On the Rocks

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On the Rocks Page 21

by Jared Paakaula

  “Ew!” Arita yells.

  “Not in the car!” Alexus shouts, but knows it’s too late.

  “So, that’s why she went to help him.” Matt finally catches on to the situation.

  29. Blue Hawaii

  - 1 1/2 oz Rum

  - 3/4 oz Blue Curaçao Liqueur

  - 3/4 oz Coconut Cream

  - 2 oz Pineapple Juice

  A few hours later with the sun slowly making its exit, Chyna gathers the remaining guests. With Robin’s celebration being an all day thing, some of the guests have left, while some others have just arrived. Chyna assembles Robin’s friends and family and herds them toward the far end of Yokohama Beach.

  “Hi everyone. We’re about to spread Robin’s ashes, so if we could all make our way toward the rocky area over there. You’ll see Robin’s sons on the rocks, that’s where we’ll be scattering her ashes.”

  As the guests slowly start to filter in, the three brothers share a tender moment before the loads of guests make their way over. With Malu holding the base of the urn of ashes, Kaleo holding the sides and Lopaka placing his hands on the top, the three brothers face each other with Robin at the center. They take a big breath in and exhale together. They close their eyes and Kaleo begins a little prayer just between the three of them.

  “Dear God, Dear Universe, Dear Higher Power… Thank you for all that you’ve given us. Thank you for giving us life. Thank you for giving us breath. Thank you for giving us each other. Thank you for giving us Robin.” Kaleo pauses trying to stop himself from crying, “Thank you for Robin, Lord. Thank you for blessing us with such a beautiful soul, who we were lucky to call our parent. Take care of her on the other side and let her spirit fly. Let her be with us in everything that we do, in every moment that we succeed and especially when we fall. Give us the strength to move forward without her in this life, but keep her near our hearts always. Take care of our health and let us take care of each other, just as Robin always took care of us.” Kaleo looks at his brothers to see if they want to say anything.

  “We love you, Robin. Thank you for everything you’ve ever done for us. We love you so much,” Lopaka adds to the prayer with tears in his eyes.

  “We love you, Dad,” Malu expresses simply.

  “Amen,” Kaleo concludes the prayer.

  “Amen,” Lopaka and Malu follow suit.

  The three brothers wipe away their tears, look up at each other and smile. Malu kisses the urn, then cradles it as the other two remove their hands. They look back at the group of guests, who have now fully collected and have been watching them silently.

  In the front of the group, standing in a line side by side, the Violet staff hold hands and wipe away tears as they watch the brothers finish their prayer. At the front and center of the entire crowd, Chyna stands there with a bouquet of violet-colored roses in her hands. With tears in her eyes, but a smile on her face, she looks at the boys and nods to begin.

  Kaleo motions for Chyna to join them at the top of the rocks, but she shakes her head no. She waves her hand as to shoo the boys and continue without her, but Kaleo jumps off the rocks and physically grabs her to join them at the top. He looks her dead in her eyes and says, “We’re not doing this without you.” Chyna finally concedes and stands next to the three brothers as they begin.

  “Knowing Robin, she would’ve hated all of this attention. She loved the attention when she was performing on stage, but when it came to her personal life, she would’ve rather kept it private. But today, it’s all about you Robin, whether you like it or not.” The crowd laughs quietly. “You were so many things to so many people, but most of all, you were a rock. You were our rock and a pillar to the gay community. You kept us going, you pushed us forward and you’re going to continue to do that from the other side, whether we like it or not.” The guests laugh again. “We love you, Robin, from now until forever. Thank you for everything.”

  The three brothers and Chyna turn around and face the ocean. Chyna starts singing the old Hawaiian song “Aloha Oe” and the rest of the guests slowly join in. Now with the entire group singing, Malu walks to the edge, opens the urn and starts pouring Robin’s ashes into the ocean. Some of the ashes get swept away in the wind, but most land where the water meets the rocks and creates the reef.

