Daddy Me

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Daddy Me Page 7

by Dukey, Ker

  “Don’t stop, Sof.”

  “I can’t do it anymore,” she whimpers tearfully. “I’m exhausted.”

  “One more time and I’ll let you jack me off all over your tight stomach.”

  My determined girl goes back to rubbing on her overstimulated clit. Her breathing is heavy and raspy. When she wrings out another orgasm, I can’t help but grin in pride. Immediately, her hand wraps around my dick, eager to please. I can barely keep up with the pace of fingering her ass as she strokes me.

  Knowing she’s weakening by the second, I give in to the urge to come. My muscles tighten in anticipation. With a groan, I shoot my load between us, making a big fucking mess.

  “Lie back now,” I instruct, my voice husky with lingering pleasure. “Easy now. I want to show you something.”

  Clumsily, she falls back onto the bed, her legs still wide-open with my two fingers in her ass.

  “Hold your legs behind your knees and spread yourself apart. I want you to look at what I’m doing to you.” Our eyes meet and her face blazes crimson. “Now, Sofina.”

  She pulls back her thighs and then curls up to watch where I have my fingers in her ass.

  “I like seeing you stretched out around me,” I tell her, smiling. “One day, when I slide my dick inside you here, I want you to film it.”

  “You want me to make an anal sex tape?”

  I laugh. “We can watch it together later.”

  “You’re filthy,” she accuses, her blue eyes flickering with lust.

  “Says the girl with two fingers in her ass.”

  Using my other hand, I collect my cum from my stomach and then slide two fingers into her cunt. She gasps at the fullness of being filled in two holes. I fuck her ass and pussy with my fingers gently. Curling my two fingers up, I seek out her G-spot that seems swollen and eager for attention. The moment I touch it, she whines.


  “Make yourself come again, Sof. I gave you time to rest. Now it’s time to work.”

  She shakes her head. “I c-can’t.”

  “Try for me, baby.”

  Determination once again fuels my good girl. Her fingers rub at her clit. Each time she touches it, her body trembles. She rubs it at first, but when she doesn’t get the result she’s after, she takes to rolling it between her fingers again and then tugging on it. Seems as though she enjoys the pain a little. Her tits jiggle as she desperately tries to come. I simply tease her G-spot, but never really give her the orgasm she seeks. Her body breaks out in a sheen of sweat and her brows furl together in fierce concentration. I rub her more firmly from within, with more purpose to drive her closer to the edge.

  “Daddy,” she whimpers. “I want to come.”

  “Then come, Sof.”

  She starts rubbing her clit in fast circles, her flesh making a slapping sound. I fuck her with my fingers more quickly to match her movement, really putting pressure on her G-spot. The moment I can tell she’s about to fall over the cliff, I rub inside her hard and fast. My sweet, perfect girl doesn’t disappoint. A gush of heat rushes out, forcing my fingers back. I fuck her cunt probably too hard with my fingers, but she’s squirting and I want her to ride this literal wave, with every nerve ending on fire. She screams—her voice sounding otherworldly and pained—as her body thrashes. The liquid pleasure bursting from her slows to a trickle. Slowly, I slide both hands from her body.

  “You made a mess,” I tease, admiring the juices from her body that have splattered my thighs, stomach, and hands.

  Her face burns red. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for being fucking perfect? Sorry for letting me play your body as it was meant to be played? Sorry for helping me get you to a level of ecstasy that is hardly achieved?”

  “Well,” she sasses, her tits still jiggling as she fights to catch her breath, “when you put it that way, I’m not sorry.”

  I playfully swat her sore, wet pussy. “Good girl. Now let’s get you in the shower. I have to go to work. Now that your cunt is juiced up and ready for me, I won’t be able to leave until I’ve fucked you. And I don’t want to be late for work. My new superstar is meeting with her talent manager and I need to see to it she’s well taken care of.”

  Three weeks later…

  Bastian slaps his notepad and grins at me. “Yes. This is exactly what I was thinking when I thought up these lyrics.”

