Stalking His Bride

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Stalking His Bride Page 2

by Lucy Darling

  “Tell me everything about you. There's no detail too small.” Yeah, I’m sure that won’t scare her away. I have to rein it in. I watch as that beautiful smile graces her face. The urge to kiss her rides me hard. That would definitely scare her.

  “I’m not sure where I should start.” She laughs.

  “You’ve just moved here?” I know that much. Okay, I know a whole fucking lot. A week is a lot of time to dig up someone’s life. Thing is, Carly didn't have much to hers from what I found. Oh, she was busy. Her calendar is more than full with endless clubs and events. Not the fun sort of clubs you might be thinking of, either. I think her mom is prepping her to be a Stepford wife. Good luck with that. It only took one look at Carly for me to see that she was full of too much life to live a life like that.

  “I did. I’m likely going to transfer out here. I thought a new start would be nice.”

  “May I ask why you felt you needed a new start?” I pick up my water and take a drink. She’s so young to need a fresh start. She reaches out, taking a piece of fried cheese with her fingers.

  “Sorry.” She puts it back down and goes back for it with her fork. I beat her to it, picking it up with my fingers and offering her a bite. She lets out a small giggle and takes it. I hand her the rest of it. “My mom would kill me if she saw me eating with my fingers.”

  “Your mom isn't here.”

  “Right.” She sits up a little straighter and grabs another piece. “Fresh start from my parents. You might be picking up on that.” She takes a bite and a small moan comes from her, causing me to reach down and adjust my already hard cock under the table. “My mom says cheese is the devil. If that’s true I never want to be good.”

  I watch her eat, unable to help myself. She’s so animated with everything she does. More food arrives, filling up the table. I’m not sure where she’s fitting all of this food. She’s a tiny little thing.

  “Oh, we’re supposed to be talking about the wedding stuff.” She reaches into her bag hanging over the side of her chair, pulling out a notepad and pen. She leans in closer to me. “How are we going to pull off the bachelor and bachelorette party?” We aren't. I keep that to myself though. It’s better to be in the now. I have to see her, and this party planning thing ensures that she’ll meet up with me.

  “Do you think Tinsley will want one?”

  “Hmm.” She wiggles her nose while she thinks. She looks like a dark-haired fairy. “I don’t know, but I think we’re supposed to plan it anyway. Tin and I never got to do what others were doing.” She rolls her eyes. “Our parents are a little overbearing. Now we’re here and we can do what we want.” I need to make sure not to step on that. She is looking to spread her wings. My cock begs me to spread something else altogether.

  “Plus I could check it off my list.” That breaks me from the dirty images I was having of her on this table with her legs spread and my head in between them. Feasting on her.

  “List?” I push the plate of potato skins closer to her, knowing that food is the gateway I need to use to get her to spill details about herself.

  “Sour cream.” She lets out a breathy sigh as she dips one of the potato skins into it.

  “What kind of list?”

  She takes a bite. Her eyes fall closed and she moans. She’s trying to kill me. A man at the next table looks over. I level him with a stare that has him turning back around quickly.

  “Like a bucket list but not because I might kick the bucket. Just more things a girl should do once in her life. Before you have to get all married and sit on the boards of charities.” Her whole face scrunches. I think I made the same face a few weeks ago when someone talked about marriage.

  “You do know you don’t have to do any of those things.” I’m not sure if it’s the whole idea of marriage that has her turned off, or what she thinks hers will be like. From what I’ve seen over the last week, she’s been excited for her best friend to get married.

  “You don’t know my mother. My bucket list is shorter than her list of suitable men for me to marry.” Her eyes go round when a few plates are cleared from the center of the table and fresh ones put down. “You're going to have to roll me out of here.”

  “I think I’ll just carry you out.”

