Human Nature (Book 3): Human Nature III

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Human Nature (Book 3): Human Nature III Page 9

by Borthwick, Finlay

  “Absolutely.” Tina backed Elliot up, but was also doing it to spite Erica over their argument.

  “Right behind you.” Alek added.

  Erica shook her head in dismay. “Ok, well if you really want to make a deal with this devil,” she prodded Klara, “Then why don’t you ask her what happened to Mattias, first?”

  Everybody in the room instantly turned their attention back to Klara, awaiting an answer.

  Klara shamefully confessed, “I did what I had to do.”

  “Right, that’s it!” Gwen lashed out at Alek again. “Give me the damn gun already!”

  “If I didn’t do it, J.V. would’ve killed the rest of us! Can’t you people understand? I’m not the evil one here!” Klara insisted.

  “What exactly did you have to do then?” Elliot called her out. “Go on, enlighten us!”

  “They’re cannibals.” She rushed her words.

  “They’re what?” Elliot gasped.

  Klara threw her head into her hands.

  “So, what, Mattias was just a roast dinner to them, was he?” Elliot fumed.

  “Elliot, no.” Petra held him back, just as he had held Gwen back.

  “Well there you go. You sure you want her help still?” Erica was satisfied with this turn of events.

  “Stop making me look like the bad guy!” Klara still maintained that she was innocent. “You’re only alive because of me. Remember that.”

  “You keep saying that.” Alek stated. “But those are just words. Why don’t you actually do something to prove it?”

  “There’s four snipers.” Klara blurted out. “They’re all located along the mountainside.” She referred to the mountains on the other side of the river.

  Erica stepped out of the room, knowing full-well that Elliot would run with this information.

  “And we’re supposed to just believe you?” Alek was still wary.

  “You just asked me to prove my innocence. This is how.” Klara avowed.

  “Elliot don’t trust her.” Alek turned his nose up towards her. “If she got Mattias killed, then there’s no reason to think she won’t trade the rest of us off as well just to save her own skin.”

  Elliot thought hard to himself; his cold grey eyes stuck in thought.

  “Fine. You want proof? Here.” She grabbed her radio and adjusted the frequency.

  “What’s she doing?” Elliot asked.

  “Uh… She’s doing something with her walkie.” Alek’s wariness increased.

  “Relax. I have the frequency of one of the snipers.” Klara continued to twiddle the dial. “They switch shifts every couple of hours. If he’s in range, it means he’s up there. If it’s just static, it means he isn’t.”

  Everyone suddenly tensed up, watching Klara eagerly.

  “Joshua,” she addressed the marksman by name, “You there? I need to speak to you urgently.”

  Tensions were still high in the atmosphere as they all awaited a response.

  “Klara? Is that you?” Joshua responded through the device.

  Gwen’s eyes instantly shot open and transfixed keenly on Klara.

  “Joshua! Thank goodness you’re there; My hero!” She attempted to trick him with flattery. “Listen, I think my group is close to figuring out that I’m your father’s contact here.”

  There were several silent gasps in the room following this revelation.

  ‘Father?!’ Tina angrily mimed.

  “What am I supposed to do?” Joshua blankly retorted.

  “Well, um…” Klara had to think on her toes. “…They’re probably gonna kill me when I get found out. So, before that time comes, I think that,” she nearly wretched upon thinking of what she was about to say, “I think you and me should have some fun before I die.”

  Everyone else in the room was taken aback once again, having zero confidence in this idea working.

  But, much to their surprises, Joshua responded provocatively with, “Now that is what I like to hear. Where?”

  “The bridge farthest to your right. Cross over to the town, I’ll be waiting for you. Two hours.” She faked a flirtatious tone.

  “Looking forward to it…”

  Following this, she finally tuned out of the frequency again. “There! Is that proof good enough for you?”

  Alek and Tina were speechless.

  “Who’s gonna volunteer to capture him then?” Elliot prompted.

  “I will.” Gwen put herself forward for her daughter’s sake.

