Hell's Belle

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Hell's Belle Page 4

by Eve Newton

  I spin on my heel and storm off, only to have Drescal sneak up on me a few moments later.

  He slips his arm around my waist even as I don’t break my stride. “Are you screwing him?” he asks, looking back over his shoulder.

  “Who?” I ask, my focus on the collar again.

  “The Hound of Hell,” he tuts at me as if my lack of interest in him is personal.

  I look up at him with a frown. “Ugh, he wishes,” I mutter and then disentangle myself from Drescal. “I’ve got something to do, but…” I step closer and look up at him, all sultry and sexy. “…I was quite looking forward to seeing what you had in mind earlier. Rain check?”

  “Absolutely,” he murmurs back, brushing his fingers over my lips. “Count on it, Anna.”

  I shiver in delight at his accent and spin, dismissing him with a wave and then I flame out to my bedroom to give the collar a proper examination.

  I sigh as a grumpy Hellhound turns her back to me and flops down in the corner. “I’ll give it back to you soon, promise, Mouse, okay?”

  She snorts at me.

  “If I can use this to find my Dad, that’s more important than your tantrum.”

  She realizes that she’s being a bitch and turns back to face me but snaps her jaws to let me know that she is still pissed off.

  “Fucking hounds,” I mutter under my breath, but I’m referring mostly to Elijah, not Musmortus. He has wedged himself under my skin with the promise of a pussy licking that I know will make my body sing. Too bad he is an arrogant fuck and for that alone, he won’t get anywhere near me.

  I’m the boss around here. In bed and out. If he doesn’t like that, then it’s tough shit. There are plenty more Demons down here that do. I just wish I could find one that can quiet the raging inside me for longer than it takes to fuck me.

  Maybe one day.

  Or maybe Mother’s got it right. The answer isn’t in finding one, but several males that satisfy the different parts of me.

  It’s a theory.



  Half an hour later, I still have no clue as to my father’s whereabouts. The frustration surges up and in a fit of temper, I scream, “RAH!” and throw the collar across the bedroom.

  Mouse leaps up in one fluid movement to snatch it up out of the air and lands on my bed with it in her mouth. It sinks under her weight, but she turns all three heads to me and waggles the collar at me.

  I smile at her and lean forward to snatch it from her middle mouth and then reattach it to the base of her thick neck before her heads split off. She huffs happily and then leaps off the bed and stalks to the door. I open it and she bounds off down the hallway.

  I leave the door open and sit down in the armchair in the corner, fiddling with the zipper that is holding my tiny red leather top together.

  “Anything?” Shax asks, leaning in the doorway as casual as always.

  I give him a narrow-eyed look and stop fidgeting. He is rumpled and not the usual smooth self that he presents to the Underworld.

  “What’s with you?” I ask, indicating his less than pristine self.

  He shrugs and walks into the room, closing the door and sinking onto the ottoman at my feet. “Didn’t think I had to make an effort with you.”

  “You don’t,” I assure him, leaning forward and taking his hands. I lower my head to his lap, and he wiggles one hand out of my grip to stroke my hair.

  “You didn’t find anything?” he asks gently.

  “No, not a damn thing.” I sit up again and then stand. I start to pace agitatedly. Usually Shax has a calming influence over me, but this time it’s not working.

  He turns on the ottoman to regard me closely. “Perhaps it’s not Mouse that Luc was directing you too, but something else. Someone else.”

  I stop pacing and glare at him. “Meaning?”

  “Elijah,” he says in exasperation.

  I grimace. I really don’t want to go back to the kennels. I might not be responsible for my actions if I do. “That’s all you got?” I ask.

  He shrugs again. “You got something against him?” he asks, a small smile playing at his lips.

  “Apart from him being an arrogant asshole?”

  “Just go. He might have exactly what you’re looking for.”

  “Humph,” I mutter, but give him a small wave as I flame back out to the kennels.

  It’s quiet.

  The illusion of nighttime has fallen across this part Hell already. I purse my lips. I’d wanted to accomplish a bit more today than chasing my tail.