  Just as the song comes to an end and Malu pours out the last of Robin’s ashes, a butterfly comes flying by. The entire crowd of guests notice this random butterfly as it flaps it wings near the brothers and then toward Chyna. With the bouquet of roses still in her hand, Chyna follows this butterfly’s path heading straight toward her. The butterfly flaps its last flap and rests itself right on one of Chyna’s violet-colored roses.

  The crowd gasps and the three brothers watch in amazement. They knew how much Robin loved butterflies. Chyna breaks down and starts to cry. “It’s her, it’s her!” She holds out the bouquet for everyone to see and those who were not already crying, begin to shed tears.

  She holds the bouquet close to her mouth and with the butterfly still resting on the flower, she whispers, “I love you, sis.” The butterfly takes off with the last breath of Chyna’s affirmation and flies happily into the sunset. Chyna smells the bouquet one last time and throws it into the ocean.

  After a few minutes, the crowd disperses. Some walk back to the tents while others stay and watch the sunset. Chyna stands alone and stares off into the distance, trying to take in all that just happened. The three brothers hop off the rocks and into the arms of the Violet employees. Single hugs, turn into double hugs and eventually a big group hug is formed amongst all the friends. After separating, the friends pair up and slowly head back to the tents chatting the whole way. Kaleo and Parker are the last left behind and trail the rest of the group.

  “That was beautiful,” Parker admits to his best friend.

  “Thanks,” Kaleo responds. He takes a breath and turns to his best friend, “Thank you, Parker, for everything. We’ve been through so much and you’re still by my side.”

  “And I always will be.” Parker smiles and assures any doubts that Kaleo might have. Kaleo jumps into Parker’s arms and hugs him tightly. As they hug, Parker notices a good-looking asian guy, standing on the side and smiling at Kaleo. “Looks like you have a visitor.” Kaleo turns around and sees Jimmy standing there in a T-shirt, surf shorts and slippers. “He’s hot! Go talk to him.”

  Kaleo pushes his best friend playfully. “What do you know about hot guys?”

  “Well, I am one, so…” Parker jokes.

  As the two friends walk toward Jimmy, Jimmy’s eyes never break from Kaleo.

  “Hey,” Jimmy greets as they get near.

  “Hi… I didn’t know you were here,” Kaleo admits.

  “Yeah, I came when Chyna was ushering everyone over,” Jimmy explains. “Just in time.”

  “Hey, I’m Parker,” Parker butts in, wanting to know who this guy is.

  “Oh sorry. This is my best friend, Parker. He’s a bartender at Violet too,” Kaleo introduces.

  “Yeah, I’ve seen you. You work at the front bar, right?” Jimmy asks. Parker nods in confirmation. The two boys shake hands and Jimmy introduces himself, “Jimmy. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Ohhh, so you’re the Jimmy that Kaleo told me about,” Parker says with an accusatory tone in his voice.

  “Oh he has, has he?” Jimmy looks back at Kaleo with a smile.

  “That’s enough, Parker,” Kaleo says mildly to get his friend to be quiet.

  “Yup, he was just telling me how he met this handsome guy named Jimmy and how he wants to see where it will go, but he’s too afraid.”

  “That’s enough, Parker!” Kaleo yells to stop Parker from disclosing anything else.

  “I’ll let you guys catch up.” Parker starts to walk away, but then turns back and looks Kaleo in the eyes, “Finish what you started!” He spouts their old friendship motto with a smile, then heads back to the tents.

  “Wow, you had some nice things to say about me,” Jimmy
acknowledges what Parker just confessed.

  “I didn’t say all of that,” Kaleo defends himself.

  “But you did say some of it though, right?” Jimmy pursues. Kaleo smiles and avoids eye contact knowing that he’s been check-mated. “Hopefully the handsome part and the part about how you want to see where it will go…”

  “Thanks for coming,” Kaleo quickly tries to change the subject.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Jimmy stops playing and looks Kaleo right in his eyes. “My mom and dad couldn’t make it, but they said they were gonna send over some Chinese food.”

  “Some?! They sent a feast for a whole village!” Kaleo exaggerates. “Tell them I said thank you.”

  “Maybe you can tell them yourself, when we all go out to dinner one night?” Jimmy casually slips into conversation.

