The Hidden

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The Hidden Page 17

by C C Sommerly

  “I also noticed your avoidance of my question. How many have been awoken and what was the result? We expect results and this project has lingered longer than initially indicated by you,” continued the same man.

  “You can’t put a timeframe on a masterpiece. Genius takes time and as I previously reported, I isolated a demon type, who’s DNA seems to counter the effects of demon DNA. It eliminates the Demented process. Now, that I have this resource, I sequenced the DNA genomes to isolate the cause of this and will inject it into the Super Soldiers.”

  “Have you tested this supposed cure? And is it something that would work on the demons or just humans,” I said.

  “I can demonstrate. Merritt, if you would come here. I would like to show the group the process for the reversal and your response to the cure.”

  Merritt stepped forward, white-faced. He wasn’t as secure in this process as he led me to believe. There was no turning back now. I didn’t have my powers yet, but I wondered what it would feel like to be able to do unbelievable things and have that suddenly taken away.

  “If you all would follow me. I will show you how we extract the blood and the injection.”

  We squeezed into the same room I saw before, and the same demon was tied down. The lab assistant hurried forward with a vial and the doctor took the syringe and pulled blood from the demon. As with before, I couldn’t believe how different this one seemed. Our eyes met. “Don’t react, just listen, Teagan,” it spoke to me, apparently in my head.

  Holy hell, it knew my name. How was that possible?

  “I need to escape. You know I’m not what they say. I can’t tell you more than that, but if you help me escape, I can tell you about your mother.”

  How could this thing know my mother? My mother was dead. How like a demon to manipulate you into doing things. He was no different from the slew of other demons that rampaged around until they were caught or those that tried to control humans through mind manipulation.

  “I know what you are thinking. Listen, I cannot offer you anything other than my promise and vow that I am not a demon. I am something else. What they are doing here is wrong. I can explain more if you help me,” he said into my mind.

  Shaking off the demon-thing, I watched as the doctor extracted several vials from the demon, who again showed no emotion as they drained his blood.

  “Before we do the injection, can you demonstrate your power, so the group knows that you are truly a hybrid and doesn’t have to take my word for it since there is some questioning of the truth in what I say.”

  “Of course, doc,” as Merritt raised his hands and the room darkened with shadows filling in the corners and crowding into us. An eerie and heaviness filled the air and my breath came out in short spurts as an oppression filled me.

  “That will do, Merritt,” said Dr. Mendel.

  As the light replaced the shadows, Dr. Mendel injected the entire vial into Merritt, who began shaking and promptly passed out, failing to the floor. Ginger ran to him and laid his head on her lap.

  “Great results. Maybe you can kill him next time,” she seethed.

  “Just a momentary rest. This is all standard. The demon blood fights with that already in the body. And, what you saw is the beginning of that. Once he awakes, he will be cured.”

  “I fail to see the benefit of taking healthy hybrids and stripping them of their power. Is this what you do with our government dollars and the extensive resources we gave you? We asked for more hybrids, not less. Dr. Mendel, have you woken up any of our Super Soldiers? While this little display was distressing, we want answers and your continued avoidance of them is wearing thin. I will ask this only one more time. Have any been awoken and what was the result? Our superiors are beginning to wonder if someone else wouldn’t be better suited to run this project. Your results to date are less than impressive,” said the lead government man.

  “You can’t take me off this project. No one could do what I’ve done! You’ll get your answers,” as he grabbed a fist-full of the blood-filled syringes and raced into one of the stasis chambers faster than I would have thought the portly man could manage. None of us were able to catch up to his pace and found him in front of one of the tubes.

  He began injecting one vial into a port on the tube and continued the process until each of the tubes had a vial of blood added to it. Each of the bodies within started thrashing — like what happened to Merritt. We all waited in silence. The doctor’s impulsive reaction threw me off and from the quiet of the group, they were surprised as well. As a doctor, shouldn’t he be taking notes or monitoring them or something. He just stood there with a maniacal gleam in his eyes. I was stuck seeing this crap when Merritt was passed out with Ginger in the other room. Now, I was even more certain that I wouldn’t attempt this cure. I didn’t want the doctor touching me or injecting random demon crap into me.

