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The Northern Lights Lodge

Page 25

by Julie Caplin

  When Alex dropped his gaze and kissed the side of her neck, she shivered and let out the tiny moan bubbling in her throat. His tongue touched the vibrating sensitive skin and she moaned again. Then his head lifted and he watched her again in the reflection, watching her reaction as he moved one arm, his hand palming one breast in warm sensual massage, his thumb lazily rubbing over one nipple as the other held her fast across the waist against him.

  Her mouth opened with a sharp gasp of pleasure, her eyes closing but he squeezed her nipple in tiny warning. She opened them again and in their shared reflection, she saw a satisfied smile curve his lips. His eyes never left her face as he stroked and massaged her breasts in small gentle rolls, tormenting her with lazy arrogance that had her whimpering. Then cupping one breast, his arm a band around her chest, the other hand began to skim across the surface of her stomach, his fingers dipping and circling the belly button in slow tantalising circles.

  His hand dipped lower, sliding over the fabric of her leggings, lower again, skimming over her pubic bone. She held her breath in tell-tale silent anticipation. Nerve endings, warm and desperate for his touch, budded between her legs making her blink furiously as she tried to fight the urge to roll her hips forward. Alex smiled as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. What she was hoping for. Nipping at her neck, he watched her as he slipped his hand to cup the warmth between her legs, pulling her back against him. The image in the glass of him clasping her to him, the possessive hold and the steady look in his eyes brought another moan and helplessly she gave into the fire burning beneath his fingers and ground against his hand, unable to stop the tortured, ‘Oh, Alex,’ escaping.

  His hand rocked against her, fingers at her nipples, his lips nipping at her neck. She felt consumed, sensation on all sides and all the while he watched in the glass.

  Pressure, pleasure, pressure, pleasure. It was building, building, building.

  ‘Alex,’ she whispered, her eyes closing, unable to hold on. His hand kept up the stroking, pulling, teasing rhythm, her hips pushing into his movements, mindless and desperate. It was there, she could feel it, the sensation building, the need to crest the wave, she pushed for it and then she tumbled over the edge, riding out the delicious shuddery spasms vibrating through her, crying out his name in a breathless litany. Alexalexalexalex.

  Limp and dazed she collapsed back and he caught her in his arms dragging her down to the floor, turning her so that they faced each other. Wide eyed she stared at him, before reaching for his jeans’ zip and sliding it down.

  ‘You don’t …’ Alex’s breathe wheezed out as she eased her hand below the waistband of jeans and jersey boxer shorts, her fingers touching the hard length of him. ‘God,’ he moaned and she smiled to herself as she leant forward and kissed his chest, the smattering of hairs tickling her nose.

  ‘Luc … ahh … you … d … mmm.’

  Licking and nipping at his chest, she drew her hand up and down the satin skin cupping his balls, gently working him, rolling the head between her fingers, taking her cues from his hoarse breaths and drawn out moans.

  Her own breath was becoming raspy and short as she could feel the velvet heat building again.

  Then Alex pulled away, his forehead resting against hers. ‘We shouldn’t be doing this.’

  Lucy ignored him and gave him an open-mouthed kiss, her tongue dipping along the edge of his mouth. It took a second or two before he crumbled, giving into the kiss, deepening it, his mouth roving over hers. The heat of the kiss began to rise, their tongues in an increasingly aggressive duel. Their hips drawn together in a determined dance, rolling and grinding against each other.

  ‘I want you,’ breathed Lucy desperately. ‘I’ve never been so turned on in my life.’

  Alex swallowed and kissed her hard. ‘I’m supposed to … you had concussion … you’re supposed to … mmm, stop … you’re supposed to rest,’ he made an inarticulate noise when she encircled his hard length again, ‘reeeelaaax.’

  Lucy laying back on the velvet embrace of the sheepskin gave him a slow smile. ‘I’m relaxed, don’t you worry.’

  ‘Lucy,’ he tried again, his eyes drawn down to her bare breasts as her eyes widened in seductive invitation.

  ‘Alex, shh,’ she said and kissed him hard. ‘If you say we shouldn’t be doing this again, I might just have to kill you.’