  “I told you, I don’t play that in the closet, ‘I’m just a friend’ bullshit,” Kaleo reminds him.

  Jimmy chuckles, “And you won’t have to.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well… seeing Robin pass away made me realize how short life is and how unhappy I’ve been. I’ve been playing so many different roles to so many different people and when you said you didn’t date guys, who were in the closet, it made me really think. It made me think about if I was living my life for me or if I was living my life the way everyone else wanted me to live it. So… I grew some balls and I told my parents. I told them that I was gay.”

  “Seriously?” Kaleo’s eyes widen and his jaw drops agape.

  “As serious as I can be,” Jimmy says with a confident smile, “And funny enough, they took it pretty well too. My dad didn’t want to hear it at first, but my mom talked him into it. They basically told me that they don’t care that I’m gay as long as I have a good job and make good money. I mean, they are Chinese after all.” The two boys share a laugh.

  “Wow. I must say, I’m impressed,” Kaleo admits.

  “And it’s all because you gave me the ‘Gayest drink you have!’” Kaleo rolls his eyes, remembering the first time Jimmy ever ordered from him. “So, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Kaleo says smugly.

  “So… can I have that date now?” Jimmy gets right back to the point.

  “You just won’t give up, huh?”

  “I’m consistent.” Jimmy flashes his eyebrows. “Why don’t we just start with a walk on the beach. Can I at least have that?” Jimmy asks kindly. Kaleo smiles and nods. “Come on.” Jimmy offers his arm like an escort and Kaleo links his arm in his. The two boys walk along the shoreline as the sun sets, joking and laughing the entire time.

  30. Li Hing Mui Margarita

  - 1 oz Tequila

  - 1⁄2 oz Triple Sec

  - 1 oz Sweet and Sour

  - 1/2 tsp Li Hing Mui Powder

  - 1 dash lime juice

  Almost two months have passed and things have calmed down since Robin’s passing. Lopaka has gone from a no-named go-go boy to a reality TV star with his appearance as ‘Jenna Talia’ on ‘America’s Next Top Drag Queen.’ With the show airing every Friday and Violet throwing a viewing party every week, the local LGBT+ community have come together to support ‘Jenna’ and watch as she takes down her competitors week by week.

  With only three contestants left, tonight is the night where the finale episode will be aired and the whole world will find out (what the three brothers already know) that Lopaka takes the win.

  Sitting at a table in Taco Hell, the Mexican restaurant a couple blocks away from Violet, Chyna and Lopaka finish up the rest of their early dinner.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Chyna says and touches his cheek with her hand.

  “Thank you,” Lopaka replies.

  “You’ve come so far in such a short amount of time and I’m just so happy that you’ve come into your own. Some people never do,” Chyna admits.

  “I know and it wouldn’t have happened if you never gave me that speech that one day,” Lopaka confesses.

  “What speech?” Chyna questions.

  “You don’t remember?” Lopaka looks at Chyna with offense. “We were sitting right here, at this exact table with Robin. I was upset about Ryan not calling me for the billionth time and you let me have it. You said ‘If he wanted to be with you, he would be with you’ and then you said something like ‘You’re settling and you know what the saddest part is… you know you are.’ And the truth was, I did know that, but no one ever had the courage to say it to my face. Shit, I didn’t have the courage to say it to myself! You really made me think.”

  “I said all that?” Chyna is impressed with herself.

  “You don’t remember?!” Lopaka can’t believe that something that has changed his life isn’t at all memorable to the one person who said it.

  “Boy, I am too old to be held accountable for all that I say… but I do give some good advice, huh?” She winks at him and the two of them share a laugh. “Everything happens for a reason, babe.”

  “You know, you always hear people saying that, but you never really understand it’s meaning until something big happens to you.”

  Just as he finishes his sentence, the three little gay boys with matching outfits walk up to Lopaka excitedly. Once obsessed with the Fish y Chicks, they have now transitioned into die-hard ‘Jenna Talia’ fans.

  “Oh my God! Hi! Sorry, we don’t want to interrupt, but we just want to say how much we love you on America’s Next Top Drag Queen!” The little gay in red can’t help, but speak to his idol.