  “Hey guys, Merritt is waking up,” called Ginger from the other room.

  Before I could leave the room, Dr. Mendel answered her, “Bring him here. We cannot leave at the moment and his awakening will help reassure my anxious crowd here.”

  I watched the door for sign of Merritt and Ginger. Minutes later, Ginger walked in with a pale faced Merritt, who was leaning heavily on her shoulders and walking shakily into the room.

  “And how to do you feel now son,” asked Dr. Mendel.

  “I feel, I feel empty, but hot and cold and …” as he promptly threw up at the doctor’s feet.

  Good, he deserved it. No decent person experimented on babies. And you couldn’t convince me that he is a decent guy because he is still experimenting on people. That was just wrong. Then again, maybe I’m just bitter from knowing he had a major part in turning me into a freak.

  Dr. Mendel jumped back and ordered his lab assistant to clean up the mess. “My feet first, the floor can wait. Clean this mess off me,” he barked.

  I watched Merritt closely. His skin was covered with a fine sheen of perspiration. He didn’t seem very cured to me. He just looked sick. Merritt looked like he was on day five of a severe flu. His eyes were glossy, and he was hunched over. While, I worried about his state, I also know this was something he wanted more than anything.

  “Look they are waking up,” said Dr. Mendel.

  I looked into the nearest tube and saw that the soldier was indeed awake.

  “Just as I anticipated. They are coming out. And, see that they seem calm and rational. None of the dead staring you would get with a Demented. Just wait until I get them out of the tube. You will see that they retained their rational minds and I can activate them and then you will see how wrong you were,” said Dr. Mendel.

  Turning to the lab assistant, who was still cleaning the floor, “Get more vials. I need enough for the rest of the subjects in this room.”

  Once the lab assistant returned, Dr. Mendel finished injecting the rest of the soldiers. And, with the first group, they also shook and awoke. He began walking to each of the tubes and pushing buttons. The tube drained of fluid and once empty, it opened. The first soldier stepped out. Dr. Mendel looked at the tube. “How are you feeling? Can you tell us your name and where you are?”

  “I – I’m Captain John Nash. I’m a Marine officer and I’m here in your lab, Dr. Mendel. Did it work? Am I an X-men? Do I have powers?”

  “All in good time. We are waking up the others and then we will activate you. Then, you will see what powers you have,” said Dr. Mendel.

  The government suits were talking amongst themselves and looking considerably happier than they had. Dr. Mendel and his assistant walked down the rows of tubes and repeated the same questions they had asked Capt. Nash. Each one seemed lucid and lacking in any traits associated with a Demented. We all helped the soldiers out of the tubes and the dripping wet group followed us out of the room.

  Chapter 39

  Dr. Mendel led us to another room with a glass platform that closely resembled a teleportation device from Star Trek. He marched up to a metal column and a
two-foot wide tablet of some kind that had assorted knobs and flashing lights. The doctor began fiddling with knobs on what looked like a tablet resting on a column, only it wasn’t separate from the column.

  “Please form a line Soldiers and Marines. This machine will activate the Demon DNA and will allow your powers to be released. And Teagan, please join the line. It’s beyond time that you were activated.”

  Now, I was being activated now? Don’t I have more time, and shouldn’t I get a choice when I was activated?

  “I was told there was more time until I had to activate.”

  “According to our records, you turn 25 in a week,” said Dr. Mendel.

  “That’s wrong, I’m not that old.”

  “Actually, we have documentation of every hybrid’s birth. You were born August 8, 2025. Get in line.”

  There was nothing I could say to that. I was so close to becoming Demented. What if I had waited? I got in the back of the line and the soldier in front of me looked back.

  “Can you believe it? We’re gonna be superheroes. Maybe I get to fly. How bad ass would that be? Or shoot lasers from my eyes,” he said.

