After the Earth Wars

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After the Earth Wars Page 9

by Shana Rae

  "I know that a few of them have worked on projects here on Kalocia, I'll have a talk with them."

  "We've got more than enough materials here, so once I know where we're going to site your community, I'll be in touch to make arrangements for transport for the builders."

  "I look forward to hearing from you Evahlia, and thank you for giving us hope."

  Evahlia ended the call and was just about to contact Vysani when Brykesi appeared in the doorway.

  "I thought you might like to know that I've found an ideal area. On the edge of the fields, beyond the woods, there's a vast open area, we've never been able to cultivate it, so it seems ideal for what we need. If you're in agreement, I'll get the land prepared."

  "Yes, I know the area you mean, that will be ideal. If you can draw up a plan and divide the plots…"

  "I've already started, do you realise how excited everyone is about this plan. I've got a waiting list of people who want to help, at the moment I can't find enough for them to do."

  "Well I've just spoken to Tiarni, she is going to be officially in charge of the community, some of the dispossessed she knows have done building work on Kalocia. Can you contact her and discuss your plans and…"


  "Yes, she is a wonderful person I met on Kalocia. After I left, she started gathering together some of the dispossessed. If you could liaise with her…"

  "May I use the office next door?"

  "Of course, as the senior Elder that is your entitlement."

  "Then please excuse me, I'm going to contact Tiarni."

  "Just a moment Brykesi, can you also arrange the funeral plans for Tarais. I don't think his actions warrant a full ceremonial funeral, probably just the Elders…"

  "I'll deal with it as soon as I've spoken to Tiarni."

  Evahlia smiled to herself as Brykesi left the room, then accessed a secure line and contacted Vysani.

  "Evahlia, I got your message when you were outside the Meeting Hall, so what was the verdict?"

  "I'm now leader of the LightStar Clan."

  "Congratulations, I'm glad they finally saw sense."

  "It's something I should have done years ago, I hadn't realised that Tarais was withholding information from the Clan. All they knew was that I'd been kidnapped, then got involved in the war. He deliberately painted a bad picture of me. But that is in the past now and the Clan must move forward. I have a plan that we're putting into operation. We're creating a community for some of the dispossessed and reputable traders from Kalocia."

  "Are all your Clan in agreement?"

  "Absolutely, you should feel the excitement here, I've never known anything like it. And unlike Tarais, I intend to file regular reports on the network."

  "And what about the Vaults?"

  "I checked to see if Ari had managed to access that document, he'd had a good attempt, but my security lock is still intact."

  "Well that wasn't what I was referring to, but now you've bought the matter up, it might be an idea to destroy the document."

  "I agree, so what about the Vaults?"

  "All that information could be made available in hard copy or on disk, the history you have there…"

  "Books, we could publish books. Vysani, you are a genius that is an excellent idea!"

  "Now who's getting excited, it seems your implant has finally settled down."

  "I have never felt as good as this Vysani, I draw strength from my Clan, I can feel their enthusiasm, their vitality…"

  "I can feel it from here, you're broadcasting loud and clear!"

  "There is one small favour I would like to ask of you Vysani. Once we've got the community established, we'll obviously need to let everyone know that we're open for business, so…"

  "Leave it to me Evahlia, I'll make sure you have so many visitors you'll need an extension built on Iosera."

  "Well just a few to start with would be nice, thank you Vysani."

  "One other thing you might like to consider Evahlia is a defence system and security procedures for the new community. You don't want ships coming and going without some sort of control."

  "Well we already have satellites in orbit for communications, so it shouldn't be hard to modify them. And I'll ask Brykesi to incorporate a security system into the community."

  "Contact Dumarrak, what he doesn't know about defence and security isn't worth knowing."

  "I will, and thank you for the idea about the Vaults."

  "I look forward to visiting the community once it's established, is it going to have it's own name?"

  "Well it would make more sense than keep calling it the community. You have so many good ideas Vysani, I don't suppose you've ever considered joining another Clan?"

  Vysani laughed.

  "Then I'd have to fight you for leadership and I really don't think the LightStar Clan could handle me!"

  "Well if you have any more thoughts, let me know, and thank you again Vysani."

  "I'm always here for you Evahlia, take care and good luck."

  Vysani ended the communication.

  "I thought you might need some refreshment Evahlia."

  She looked up to see Keicis stood in the doorway.

  "Thank you, please come in."

  Keicis put the tray on the desk.

  "The harvest this year will exceed all our expectations, we may be able to sell some of our produce once the community is established."

  "Another excellent idea, everyone seems to be having them this morning!"

  Evahlia smiled at Keicis.

  "I was just speaking to Vysani, he suggested that we publish some of the data we have in the Vaults."

  "If I may speak openly?"

  "Keicis, as a member of our Clan, you don't need to ask permission."

  "Force of habit, Tarais was very strict about such matters."

  "Really? I must have been so blind not to see what was going on. Well you make sure all the Clan know that any of them can come to me, without requesting permission and ask whatever questions they may have."

  "Now you see why we wanted you to be our leader in the first place."

