After the Earth Wars

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After the Earth Wars Page 7

by Shana Rae

  "Excellent idea, they have no defence system…and once we have access to the Vaults, I might even be able to retrieve the data about creating CyberTelepaths. The Clans have to understand that the military never lose."


  As Zareli approached Kalocia, he sensed something was wrong. He took his fighter into land and quickly disembarked.

  When he got to Evahlia's home, he found her lying on the floor unconscious. He knelt down beside her and saw dried blood down the side of her face. Telepathically he sent a message to Vysani as he sat down and cradled Evahlia's head in his lap.

  It wasn't long before Vysani arrived, Zareli looked up at him.

  "I can barely sense her thoughts Vysani."

  Vysani looked at the blood on Evahlia's face.

  "It appears Ari has tried to wipe her mind completely, she needs urgent medical treatment, I don't think the doctors here are up to it and I would prefer to keep quiet about this. I'll take her to Del'ghao, damn the rules about the dispossessed, this is an emergency. Are you coming with me Zareli?"

  "Yes, I'll follow in my fighter."

  Vysani gently picked Evahlia up and carried her out of the building. He walked across the landing zone to his cruiser.

  "I'll see you on Del'ghao Vysani." Zareli called out as he ran to his fighter.

  Vysani carried Evahlia aboard his cruiser and gently placed her in the seat next to him. Then he gave his crew the order to launch.

  "Get us to Del'ghao, maximum speed."

  Once the cruiser had landed on Del'ghao, Vysani picked up Evahlia and disembarked to find Zareli waiting.

  "I sent a message to the medical team to stand by, follow me Zareli."

  Vysani walked across to a small building and went inside. He took Evahlia through to a small room where the doctor was waiting. He laid Evahlia down on the bed.

  "Do you know how long she's been unconscious Vysani?"

  "At least several hours."

  The doctor looked at the dried blood down the side of Evahlia's face.

  "She's a Telepath isn't she?"

  "Yes, but a natural, no implant."

  "Well all I can do is stabilise her and perform a brain scan to see if there's any physical damage, but my guess is that you're the only one that can repair what has been done to her mind. Which by the blood, appears to be quite substantial."

  "Corin, I know you're not happy about treating a dispossessed, but this is Evahlia, without her we wouldn't have won the war. So do the best you can, or you'll answer to me."

  "Understood, now if you'll both leave the room…"

  Vysani followed Zareli out of the room.

  "It's time the rules about the dispossessed were changed Zareli, did you talk to Pharran?"

  "Yes, he advised that all Clan leaders meet to discuss it, but I know they'll never agree."

  "Then I think it's time I made a stand."

  Vysani went through to the next room and sat down at a terminal. Zareli watched from the doorway as Vysani accessed an open channel.

  "I'm going to broadcast this to all Clans simultaneously...this is Vysani of the NightStorm Clan. You are all aware of Evahlia's role in our recent victory over the military. As a result of her actions, she was dispossessed by her Clan. She is now in urgent need of medical attention and I have bought her to Del'ghao for treatment. I realise that this could bring disgrace on my Clan, but I am saying it is now time to change the rules. If someone who is dispossessed can prove their honesty and integrity and can become a useful member of another Clan, then I say we give them a second chance. I await to hear your responses."

  Vysani turned round to face Zareli.

  "I think that told them, now let's wait and see what happens."

  A call came through almost immediately.

  "And no surprise, your father is first…greetings Pharran…"

  "That was quite a statement you made Vysani, take this as formal notice that you have the backing of the IceWarrior Clan. Does Zareli looked suitably shocked?"

  Vysani looked at Zareli and laughed.

  "Only mildly surprised!"

  "Well I shall be contacting the other Clans and informing them of our decision. You'll get the backing you need Vysani, go ahead and make a formal announcement to your Clan."

  "Thank you Pharran, as always, your support is greatly appreciated."

  Vysani quickly prepared a brief statement and put it out on the Clan's network.