  “Or you just get hairy and grow a tail. Super, right?”

  “No need to be nasty,” as he turned away from me.

  I watched as each soldier stepped onto the glass tiled platform and stood under the circular light. It glowed a soft blue and streams of light surrounded each one before diminishing and the soldier steps off. Each one had a bright smile more brilliant than the glow of the portal-thing. I wish I felt the same way. I just felt dread. This was happening so fast. God don’t let me get a tail.

  It was my turn to step onto the platform. I lined up under the portal and caught the Boss’ eye. He watched me the entire time, eyes filled with sadness and regret.

  The light was warm and filled my veins with a gentle heat — making me realize how cold I was. I felt ice melting in my veins and a soothing warmth replace it. This wasn’t bad. It was quite nice. Why did I worry so much? A stabbing pain hit my stomach, making me double over. What was happening?

  I felt someone grab my shoulder and push me carefully to the floor. “Are you okay,” asked The Boss.

  I couldn’t talk as the bone crunching pain spread throughout my body. “Hurts,” I muttered. It was all that I could get out.

  “Dr. Mendel something is wrong with Teagan,” said the Boss.

  “This is highly unusual, but out of a group of fifty, one anomaly is not out of the realm of possibility.”

  Now, I’m an anomaly. This guy was a total jerk I just needed the pain to stop. Tears streamed unchecked down my face and my jaw was clenched. I really couldn’t take this pain much longer. It hurt so freaking bad. And my back felt like the bones were shifting under my skin. I could hear creaks and cracks. Jesus, the pain. My body was being ripped apart.

  “Dr. Mendel, she’s getting worse,” said the Boss.

  “Oh god, look at her back,” said Merritt.

  “What’s wrong with me? Why didn’t this happen to anyone else?” I said.

  I heard the demon’s voice in my ear, “It’s because you aren’t like any of the hybrids or those Super Soldiers. Your body is rejecting the Demon DNA. It’s poison to someone like you. I can help. Release me and we can fix your dilemma. You need to be with your own kind.”

  “Just because you’re pretty, doesn’t mean you can help me!” I shouted at the demon yapping in my mind.

  “She’s hallucinating. Can we do anything for the pain?” asked the Boss.

  I could sense the other hybrids near me. My skin felt overheated one moment and freezing cold the next and it was too tight for my body. A horrible tearing in my back finally brought the blessed blackness of unconsciousness.

  Chapter 40

  I awoke to hushed voices. I couldn’t make out who was talking or what was being discussed. I wasn’t in my room or any of the quads. I seemed to be in a hospital bed, so the only place I could be was the lab. Why was I still at the lab?

  “You are awake. Good. Do you remember what happened?” asked Dr. Mendel.

  “You messed me up is what I remember. What you did failed, and I paid for it? Is my back broken? All I remember is the pain in my back before I passed out.”

  “Oh, no not at all. You are even more special than we could anticipate. Try sitting up carefully. You don’t want to injury your wings.”

  I have wings. I struggled to sit up, but the wings felt like a backpack full of lead. The doctor helped me up.

  “I want to see them. Where is there a mirror?”

  “Just a minute and my lab assistant will help you to the bathroom. They are truly a thing of beauty. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I certainly hope the rest of the hybrids get wings. Because of the fiasco with you, we weren’t able to test their powers.”

  I was escorted to the bathroom. My wings were stunning and scary. They were pearlescent white and rimmed in black. It looked like someone went crazy with black eye liner and tried to do smoky eyes with each feather. I’d never seen a demon with feathers and why were mine weird?

  “How did I get wings?”

  “That’s why you’re down here. And, to monitor for any adverse reaction. If wings are the response, then I can only hope we have more reactions such as yours,” he said gleefully.

  Self-centered asshole. He only cared about results and I was a big bonus to him.

  “Where is the rest of the squad? I want to see Merritt or the Boss.”

  “They will be informed of your status change. For now, please return to your bed. We need to run some tests now that you are awake.”