  She reaches over and gives my arm a squeeze. “I bet you could.” She pulls her hand away and I want to put it back, wanting her touch as much as I need my next breath. “Oh, crapper.” She grabs a napkin. “I’m so sorry. This is why you shouldn't eat with your fingers.” She wipes a small smudge of sour cream off me.

  “It’s just a shirt.” She cocks her head to the side and gives me a sweet, soft smile that lights up her whole face. It also shows me how innocent she really is. Too young for the likes of me. “The list.” I circle back.

  “It’s at home but I’m sure it’s boring to you.”

  “Try me.”

  She licks her bottom lip. She leans over a little again. “Well, with Tinsley getting married in a few days, I think I can scratch off make out with someone at the reception.”

  “I’m sure you can.” With me. I’ll check that all the way the fuck off for her. I’ll be the only one she’s making out with. “What else?”

  She shrugs. “A lot of random stuff, but the bachelorette party is on there. So are you going to help me or not?”

  “I’ll help you. If you show me your list.”

  “You drive a hard bargain, Mr. James.” She snags a grape from the meat and cheese board. “You’ve got yourself a deal.” She pops it into her mouth. You’d think she won something. When really I am the one that is now holding all the cards.



  “I’m never going to fit into my bridesmaid dress. I can’t take all these.” I push the to-go containers back toward James. I can’t believe how long we’ve been sitting here. It wasn't until I realized we were alone in the restaurant except for the staff, did I put it together.

  “I’ll help you eat it.” He stands, pushing his chair back. He pulls mine out next for me before grabbing the two bags with the containers. He offers me his arm and I take it, leaning into him. If I didn't know any better I’d think James is into me. “This way.”

  He guides me back toward Tinsley and Reed’s place as he pulls out his phone. He sends a text before pocketing it again. I lean into him more. James is so different from the boys I went to school with. He actually listens when I talk. In fact, he asks more and more questions about me until I feel as though I’m the only one talking. But no matter how much I talk, he listens, which is a nice change.

  “In.” He opens the passenger side door to a giant fancy looking SUV.

  “Is this a Bond car?” I tease.

  “It was in a few movies.” He winks before shutting the door behind me. He jogs around to the driver’s side, hops in, and puts the takeout bags in my lap for me to hold.

  “Oh, my address.”

  “I know where you live.”

  “You know where I live?”

  “I followed you back to your place after Tinsley and Reed blew up. I wanted to make sure you got home okay.”

  “Isn't that kind of creepy?” It’s actually a little sweet.

  He shrugs. “Don’t really care. Wanted to make sure you were safe. That’s all that mattered to me.”

  “I wish I could be that cool.” I lean back in the seat. “To not care what other people think of me.”

  “You know you don’t have to care if you don’t want to. It’s that easy.”

  “You make it sound easy. It’s been drilled into my head since birth that other people’s opinions matter. So I feel as though I’m always walking on eggshells when I’m home.” He slows to a stop at the light. I peek over at him. I really don’t think James cares what anyone thinks about him. He has that whole I’m hot and I’m not even trying thing going on. I love that he’s not cocky. Everything from his short dirty blond hair to his short beard is sexy. I’m thinking he didn't shave this morning because well, he didn't

  “We should put that on your list. Get Carly to not care what anyone else thinks.” He looks over at me, a half smirk on his face. He reaches over and pulls on a lock of my hair. My eyes stay locked with his. I have the biggest urge to lean forward. His eyes drop to my mouth. Oh God. Are we going to kiss? Am I supposed to move?

  I jump when a car horn sounds behind us. The light is now green. James presses on the pedal, taking off. I let out a small sigh, my heart still racing in my chest. He was not about to kiss me. I am making that up. No way am I anywhere in James’ league. I think there might even be ten years between us in age. He’s being nice because his cousin is marrying my best friend. It’s as simple as that; there’s nothing more to it.

  “You okay? You look like you’re thinking a lot over there.”

  “Were you going to kiss me?” I blurt out. “Oh God.” I put my face in my hands. “Don’t answer that.” His warm hand wraps around my wrists, pulling them away from my face.