  “I want to help.” Petra chipped in. “I want to do this for you, Elliot. You are a wonderful English teacher. Helping with Annabelle is the least I can do.”

  “Thank you, Petra.” Elliot accepted her request to help.

  “Can we talk about the elephant in the room for a second?” Tina asked; this English phrase confused the Czech natives in the room. “At what point were you going to tell us your secret friend is the son of the gang leader?”

  “Does it matter?” Klara didn’t see the problem.

  “Yes, it bloody matters!” Tina bellowed at her. “There’s a difference between taking just some guy from his group hostage, and flat-out taking his own son hostage!”

  “They’re all his sons.” She revealed, which caused even more disgruntled gasps. “Why do you think he refers to them as ‘The Boys’?”

  “How many of them are there?” Elliot interrupted.


  “Nine sons?!” Now it was Elliot’s turn to become enraged. “How is that even possible?”

  “I think some of them are step.” Klara indifferently added.

  “That doesn’t matter!” Tina dominated the debate once again. “If we are about to take one of his own children hostage, what stops him from just issuing the kill order against us?”

  “Annabelle.” Gwen answered ahead of Klara. “She is my child. If we take his child hostage, it evens the playing field, and he’ll have no other choice.” She turned to Elliot now, and held his hand to make this clear, “Let’s do it. Let’s get her back…”

  One hour later, Joshua was already on his way over the bridge, exactly on time. He and Klara awkwardly smiled at each other as he approached from the distance.

  “Mamacita,” he complimented her as they came into each other’s space. “Let’s get this party started already.” His provocative tone was even creepier in person.

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Gwen stepped out from the darkness, pointing her pistol at Joshua.

  Instantly, he reached for his own handgun.

  “Do not.” Petra mumbled as she crept up behind him, pressing the tip of a knife into his spine.

  A look of terror now came across Joshua’s face, completely erasing any hint of a smug or flirtatious smile. He directed this expression to Klara now. “My father will kill you for this. Your friends too. You know that, right?”

  Klara shrugged, “We’ll see.”

  The three of them took Joshua back to Gwen’s house, where Elliot was still awake, and waiting for the hostage’s arrival in the living room.

  As Gwen marched into the room, she threw Joshua onto the couch.

  “Hello?” Elliot warily reached out, uncertain of who had just thrown who down.

  “It’s alright Elliot, it’s just us.” Gwen reassured him. “There’s a pile of trash on our couch now though.”

  “If my dad heard you say that, your skin would be flayed right now.” Joshua bragged, but this threat came across as more infantile than worrying.

  “Shut your fucking mouth.” Gwen advised him with a passive-aggressive tone.

  Elliot was motionless; he was trying to imagine the situation around him in his mind.

  “Give me the radio.” Gwen reached her hand out to Klara; who complied, with no questions asked. “Is it on J.V.’s frequency?”

  “Hang on.” Klara took it back momentarily, twiddling the dial once again. “There.” She handed it back to Gwen.

  “Ok, asshole by the name of ‘J.V.’, come in.” She frivolous
ly requested, speaking into the walkie.

  “Uh, was that you, Klara?” J.V. had responded almost immediately.

  “No, this is Gwen. You’ve got my girl. I don’t know what you’re doing to her, but you’re going to give her back tonight, ok?” She wasted no time.

  “I see… You must the mother of dear sweet Annabelle, I take it? Sorry, I lose track of all the beautiful ladies that we welcome in here.” J.V. taunted her in a way that was intended to incite anger.

  “Mum, don’t let him get into your head.” Elliot mumbled to her.

  Following her stepson’s advice, Gwen tried to keep her cool, “Yes, I am she.”

  “It’s great that you care about her,” J.V. continued contemptuously, “But realistically, if your daughter insists on being this pretty and expects to not face the consequences as a result, then you have failed as a mother my dear…”

  Gwen was struggling to remain calm. As such, Elliot joined at her side, and put his arm over her shoulder.

  “And if your son insists on being a whiny little bastard, then you have failed as a father, my dear.” Gwen calmly mocked him.