  Of course, he did. I still felt like crap, but the last place I wanted to be was with Dr. Frankenstein or near that beautiful and weird demon. Even as I thought that, I wondered where the demon was now. The demon claimed to know what was happening to me and based on what the doctor said, that means the demon was the only one who could tell me more. I just needed to get away from the doctor, so I could find where they hid the demon.

  Dr. Mendel drew blood and put it on a slide near a microscope. “Fascinating. You are a very special girl.”

  Whatever freak. I hadn’t been a “girl” in decades, but whatever.

  “It seems your blood shows that the demon DNA is battling with each other — almost like activation was a trigger for your body to fight it off. In fact, we injected you with additional Demon DNA through our current specimen and that was when your vital signs stabilized and shortly after your body went into a natural sleep state.”

  “You gave me more Demon DNA? Won’t that make me a Demented? I don’t want to dement, and it sounds like you gave me a death sentence.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to understand, but no, you are not with a death sentence and if you were going to ‘Dement,’ then you already would have. And, you have no right to take that tone with me. You will give me the respect I deserve. Being special doesn’t give you the latitude to disrespect,” he huffed.

  That was good to know, but I’d feel better when I could see Merritt and the Boss. I’d even take Reese’s terseness or Ruthie’s excessive hostility right now, then being alone with Dr. Mendel.

  “When will the others get here?”

  “My, you are a persistent one. My assistant left to notify Howard of your change. I am sure they will be here in due time.”

  “I need out of here,” said the demon in my head. Dear god, he didn’t give up. He was becoming a broken record. “The doctor took a full blood bag from me and was injecting himself with it. Look for the mark or a bandage. You’ll see I’m not lying.”

  Lying demon, but since I had nothing else to do while I waited, I looked at Dr. Mendel as the demon suggested. I could see the doctor’s side profile, but not enough to see whether he wore a bandage as the demon said. I needed to get a closer look. I slipped off the bed, “Oh, that hurts.”

  Dr. Mendel was right by my side within seconds. He sure moved fast for an old man. He crossed the room i
n seconds. The only other people I saw move that fast were the other hybrids.

  “What seems to be hurting? Are you noticing any ill-effects?”

  His concern was a sham. Oh, he was concerned, but only about himself and what any issues for me might mean for him. He probably worried he’d have his arm fall off or die if I was having adverse reaction to the same blood, he pumped himself full of. He shouldn’t be experimenting on himself. Wasn’t that conflict of interest? I bet he was also adding the other demon blood. He was probably a walking mix of all sorts of stuff. Did that also mean he had powers? How would anyone know? I was going to tell the Boss. He needed to know that the doctor was shady on top of his obvious weirdness.

  Dr. Mendel looked at my eyes and checked my blood pressure and listened to my heart. “Looks good. A CAT scan would tell me more, but I’m not sure the radiation would be good for you at this point. Let me know immediately if you notice anything unusual or there is pain of any kind.”

  “So, you mean something unusual like wings.”

  “Don’t be impertinent. The wings are a direct result of the activation.”

  “Teagan how are you feeling,” asked the Boss as he entered the room, followed by the rest of the hybrids.

  “I feel okay, but still weird. Is that how everyone feels when they are activated? Wait, where is Merritt?”

  “He’s indisposed,” carefully answered the Boss.

  “What does that mean?”

  “He’s packing. He always said he would leave if he could be fixed and be normal again. He never wanted to be a hybrid and now that he doesn’t have to worry about becoming a Demented, he can return to the life he wanted,” explained Ginger.

  He was leaving. He was the only one of the hybrids that I felt any kind of true connection with. He was like a brother, mentor, and friend all rolled into one. He was one of the only people that I felt gave a darn about me here and now he was leaving. I knew he had a life and dreams that didn’t involve a hybrid but going back wasn’t the answer. Once you left, you never could return. Even if I risked the freaky doctor’s cure, I could never return to my old life. How could Merritt just pick up the old life back up?


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