  "Now I'd better inform Corin."

  "Of what?"

  Vysani turned round as Corin entered the room.

  "I've just made a declaration that we will accept the dispossessed into our Clan. Not everyone, there will be strict criteria, but I have the backing of all the Clans. Now do you have a problem treating Evahlia?"

  "No Vysani, and Evahlia is slowly regaining consciousness."

  Vysani and Zareli, went through to the next room and sat by the side of the bed. Evahlia slowly opened her eyes.


  "You're safe Evahlia, you're on Del'ghao."

  Vysani looked up at Corin.

  "There is no physical sign of brain damage, but she is traumatised."

  Vysani took hold of Evahlia's hand.

  "I'm going to scan your mind Evahlia…with your permission…"

  "Don't know you…why?"

  "I am Vysani…and this is Zareli…do you remember anything?"

  "Where is my grandfather?"

  Zareli swore under his breath.

  "What has that bastard done to her, I will kill him for this."

  "We'll take it in turns Zareli, now should I go in and try to heal her mind?"

  "Go ahead."

  Recalling how they'd meditated together, Vysani linked to Evahlia's mind. He was at a loss as to what to do, instinctively he released waves of energy through her mind. As he closed his eyes, in his mind he saw Evahlia standing in front of him. He reached out to her, but she pulled away.

  "I won't hurt you Evahlia."

  Slowly she walked towards him.


  "Yes, remember Evahlia."

  He took her in his arms and held her tightly as a white light surrounded them. Evahlia looked up at him.

  "You heal me."

  "I hope so."

  Evahlia slowly drifted away, Vysani opened his eyes.


  "Yes Evahlia, we are here."

  She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Vysani leaned back in his chair. Zareli put a hand on his shoulder.

  "I don't know what you did, but I felt the energy, let's hope it works."

  "I think it will. Do you mind if I stay with Evahlia while you find that bastard Ari?"

  "Not at all, I don't think my telepathy is subtle enough to heal, especially as right now I'm in the mood to kill."

  "I know I don't need to tell you to be careful, but you've seen what he's done to Evahlia and she's far more skilled than we are. So any problem, just shoot him somewhere strategic and bring him here. We'll finish him off between us."

  "I wouldn't want you to miss your share of the fun Vysani, I'll ask Dumarrak to join me, that way we can look out for each other."

  Zareli left the room as Corin sat down next to Vysani.

  "I never really got a chance to have a look at the implant you had fitted, but I've got a good idea how it works. If you can't stabilise Evahlia's thoughts, you might have to consider fitting one…"

  "That might be the only option, I've been in Evahlia's mind before, and what I saw earlier scared me. She's almost like a child inside there. I don't think she'd want to live like that, but to fit an implant without her agreement, that will be a big decision to make."

  "I have to say Vysani it's quite surreal seeing this side of you."

  "Don't assume my nature has changed Corin, any time you want a demonstration of what I'm capable of, just ask."

  "I meant no offence Vysani."

  "Then I suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself, what I am doing for
Evahlia is out of respect for her part in the war. It is not to be misinterpreted as a softening of my thoughts. Once she has recovered, and if she accepts being a member of the NightStorm Clan, then she will have to prove herself worthy."

  "You're not going to expect her to participate in Shi-kelryn?"

  "That is the way of our Clan, all of us have come through it, though not all alive."

  "I appreciate that, but Evahlia hasn't been raised by the Clan, to suddenly expect her to go through Shi-kelryn…"

  "Then she can't expect to be accepted as part of our Clan, there is no other way. Now leave Corin, you're beginning to tire me with your constant questions."

  "My apologies Vysani." Corin hurriedly left the room.


  He turned to Evahlia.

  "I'm here."

  "What happened?"

  "How much do you remember?"

  "I remember Tarais calling a meeting to discuss some information Commander Straken wanted. How did I get here?"