  “Does this answer your question?” He leans down, his mouth brushing against mine. His warm breath tickles my skin. His tongue traces along the seam of my mouth. “Open for me, sweet girl. Let me in.” Maybe I was wrong and there is a little more to this.

  I part my lips for him, and his tongue slips into my mouth. His hand tangles in my hair as he pulls my head back, angling me just right to deepen his kiss. I moan, my whole body lighting up. I dig my fingers into his shirt, wanting to crawl into his lap as he keeps kissing me.

  “Fuck me.” He pulls away. We both try to catch our breath. He rests his forehead on mine.

  “Wow.” I breathe out slowly, letting go of his shirt that I’m clinging to.

  “That was bigger than wow, sweetness.” He places another kiss on my lips before pulling back. “We’re here.” I look out the window to see that we are in fact outside my building. “Stay put.” He drops one more kiss on my mouth before getting out. He stops, grabbing the bags out of the back before coming around and opening my door for me.

  He offers me his hand. I take it, slipping out of the SUV. He doesn’t let my hand go as he guides me inside. I use my other hand to find my keys.

  “Take a man home with me is on my list.”

  He hits the elevator button looking down at me. His hand holding mine tightens. “Are a lot of things on your list about other men?”

  I can see the small tick in his jaw. Is it possible he’s jealous? I push that thought aside, knowing that it’s ridiculous. I mean, there is no way the man could be jealous. We just met recently.

  “I haven’t counted but some.” It doesn’t state that I have to do anything with the man. Only that I would take a man home with me. But now that James has kissed me, I’ll need to add to that list because I definitely want to do a lot more than just bring him home.

  “Hmm,” he says, pulling me into the elevator. He hits the button for me.

  “Oh! My place is a mess!” I’d forgotten. “I didn’t plan on having anyone over.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “It’s small too.” I look him up and down. The man is huge. My fingers itch to touch his broad chest, but I control myself.

  “I’m sure I’ll fit.” He gives me one of those winks that makes my heart flutter. He pulls me off the elevator with him, going to my door. I slip the key in, unlocking it.

  “Come in.” I push the door open, letting go of James and running to turn off the alarm.

  “This is my place.” Boxes are piled everywhere. Most of my furniture still needs to be built. “I’d ask if you want to watch a movie or something but I can’t figure that contraption out.” I point at my TV that’s sitting on the floor since I haven’t gotten around to building the stand yet.

  James drops the to-go containers down on my coffee table.

  “Get your list. I’ll get to work.” I guess he’s staying. I lick my lips, still tasting him there before I scurry off to get my list.



  It doesn’t take me long to get the TV stand built. Carly has listed off all kinds of things that she has on her list. From going to the top of the Eiffel tower to a kiss in the rain. I think she’s holding some of them back, though.

  I want to know them all, but I understand that it may be too soon. She’ll have to work her way up to telling me more of the personal ones. The one thing I do know is that I’ll work the rest of my life trying to make everything on that list a reality for her.

  “You didn’t say the one about making out with someone at the wedding.” Her cheeks turn a rose red. She looks down at her notepad in her lap. She’s got her leg tucked under her.

  “I already told you that one, so I didn’t mention it.”

  “I think I can handle that one for you, sweetness.”

  “You already did my first kiss.” She picks up her pen, crossing it off. I stand there in fucking shock. Her first kiss. How is that even possible? How has this beautiful creature walked this earth and not had anyone try to claim her? I can’t even comprehend it. I barely lasted a few hours around her before I had to taste her.

  The thought had consumed me since the first moment I laid eyes on her. I was sure it would sate my need, but it didn’t, and now I want to taste all of her sweetness. Pin her to the sofa and pull down her pants and feast on her pussy. She’s ripe for the taking, and I want to take it all. If no one had ever kissed her beautiful lips before, then I know that no one has tasted her cunt. I reach down to adjust my cock.