  I grip the mic and growl out the last few words, throwing every bit of passion into them. When I finish, he stands and claps his hands.

  “Bravo, little star. I knew these lyrics wouldn’t be wasted on you.” He gives me a four-fingered wave. “I’m going to run to the ladies’ room and when I get back, we’ll take it from the top.”

  As he bounces off, I can’t help but giggle. Bastian is the crookedest straight man I’ve ever met. He wears leather pants more often than not, has bleached blond hair that looks nearly purple in the light, and wears glitter on his lips. I’d think the most sought after songwriter on the East Coast was gay, but he’s married to a brunette actress and has three adorable kids.

  My smile falls when I check my phone. No calls or messages from Lucca. It’s been three weeks I’ve spent with Ronan that I haven’t spoken to my brother. I never officially quit, but through texts with Ruby and Hollie, I learned that he hired another bartender in my absence.

  Everything would be perfect if things weren’t so broken with Lucca.

  I consider texting him, but what would I say? I hope you’re having fun being your usual miserable self while my daddy spoils me with continuous orgasms, fancy dinners, and lavish gifts…oh, and all the while getting to do my dream job. No, I certainly won’t say that, even if it is the truth. Deep down, I know my brother wants me to be happy. I wish he’d find ways to make himself happy, too.

  “Sweetie pie,” Bastian calls out, dragging me from my thoughts. “The wifey called and Gigi is throwing up. Apparently my new white rug is wearing the proof.” He groans. “Leslie can’t do puke, which means I must go save the day.”

  I walk over to him and give him a hug. “I’ll keep working on this track. I think it could be the single.”

  “And keep working on yours too,” he encourages, his green eyes glimmering softly. “You’re not only a talented voice, you’ve got a brain for writing lyrics too. ‘Take Care of Me’ could be a hit, Sofina.”

  Blushing at his praise, I wave him off. “Oh, stop.”

  “I’ll do nothing of the sort,” he playfully huffs. “Now, toodaloo. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Once he’s gone, I close up the sound room and lock the door before heading upstairs to the executive offices. Ren’s office is nearly empty all the time, but I like when I get to chat with him. He’s super talented and has great ideas. But my favorite guy to talk to is the head man in charge. Our talks always lead to naughty things, but I’m not complaining.

  I make my way down the hallway to his closed door. He’s talking to one of his clients from the sound of it and both men are arguing heatedly. Eve, his prissy secretary, is on the phone with someone, so I loiter awkwardly. I’d leave except Ronan specifically asked me to come see him after my session with Bastian.

  “I know, Starla,” Eve placates. “And he did take care of you, but that’s over now and you can’t call every time you see something you want. Your time together has ended.”

  I stiffen and pay attention to her conversation. “He already has a new girl. You knew this is what he was like when you chose to be with him.”

  Starla replies, but I don’t know what she’s saying.

  “She’s talented, yes.” A pause. “Well, I think it may be serious. It’d do you some good to move on. That was the agreement. Aren’t you enjoying the new car?”

  The new car.

  I get a gross, icky feeling. It’s not like he wasn’t upfront about being a daddy, but hearing about the others he took care of makes my stomach roil.

  “I’ll tell him you called, but he won’t return your phone call no
matter how much you try to provoke him. Have you tried online dating? That’s how I met Gary. Maybe you can find a sugar daddy to buy you nice things.”

  I’ve met her husband, Gary. Tall, nerdy guy who loves her and their thirteen-month-old son Carson. I’m happy for her finding Gary, but totally skeeved out that Starla is calling her pining for Ronan.

  He’s mine.

  At least I thought.

  Right now, it feels like maybe he’s mine only for right now.

  Until when?

  “Okay, Starla, I need to go. I have appointments to keep. Turns out one of Ren’s new finds used to be a stripper. It’s going to be a PR nightmare, so we have her coming in for a meeting with Ronan.” A chuckle. “Of course she has tits, she was a stripper.” Another pause. “Okay. It was nice to hear from you, but I think it’s best if you distance yourself from this place now and focus on your degree. Bye now.”