  I turn around but don’t see Elijah. I’m about to call out when a low, dark rumbling comes from the shadows.

  As he approaches slowly, I see the glowing red eyes of a three-headed beast so enormous I pause. He is at least three times the size of Mouse and she comes up to my shoulder. She is still a baby compared to the Demon in front of me, sniffing the air. He pads over to me and circles me. I stay completely still. He can’t kill me, but he can sure as shit bite my head off before it grows back, or whatever would happen to me in the case of beheading. It’s unchartered territory, thank fuck.

  He stops behind me and I turn my head slightly to the side. I feel a slight quiver in the air, and I know he has shifted. I relax and turn around to face him. He is stark naked, and my mouth starts to water, just a little bit. He is magnificent.

  “Dress yourself,” I order him, trying not to look at his dick. It’s swinging between his legs, stirring slightly and tempting me. Massive doesn’t really cover it. There is no way I could drop to my knees and fit it into my mouth, even if I would subjugate myself to him in that way.

  “Don’t like what you see?” he smirks, not covering up at all.

  I turn around, my hands on my hips. “I have something to ask you. I can’t do that with your dick hanging out. Get dressed.”

  He chuckles and I hear him rustling around. I chance turning to face him again and see that he has pulled on a pair of black combat pants, which he’s left undone, and is yanking a black t-shirt over his head. He sees me watching him and ever so slowly does up his pants. He pads barefoot over to me and looks down at me from his immense height.

  “Dick stowed,” he comments. “What do you want?” His tone is brusque, business-like and I let out a breath of relief. I prefer it this way. He is way too enticing when he is being all naked and an asshole.

  “Did my father give you something before he...uhm...went away?” I ask carefully.

  Elijah’s eyebrow shoots up. “Went away?” he scoffs. “Since when are you so coy about death?”

  Since he’s not dead.

  “I’m not,” I growl. I feel that my rep might’ve just taken a serious hit. I will have to make sure that when I dish out the Daily Dealings in an hour that I'm vicious and unfeeling. Well, more so than usual.

  “I figure any bitch who will take down her father to gain power is one worth watching,” he drawls, his eyes searching mine in a really unnerving way.

  “Did he leave something with you?” I grit out.

  “No,” he says, breaking eye contact and turning from me to busy himself with the nearest thing to hand, which is a broom.

  I stifle my laugh as he looks so comical sweeping the floor, like a giant with a matchstick.

  “I’ll come and see you later,” he says after a few sweeps. “I want to see our ruthless leader in action.”

  “Will it get you off?” I ask salaciously.

  He stops sweeping for a moment and looks up. “Do you want it to?”

  I hold his simmering gaze for a few seconds and then look away. “I will search this place from top to bottom, but it’ll be easier if you just tell me.”

  “No,” he states. “He didn’t give me anything.”

  “Then you give me no choice but to look myself,” I say and march into the back, his private quarters.

  “The only reason a bitch goes back there is to cream all over my dick. Is that what you want, Queenie?”

sp; I clench my fists, but don’t turn around. “When you picture this dick creaming, am I on top?” I ask and keep walking.

  “Oh, no,” he says following me, and in three giant strides has caught up with me. “You’ll be underneath me, writhing around as I impale you.”

  “I didn’t mark you as a male that enjoys missionary style,” I say with an evil smile at the mild insult.

  His eyes hood dangerously, and he growls. “I didn’t say anything about missionary,” he grits out.

  “It was implied,” I drawl and turn to face him. “I’m always on top,” I add, even though it’s not true. Drescal got me good and proper flat on my back earlier.

  “Not with me,” he says, full of arrogance, as if he actually believes it.

  It infuriates me. I am his fucking Queen. He should be on his knees in front of me begging to be at my service, not making sexual comments to me, that may – or may not – be affecting me.

  I march up to his desk, situated in the corner of the open space behind the wall. I start to open drawers and poke through them, which angers him.