  "It's a long story Evahlia, but at least some of your memories are coming back."

  "I can't hear Vysani…I feel deaf in my mind."

  "Do you mean you haven't got your telepathic instinct?"

  "Yes, I think that's what it is, I can't live without being able to hear."

  "We were talking about giving you an implant, like myself, Zareli and Dumarrak had, but I suppose you don't remember that?"


  "Yes, you helped us to become CyberTelepaths, it's a small device attached to the back of our necks. If it's the only way to give you back your telepathy, would you consider having one fitted?"

  "Yes, I hate being deaf."

  "Well if you'll be all right for a while, I'll go and contact Dumarrak."

  "Thank you Vysani."

  Vysani went through to the room next door and accessed a secure connection.

  "Dumarrak, how are you and Zareli doing with your search?"

  "Bad news I'm afraid, we were about to contact you. The military have taken control of Iosera."


  "Ari and Gabriel and some troops."

  "Shit, that means they might find the file to create CyberTelepaths. Well there's nothing the two of you can do, we need to organise an attack. But there is something else urgent I need your help with. Evahlia needs an implant."


  "Because she seems to have lost her telepathic ability, her memories are slowly coming back, but I think an implant will help her mind to heal. She's in agreement, though she can't remember anything about an implant."

  "Right, well I'll head back to Aquagius, I'll tell Zareli to join you on Del'ghao and I'll be with you shortly. And I think it might be advisable not to tell Evahlia about Iosera for now."

  "Agreed." Vysani dropped the link and returned to Evahlia.

  "All arranged, Dumarrak is going to sort out an implant for you, though none of us have fitted one before…"

  "Let your instinct guide you Vysani, I trust you."

  Vysani sat down next to the bed.

  "Well I think it will be safer if I do it rather than Zareli or Dumarrak. You probably don't remember me telling you that I practice meditation as part of my warrior training. We once shared a very special moment Evahlia…"

  "I wish I could remember it Vysani, maybe once I've had the implant fitted, we could share one again."

  "We'll see, a lot has happened since then, once your memories return, you may see things differently."

  Vysani sensed Zareli coming in to land.

  "Now you get some rest while we wait for Dumarrak, I've got some business to attend to."

  As Vysani stood up to leave, he leaned over and gently kissed Evahlia, then left the room.

  Vysani met Zareli as he was on the way in.

  "How is Evahlia?"

  "She's resting now, come in here, we've got a lot to discuss."

  Zareli followed him into the room, they both sat down.

  "How bad is it on Iosera?"

  "I think it was a relatively peaceful invasion, the LightStar Clan are not ones to put up much of a fight. You haven't told Evahlia have you?"

  "Of course not, the last thing she remembers is when Commander Straken requested the data. We need to wait until the implant has been fitted and all her memories return before telling her about Iosera."

  "It's going to be a lot for her to deal with all at once, I just hope her memories come back in stages."

  "Would you mind sitting with her for a while, since my declaration about accepting the dispossessed, my Clan have been unsettled, some of them need calming down."

  Zareli grinned, he understood what Vysani was implying.

  "Of course."

  Zareli went through to join Evahlia as Vysani left the building.

  Sitting by the side of the bed, Zareli gently stroked Evahlia's hair. He regretted the arguments they'd had in the past, it was the only way to mask what he really felt for Evahlia. And now it looked like he'd lose her to Vysani if she chose to join the NightStorm Clan.

  Lost in his thoughts, Zareli didn't hear Vysani enter the room.

  "You shouldn't let your guard down Zareli."

  "Just lost in thought Vysani…sorted out your problem?"

  "Yes, I've ordered two members to undertake Shi-kelryn from the beginning."

  "That is obligatory for all your Clan isn't it?"

  "Yes, and before you ask, if Evahlia wishes to become a member of my Clan, she too will have to go through the ritual."

  "Vysani, Shi-kelryn can be lethal, not everybody makes it through alive."