  He laughed. ‘It’s because I don’t have anything with me and … I so want to be inside you.’

  Lucy’s stomach flipped, her core contracting at the very thought. ‘Mmmm,’ she nuzzled his neck. ‘Good job I have a friend who insisted I shouldn’t become a dried-up old stick and packed me off with a supply of condoms.’ She started to rise as Alex fell back onto the rug with a heartfelt, ‘Thank fuck for that.’

  The unexpected swear word made her laugh, startling her. Sex with Chris had always been a serious get down to business affair, the stupid video had been her one attempt at being the sexy seductress he wanted her to be. This was hot, erotic, fun and she’d already had her first ever non-self-induced orgasm with, judging by the promise in Alex’s amber-flecked, desire-filled eyes, more to come.

  Chapter 26

  ‘Have a good day,’ said Alex, dropping a kiss on her temple, drawing the duvet up over her shoulders. ‘I’ll see you at four. Dress for outdoors.’

  ‘Sounds like a hot date,’ said Lucy with a grumble. ‘Hiking in the dark?’

  ‘If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?’

  ‘Who said I like surprises?’ She pouted, sexy and sleep ruffled. He traced her pouty mouth with a finger, amused at the contrast he’d uncovered. He liked this bedroom version of her, but then he also liked the capable, take no prisoners, bossy hotel manager. Knowing that she didn’t need him to, made the desire to protect her from all the bad things that had happened, even stronger. At the moment he couldn’t decide who topped his hit list, Bob or that miserable dickweasel her ex, Chris, who sounded the ultimate piece of slime.

  ‘Trust me.’

  She paused and something in her eyes shimmered making him feel like he’d conquered Everest.

  ‘I do,’ she said, then gave him a sultry look that made him regret being fully dressed and expected in the dining room in the next fifteen minutes.

  ‘You’re definitely feeling better,’ he said, regretfully pulling away.

  ‘It’s all that balm you’ve been rubbing into my back.’ She rolled her shoulders but under the sheets she shifted her legs, a dreamy smile crossing her face. Damn, she was waking parts of him that by now should be exhausted after the last two long and pleasurable nights and a brief lunch time break yesterday, when they’d nearly be caught by Hekla coming for a meeting with Lucy. As if reading his mind, Lucy lifted her face to his, mischief burning bright in her eyes.

  ‘Hekla tells me the same company make something called Fire of Love.’

  ‘They do, do they?’ Alex mouth twisted in a crooked smile, shifting his legs needing to accommodate the growing bulge in his trousers. ‘That sounds like fun.’

  ‘Not that I’ve been … you know, talking to Hekla about … you know. She knew you’d spent the night and…’

  He laughed at her contrary shyness. ‘Don’t worry. I’ve been given the third degree about not being a dick, making sure I treat you properly and where to get something called Fire of Love.’

  ‘Oh no, she didn’t.’ Lucy put her hand over her mouth and giggled, looking gorgeous and good enough to nibble on.

  ‘She’s certainly not shy about these things.’ His finger stroked her collarbone, watching as her eyes darkened and she gave a little shiver and a sharp indrawn breath. ‘I was tempted to tell her we didn’t need any help burning up the sheets.’

  Lucy giggled again. ‘You can’t say that to her. I’m her boss.’

  ‘I’ve got to go. I’ll see you at four.’ It would be good to get away from the hotel for a few hours and thanks to Hekla’s help he’d made plans for a secluded and, he hoped, romantic date.
Although he was slightly worried that part of Hekla’s idea was a bit ambitious.

  He also had a call to make.

  Walking out to the hot tub and standing on the decking by the rising steam, he pulled out his phone with a sense of disquiet. Quentin hadn’t responded to any of his recent email reports about what a great job Lucy was doing. After her early shaky start, she’d more than proved herself. The problem was that now he couldn’t out and out recommend her to be the new manager. What would that look like, now that he was sleeping with her? It was important that, after all she’d been through, Lucy’s merits were recognised in their own right. He didn’t want anyone to ever say or intimate that she’d got the job for any other reason but that she was absolutely the best person, which he knew she was.

