After the Earth Wars

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After the Earth Wars Page 3

by Shana Rae

"I do Zareli, even on his own the commander could prove to be a threat, my Telepathy isn't up to that level, though I've never worked at improving it."

  "Then may I suggest you do whatever you have to do to increase your telepathic strength, we're going to need it."

  Zareli turned to Dumarrak.

  "Have you worked out the schematics yet?"

  "I think so, but you do realise that working in these conditions isn't ideal. I think it might be best if I return to Aquagius to work in the lab there. Are you staying here with Evahlia?"

  "I think I'd better, if the commander tries scanning again and finds us on Aquagius, it could blow the whole project. Go ahead Dumarrak and tell Pharran this is top priority."

  Evahlia put her hand on Dumarrak's arm.

  "Before you go, the commander threatened to move the project to Iosera if I didn't comply. However, I can assure you it won't be successful. When I took a copy of the data, I encoded the file so it can't be opened without my authority. But I am still worried about Iosera's security."

  "Don't worry Evahlia, we'll extend patrols to cover Iosera, if the military even think of heading in that direction, we'll take them out. Personally I don't think they've got the resources, but we will keep monitoring the situation."

  "Thank you Dumarrak."

  Evahlia stood and watched as Dumarrak launched his fighter, then she turned to Zareli.

  "Your brother was jealous of finding me in bed with you this morning. I'm afraid to say I hit him for making inappropriate comments."

  "Maybe you should consider joining the IceWarrior Clan, I could teach you how to hit him so that he won't forget it!"

  "I'm sorry Zareli, fighting is not in my nature, the LightStar Clan prefer peace to war."

  "And yet your Clan have done nothing to bring an end to this war. Instead you stand by and watch the endless slaughter to preserve a record for your precious knowledge."

  Evahlia glared at Zareli.

  "How dare you insult my Clan."

  "Then defend your actions…or lack of them, go ahead, I'm listening."

  "We are not negotiators, neither are we in control of this galaxy, how do you expect us to intervene?"

  "All that knowledge at your disposal and you can't work out an alternative solution to war, you do disappoint me."

  Evahlia had no response, in her heart she knew Zareli was right. And if her grandfather had still been alive, Evahlia was sure he would at least have attempted to negotiate a truce.

  "So if I find a way to end the war, would you accept it?"

  "That depends on the offer on the table."

  "It's all theoretical Zareli, I would need to have access to the Vaults, which we know isn't possible. The Clans want to see the end of the last vestiges of Earth rule, the military. And they want to see the end of the Clans. I don't see how either side could ever agree to exist peacefully alongside each other."

  "But once we have the implants fitted, the military will have no choice but to surrender, then it will be down to the LightStar Clan to negotiate a long lasting peace."

  "Can you get a message to Tarais securely?"

  "Of course, if you can trust him."

  "Good point, we didn't exactly part on good terms, but I don't think he'd betray me."

  "Surely that would depend on how much pressure the military are putting on him. And may I ask why the acrimony between you and Tarais?"

  "It's a personal matter."

  "You two are lovers aren't you?"

  "We were…and it's none of your business Zareli."

  "All I'm asking is, would that be enough for him to betray you?"

  "I don't think so, but military pressure would be, damn, there goes my good idea."

  "What exactly did you have planned?"

  "There is a document my grandfather drew up when we arrived on Iosera. He was determined to stop the war between the military and the Clans by peaceful means. Sadly he died before he could complete it and as we were still establishing the Vaults, it was filed away and forgotten."

  Zareli turned away, Evahlia could sense how angry he was, it was sometime before he turned to face her.

  "Your Clan has just lost my respect, and I'm sure once I inform the other Clans of this information…the LightStar Clan will be on their own. Once Dumarrak returns, I shall make arrangements to have you returned to Iosera, defend yourself against the military and see how long you last."

  "Zareli you can't just abandon me…or the Clan…and you need me to train you to use the implants."