  "Indeed, well I'm in charge now and things are going to be a lot different. Now you wanted to say something about the Vaults?"

  "Yes, are you thinking of publishing books?"

  "That is one option, we could make information available either as a hard copy, or on data disk. Is there anyone in the Clan who knows how to make books?"

  "Not that I can think of, maybe someone who is coming from Kalocia might have the knowledge, it is something that hasn't been practised for a long time."

  "True, I'll have to make some enquiries."

  "Then I shall leave you to your work Evahlia, and I shall let the Clan know about the change in rules."

  "I'll be issuing a report soon, so I'll clarify the situation as well. Thank you for the drink Keicis."

  He nodded and smiled as he left the room.

  Evahlia turned to her terminal and contacted Aquagius.

  "I need your intelligence Dumarrak."

  "Evahlia, you disappoint me, only my intelligence?"

  Evahlia laughed.

  "I think you'd have to fight Zareli for anything else!"

  "All right, so how much of my intelligence do you require?"

  "Enough to create a defence system for Iosera and a security system for our new community."

  "New community?"

  Evahlia explained her plans to bring reputable traders and some of the dispossessed to Iosera.

  "Very impressive, and you've been leader for how long?"

  "Not long enough from what I've been hearing about Tarais. So can you create the systems for us?"

  "There'll be a price to pay..."

  "I expected that, how much?"

  "Well we get regular food supplies from several of the Clans, but I have heard about the food you produce on Iosera. Now if you could provide one shipment for our Clan, then we have a deal."

  "That won't be a pro
blem, so when can you start?"

  "I'll come to Iosera immediately to assess what is required, then get my crew to bring in the supplies I need. You'll have an operational defence system within a few days. I can do the plans for the community, but until you start building work, there's little else I can do."

  "Well Brykesi is drawing up plans, so if you could liaise with him…"

  "Of course, I'll be with you shortly…if Zareli insists on coming with me, you two won't start fighting will you?"

  "Can't you sense the change in me Dumarrak?"

  "Yes I can, it's quite incredible and I'm sure once Zareli senses it, there won't be any fighting between you two…"

  "Stop your thoughts right there Dumarrak, let's see if Zareli and I can be friends first!"

  "I'll tell him to prepare for the unexpected."

  Before Evahlia could reply, Dumarrak dropped the link.

  Evahlia started to compile a report detailing everything that was being arranged. She also asked for suggestions for names for the new community, feeling it best to involve all the Clan in major decisions. When she'd completed the report, she made it available on the network. Evahlia finished her drink, then left her office and went through to see Brykesi.

  "I've just filed my first report, did you contact Tiarni?"

  "Yes I did."

  "Brykesi, unless I'm mistaken, you're blushing!"

  "No I'm not, it's just that…she is a lovely lady."

  "I suspect that you two were discussing more than just business."

  "Evahlia, please…"

  "All right, I'll change the subject. Dumarrak is on his way to arrange for us to have a defence system installed. And I've asked him to liaise with you about creating a security system for the community, will that be a problem?"

  "Not at all, I had been wondering how we were going to control all the traffic. I am also considering having an office in the community so I can be on hand to deal with any issues that might arise."

  "Excellent idea, and I'm sure Tiarni will appreciate you being there."

  "You have uncovered my ulterior motive!"

  They both laughed.

  "Everything feels so different Evahlia now Tarais has gone, I don't wish to speak ill of him but…"

  "I think the whole Clan echo your sentiments, I was talking to Keicis earlier. I was shocked that he asked my permission to speak openly. I made it quite clear in the report that no one in our Clan has to request permission to speak to me."

  "The Elders will appreciate that, we had to listen to so many Clan members with questions that we couldn't answer, without permission from Tarais. I know I speak for everyone when I say that we view your leadership as a blessing."

  "Thank you Brykesi, now I must go and see Keicis and make arrangements for a shipment of produce to be sent to Aquagius in payment for our new defence and security system."

  "Is that all they asked for?"

  "Yes, I thought it was a fair deal."

  "Indeed it is, well I shall read your report, it will save you having to detail everything."

  "Oh, and you'll find a suggestion in there that may necessitate you having to speak to Tiarni again, if that's not too much trouble."


  "All right, I'm leaving!"

  Evahlia left the office and walked across to the refectory. Keicis was busy arranging lunch.

  "Keicis, can I have a word?"

  "Of course."

  "The surplus food you mentioned from this years harvest, can you arrange a shipment for Aquagius. It's payment for our new defence and security system they're installing."

  "Well we don't have our own transport, but if they can collect, I'll make preparations."

  "I'll get Zareli to talk to you about the arrangements, if that is acceptable?"

  "Oh…I've never done anything like that before…"

  "Well we all have our part to play now, you have as much right to deal with important issues as anyone, but if you're not comfortable speaking to Zareli…"

  "It's not a problem Evahlia, just a bit of a surprise that's all. I won't let you down, or the Clan."

  "I know Keicis."

  Evahlia put her hand on his arm to reassure him, Keicis smiled at her.

  "Thank you Evahlia."

