The Hidden

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The Hidden Page 7

by C C Sommerly

  “Everyone has seen my face splashed across the news. How am I supposed to help a covert group, when I will be recognized on-sight? I was getting death threats until my court date, which means I’d be more of a liability for your group than an asset.”

  “Teagan, I’d be happy to discuss this in more detail with you later, for now, can you remove the knife? It’s difficult to talk and avoid slicing my own neck open.”

  I remove the knife and he rubbed his neck, checking for damage. “So, why don’t we continue with the tour, alone,” casting a pointed look at the welcome committee.

  With that statement, the group disbursed with grumbles and glares, leaving me alone with the Boss once again as we coughed and sputtered from their lingering dust cloud. The gritty sand scraped against my skin and itched my parched throat, making me cough even more. I wasn’t sure what to think of his outlandish explanation. I wasn’t sure how this was possible or legal despite what he said. And, why would I want to go around capturing and killing demons when killing a demon is what got me kicked out of the military? He owed me more answers about the whole investigation thing.

  Chapter 15

  The walk to the mountain was a silent one. Thoughts swirled through my head with a dizzying speed. Everything was beginning to take on a surreal feel. Part of me wanted to pinch my arm to make sure this was even real and not some dream. I would do almost anything to get back to the Elite Guard. It was all I knew for so long and it gave my life meaning. Being able to protect people and keep them from losing loved ones from the demon’s evil, that was everything to me. If I helped the Boss man with his little problem, it would get me back on the Elite Guard – if he was to be believed. It just seemed a little too easy.

  He interrupted my thoughts by pointing, “There it is.”

  I wasn’t sure what he was pointing to. It was a mountain and up close it did not look any different from the other peaks in the mountain chain. Dirt, check? Grass and rocks, check? He swiped an access badge across a crack in the rock. It pulled away to reveal a mental door with an access panel that he punched his code in and he beckoned me forward. This was the moment of decision, go forward and risk everything I knew being turned upside down, especially my beloved military lied to me and the other Marines. Or I could turn around and live my life in ignorance. I’m not one to back down, but this was quite the rabbit hole and I feared it would forever change me if I took that step.

  Sensing my indecision, the Boss paused, “The decision is yours. You have a choice, but I hope that you choose to stay. If you decide at any point to leave and return to an ignorant state, we have the technology to selectively wipe your memories from the time of discovery.”

  “Does that make you Morpheus and me Neo? You have a magical pill I can swallow?” Cause why not? He had a supersonic kiddie train, why would having a memory eraser thing be any different. Maybe he also had Santa Claus and leprechauns on his staff since nothing seemed out of the realm of possibilities with this guy.

  He sighed heavily, “Choose.”

  Well, with that offer of a magic memory pill, what did I have to lose? If what he said was true and they could help me get back into the Elite Guard, it was worth the risk. And, if they showed themselves to be full of crap or something, I could always get out. Although, I had no reason to trust him, everything he told me up to this point rang with sincerity.

  “Lead the way Boss. I’ll be your mole, but if you screw me over, you will dread the day you orchestrated this whole thing”.

  Chapter 16

  Stepping into the mountain brought me into a hidden world so unlike anything I had ever seen. The sparkle of blue lit the cave ceiling as thin strands of colored light dangled from it in varying lengths.

  “I see you noticed the glow worms. Most people see them right off.”

  There was something about the cave that lent it a reverence air — and I could no more shout here as I could in church.

  In a hushed voice, I asked him, “What worms?"

  “The ceiling you are staring at and gaping at like a fish out of water.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say in response to that when I was so overwhelmed by the place. We walked along a path and he broke the silence, “So, as you can see, we are a city onto ourselves. Barber, bar, shops — pretty much all the basics you need to be self-contained.”

  “Why do you need to be fully contained when there is a town not far away? You are certainly close enough to get supplies, haircuts or brews from them.”

  “How much do you know about the Demented?”

  “Is this a trick question? How is this related to the job you want me to do? You’ve managed to tell me very little about the job by the way.”

  “No, most certainly not,” he said.

  “They were created when demons first escaped from Hell. Because the ‘thin zones’ created points of weakness in the barrier between earth and Hell were small, only a few slipped through at times. They forcefully mated with humans and for some of the offspring grew into Demented, as they slowly lost their humanity and by adulthood are full-fledged Demented. Yet, no one knows why only some became Demented and the rest died.”

  “That is what our government and the world governments want you to believe. Demented are created. When we realized that demons were more than something written about in the Bible to deter us from sins, the government began a research project, known as Project Evolution.”

  “You’re wrong. I’ve seen children on the news and heard their parents’ heart-breaking stories about their children slowly succumbing to the mindlessness of a Demented.”

  “I wish I was wrong. So, some of the experiments were successful and a powerful human hybrid was created.”

