After the Earth Wars

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After the Earth Wars Page 5

by Shana Rae

"Three silvers a week."

  Evahlia took three coins out of the pouch around her waist and handed them over. The old man gave her a key in return.

  "Down the corridor, last door on the right, six."

  Looking at the key, Evahlia was mildly amused at the thought of such a primitive method of security. She headed down the corridor to room number six. Unlocking the door she went inside. It looked like it hadn't been cleaned in months, she now truly understood why Kalocia was called a hell hole.

  "I need a drink." Evahlia said out loud.

  Leaving the room, she made sure it was locked and headed back out on to the street. Evahlia had passed several bars on the way, she chose the nearest one and hesitantly went inside. She pushed her way through the crowd and finally reached the bar. Looking at the drinks on offer, she decided the safest thing was a glass of beer, after her last experience of Pure Proof, she didn't want anything too alcoholic.

  Picking up her glass, she looked around for somewhere to sit. Seeing a man sitting alone, she walked over to him.

  "May I?" Evahlia pointed to the chair.


  She sat down and took a few sips of the beer, it wasn't the most pleasant thing she'd ever tasted.

  "Just got here?"

  Evahlia looked across the table.


  "Staying long?"

  "I've not decided yet."

  "Need work?"

  "What are you offering?"

  "I'm a trader, got an office nearby, finish your drink and we'll talk business."

  "What kind of work do you want me to do?"

  "Depends on how intelligent you are."

  As Evahlia finished her drink, the man stood up to leave.

  "Come with me."

  "I don't even know your name."

  "They call me Max, that's all you need to know."

  Before Evahlia could tell him her name, he was halfway out of the door. She stood up and had to steady herself before following Max out of the bar.

  Further along the street, Max turned down an alley, Evahlia hesitated.

  "My office is down here, do you want work or not?"

  Evahlia tried to scan Max's mind, but the beer had taken effect and she couldn't focus. She was annoyed with herself, but she needed work, so she followed Max down the alley. Halfway down he stopped and turned to face her. Grabbing hold of her arm, he pinned her against the wall.

  "It's rare to find a woman on Kalocia that isn't working for someone."

  Max put his hand around Evahlia's throat, she struggled to break free, but found she hadn't the strength.

  "Now before you start work for me, I need to sample the quality of the goods."

  He pulled Evahlia's cloak open.

  "Well I like what I see, and blonde hair too, very popular."

  The more Evahlia struggled to break free, the tighter Max held on to her throat.

  "They all struggle at first, but I'll soon have you tamed."

  Max started to open Evahlia's jacket, then suddenly he screamed and fell to his knees. Choking and gasping for air, Evahlia looked up and saw a figure stood in front of her. She tried to focus, but everything was a blur. As Evahlia slid to the ground, she was aware of the figure picking her up in his arms, then there was nothing but darkness.

  When Evahlia opened her eyes, she was back in her room lying on the bed. She sat up and looked around, a figure emerged from the bathroom.

  "Your safe now Evahlia."

  He walked over to her and sat down on the edge of the bed, she gasped.

  "Commander Straken…how…what…"

  The side of his face was covered in burns, and he was no longer wearing a military uniform.

  "Not a pretty sight am I Evahlia, I have you to thank for that. I managed to escape before my ship exploded. Where else could I go to except here?"

  "But why did you bother to save me from that creep…"

  "Because you deserve better than being a whore, you can be incredibly naive for one so intelligent. I guess you led a very sheltered life on Iosera and now here you are, one of the dispossessed. A war hero surely deserves better don't you think?"

  Evahlia was struggling to think clearly.

  "So what do you have planned for me, we were on opposing sides…"

  "Indeed, but we have one thing in common, we're both Telepaths and neither of us deserves to be here. I have nothing planned for you, I didn't expect to find you here, it was quite a surprise when I saw your ship. So I followed you, and it's lucky that I did."