  Evahlia left the refectory and returned to her office. As she sat down at the desk, she saw several messages were waiting for her. Opening the first one, she saw it was a suggestion for a name for the new community. Reading the rest of the messages, she gasped with surprise, they had all suggested Glevyn, the name of her grandfather.

  "You look like you've had a bit of a shock."

  Brykesi entered the office.

  "The name suggestions for the new community are all the same, Glevyn."

  "Then that is what we shall call it, though the final decision is yours."

  "Who am I to go against the wishes of my Clan, make an official announcement Brykesi, the new community is to be known as Glevyn, I think my grandfather would be very proud."

  "Indeed, it is only right we honour his name, none of this would have been possible without him."

  "I have quite a lot to live up to don't I?"

  "Personally Evahlia, I think you've already exceeded his expectations. Now regarding other matters, I spoke to Tiarni and she's knows one of the dispossessed is an author who used to publish his own works. She is going to speak to him, but she is sure that he'll be able to arrange for some of our knowledge to be published."

  "That is good news, when he arrives, I'll discuss the plans with him. Now unless my telepathy is deceiving me, Dumarrak is just entering orbit. It will be much easier when we have a defence system!"

  Evahlia laughed as she stood up to leave.

  "Was there anything else you wanted to discuss with me Brykesi?"

  "I've arranged for a simple funeral for Tarais, to be honest, none of us are too keen to attend, I know that sounds disrespectful…"

  Evahlia put a hand on his shoulder.

  "Then just quietly bury him, any of the Elders of the Clan who wish to pay their respects can do so."

  Leaving the office, Evahlia stood and watched as Dumarrak's fighter came into land. As he and Zareli disembarked, she walked over to them. Evahlia hesitated for a moment, then embraced Dumarrak before turning to Zareli.


  Zareli took Evahlia in his arms and held her tightly.

  "Definitely friends, I sense you've gone through quite a change Evahlia."

  "It comes with leadership."

  Zareli let her go.

  "It suits you, may I suggest you remain in control of the LightStar Clan."

  "I fully intend to Zareli!"

  They both laughed.

  "I don't know what's worse, you two fighting each other or being nice, but I would like to get on with some work."

  Evahlia turned to Dumarrak.

  "I'll take you to Brykesi, he's laying out the plans for Glevyn."

  "Is that what you're calling your new community?"

  "Yes, it was suggested by several of the Clan in honour of my grandfather."

  Dumarrak and Zareli followed Evahlia to Brykesi's office.

  "Dumarrak I shall leave you and Brykesi to discuss the arrangements for the systems, while I take Zareli to meet Keicis to discuss the shipment, if that's all right with you?"

  "Absolutely fine Evahlia, I'll see you later."

  As they walked across to the refectory, Zareli put his arm around Evahlia's shoulders.

  "I can sense the excitement Evahlia, it appears to be having quite a calming effect on me."

  "Be careful Zareli, I might get to like it."

  The refectory was relatively quiet, some of the Clan glanced at Evahlia as she walked over to where Keicis was seated. He looked up.

  "Zareli, this is Keicis, he'll be organising the produce for the shipment."

  Zareli sat down next to Keicis.

  "I'm really not as terrifying as people say I am."

is half-smiled at Zareli.

  "When will the produce be ready?"

  "We start gathering it in tomorrow, it will take us a day to prepare the shipment."

  "So if I have a ship here tomorrow, then you can load it up as and when you're ready?"

  "That would make it easier, we have nowhere to store it. As I finish packing a crate, we can put it straight on to the transport."

  "Excellent, thank you Keicis."

  Zareli stood up and followed Evahlia out of the refectory.

  "Would you like to see the area where we're going to establish Glevyn?"

  "Yes, I haven't actually seen much of Iosera, not used to being top side, as our base is underground."

  "I don't know how you can live like that."

  "I'm beginning to wonder too."

  "You're thinking of leaving Aquagius?"

  "Pharran has been taking less of an active role in running our Clan of late. So far he's left it to me and Dumarrak to sort out amongst ourselves who's responsible for what. But slowly, Dumarrak is taking over more of the day to day running of the Clan and dealing with business. Take today as an example, I've got nothing better to do than tag along with Dumarrak while he does his work…"

  Evahlia could sense Zareli's frustration.

  "I might have a solution. Once we start establishing Glevyn, I'm going to need someone I can trust to handle security…"

  "You don't need to say any more Evahlia, I know what the job entails and the answer is yes."

  "But don't you want some time to think about it, to discuss it with Dumarrak and Pharran?"

  "No, I've made my decision, when I contact Aquagius later to tell them to send a transporter, I'll return with it. I'll pick up my fighter and come straight back. I'm sure I can find plenty to do until Glevyn is established. All I ask in return is somewhere to sleep and some food, whatever work you've got, I'll take it."

  Evahlia stopped and turned to face Zareli.

  "I'm having a hard time understanding this, you're one of the leaders of the IceWarrior Clan and yet you're prepared to give it all up to move here. You know there'll be no fighting, no warrior training, we're essentially an agrarian society. Are you sure you won't get bored after a while?"


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