  "No we don't, we'll find our own way, I no longer have trust in your abilities Evahlia. This conversation is now over, get out of my sight."

  For a moment Evahlia hesitated, then walked down to the living quarters and slammed the door shut.

  Zareli sat down at the terminal, accessed a secure line, and contacted Dumarrak.

  "You know that matter we were discussing about the LightStar Clan acting as mediators in the war. Well I've just had a bloody huge row with Evahlia over it."

  "Zareli, I told you to leave it until later, just tell me it didn't involve any violence."

  "It came close…especially when Evahlia told me her grandfather had started to prepare a document to bring an end to the war. When he died, they just filed it away and forgot about it. Ten long bloody years Dumarrak, what the hell were the LightStar Clan thinking of. They've not just distanced themselves from the war, they've bloody well switched off."

  "Just give me a moment to calm down Zareli, or I'll end up destroying the lab."

  Zareli heard crashing and swearing.

  "All right, only minor damage. Where is Evahlia now?"

  "In the living quarters out of my sight. I've told her we'll be returning her to Iosera and she and her Clan have lost our respect. Let the military deal with her, I really don't give a shit any more."

  "But we still need her to train us as Telepaths…"

  "No we don't, we're warriors Dumarrak, we are quite capable of training ourselves, I don't trust her any longer."

  "You do realise the consequences of sending her back to Iosera, she unlock the data and let the military use it, is that what you really want Zareli?"

  "We won't release her until we've got the implants fitted, the military won't have time to create their own CyberTelepaths before we strike."

  "Have you decided who else is going to get the implant besides us?"

  "Yes, just Vysani, he and his Clan have always worked closely with us, if you're in agreement?"

  "Indeed and I think between the three of us we can create enough havoc to turn this damn war in our favour. While I get back to work, contact Vysani and let him know what we have planned."

  "I'll ask him to come here, I don't want to discuss it across communication links."

  "Good idea, I'll be in touch Zareli."

  Dumarrak dropped the link. Still keeping a secure channel open, Zareli put a call through to Del'ghao.

  "Vysani, we need to discuss a business deal, no response required, I'll see you when you get to Kalocia."

  Zareli quickly ended the call knowing that Vysani would realise it was something that couldn't be discussed openly. He wondered about going to talk to Evahlia, but his rage still hadn't subsided enough to face her. Zareli leaned back in his seat and waited for Vysani to arrive.


  Commander Straken managed to get back to the Pentaugh space station. His fighter had been hit, but apart from a slight loss of control, no other damage was done. Once he'd landed, he went straight to Captain Serolich's office.

  "Damn that was close, took a hit as I pulled away from Kalocia and unless I'm mistaken, it was Zareli."

  "Did you manage to ascertain whether Evahlia was there?"

  "Not conclusively, I don't think she's a strong enough Telepath to be able to block me for long, even if she could sense me scanning her. My suspicion is that she is on Kalocia, I don't believe Zareli would be too far away from her."

  "Commander, a suspicion does not justif
y a rescue mission."

  "So we just sit and wait until the IceWarrior Clan make their own implants?"

  "I doubt they are capable of doing that successfully, their minds are not disciplined enough to handle that kind of power."

  "Well let's just hope Evahlia isn't forced into training them. There is one other option, I am prepared to go to Kalocia in disguise. It will be easier to scan for Evahlia once I'm on the planet…"


  "That's it captain, just no?"

  "You are the only Telepath we have, previous attempts by the military to infiltrate Kalocia has resulted in them being returned to us in pieces. I am not prepared to allow that to happen to you."

  "Then we'd better hope that the implants aren't as successful as they hope, and that Evahlia refuses to train them…otherwise we have just lost the war."

  The commander stormed out of the office.

  As Vysani approached Kalocia, he sent a coded message to Zareli. Once the warehouse doors were open, Vysani took his fighter into land.