  "I suppose I should thank you for that."

  "That is the least you can do Evahlia, you have destroyed my life, my career, everything I have lies in ruins. But I do take a kind of sick pleasure in knowing your life is no better."

  "I suppose there is a bitter irony in that."

  "Now I must start making some plans for the future, and I suggest you do the same. I'll let you get some rest and return in the morning."

  "Commander…wait…it's not easy for me to ask, but could you stay here for tonight?"

  "I could consider staying on the couch on one condition…please stop using my military title, that no longer exists. I am Ari now."

  "Thank you Ari, despite us being enemies, it is comforting to be with another Telepath"

  "Then maybe we should stop thinking of ourselves as enemies…"

  "That is a big step for both of us to take, but I think we can work on it."

  Evahlia smiled at Ari as he stood up and walked over to the couch.


  On Iosera, Tarais was sat in his office when a call came through from Zareli.

  "Is Evahlia there?"


  "She's probably sleeping off the effects of the celebrations!"

  "It's no laughing matter Zareli, we don't celebrate such violent actions as Evahlia carried out."

  "My apologies Tarais, well if you can tell Evahlia I called…"

  "When I said she isn't here, I meant she is not on Iosera."

  "Then where is she?"

  "I have no idea, she was dispossessed by the Clan and told to leave Iosera. I can only assume she has gone to Kalocia as that is the only place that will accept the dispossessed."

  "Kalocia? Don't you have any concern for her welfare?"


  Tarais ended the communication abruptly leaving Zareli sitting in stunned silence, then he contacted Vysani.

  "Please tell me that Evahlia is with you?"

  "Sorry Zareli, she's not, why?"

  "Evahlia has been dispossessed by the LightStar Clan, Tarais assumes she has gone to Kalocia, I hoped she might have gone to you."

  "Even if she had, you know the rules concerning the dispossessed…"

  "You would have turned her away?"

  "I would have had no choice and I presume you would have done the same."

  "I guess you're right, to accept a dispossessed into another Clan only brings disgrace. But damn it, this is Evahlia we're talking about, she helped us to win the war. Surely she deserves better than Kalocia?"

  "I agree Zareli, but neither of us can do anything about it."

  "How can you say that Vysani after the personal training Evahlia gave you."

  "How do you know about that?"

  "I'm a bloody Telepath too unless you've forgotten."

  "Damn you Zareli, that was a very private moment between me and Evahlia, you had no right…"

  "Well at least you've admitted it, so what are we going to do to help Evahlia, at the very least we should check out Kalocia and make sure she's still alive."

  "I'd think as Telepaths we'd know if she wasn't Zareli. Well I was going to Kalocia to deal with a business matter, so I'll make some enquiries, discreetly. We have to respect Evahlia's privacy, she may not want to be found."

  "Just do what you have to do Vysani and let me know that she's safe."

  Zareli dropped the link and looked up at Dumarrak.

  "Would we have turned her away if she'd come to

  "Sadly yes, I think Pharran would have insisted on it, however much it hurts to say it."

  "Then I think it's time for a change of the rules regarding dispossessed. Surely if someone can prove themselves worthy to be adopted by another Clan, they should as least be given a chance?"

  "I agree, but it's Pharran you need to convince."

  "Then I shall go and talk to him immediately." Zareli headed out of the office.

  On Kalocia, Evahlia woke up to find Ari wasn't there. For a moment she started to panic, then the door opened and he walked into the room carrying several parcels.

  "Thought I'd find us something to eat, didn't think you'd be awake yet."

  He put the parcels down on the table and took out some bread and fruit.

  "Where did you find the fruit?"

  "The power of the mind can be very persuasive Evahlia…it had been shipped in for a special order. I couldn't think of anyone more special than you so…"

  "Someone is going to be really angry about their delivery going missing."

  "Does that bother you?"

  "Hell no, I'm as entitled to fresh fruit as much as they are."