  “I told you, your father didn’t give me anything,” he bites out.

  “I don’t believe you,” I mutter, but all I come up with is an empty desk, which makes me suspicious. Why have a desk in the first place? I slam the drawers shut with a huff.

  “Told you,” he says, again with arrogance.

  “You are such an arrogant asshole,” I seethe.

  “Takes one to know one, darlin’” he replies, and I lose it.

  I mean really lose it. I lose it in the way that I’ve been trying not to and is the whole fucking reason that Gregory is here supposedly helping me.

  I sprout wings of flame on my back, but far bigger than anything anyone has seen for a while, and they didn’t live to tell about it. I feel the heat in my eyes as my pupils turn to flame that lick out of my sockets and singe my eyebrows. Hellfire sparks on my fingertips and when I clench my hands to try to stop the rage, I end up with two flaming hot fists. I start to breathe heavily as the stench of ash and brimstone, coming from my fire, hits my nose.

  I get the satisfaction of seeing Elijah gulp and drop to his knees, head bowed.

  “That’s more like it,” I snarl at him in a fear-inducing Demonic voice that resounds around the kennels. It makes the hounds start to yap and whimper.

  A spiked tail has torn through my pants and is swishing around me. The horns on my head are making it ache. My teeth are sharp rows of fangs and my tongue is forked.

  The She-Devil has come out to play.

  The rage inside me swirls up to an even greater height, making my whole body shudder with the effort of not annihilating everything in my path.

  “Damn you for making me do this,” I grate.

  “I humbly apologize, Your Majesty,” Elijah murmurs. “I am at your service, here for your bidding and that alone.”

  I nearly bite my tongue in half as the desire to burn the realm to the ground almost overpowers me. I try to remember what Gregory told me to do. It is blurry, a haze through the red fog that has descended upon me.

  One. Two. Three, and smile.

  It takes four times, but eventually the Devil fades and I resume my normal human form, eyebrows and, more importantly, my pants intact. My heart is burning in my chest and each breath scorches my lungs.

  “You’re lucky you weren’t closer to me,” I spit out at him.

  He lifts his head up to look me in the eyes, but he remains silent, unsure of what to say. It’s not often that she comes out anymore. She used to have free reign, but I murdered far too many of my minions and Roberta, the Demon in charge of Incoming Demons, was getting more and more pissed off with me. Shax, along with my mother and stepfathers, convinced me to pull back. But it was mainly Shax’s words that clinched it. He told me the more they see the Devil, the more they will be complacent about it. Bringing her out once in a while will hold so much more impact and fear, and he was right.

  As always.

  The fact that I now worry about what I will do if I lose control, is something that will go with me to my grave, if I ever have one. I have the capability to destroy worlds and while that sounded like a blast a year ago, I now have my domain to think about. What just came out here was nothing. A small speck on the Devil scale of what I can really turn into. But there isn’t a Demon in here that will survive that and I’m not risking my family for anything. Shax is a whole other ball game. I can’t hurt him, not permanently anyway. We are too closely tied for that.

  “Forgive my arrogance, my Queen,” Elijah says quietly. “I live to serve you.”

  Seeing him submit to me in such a way fires up the lust engines, which were already revving pretty high after the shift. A good fuck is the only thing that seems to calm the beast down. Getting that release from a mind-shattering orgasm is the only way to regain my sanity at a time like this. This isn’t what I want. I don’t want him to deal with this for me, but I have no choice. It’s him or one of the hounds and quite frankly, his dick is still taunting me even stashed away in his pants.

  I stalk over to him and shove him roughly by his shoulders to the ground. He falls back as my strength far outweighs his and now he knows it without a doubt. His eyes go wide with surprise as I drop down onto him, rubbing my pussy over his hardening length.

  “Knew you’d want it,” he mutters to me, that arrogance returning in spite of everything he just witnessed in the last few minutes.

  “Shut your mouth,” I order him. I scoot back a bit, unzipping his fly and reaching in to pull out his cock. I run my hand down the underside of it and then flatten my palm against him, pushing him up slowly so that his cock lies flat against ripped abs that makes me want to climb up them.