  "I am aware of that, but those are our rules, please don't start arguing with me about it, I had enough of Corin trying that tack."

  "Maybe I should offer her the alternative of joining the IceWarrior Clan…"

  "I'm not going to get in a fight with you over Evahlia, if you want to make an offer, then go ahead. I'll abide by her decision."

  Both of them stared at each other as they sensed Dumarrak coming into land.

  "He can't have created another implant already...?"

  Dumarrak came running into the room.

  "Yes I can, I actually created four, just in case there was a problem with one of them. So who's going to fit it?"

  Vysani stepped forward.

  "I am."

  Dumarrak handed the implant to Vysani.

  "You two stand by in case of any problems."

  He sat down on the edge of the bed and gently shook Evahlia.

  "We have the implant Evahlia, if you're ready?"

  Helped by Vysani, she slowly sat up.

  "Will it be painful?"

  "I won't lie to you, yes it is painful when it first attaches itself…"

  Vysani showed Evahlia the implant.

  "It's organic?"

  "Yes, it totally becomes a part of you, gradually becoming covered by your skin…"

  "I'm ready Vysani, go ahead."

  Evahlia turned round, Vysani put his hand on the back of her neck, there was one area where he sensed the energy was stronger. He carefully placed the implant against Evahlia's skin. As the implant started to attach itself, Evahlia screamed and grabbed hold of Vysani's hand.

  "The pain will pass Evahlia, just relax…"

  Slowly she stopped screaming.

  "I can hear…"

  Evahlia turned round to face Vysani and put her hand on his face.

  "Thank you."

  She looked up at Zareli and Dumarrak.

  "And both of you too…I am beginning to feel myself again…"

  They all knew that Evahlia's memories were starting to return.

  "Would you prefer that we left you alone for a while?"

  "No Vysani, I need you here, all of you, you're helping me to balance…"

  Zareli and Dumarrak sat down by the side of the bed.

  "Ari Straken did this to me, where is he?"

  Vysani glanced at Zareli and Dumarrak.

  "What are you holding ba
ck from me, I want to know."

  Vysani held on to Evahlia's hand.

  "We thought it best to wait until you'd fully recovered."

  "Spare me the niceties Vysani and give me the truth."

  "Ari, Gabriel and several troops have invaded Iosera."

  "The bastard will pay for this, have you organised an attack force?"

  "We've only just found out Evahlia and…"

  "You did nothing because you were all concerned about me, very touching, thank you, but saving Iosera is more important than saving me. I suggest you get your priorities in order."

  "Evahlia, calm down, you've only just had the implant fitted and right now, you're not thinking clearly."

  "I'm thinking clearer than I have ever done Vysani, I may have been dispossessed, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to save Iosera. Especially as the data for the CyberTelepaths is still there. Now have I got to go in alone and deal with the military?"

  Vysani, Zareli and Dumarrak were shocked by the change in Evahlia, they didn't know how to respond.

  "I can see I'm going to have to do all the planning myself. Vysani, how many of your Clan do we need to deal with the military on Iosera?"

  "Are you talking about a stealth mission?"

  "At last, you're thinking straight Vysani. Of course I am, we can't use force because that will involved too many casualties. If the four of us, and some of your Clan go in under cover of darkness…"

  Vysani stood up.

  "I know exactly what you're planning Evahlia, it's perfect, I'll go and make arrangements."

  As Vysani left the room, Evahlia turned to Zareli and Dumarrak.

  "Have you two got a problem?"

  "You've changed Evahlia, it just takes some getting used to."

  "Aren't I docile enough for you Zareli, did you prefer it when you could impose your strength on me?"

  "Don't push me Evahlia…"

  She laughed as she got out of bed and stood facing Zareli.

  "Just try it."

  Dumarrak stepped between them.

  "That is enough, both of you, just stop it now."

  Vysani came back into the room carrying a bundle of clothes.

  "Having problems?"

  Evahlia walked over to him.


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