  "You've changed Evahlia, do you realise how constrained you were by the moral principles of the LightStar Clan?"

  "I'm beginning to Ari."

  Evahlia got out of bed and picked up a piece of fruit.

  "This place needs sorting out."

  "Well I'm sure between us we can find some better accommodation."

  "I'm talking about Kalocia, Ari."

  Evahlia sat down.

  "Someone needs to make a stand for the dispossessed, give them a reason to live and a better place to live in. Get rid of all the dealers that prey on them, especially the ones who keep women as merchandise."

  "That's a pretty powerful statement Evahlia…"

  "Ari, we could establish our own Clan, we could bring order to this place. If people want to trade here, then they pay a percentage of their profit to us. That will go into a fund to create a new city, one that will be the envy of the whole galaxy…"

  "Just a moment Evahlia…you said we…"

  "Yes I did, are you not interested in working with me?"

  "Equal partners?"

  "Of course, you've got the discipline needed because of your military background and I've got the vision to make it succeed. Is it a deal?"

  "Yes, it's a deal and with both of us being Telepaths, it's going to be hard for anyone to cross us. So where do we begin?"

  "With more suitable accommodation, we aren't going to have much credibility here. I'll find someone to make us a suitable Clan outfit and…"

  "Evahlia, maybe we should start with a name for our Clan."

  "The GhostWraith Clan, because when you're dispossessed, you virtually become invisible, a ghost…how does that sound?"

  "Perfect, sounds sinister too, ideal for Telepaths."

  "Right, then let's get started. You find us a base to work from, I'll get some clothing organised and I'll make contact with as many dispossessed as I can in the process. Let them know there is hope."

  "I'll contact you telepathically when I find somewhere suitable Evahlia."

  She stood up to leave.

  "Thank you Ari for giving me a reason to live, I look forward to us working together."

  "Likewise Evahlia."

  As she walked down the street, Evahlia could feel the overwhelming sense of despair. She stopped outside a shop which appeared to be a general store and went inside. A young woman came out of a back room and walked over to Evahlia.

  "Can I help you?"

  "Do you make clothing?"

  "Well I can do, but there's not much call for it on Kalocia."

  "That is about to change, I need a Clan outfit designed, obviously it needs to withstand the weather here and I want it to be grey and black. Will that be a problem?"

  The woman looked at Evahlia curiously.

  "I don't understand, there is no Clan on Kalocia, we are all dispossessed."

  "Not for much longer, I am Evahlia once an Elder of the LightStar Clan. With my partner we are going to create a new Clan purely for the dispossessed, to give them hope and a new direction in life. Do you think it is a good idea?"

  "In my opinion, it can't happen soon enough. I have heard of the LightStar Clan and the Vaults, would you mind me asking how you came to be dispossessed?"

  "I fought in the final battle."

  "Oh, you're the Telepath, I can't believe it, it is an honour to meet you Evahlia. We've all heard rumours about CyberTelepaths taking on the military, is it true?"

  "Yes, Zareli and Dumarrak of the IceWarrior Clan, and Vysani of the NightStorm Clan are CyberTelepaths."

  "And you're a natural?"

  "Yes, is that a problem?"

  "Not at all, I never expected you'd become one of us, being a war hero and all that, there are many dispossessed that would like to meet you. What are you calling your Clan?"

  "The GhostWraith Clan."

  "That is very appropriate and I have an idea for the Clan outfit. I'll get started on it straight away."

  The woman turned to walk away.

  "Wait, I don't know your name?"

  "I am Tiarni, a dispossessed from the PhoenixStar Clan, my crime was to refuse to marry their leader. He was twenty years my senior and only wanted me for the status. I can be a bit stubborn at times, I never realised he'd go as far as dispossessing me."

  "It is a pleasure meeting you Tiarni, and like me, you won't be dispossessed for much longer."