  She hangs up the phone and, as if sensing me, turns. Her eyes widen. “Sofina, darling, I didn’t see you standing there. Something I can help you with?”

  Yeah, I need a freaking cracker and a ginger ale because I think I’m going to be sick.

  “Here to see Mr. Hayes,” I mumble.

  She purses her lips together. “He’s meeting with one of his bands. They should be done any—”

  “What the fuck ever, Hayes,” a man bellows, stumbling slightly as he charges out of Ronan’s office. “All you ever care about is the bottom line. I fucking hate you and this label.”

  Ronan storms after him, his face red with fury. “Xavi, this label pays your goddamn bills, you ungrateful piece of shit. How about you sober the fuck up and we’ll talk about renegotiating your contract. Until then, stay the hell away from here.”

  Xavi flips him off and kicks over a plant on the way out. When Ronan’s furious glare meets mine, he visibly softens.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Come here.”

  I shakily make my way over to him. Once I’m in his warm, strong arms and inhaling his familiar, masculine scent, I can’t help but want to forget the yucky stuff I overheard Eve and Starla saying. Almost.

  “What’s wrong?” he demands, already knowing me all too well.

  “Nothing,” I croak.

  “Not nothing,” he grumbles. “You’re shaking. Are you sick?” Then, to Eve, he barks out, “Cancel my afternoon appointment. Have Brennan meet with her. I’ll look over the proposal before we offer her anything.”

  As soon as Eve busies herself calling Brennan, Ronan tugs me into his office and closes the door behind him.

  “I can tell when you’re lying, Sof,” he says in a soft tone. “Something’s wrong. What is it?”

  Tears flood my eyes. “Everything and nothing,” I choke out pitifully. “I have a dream job and a dream boyfriend. My life is perfect.”

  “But…” he urges.

  “But my brother hates me.”

  “He doesn’t hate you. And this isn’t new. What else is it?”

  With a huff, I step back and cross my arms over my chest. “I understand you have a past with other little girls like me, but I don’t like having it flaunted in my face.”

  His brows lift. “Elaborate.”

  My bottom lip wobbles. “Eve and Starla. I overheard Eve talking to your ex-girlfriend.” And while he’d been upfront about his most recent relationship, I didn’t think about the girls who came before me until today. “Starla still wants you.”

  He presses his lips into a firm line and narrows his eyes. “I only want you, Sof. I’m pretty sure I’ve made this abundantly clear.” He steps closer, and I wilt at his alluring nearness. “I didn’t move any girl besides you into my home.”

  “You bought them cars instead,” I state bitterly.

  He lets out a heavy sigh. “Look, I won’t apologize for the man I am. All my past relationships have led me to this place. But while they were simply tests or experimental relationships, no one but you has ever gripped me by the heart and demanded my undivided attention. All I see is you, Sof.”

  When he pulls me into a hug, I soften and rest my cheek on his chest.

  “I wrote a song,” I breathe. “I wanted to surprise you with it. I just…it has to do with you taking care of me, and now…”

  “Now what?”

  “It feels cheapened.” The truth hurts.

  He grips my jaw and tilts my head up. His intense brown eyes sear into mine. “Nothing about what we do—what we are is cheap. Don’t let a few words of others work their way into your head and make you doubt us. The moment I saw you, I dropped Starla. She was for passing time until I found the right one.”

  “And I’m the right one?” I ask. “Until the stripper shows up?”

  His features harden. “I’ve allowed your tantrum, sweetheart, but now you’re getting disrespectful and I’ve done nothing to deserve it.”

  The disappointment in his features has me bursting into tears. Normally, him spanking me turns me on, but right now, I feel like I’ve let him down by letting self-doubt get me down. He hugs me tight and kisses the top of my head.

  “Listen to me, sweetheart. I love us. I love being with you. I love hearing you sing in the mornings when you get dressed for the day. I love watching you sleep and the way you cry out when you lose yourself to an orgasm. I love shopping and dining with you. I love being with you.” He places his palms on my cheeks and kisses my forehead. “Take away all the kink of what we are, and I still love us. Got it?”