  He held us his hand and a ball of flame appeared in the palm of his hand. He juggled it back and forth without showing any burns. I jumped back and pulled the dagger from my boot. Was he going to attack me? Was he a demon? I wasn’t going to side with demons. No matter how badly I wanted back in the Elite Guard, I wouldn’t sully my soul to slum with demons. Nothing was worth that.

  “What are you?”

  Backing slowly away from him and hopefully the reach of his fire, I kept my dagger raised.

  “Please, just finish hearing me out. I know this is a lot to take in. I’m one of the hybrids I told you about. The government crossed several demon types with humans, so far, we’ve had hybrids from the DNA of shadow demons, fire demons, and night demons. The successful offspring had different powers or exhibited changes. They created supernaturals — things like magical creatures like mages, shape shifters, and much, much more. The failed experiments went on to become the Demented. Each hybrid is different depending on the demon DNA that is mixed in. Even if 50 people had shadow demon DNA, then each one could potentially possess a different strength or power.”

  By the time he was done, I had thrown up a little in my mouth. I could go into battles with calculation and ruthlessly kill the enemy but experimenting on babies or children just went against every protective urge I had. My government did this?

  “But why? I’ve never seen anything supernatural or heard anything about the possibility of them.”

  “This is why we have The Underground,” he said as he gestured to the cave.

  “Everything you see here; these are some of the families of those hybrids and hybrids themselves. We offer them shelter and a place away from people.”

  “How does the government allow you to remain here? Why not kill you? You are potentially a threat to them as these super freaks.”

  “No one here is a freak and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t use that word. As for powers, think of a cross between X-men and superheroes, we also are best suited to successfully perform our mission. Many of the Demented are offspring to the original settlers here. We feel it’s more humane to end their suffering. And, we can also capture and kill the rogue demons that terrorize citizens.”

  Even after seeing him create the fire, it was still hard to fathom. Taki
ng a deep breath to calm my rising panic and fear, I said, “Okay, so let’s say I entertain this. Why me? I don’t have any powers. I’m just a normal human and not some hybrid.”

  “So, you are a normal, everyday, non-hybrid human?”

  At my nod, he continued, “We have the birth records of all the hybrids. We seek out any the children and young adults that are still inactivated. Many of the successful hybrids escaped or were hidden by their parents. Your birth name is not Tamra Teagan. It’s Rebecca Riley. Your parents were Ann and Matthew Riley. Your DNA was injected with night demon in-utero.”

  “You’re lying.”

  I turn to leave, hopefully, the door only required proper credentials to get in and anyone can leave. Because without a badge, I would be stuck. Of all the things he told me, this one was the most outlandish.

  He grabbed my arm and holds me in his penetrating gaze. “I’m sorry. I wish I was lying. You haven’t noticed that you have increased speed or strength even compared to the men in your unit. Until a hybrid is activated, we usually exhibit increased stamina, extreme strength or unusual athletic prowess.”

  Something in what he said triggered a question. “What do you mean activated?”

  “We activate your demon DNA.”

  “I don’t want to be activated, especially not some demon-side of me. I’m refusing. If you want help, I’ll do it, but I’m out of here as soon as it’s wrapped up and you get me reinstated the Elite Guard.”

  “If we’ve found you, then it’s only a matter of time before the government does. Why do you think so many of my people were on the trip with you? Your lawyer is also one of ours. We were with you every step of the way after ‘the incident’ to protect you.”

  My breath was coming out in short pants. For the first time in my life, I was in danger of hyperventilating. “I need a minute. Seriously, how can you just dump this all on me?”

  “Let’s head down to the bar. I’ve found a Scotch is a great way to soothe the nerves.”

  I’d like to say that I took in every detail additional details of the cave city or whatever this place was called, but I was on a mission to get blissfully drunk and deal with reality in the morning. There was only such much someone could take.

  Chapter 17

  We walked deeper into the cave to a bar named the Salty Dog. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but this deserved an exception. I’d even drink the Scotch that he suggested instead of the sweet wine I drank on the rarest of occasions.

  Smokey air scented with cigarettes hit me in the face as we opened the door. Its dim lighting was probably intentional and designed to leave its patrons in a more favorable light. Because who didn’t look better in the dark?

  We sat down in a darkened corner table of one of the cleanest bars I had seen as the Boss went to get our drinks. I was grateful for the tucked away table. At least I wasn’t going to be bugged. I’m sure newbies got the attention since not much would happen in this hidden nowhere.

  A country song played on a jukebox and couples danced. It was so very normal and in direct contradiction to all the freakiness the Boss has told me about. This could be a bar in any city. I could feel the tension and strain starting to drain away, but as I looked closer at the dancers, I noticed a tail on one of the women. One of the men had tuffs of hair coming out from his shirt sleeves and from the collar of his shirt. So not the standard American bar and not the typical people. God, where was that drink?

  The Boss came back with our drinks and set them both on the table. I downed mine and before he could grab his, I slammed back his drink too.

  Glancing at the empty glasses and looking at me with surprise, he said, “Whoa there. There isn’t a shortage of Scotch. I can always get you more. No need to drink them like they are the last ones on earth.”

