That’s Robin Summers.” He monitored her reaction. Everyone knew of Robin, mostly from the good-natured ribbing by E-Man and the others. Jordan was beginning to think the rest of the agency believed Robin was a product of the team’s imagination given how fantastic some of the stories were.

  Ms. Brown glanced over to the doors of the elevator where a patient Robin Summers waited. In a voice trying hard to convey no interest, she said, “Hmph. So, you one of them brothers who like skinny women, huh?”

  The elevator dinged and the question went unanswered. In the car, Robin turned to him, eyes narrowed.

  “What?” he said.

  She folded her arms. “I saw how you were looking at her.”

  He shook his head. “You have got to be kidding. You saw that woman? The pope would turn around and look.”

  Her head swiveled. “I think you’ll be making that up to me later.”

  The doors came open and the Special Investigation Unit’s single hallway appeared. The live version of Sade’s “Smooth Operator” filled the air.

  At the center point, Mrs. Steed was at her crescent desk. She was busy with something and she didn’t even look up at Jordan and Robin’s arrival.

  She said, “Mr. Noble, the others are in your office. They had been there for a least an hour. And Mr. – Oh!”

  Robin’s appearance killed anything Mrs. Steed might have said. A flush formed in her cheek and Jordan knew wedding plans swirled in her gray-haired head.

  “Oh, my,” Mrs. Steed said, hand to chest. “Do excuse me. I didn’t expect anyone…I mean…”

  “This is Robin Summers.” Jordan said, rescuing his personal assistant, “She’s here helping us with a case.”

  “How do you do?” Robin asked. Mrs. Steed reached and shook Robin’s extended hand. The two left the desk. Jordan looked back and gave Mrs. Steed a wink. He mouthed the words ‘I have to call my mother.’ Mrs. Steed sighed.

  Jordan entered his office to find the other UrbanKnights huddled at his desk. Their heads came up as one. True to form, Malcolm was the first have something to say.

  “Well, I hope we didn’t wake you too early. We’re only trying to – Holy shit!” Robin struck Malcolm speechless. Don Ross was also taken aback. His lips pursed – a dramatic response for him. E-Man, meanwhile folded his arms across his chest and shook his head at his partners. Both Malcolm and Don came up to Robin.

  “Damn,” Malcolm said, “Robin Summers! It’s been a minute.”

  Of the bunch, Robin knew Malcolm the least. She knew he was one of Jordan’s boys but the number of times they were in the same room could be counted on one hand. Unlike Don and E-Man, Malcolm never attended Michigan State.

  “Malcolm, right?” she asked. Malcolm nodded and they shook hands. Don came up next. She opened her arms wide for the big man and the two fell into a hug.

  “Don Ross, you still hanging with these losers?”

  “Yeah. They need me.” His quiet, shy nature was a part of his charm.

  E-Man rose from Jordan’s chair, making room for its owner. He met Robin’s eyes and she turned away. He dropped them off the night before so little doubt existed as to where she spent her evening. And given her brighter mood, little doubt as to how she spent it.

  “OK.” Jordan sat, ready to begin the investigation. “Let’s table this reunion ‘til later. Didn’t you say something about work, Scooter?” Jordan got the stink eye from Malcolm. He was only kidding but he was throwing his ‘rank’ around.

  “Oh, don’t be so bossy, Jordan.” Robin smiled at him. Don and Malcolm chuckled. Jordan put his lips close to Robin’s ear.

  “Don’t do that,” he said firmly. His voice was a whisper but no doubt his meaning was heard. Robin popped back like she was struck. Just as quickly, her features softened. She gripped his arm and whispered back. “OK, baby.”

  They all moved back to the desk. Jordan could see his friends had been reviewing their surveillance work from the past few days. The desk was covered with printouts, laptops, photos and other portable devices thrown in for good measure.

  “Geez,” Jordan said, “glad we got the wi-fi working. Is this everything?” He turned to his right for an answer from E-Man. Instead he got his partner’s grinning mug.


  E-Man whispered, “So, um, how’d it go last night?”

  “I’ll tell you later, OK?”

  “Did you get some?”

  “Mmm, hmm.” Jordan lifted an iPad as if engrossed in its screen.

  “Don’t brag, baby, it’s so unbecoming.” From the opposite side, Robin’s lips to his ear.

  Jordan sprang back. He had a protest ready, but Robin defused him with a smile. He felt a flush of embarrassment, but like she had allowed him his little victory a moment ago, it was his turn to submit to her. An old familiar feeling filled him. They were a team again. A little give here and little take there. Like no time at all had passed.

  Don and Malcolm took the leather chairs before the desk while E-Man just bore down from his place at Jordan’s side. Robin left without a place to sit, pushed her way between Jordan and the desk and sat in his lap. The men exchanged looks. When Robin gave no notice to their reaction at the breach of protocol, Jordan bounced his shoulders and went on with the investigation.

  “OK, what ya got?” Jordan asked.

  Malcolm said, “First, one-man raid on a house full of armed dudes? Yeah, we are definitely revisiting the whole Black James Bond thing.”

  “Jason Bourne,” Don said.

  Jordan rolled his eyes. “It’s classified. Usual threats apply.”

  Malcolm paid no mind. “OK, we been trying to put together some clues as to where Cody Random could be meeting his buyers. We figured that since he was using Small, he must be using something that Small was familiar with.”

  Robin gripped Jordan’s left hand at the mention of her now dead ex-lover. He squeezed it back. “You guys know about Small, right?”

  E-Man stretched. “I told ‘em. It also made the news. There’s reports of ‘strange sounds’ and a white van showing up an hour or so later.”

  Jordan lowered his chin. “And said van…?”

  A broad E-Man style grin formed. “Probably best if you don’t know. I just hope you didn’t leave anything valuable in the back seat.”

  Jordan nodded. His voice became grave. “Akio?”

  “A sudden visit to Wright-Patt to see her old man, the retired Master Sergeant. At two o’clock in the morning.” E-Man leaned in. “Yet another reason to love his son-in-law.”

  Before Jordan could respond, Robin said, “Wait. E-Man’s…married?”

  Malcolm barked a laugh. “All we need is locust and it will be the sign of the end of all things.”

  Ha, ha.” E-Man threw a nearby pen at Malcolm. “Let me know when you’re all grown up and daddy will teach you how to talk to girls.” Laughter erupted.

  Robin shook her head. “It’s a frat house up in here.”

  Jordan cleared his throat. “We get the job done. So, something Small was familiar with?”

  Don said, “It’s nothing Small owned. All he got is his house, Unlimiteds and the warehouse.”

  “Well, not the warehouse.” E-Man added with a smile, referring to its earlier destruction.

  “And technically, he didn’t own Unlimiteds,” Malcolm said. “That was a joint venture with Robin here.” He tossed her a smile in an attempt to be charming.

  “He doesn’t own anything,” Robin said, “he’s dead.
” Laughter may have sounded but she was still processing. Jordan had a few lovers in his day, but none of them tried to kill him. There was the girl whose name started with ‘J’…but he was sure it was an accident.

  “Well, anyway,” Malcolm said, “we’re pretty certain none of these places are where Random’s going. Too public. Too attached with Small.” He turned to Robin and looked over his glasses. “Even though he’s dead. Still why have a connection if you don’t need one.”

  Don said, “We expanded our search to places he may have some ties to -”


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