  “You’re, for sure, gonna win tonight!” The little gay in yellow says without a doubt.

  “Aww, thanks guys,” Lopaka, who is completely out of drag, expresses his gratitude toward these three fans.

  “Do you mind if we get a photo with you?” The little gay in blue asks apologetically.

  “No, of course not. Here.” Lopaka takes the little gay in blue’s phone and hands it to Chyna.

  “And what am I? Chopped Liver?” Chyna jokes. “I”m just kidding boys, get in there.” She snaps a photo of Lopaka with the three little gays and hands the phone back to them.

  “Thank you so much!” The little gay in blue thanks Lopaka and immediately begins posting the photo to his Instagram.

  “Are you guys coming to Violet tonight?” Lopaka asks the boys.

  “We wouldn’t miss it for the world!” The little gay in yellow says with conviction.

  “Thank you again!” The little gay in red puts his hands together in a prayer position to thank Lopaka. They take off jumping and giggling as if they just met Beyoncé.

  “You see what I mean? I’m just so proud of you.” Chyna smiles at Lopaka like he is her own son. “Let’s go see if they need help setting up for your big finale.”

  “Don’t you wanna know if I won or not?” Lopaka asks.

  “Nope! Don’t even care in the slightest,” Chyna declares.


  “Because to me, you’ve already won. You’re my winner,” Chyna confesses.

  “Awww, so corny,” Lopaka ruins the tender moment.

  “Shut up, boy! You might be a celebrity to the youngin’s, but you remember who changed your diapers when you were little.” Chyna snaps right back into Aunty mode. “I will whoop your ass harder than Robin used to!” Chyna pretends as if she’s going to spank Lopaka. He laughs and scurries away. “Get back here and clean up your mess!”

  31. Four Horsemen

  - 1/2 oz Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey

  - 1/2 oz Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey

  - 1/2 oz Johnny Walker Scotch Whiskey

  - 1/2 oz Jameson Irish Whiskey

  Outside of Violet, the staff congregate and wait until Kaleo shows up with the key. The entrance doors to Violet have been painted over with a huge butterfly in tribute to Robin. Malu and Sam shoot the shit right outside the doors alongside Chico, Yuki and Tisha. Momi and Ashley stand further away and have one of their private cousin chats.

  “How are you and Malu?” M
omi asks.

  “Oh, we’re great. Things really took a turn that night he got hurt,” Ashley reveals.

  “Yeah, that was a scary time,” Momi affirms.

  “You’re telling me! Funny enough though, it really brought us closer together,” Ashley confesses. “I think when you’re truly faced with not knowing if the person you love is going to make it or not, you realize a lot. We don’t take each other for granted anymore and we just take things less seriously. Well, we take the dumb shit less seriously. We’ve learned how to just let the unimportant things go.”

  “The key to life: ‘Let it Go,’” Momi summarizes.

  “Shit, for real though,” Ashley confirms.

  “Do you miss working here?” Momi asks her cousin.

  “Nah, not really. I mean, I miss working with all of you guys, but it’s better for our relationship and better that I stay with the kids.”

  A few weeks after Robin’s funeral, Malu and Ashley decided that it was more important to have at least one of them be at home with the kids every night. With the club basically being a part of Malu’s DNA, they agreed that Malu would continue to work at Violet with his brothers and Ashley would take care of the kids.

  “Yeah, I know what you mean,” Momi supports her decision.

  “It’s better for all the boys that walk through that door too,” Ashley states while in her sweatpants and no make-up. Just coming to drop off Malu, she figures what’s the point of dressing up.

  “What do you mean?” Momi asks needing clarification.

  “No one will get head-butted because of Malu’s jealous rages over me anymore.” The two girls share a laugh, knowing it’s the truth.

  “Nah, but he’s been getting better at his temper,” Ashley discloses. “I guess, it helps that he’s been taking MMA classes and getting all his aggression out over there.”

  “Yeah, I saw that on his Instagram,” Momi admits.

  “Yup. And he’s good too! I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised. He’s always watching UFC on TV.” Ashley changes the subject, “How’s Yuki working the door?”


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