  ‘Ah, young McLaughlin. I have good news,’ said Quentin without preamble as soon as he picked up the call. ‘Your timing is impeccable. The purchase is being signed off with my legal team five-thirty, Paris time, I believe an hour ahead of you.’

  ‘Well that’s good news. You’re buying a gem. This place is a real treat and with more investment, it could be even better.’

  ‘Yeah, you’ve been very thorough and it sounds like the place is being run much more efficiently. I liked that app to manage staff rotas, Sortmyshift. We should roll that out.’

  ‘Yes, what about the staff,’ Alex paused gripping his phone tighter, ‘You should‒’

  ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got your reports. I get the message. I’ll accommodate everyone. But we’re not going public with the news until the PR people make the official announcement next week because we’ve put in a bid for another place. Like the lodge. I’ve got tell you about this great idea, well your mother’s really, she’s really into this higgy stuff.’

  ‘Hygge,’ corrected Alex, easing out a sigh of relief. He’d been worried about Lucy’s job as Quentin’s standard operating procedure was to put his own management team in as soon as he took over a hotel.

  ‘Yeah that’s the baby. You’ve heard of it then.’ Alex tuned out as Quentin began to talk about plans to launch a new chain of smaller, cosier hotels. He was looking forward to seeing Lucy’s face this afternoon when the surprise turned up. Hekla had promised him it would be the most romantic thing ever.

  Once Alex had gone, Lucy dressed, looking over her shoulder in the mirror, giving her fading bruises a quick inspection. They were now dark smudges of green and grey. She glanced up at her face. The afterglow of morning sex lit her skin and her eyes had lost their purple shadows. Even her hair looked so much better, thanks in part to the haircut and because it seemed to have thickened up. It wasn’t coming out in handfuls any more and her lip had healed.

  Eagle-eyed Hekla missed nothing and as soon as she walked into the office, she grinned at Lucy. ‘Good night. Good morning.’

  Lucy rolled her eyes. ‘I’m your boss. You’re not supposed to say things like that.’

  ‘Pfft,’ said Hekla waving her hands. ‘Would you like an update on the guest list?’

  For the rest of the morning they talked banquet plans, although Lucy was easily distracted. The minute anyone came into the office, her head bobbed up, her heart leaping in hopeful anticipation.

  ‘You’ve got it bad,’ Hekla teased.

  Lucy blushed. ‘I’m his boss. This is bad. Does everyone know?’

  ‘No, just me.’ She wrinkled her nose. ‘Elin. Brynja. Dagur.’

  Lucy groaned and dropped her face into her hands.

  ‘It’s not very professional. What if the new owners find out?’

  ‘How are they going to do that?’ Hekla put her hands on her hips. ‘This is Iceland. There are only 340,000. When we find someone, we … take them.’

  Lucy snorted. ‘Sounds very Viking.’

  ‘Ja,’ Hekla stuck out her chest in a proud pose. ‘When you are snowed in somewhere, in a remote place, you find the right chemistry then it is good. I think you and Alex, there’s chemistry.’

  ‘Mm,’ she said trying to sound non-committal as the blush raced up her throat from the heated skin of her chest. She exhaled loudly. ‘I still don’t even know if I’ve got a job in two weeks’ time. There’s been no news about the sale. Mr Pedersen hasn’t responded to any of my emails.’ With a stab to her heart, she thought about having to leave. Surely Mr Pedersen would have been in touch if he wasn’t happy. The reviews were improving daily, sales had started to pick up and the camera crew were stoked about the banquet.

  And what about Alex? The thought of having to say goodbye to him pinched painfully at her heart. Finding him was so new and shiny. Perhaps, she let out a sudden laugh, that had Hekla shooting a suspicious glance her way, if they didn’t renew her contract, she could stay on as a chambermaid or a waitress. Swap her luxurious room for Alex’s single staff bedroom. With a delicious shiver she decided it would be worth it.