  Zareli watched as Vysani disembarked. He wore the traditional black leather that all his Clan wore, and the trademark long white hair. Vysani always reminded Zareli of someone who'd just emerged from a graveyard, all the NightStorm Clan had the appearance of the undead. Zareli smiled to himself with the thought.

  "So Zareli what is so important that you drag me to this god-forsaken hell hole?"

  "Come and sit down and I'll reveal everything."

  As Vysani sat down, Zareli picked a bottle up from off the floor and poured a shot into two glasses.

  "Here, you might need some of this."

  Vysani knocked back the shot.

  "That's Pure Proof isn't it?"

  "Only the best."

  Zareli knocked his shot back, then poured a couple more.

  "Vysani, how would you like to get into the minds of the military and force them to act against their will. Make them shoot their own cruisers down, kill each other and finally give us the victory we deserve?"

  "What the hell are you talking about Zareli?"

  "Becoming a CyberTelepath."

  "Telepaths are a myth, you know that as well as I do."

  "Think again Vysani. Do you know of Evahlia of the LightStar Clan, she is one of their Elders."

  "I obviously know of the clan, but not Evahlia personally, why?"

  "Evahlia is a Telepath, she was ordered by Commander Straken to find some data for him on creating CyberTelepaths. Obviously concerned what would happen in the war, she asked me to kidnap her and take the data for ourselves."

  "Is she here, can I meet her?"

  "Well there is something else you might like to hear first. Before her grandfather died, he was working on a document to bring an end to the war. He never finished it and the Clan just filed it away and forgot about it. Think what we've been through in the last ten years Vysani, the LightStar Clan might have been able to prevent it happening. It appears they only subscribe to peace as long as it doesn't extend beyond Iosera. Needless to say I am very angry about the disclosure, and once we get the implants fitted, we'll be sending her back to Iosera. Let the military deal with her, her Clan have lost the respect of the IceWarriors. And I certainly will not trust her to train us to become Telepaths."

  "I understand your anger Zareli, your Clan has suffered far worse than ours. But surely the fact that she trusted you enough to give you the data, to ask you to stage a kidnapping, surely that goes some way to make amends?"

  "Not in my mind it doesn't."

  "Well give it some thought while you tell me more about these implants."

  "Dumarrak is currently working on them in our lab on Aquagius. Both he and I plan to have one fitted and I want to offer you the chance too. No one else in your Clan, or any other Clan for that matter. You alone I trust to be able to handle being a CyberTelepath, if you so choose."

  "Will three of us be enough to deal with the military?"

  "I believe so, though there is one other matter to consider. Commander Straken is also a Telepath, that is why he wanted to create more CyberTelepaths."

  "As much as you might be opposed to the idea, I think we do need Evahlia's help. She could block the commander, leaving us three free to wreak havoc. If indeed it is possible, I'm still not convinced that Telepathy will work at all."

  "Would you like to meet Evahlia?"

  "Of course, if you can keep your rage under control."

  "I won't make any promises."

  Zareli got to his feet and went to fetch Evahlia. She looked up at him as he entered the room.

  "There's someone that would like to meet you, come with me."

  Apprehensively, Evahlia followed Zareli into the warehouse.

  As they walked over to Vysani, he stood up.

  "Evahlia, this is Vysani, the leader of the NightStorm Clan."

  "It is a pleasure to meet you Evahlia."

  "I don't think Zareli would agree with you Vysani."

  "He has explained everything to me, I have a different perspective to Zareli. I feel that in giving the CyberTelepath data to us, has in part, made amends for your Clan's failing to bring this war to an end."

  Zareli scowled as he sat down. Vysani pulled up another chair and signalled to Evahlia to be seated, then sat down next to her.

  "So tell me what it is like to be a Telepath?"

  Evahlia glanced at Zareli before turning to face Vysani, there was something about him she couldn't quite understand. She held out her hand.

  "Take my hand Vysani, it is easier to feel than to explain."

  As Vysani took hold of Evahlia's hand, she linked to his mind and gently sent waves of energy through his thoughts.