  “I’m sorry,” I say sadly.

  “Don’t be sorry,” he croons. “I’d be pissed as fuck if I had to hear about your ex-boyfriends talking about how much they still want you. I get it and I’ll have a talk with Eve to keep her personal conversations to her lunch hour. But promise me you’ll squash my past and live in the present with me.”

  I smile at him. “I promise.”

  “And I can’t wait to hear that song, Sof. You’re so fucking talented.” He beams at me. “Bastian says you’re a natural with songwriting. I had no doubts, which is why I wanted you having ultimate creative control with your music.” He playfully pinches my cheek. “I was taking care of my little girl long before she knew it.”

  God, he’s so sexy when he’s playful.

  I slide my palm down to the front of his slacks and rub him until his cock is straining against the fabric.

  “Now you’re being a bad girl,” he growls. “You know I like to keep the work stuff separate from the hot as hell stuff. The banter and flirting and hugging and kissing is fine, but—”

  I pull at his buckle. “Did you fuck them in here?”

  His eyes darken. “No. I told—”

  “Did they suck you off in here?” I interrupt, unfastening his pants and pulling his dick into my hand.


  “Good,” I purr as I drop to my knees. “This makes me different, right?”

  He groans and his eyes roll back when I lick his crown. “Fuck, yes, sweetheart.”

  I take him fully in my mouth, loving the painful grip on my hair as he loses control to the pleasure.

  “Jesus, Sof, you’re going to kill me.”

  Sliding off his dick, I look up at him and grin. “I’m marking my territory and staking my claim.”

  His eyes flash with darkness and lust. “You’re still getting punished for breaking the rules.”

  I tease the slit on the tip of his dick with my tongue, giving him my best innocent eyes. “You’ll probably have to bend me over your desk and spank me.”

  He growls in warning, his grip on my hair tightening.

  “And so your clients and ex-girlfriends don’t hear us, you better get creative in keeping me quiet.”

  His hips thrust hard, effectively shutting my sassy mouth up.

  Gazing at Sofina’s curves outlined by a beautiful black dress makes me want to rethink bringing her with me to meet Ren at a bar where one of our artists is playing tonight. All eyes stray to her as she passes and pride blossoms in my chest. She’s mine. They can loo
k, but she leaves with me. Is it time to go yet?

  “I love it here, Ronan. The ambiance of this bar is everything I wanted for Ritz Russo’s. Every table occupied with groups of people drinking and having fun and the stage the focal point of the club.” She beams at me, a gracious smile on her luscious lips. “Lucca always shot my ideas down.”

  Placing my hand on her lower back, I guide her to a corner booth sectioned off for us. Ren is already sitting there nursing a beer. This place is one of the most popular clubs in town and influential in the music industry. Many talents have launched from this very club. The wait list to get into their open mic night is six months long.

  Sofina leans over to drop a kiss to Ren’s cheek, making him grin up at me like a fool. The asshole. I slide into the booth beside her and flag down a waitress.

  “One lemon drop and a whiskey on the rocks,” I instruct. “Bring the bottle and an extra glass, please.”

  “That extra glass better not be for me,” my brother complains like the pussy bitch he is now that he has a girlfriend. “I have plans after this. I can’t be comatose on hundred-dollar whiskey by nine o’clock.”

  “Since when did you not want to be drunk by nine o clock? Oh, wait, since you handed your balls over to a certain lady,” I mock, making Sofina giggle.

  “I love this place, Ren. How did you find it? There’s a relaxed vibe, but there’s no mistake you’re in an expensive place being treated to something exceptional, you know? I wish Lucca would come to places like this and see what’s out there, what works.” She rants on, making Ren raise a questioning brow in my direction.

  “What’s the deal with your brother anyway?” Ren asks blatantly.

  Her little body sags slightly. Lucca has fucking issues. Sofina thinks he’s ignoring her and letting her go, but the truth is he’s been calling me at work, grieving to me about her.

  He wants her home. Chucked the word brat around until I hung up on him five times.

  Something is going to have to be done. He may be a fucking prick, but she loves him and misses him.


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