  Over the last few weeks Elin’s team had done a fantastic job on sprucing up the library, the tables had all been buffed to a gleaming polish and the newly liberated cushions were tucked into the armchairs, arranged in convivial groupings. Lucy breezed through doing one of her daily inspections and made a mental note to congratulate Elin on the improvements that had been made to the communal guest areas. The lodge looked a very different place compared to when Lucy arrived.

  So much had changed in such a short space of time. It had become her habit to pause in the guest lounge to stand at one of the big glass windows to see what the sky and the sea were doing today. A thick blanket of snow, courtesy of the last two day’s solid snowfall, lay on the ground, softening the harsh contours of the land, glistening in this morning’s bright, clear sunshine, although the sun had barely risen above the horizon. The clouds had rolled back to reveal a brilliant sapphire sky of endless blue that was reflected in the almost indigo tones of the sea. The waves raced with golden backs, tinted by the hovering pink gold sun which would vanish in a few short hours. Lucy smiled, entranced by the colours, the contrast of the white and blue, the long shadows and the warm light. She could stand here every day and never grow tired of this view.


  Reluctantly she turned away from the view, her heart sinking at the Essex accent.


  ‘Olafur says we’ve got another chance of seeing the lights tonight. We got enough in the can the other night but I still want that human interest angle. Got any new guests who can give us a banging story?’

  ‘Actually yes,’ Lucy heaved a sigh of relief. She had no qualms about pointing out the querulous, loud Irish woman, who’d arrived yesterday, telling anyone who would listen it was a feckin’ miracle she was alive and she was on her way out, so jest had to see the lights. ‘Moira Flaherty. She’s your woman.’

  ‘Sick, and any more news on the banquet? Do you think you could get Björk to come or the dentist football manager?’


  ‘We were thinking, a couple of celebrities would spice things up a bit. They were my first thoughts. Or maybe a Viking re-enactment. A bit of pillaging and running amok.’

  ‘I’m not too sure about the Viking bit, but I’ll definitely ask Hekla about celebrities, she seems to know most people,’ said Lucy with equanimity as if being asked to drum up a couple of national treasures was all in a day’s work. ‘The Mayor’s coming.’

  ‘Hardly set your knickers on fire material. Do you think he might wear a helmet and carry an axe? Add a little local colour?’

  Lucy opened her mouth, too bemused to express her doubt that helmets and axes were part of the mayoral regalia. ‘I’ll … I’ll see what I can do.’

  ‘Excellent.’ Clive scratched at his puny little goatee. ‘Because even if we see the lights tonight, the banquet is all that’s stopping this being another crapsville tourist board promo.’ Disgruntlement soured his features. ‘There’s not been an ounce of drama in this place. No disrespect but this place is as dull as shite.’

  Lucy bit back a wry smile thinking of the sheep in the hot tub,
the sabotaged tyres, the unexpected coach trip and her wan-faced return after the glacier walk. She for one was delighted to hear that he thought the place was dull.

  Four o’clock and it was dark and she was dressed in several layers, supervised by Hekla, who was jumping about on the reception steps in the freezing weather with no coat but bags of barely restrained enthusiasm. She reminded Lucy of a toddler held captive desperate to make a run for it.

  ‘You have gloves. Hat. Scarf.’

  ‘Yes Hekla. All I’m missing is a St Bernard with a brandy flask.’

  Luckily Hekla didn’t hear her because she’d pricked up her ears to a sound out on the drive and was busy scanning the darkness.

  ‘They’re coming. They’re coming,’ she cried in glee. ‘Oh this will be so much fun.’

  Outside, with the glow of the snow under a full moon, it was as bright as day, and Lucy saw two Icelandic ponies trotting up the drive, their hooves clitter-clattering on the stony surface, shaggy manes shaking and hot steam puffing from their noses.

  ‘Oh my goodness, they are gorgeous,’ said Lucy.

  Between them a man, held the reins in each hand, with a pair of black helmets hanging from one arm.


  ‘Anders,’ called Hekla, jumping down the last few steps to meet him, giving his leathery cheeks a big kiss.

  ‘And Toto and Ilsa.’ She put her hand out to each of the horses, holding a carrot that had appeared from nowhere, in each palm.


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