  It took J.V. a moment to realise what she had just told him. “What was that?”

  Gwen walked over to the sofa and held the radio to Joshua’s mouth. ‘Speak!’ She mimed to him.

  Joshua took a deep breath. “Dad, they’ve got me.”

  “Josh? What are you doing there? Are you alright?” J.V.’s confidence broke down into panic upon hearing his son’s voice. “Gwen, Gwen! If you’ve hurt him in any way, your daughter will--”

  “We haven’t hurt him.” She cut him off. “Well, not yet at least. If you want things to stay that way, then call off your boys, and give me my daughter back.”

  J.V. didn’t respond at first.

  “I’m not playing around here. If Annabelle isn’t back in my arms by sunrise, your son won’t be back in yours either.” She forcefully prompted him.

  But again, J.V. was silent.

  “Oh, you don’t believe me. Shall I fire a warning shot through his kneecap to prove my sincerity?” She lowered the gun to Joshua’s knees.

  “Alright, alright!” J.V. finally spoke up. “You win.” He conceded. “Ask Klara to take you to our trading spot. I’ll be there, with your child, waiting for mine. Ok?”

  “Call off your dogs too,” Gwen added to the trade. “If I even catch a glimpse of a sniper, the deal’s off.”

  “No snipers.” He agreed to her terms.

  “Well I don’t know what you’re still on this channel for, get moving already!” Gwen demanded.

  Then, their communications ceased.

  Finally, Gwen could breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Well done, Gwen.” Petra commended her.

  Chapter 13: Out and About

  It took until the afternoon for both Naomi and Richard’s group to all be fully awake. Kieran was keeping out of the way from the other five, however.

  Worm was the first to step outside to catch a breath of fresh air. For breakfast, he snacked on a protein bar. As he looked out across the sunrise, he felt a sense of elation and relief from Naomi’s forgiveness of him.

  Inside the store, Naomi was discussing a plan for the day with Richard and Valorie, whilst Harry was using the toilet at the back.

  “We can leave our stuff here just whilst we go through the other stores at this outlet.” Naomi recommended. “Richard, if you and Valorie cover the clothes shop next door, Worm and I will take the next one along.”

  “What about your other friend?” Richard asked hazily.

  “Kieran will come around eventually. Just as soon as he realises that he actually needs a group with him in order to keep going.” Naomi asserted.

  Suddenly, Worm came rushing back inside.

  “Worm?” Naomi questioned his rapid movement.

  “We have to hide, right now.” He replied ominously. “Look!” He turned around and pointed to the outlet entrance; it was the Savages, closely approaching the carpark outside.

  “Uh, who are they?” Valorie questioned.

  Naomi grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from the smashed windows. “They are bad news. These people will skin you alive if they get the chance. Come, get under here. Quickly!” She forced her to hide underneath a rusty computer desk. “You too, Richard. Get down!” She called over to him, pointing towards the desk nearest to his position.

  Worm hugged the wall adjoining the window front. He peeked out, watching the Savages file through the far side of the outlet, groaning as they raided the stores opposite.

  “My god. There’s kids in that group!” Richard quietly squealed.

  “They aren’t kids.” Naomi rebutted. “These people are insane. Psychotic, even. They’ve abandoned culture and rationality.”

  With the worst timing possible, Harry returned from the toilet. “Hello?” He called out loudly. “Where are you guys?”

  “Get down you imbecile!” Richard scorned him.

  But it was too late. The Savages had heard Harry’s voice, and were now all looking in the direction of the computer store.

  “Shit, they can see you!” Worm panicked, as he pulled his knife out.

  A few of the Savages began to pace towards the store, while others staggered slowly. Some of them even flat-out ignored the commotion.

  “We’re gonna have a fight on our hands soon.” Naomi warned, as she pulled her own knife out as well.

  Harry was still standing in the open. “What are you all hiding from?” He asked, once again in a loud voice.