  "Do you wish me to keep it a secret?"

  "Not at all, let all the dispossessed hear there is hope."

  "I'm not sure how some of the dealers will react."

  "Don't worry about them, nothing is going to stand in the way of our future."

  Evahlia smiled as she left the shop.

  Stepping out into the street, Evahlia sensed a message from Ari, telling him she was on her way she walked down the street, eventually stopping outside a large building then heading inside where Ari was waiting for her.

  "If you approve, this is our base, let me show you around. On the ground floor there is this large room, with two smaller rooms at the back."

  Evahlia followed Ari upstairs as he continued showing her the layout.

  "There are three bedrooms and a bathroom, it needs a bit of an overhaul, but what do you think?"

  "It seems ideal, the large room downstairs can be the reception area, then we have an office each. Is the rent expensive?"

  "Well subject to your approval, we can buy it quite cheaply, I think it's advisable we start making a claim on land ownership don't you?"

  "Indeed, but how are we going to pay for it?"

  "I had a feeling the end of military rule was approaching, so I took steps to make sure I was financially secure. I've got more than enough funds to buy this place. And although I will solely be paying for it, I shall buy it in joint names, as you are my partner that is only fair."

  "Then buy it, it's ideally situated, close to the main landing zone. We're going to need a lot of equipment…I think the realisation of the task in front of us has just hit me."

  "Evahlia, I'll deal with the equipment and the general day to day running of the business, you deal with gathering the dispossessed together and collecting trader fees. I'm sure we can work things out as we go along. Did you sort the clothing out?"

  "Yes, the lady I spoke to was very excited about what we're planning to do. I think the word will be getting around very quickly."

  "Then I'd better make a start in getting this place in order. I've already located a few suppliers, for now I'm going to avoid contacting the IceWarrior and NightStorm Clans for obvious reasons."

  "They won't be exempt from paying us a share of their profits though, I'll take great pleasure in collecting from them."

  "Evahlia, you are getting quite ruthless, it has a certain appeal…"

  She laughed.

  "We are the G
hostWraith Clan, we have a right to be ruthless."

  Ari put his hand around Evahlia's shoulders.

  "We never clarified whether we're just working partners or…"

  "I think we'll focus on getting the Clan established first…but make sure a bed is top of your list when picking up supplies."

  Ari took Evahlia's hand and kissed it gently.

  "Thank you Evahlia. I'd better get going before I lose the will to do anything."

  Once Ari had left the building, Evahlia had a good look around. Everything on Kalocia was very primitive, and this building was no exception. She remembered what the ghetto communities had been like on Earth that some of the Clans had lived in. They'd journeyed all this way out into the stars, yet couldn't escape their basic instinct.

  Sensing someone entering the building, Evahlia went through to the reception area and saw Vysani stood in the doorway.

  "What is going on Evahlia, what are you doing here?"

  "Creating a new future for myself and Kalocia, what else do you expect me to do, whore myself in the bars?"

  "You can't afford a place like this surely?"

  "I can with my partner."


  "That will be me."

  Vysani turned round, Ari walked straight past him carrying several boxes and put them down.

  "Commander Straken?"

  Evahlia walked over to Ari, he slipped his arm around her waist.

  "I'm not military any more Vysani, you did a good job of destroying all that. I'm just Ari Straken now."

  "Evahlia I can't believe you two are working together."

  "Why not, I'm dispossessed Vysani, none of you were willing to break your rules and help me."

  "You never asked Evahlia."

  "I didn't need to, I wasn't going to coming begging to you only to be turned away. No, this is our home now."

  "So what are your big plans for Kalocia?"

  "To give the dispossessed a sense of identity and respect."

  "You're establishing your own Clan aren't you?"

  "Indeed, the GhostWraith Clan."

  "That seems very appropriate, and once the Clan is established, do I assume you'll take over control of Kalocia?"

  "It will be ruled by the Clan, yes."


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