Deny the Moon

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Deny the Moon Page 6

by Melissa A. Graham



  The wolf watched from the trees as the two men dragged the boy from his hotel room and dumped his naked ass onto the gravel lot. Essex certainly wasn’t trying to keep a low profile. How many people were sitting in their rooms, watching the display from their windows? It was sloppy. Stupid.

  It was everything Frank Essex was.


  The animal didn’t so much as move until the men rode away on their barbaric machines and disappeared from sight. He could have procured the girl right then. It would have been effortless. Essex had left her alone with a bunch of females and betas, none of which were any threat to him. Hell, he could have run down there, tore his pack of outlaws apart, and been halfway home with the package in tow before the bastard even came back.

  Yet he didn’t. He knew if he disobeyed his orders, he would be made an example of and some other wolf would be given his role in what was to come. He couldn’t have that. He’d earned his place with blood and loyalty. Why throw it all away now to get to Essex?

  Even if the thought of him finding his pitiful pack completely ravaged brought Harlow promises of sweet satisfaction.

  He fought past the reluctance that threatened to push him forward and turned back towards the woods. Not now. But soon.

  As the tawny wolf padded back to the small clearing and the awaiting BMW, he heard Rizzaro’s voice cut through the nocturnal music of the woods. He slowed, lingering just inside the shadows of the trees to listen.

  "Yeah, we got in about an hour ago," Rizzaro spoke into the phone with a raspy voice.

  The voice on the other end, however, had nothing raspy about it. Harlow could hear the clear and articulate confidence easily from where he waited.

  "Excellent. Did you have much trouble finding them?" the man asked.

  "No, sir. They don't really seem to be putting much thought into it. We just followed the stink of exhaust and beer," Rizzaro said with a chuckle.

  Green eyes, the color of fresh cut grass, stared out of the window of the Beemer, waiting. Just on the other side of these woods was, yet another, run down motel they’d followed the bikers to. They'd driven past it and saw the bikes grouped out front that suggested this could be the right place. The collective smell of pack strengthened their suspicions.

  "He's stupid. Or arrogant, if he thinks we couldn't find them here," Rizzaro added.

  "Or he just does not care. Never underestimate a man like Mr. Essex, Rizzaro," the voice over the phone suggested. "There is a reason I chose him."

  The wolf’s lips curled at that.

  The line went dead and Rizzaro slid the phone back in his pocket. People like him did not warrant the pleasantries of polite farewells. He was hired muscle. Nothing more. So, he would sit there on that quiet little road and wait for Harlow to come back with confirmation that Frank and his baggage were, indeed, in that motel.

  Frank had been sent to get the girl. Now Harlow was being sent to watch the both of them. It was an insult that didn’t sit well with him. He was built for better things than babysitting duty.

  The man pulled out a pack of Newports and slid one between his lips, gearing up to smoke, before stepping out of the car and slamming the door behind him. The wolf raised its snout to the air, scented the filmy smoke snaking its way from Rizzaro, and gave a wild sneeze.

  "Good news?" Rizzaro said to the animal before coolly sliding his cigarette back into his mouth.

  Silvery-blue wolf eyes locked onto Rizzaro as it reached its fourth step, large paws melting away into pink flesh. Fingers dug into the thick soil, more suited for clawed appendages, and lifted away as the animal’s body morphed into something more of the two-legged variety.

  The wolf had been replaced with 6'2'' of solid muscle and peach-colored skin. A lot of skin. He stood stark naked against the darkness of the trees and didn't even seem to care. Chestnut hair danced over his collarbone, long and unbound and studded with little bits of twigs and dead leaves. His cupid-bow lips curled into a self-satisfied grin.

  "Very," he said low, his hand stretching out in a silent request for Rizzaro's phone.

  Rizzaro shrugged his shoulders and procured the cell from his pocket, tossing it to Harlow. It didn't take long for someone to pick up on the other end.

  "Yes?" a single, expectant, word.

  "They're here. Saw Essex myself, and he's got a pretty little brunette with him," he said, still grinning at Rizzaro over the top of the car.

  "That is very good news. Very good."

  "Should we procure them for you?"

  "No, not yet. I am curious to see Mr. Essex's next move."

  "I don't think the little beast is going to come quietly. Are you certain you made the right choice? Essex seems to be getting far too involved—" Harlow was cut off by a sharp 'tsk'-ing sound.

  "They will come in the end. Like dogs to their master, they all come. It just takes a little.... housebreaking." He chuckled. "Do not make any moves on them yet. It is preferable for the wolf to submit willingly."

  "And if they don't?" Harlow asked.

  "There are ways to make someone see reason." The phone went dead.

  Harlow tossed the phone back to Rizzaro and moved to the BMW's back passenger side door, swinging it open and reaching inside. He emerged again with a pair of freshly-pressed charcoal slacks, slipping them on over his muscled legs.

  "So are we stuck here?" Rizzaro asked him as Harlow flung a crisp black dress shirt over his shoulders, slipping his arms into each sleeve.

  He flipped his long hair out from the collar like he'd done a thousand times. He took care with each delicately-sewn button and then tucked his shirt tail in with equal scrutiny. After he was mostly dressed, he reached into the front passenger seat and opened the glove box, pulling out two little foil wrapped packs of wet wipes. He tore into them, cleaning the dirt form his fingers and nails.

  Rizzaro shook his head and flicked his half-burned cigarette into the darkness. He dug keys out of his black slacks and opened the door, a crooked grin breaking over his lips as he glanced at the taller man cleaning himself.

  "Daddy didn't give sweet'ums his way?" he said with a laugh in his voice.

  Harlow fixed him with a hard look. It made Rizzaro's smile fade around the edges, and he started to duck into the driver’s seat without another word. Harlow's hand slapped the roof of the car, stopping him.

  "Talk to me like that again, and I'll cut your balls off and fuck you in the hole left behind while it’s still fresh and bloody," Harlow whispered with an edge of growl to his voice, a smile spreading over his lips.

  The smile was one that walked the line between threat and anticipation. Rizzaro shut up, as was the intended effect, and got into the car, turning it on. Harlow slid in, slammed his own door far harder than was necessary, and they drove off in search of a place to post up for the night.


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