  He is huge.

  He has the biggest dick I have ever seen, and I want it. My pussy has gone so wet, it’s making it very uncomfortable in my leather pants.

  So I lose them.

  With just a thought, they vanish, and he groans as he feels the wet heat of me when I slide over his rock-hard cock.

  He sits up suddenly, wrapping his tree trunk arms around me and lowers his mouth to my chest. He grabs the zipper of my top between his teeth and then pushes me back slowly so that he can lower it with his mouth, releasing my tits from their leather prison.

  I throw my head back as he latches onto my nipple and grip the back of his head tightly.

  In the next second, he is on his feet with me still in his arms.

  I wrap my legs around him.

  He slams me against the wall next to the desk and devours my neck with his mouth. He bites me harshly, bruising me, then he licks me gently to ease it. His hands twist into my loose red hair and tug hard until I moan and arch my back.

  He doesn’t kiss me on the mouth.

  I find it odd, but also incredibly sexy.

  I reach in between us and grab his cock. He wastes no time in lifting me up by my backside and forcing me down onto his entire length, filling me up instantly.

  I cry out as it feels so good. I cream his dick just like he knew I would.

  “That’s it, Queenie,” he smirks at me. “Wet my dick until I’m soaked with your cum.”

  “Aah,” I moan.

  Then, he takes over completely and pumps me up and down on his dick like a fucking blow up doll.

  I start to take offense. That is until an orgasm screams through my body at such a rapid rate, I nearly weep with the relief it brings to the raging Devil inside me.

  “Fuck!” I roar, making the hounds start to bay loudly, but I don’t care. I need more of this, more of his cock, more coming because of it. Just more.

  “Such a tight pussy,” he pants. “Feels so good…” He nuzzles my neck affectionately and it puts me off my stride slightly. He has gone from being a brute to slightly civilized. He stops controlling my actions and lets me do all the work now. I use my thighs to lift myself up on him and slam myself back down, my hands on his shoulders to help me up.

  I need one more release before I climb off this mountain of a male and never touch him ever again. He is confusing me, and I like to be clear-headed. Best to just steer clear of him after this Hell shattering fuck.

  I squeeze him tightly as I come again, clenching around his cock and then once again he takes over. He spins us around and crashes me onto the desktop. If I were a human female, I would’ve broken every bone in my body, but being me, it only excites me. He drags me down the desk, holding onto my hips, digging his fingers into me, hurting me, thrilling me. He has turned savage again and twisted my head around so that I don’t know if I’m coming or going.

  “Oh, I’m coming,” I shout out as another wave of sheer rapture thunders over me, making my blood roar through my veins.

  “Fuck,” he mutters and then holds me in place as he fucks me hard, pounding me into the desk until we break it in half and collapse to the hard stone floor in a pile of debris. His hands on my hips keep me still as he thrusts and withdraws, thrusts again and then he climaxes. A flood of hot cum spurts up my cunt and he releases his hold on my hips so that I can wrap my legs around him, drawing him closer as his cock pumps out every last drop of cum he has.

  “Fuck,” he mutters again and then he is off me in a flash and dragging his pants up from around his ankles.

  With as much dignity as I can muster, with cum dripping down my inner thighs and my tits hanging out of my top, I stand up and snap my fingers, changing my outfit to a cleaner, more suitable one for telling a male that this was a one-time deal. No biggie. No repeats.

  As the words come out of my mouth, I can’t help but feel disappointed. The beast has been satisfied. For the first time ever, she is truly calm. But I can’t be with a male like him. He is too hot and cold, too arrogant, too Alpha. I like my males submissive; puppies that follow me around and worship me. I know where I stand and that’s on top. With Elijah, I’m unsure and I don’t like that. Even now, he looks like he doesn’t give a shit about seeing me again.

  “So, this won’t happen again, got it,” I snarl at him, taking the offensive stance. “You scratched an itch, nothing more.”


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