  Then, just as Worm had heard back in the village, one of the Savages emitted an ear-piercing war cry. A wave of them came charging towards the store.

  “Oh god, oh god!” Harry lost his nerve and grabbed a nearby keyboard to defend himself with; he had no other weapons on him at this moment.

  There were eight savages at first. As soon as the first one rushed into the store, Worm took him down by reaching out and stabbing him in the chest.

  Noticing this, the next savage swung wildly at him with an axe, but Worm dodged all these attempts. Then, he swung at the savage with his knife, but he too avoided his opponent’s attacks. The two became locked in a one-to-one fight.

  The next three savages charged towards Harry. Leaning out from behind a desk however, Richard slit one of the savages on his shin, causing him to fall face-first onto the ground. With no hesitation, Richard plunged his knife through the savage’s neck multiple times.

  The other two continued running at Harry.

  Naomi jumped out and attacked the female savage, slitting her throat wide open.

  The remaining savage swung his cricket bat at Harry, but he narrowly missed him. Then, Harry whacked him around the head with the keyboard; but the savage did not even flinch. Mercilessly, he swung the cricket bat a second time, sending Harry to the ground.

  “Harry, no!” Valorie cried out, charging over to the attacking savage and tackling him to the floor. “I can’t hold him down!” She struggled to keep him on the floor.

  The last four savages from this wave stormed into the store. Two of them immediately turned their attention to Worm fighting with one of their own and backed their group member up.

  “Come on, seriously?” Worm remarked, feeling outnumbered.

  The other two savages groaned in pain, as they felt sharp pains up their back. They dropped to the ground, revealing Kieran standing outside with his rifle. “Fucking hell.” He commented, observing the messy situation.

  “Just hit him!” Valorie insisted, as Harry struggled to get back onto his feet after taking a blow to the head.

  The savage pushed Valorie off himself, then crawled over to Harry. He grabbed his cricket bat and battered Harry’s head with it.

  “No!” Valorie cried out distressfully, unable to do anything.

  A bullet ripped through the savage’s head, just before his body dropped to the side.

  Instantly, Valorie rushed over to her friend; but it was t
oo late, Harry had already been beaten to death.

  “Grah!” Worm shuddered, as his opponent managed to strike his forearm, resulting in a deep laceration. He fell backwards onto the ground, watching as the savage raised his machete over his head.

  But before the savage could finish Worm off, a bullet ripped through his chest; the blood splattered down onto Worm’s face.

  The other two savages turned around, but Kieran shot both with ease as well. He reached a hand down to Worm, offering to help him back onto his feet.

  “Thanks. Again.” Worm bantered, as he accepted Kieran’s hand to help him back up.

  Hearing Valorie snivelling, they both looked over at her, watching as Richard rubbed her back gently in comfort.

  Naomi pointed out beyond Worm and Kieran. “Watch your backs.” She reminded them.

  They both turned around, watching as more Savages entered the outlet and flooded the opposing stores.

  “They must’ve followed us somehow.” Worm hypothesised. “And it seems like only some of them responded to a battle cry. Why is that?” He pondered.

  Kieran released the clip from his rifle and inspected it. “Bugger. I’ve only got two rounds left.” He revealed.

  “But you’ve got another clip, right?”

  Kieran reloaded the clip in his hand, and then pulled out the other clip which Worm had just asked about. “Yes, but after that one, there’s no more. There’s no way we’re going to find ammunition this far into the apocalypse.”

  Worm nodded understandingly.

  “It’s funny, I’ve used up more bullets in the last two days then I have in the last circa two years.” Kieran moaned. “You should be grateful I came back for you.” He turned around. “For all of you.” He addressed Richard and Valorie, but they were still too consoled with Harry to even realise this.

  “Kieran, please.” Naomi walked over to him. “Just leave it. For now, at least.”

  “He deserved to die. Heck, they all deserve to die.” Kieran made his opinion abundantly clear. “It’s karma, for tricking us like that.”

  Naomi shook her head in disbelief that, even after this attack, Kieran was still holding his grudge.


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