  “What?” She breaks me from my thoughts. Thank God because I swear just the thought of her coming on my tongue has my cock leaking cum. What has this girl done to me?

  “I am just surprised it was your first kiss.”

  “My parents.” She rolls her eyes. “They control a lot more than my social life.”

  “But they let you move out here?”

  She bites her bottom lip.


  She releases it.

  “Let is a strong word. More like they didn’t have much of a choice.” I pick up her TV and put it on the stand.

  “You’re over eighteen. No one can stop you.”

  “They can if you don’t have a dime to your name.” That isn’t a problem. I have plenty to give her. She can have it all. The only thing I need is her. “But I found out about the trust Grams left me. So they didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.”

  “I take it they’re pissed?” They’d lost their control over her.

  “At first. As much as my mother drives me nuts, I love her too. So I agreed to meet some of the men she’s been trying to marry me off to. I don’t think she knows this is the twenty-first century.” She lets out a small laugh. Yeah, that shit won’t be happening. I’ll be the only man around here—or anywhere, for that matter.

  “Why don’t you pick a movie for us to watch?”

  “Oh. You don’t have to stay. I’ve already taken so much of your time.”

  “Yet you haven’t told me all the things on the list.”

  Again her face flushes. “It’s sex stuff.”

  “Hmm.” As I thought. There isn’t anything on her list I couldn’t help her with. “Find us a movie, sweetness. We still have a bachelorette and bachelor party to plan.”

  “Oh God I totally forgot!”

  I take the remote over toward her. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done, but I don’t want to do it too fast.

  The slower I go the more time I have a reason to be in her space. Whatever time I can get with her will have to suffice for now until I get her to move in with me. I know I need to take baby steps, though, so I don’t scare her away.

  “We’ll figure it out, but I’m not sure Reed will have many people to invite. If you haven’t noticed, he can be a dick.”

  “Not to Tinsley.” She lets out a dreamy sigh. The fuck. Does she have a thing for Reed? “Their love is so strong. I have no doubt they’ll be together forever. I wish my mom could understand that’s what I want.”

p; Ah. It’s not Reed. I run a hand through my hair. I’d hate to have to beat the shit out of him. He is finally coming around to not being such an asshole. To me at least.

  “Yes, he’s been in love with her forever. I’m happy he finally closed the deal.” I thought Reed was nuts pining after one woman his whole life. It paid off in the end. One look at Carly changed my mind about that. I get it now.

  When you find something you want, you take it and do whatever it takes to keep it. It is how us Weston’s work. We built our family into an empire with that drive. I just had no clue it would come in handy with a woman.

  “Closed the deal?”

  “Made his move?”

  “You know, she wasn’t sure if he even liked her. Which is crazy because he was over there yearning for her the same way she was for him. It’s so freaking sweet.” Her whole face lights up. I know the feeling. It may not have been years that I’ve wanted her, but it sure as hell feels like it. I’m not as patient as Reed.

  There is no way that I will be waiting any longer than I have to when it comes to making Carly mine. I know she’ll need time to explore all the things she wants, but I plan to be doing those things with her.

  “You want that?” I walk over to the sofa, sitting down next to her.

  “It sounds wonderful but my mom—”

  “Doesn’t control your life.” She lets out a humorless laugh. I take the remote from her. “Put it on the list,” I tell her, turning on the TV to find us something to watch.

  She opens her notepad, scribbling it down. “I’m guessing you’re down with a Marvel movie?” At least the oversized shirt she’s wearing suggests so.

  “Yes! Dessert and Captain America. That sounds perfect.” I suddenly hate Captain America. I mean, his special powers aren’t even that great.

  “He’s your favorite?” I pull the coffee table closer, opening up the desserts.

  “Yes, his heart is pure. He’s only ever loved one woman his whole life.” Again she lets out a dreamy sigh.


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