  I was some freaky hybrid; my life was a lie and I might end up with some stupid tail or excessive body hair. Until that moment, I thought that nothing could get worse in my life. Did they even let hybrids in the military? What if I can’t go back to the Elite Guard. After my parents were killed by demons, I vowed to protect others from having to go through the same loss and the searing pain.

  “I need more Scotch,” I rasped since the stupid Scotch darn near burnt a hole in my throat.

  “One more and we need to talk.”

  “I don’t want to talk. I want the liberty of getting blissfully drunk and will deal with reality in the morning.”

  Shaking his head, he got up and looked at me in concern before heading back to the bar. The heat from the alcohol was already rushing through my body and the fuzziness was starting to creep in. Awesome, one of the benefits of having no tolerance for alcohol is that I reached a drunken state of bliss sooner than most people.

  When he returned, he handed me my drink and kept his drink clutched firmly. Smart man.

  “Finish your drink. You obviously don’t drink much. We should get you settled for a night. You’ll bunk in one of the guest rooms. Tomorrow, we can talk more, and I can get your started on your task, Miss Mole.”

  “Sure, why not? But I’m sleeping alone.”

  “I wasn’t offering.”

  A blush flamed across my face. What was wrong with me? I’d surely lost my mind. I must be in shock. Yep, that’s it, shock.

  I didn’t date or do one-night stands. Relationships were too much work. My last attempt at a relationship was with another Marine and it crashed and burned after I couldn’t commit.

  He helped me to my feet, and I stumbled through the bar. We went into an adjacent building. It was a lodge next to the bar and super convenient for guests who stumbled home.

  The Boss greeted a pretty and petite blond manning the desk. He said, “Need a guest key, Mallory.”

  “Here you go, Howard.”

  “Wait you have a name other than Boss?” And how could a hot guy be named, ‘Howard?’ That was a name for an accountant or computer programmer or someone who was less attractive.

  The desk girl snickered, and he led me up the stairs. They were even harder to navigate than walking from next door, so he ended up mostly dragging me up the stairs. Once to my room, he leaned me against his muscled shoulders, and I shivered at the proximity. He opened the door and eased me through. Not wanting to seem like a helpless baby, I wobbled away from him and staggered to the bed, passing out.

  Chapter 18

  A soft knock sounded on the door, but since I was a light sleeper, it was enough to wake me up. I reached under the pillow for my dagger and had it ready by the time the door was carefully opened. One of the guys from my “welcome party” stepped into the room. Lovely.

  “Rise and shine sleeping beauty,” said a slightly familiar male voice.

  Pain hammered in my temples courtesy of a mariachi band that had taken up residence in my head at some point in the night and my mouth felt like cotton. My stomach was cramping in disapproval of last night’s excess. With that thought, I lurched for a door, that I prayed held the bathroom and proceeded to be sick. This is exactly why I never drank and avoided drinking to the point of drunkenness. The payback the next day was never worth it. And my head hurt even worse now.

  The door opened slightly, and he stretched his arm into the bathroom, “Here you can probably use these,” he said.

  I stared at the pills. “I’m not taking any pills from any of you. Next time you open a door without an invite, I’ll break your arm.”

  A heavy sigh was the only response. He said, “And my name is Merritt.”


  I shut the door firmly and got my first look at the damage done last night. I was a mess. My wig was half on and tangled with my actual hair, both of which were knotted from drool, my eyes were blood shot and I looked haunted — an expression I’d never seen on my face before.

  “There’s a change of clothes and all the stuff you women need. I’ll wait for you to get ready,” said Merritt.

  I hadn’t planned on snooping around the bathroom, but I was rather curious w
hat he felt was “stuff women need.” If he was being generous, who was I to not take advantage? I took an indecent amount of time showering and getting ready. I hope he was bored and pissed from the wait. They lied to me and tricked me to get me out here with these freaks. There was no way I was one of them.

  When I came out of the bathroom, Merritt was sitting on my bed, cleaning his nails with a knife. How cliché. Strong guy shows his self-control with a knife. Whatever.

  “Why are you here?”

  “What - not hungry? Everyone’s gotta eat.”

  “No, I mean why you and not one of the girls. Besides, I’m supposed to meet with your boss.”

  “Well, we drew straws and”

  “And, you got the short stick? Fine, show me to some food.”

  We headed downstairs and the front desk lady stopped us. “Feeling better, dearie?” Oh god, just open a hole for me to sink into. This was yet another reason why I didn’t drink. There were embarrassing reminders of your stupidity and you felts sick as all heck the next day.

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  “Merritt, breakfast is already out. Help yourselves. Howard already took care of the bill.”

  At least that confirmed what my hot new Boss’ name was.

  We went into a room with several tables lining the wall and were piled high with a veritable feast. All the breakfast goodies you could ever want were here, waffles, pancakes, bacon, eggs and all sorts of yumminess that had me ready to dig in. Surprising that my stomach wanted food.


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