  "Do you feel that?"

  "Yes, that is incredible, and you could increase that power until…"

  "Until I made your mind incapable of thinking, or if I chose, to force you to do something against your will, yes."

  Evahlia tried to pull her hand away, but Vysani held on tightly.

  "Zareli says he no longer trusts you to train us to use the implants correctly, but what I sense, tells me otherwise."

  Vysani stared at Zareli.

  "Have you actually experienced this for yourself?"


  "Then try it and see if you still distrust Evahlia."

  Vysani let go of Evahlia's hand, she held it out to Zareli, who with some reluctance, took hold of her hand. Evahlia linked to Zareli's mind and released waves of energy through his thoughts. Then quickly let his hand go. Zareli's mind was far darker than Vysani's and she didn't find the experience very pleasant.

  "What's the problem Evahlia, didn't like my thoughts?"

  Zareli laughed callously.

  "So has that changed your opinion Zareli?"

  "I'll have to talk it over with Dumarrak."

  "Well it's your decision, personally I would like Evahlia to train me how to be a Telepath."

  Vysani smiled at Evahlia.

  "If that is all right with you?"

  "It's not entirely my decision, Zareli wants to send me back to Iosera…"

  "Which I am within my rights to do. So Vysani, do you want the implant?"

  "Of course, we have a war to win. How soon will Dumarrak have them ready?"

  "Knowing how fast he works, not long."

  "Then I'll stay on Kalocia, I have some business to attend to, I shall return tomorrow and see how Dumarrak is progressing."

  "If I need to contact you, will you be in your office?"

  Vysani laughed.

  "Of course, just don't expect a sober answer!"

  He turned to Evahlia.

  "I'll see you in the morning, you have given me a lot to think about."

  He smiled at Evahlia as he turned and left the warehouse.

  "Well Evahlia, you've certainly made an impression on Vysani."

  "But you're still angry with me."

  "I am giving Vysani's thoughts some consideration. I suppose you did take quite a risk giving th
e data to us. So depending on Dumarrak's thoughts, I might not send you back to Iosera…yet."

  "Could I have a drink please?"

  "It's Pure Proof Evahlia…"

  "I really don't care, I need a drink."

  Zareli poured a shot and passed it over to Evahlia, she knocked it straight back. It hit her hard sending her thoughts reeling.

  "On second thoughts, maybe not such a good idea."

  Evahlia slowly got to her feet.

  "I think I need to lie down before…"

  Zareli grabbed hold of Evahlia just before she collapsed on to the floor. Picking her up in his arms, he carried her through to the living quarters and laid her down on the bed. Evahlia looked up at him.

  "That was a bit stronger than I realised."

  "You're giving me a headache."

  "Sorry, I didn't realise how much alcohol would cause me to lose control over my Telepathy."

  "Well I'll leave you to sleep it off."

  As Zareli turned away, Evahlia grabbed hold of his arm.

  "Do you really hate me that much?"

  "It's not about hate Evahlia, it's about lack of respect and trust."

  Zareli pulled away, left the room and returned to the warehouse.

  Sitting down at the desk he put a secure call through to Dumarrak.

  "Vysani has agreed to have the implant and he feels that we should recognise what Evahlia has done and not criticise her so harshly for her Clan's failure to stop the war."

  "Did you agree with him?"

  "No, I left it under consideration until I'd spoken to you. So what are your thoughts?"

  "I discussed it with Pharran, he was understandably angry, but his thoughts echoed Vysani. So you'd better try and be nice to her and ask if she'll train us to be Telepaths."

  "You know I hate backing down Dumarrak, I can't just suddenly start being nice, it is not in my nature."

  "Then ask Vysani to talk to her as he seems to have a better understanding of the situation."

  "Dumarrak, this is a Clan matter, we don't ask outsiders for assistance."

  "Then deal with it as one of the leaders of the IceWarrior Clan."

  "All right, I get the message, when Evahlia is sober, I'll talk to her."


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