Hell's Belle

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Hell's Belle Page 6

by Eve Newton


  I hear Drsecal’s voice coming from a distance away. “Dres?” I cry out, opening my eyes as the snake tail thrusts up inside me painfully hard, making me grunt.

  “Anna! Anna!”

  “Dres! Where are you? Dres!” I shriek as the gnarled fingers join the snake tail and my head is yanked back by a fistful of my hair, the force of it knocking me off my feet so that the tentacles can hold me horizontal a few feet off the ground.

  “Anna,” Drescal shouts.

  I suck in a huge, noisy breath and my eyes fly open.

  I see my ceiling and I sit up, nearly headbutting Drescal in the face as he scoots back quickly.

  I’m in my bed.

  I’m dressed in my sexy nightgown.

  I’m panting and shaking as I leap off the bed and race over to the window. I look down and see the circle of Demons looking around to see where I’ve gone. I see the Serpent Demon that had his tail up my cunt a few seconds ago, shift angrily back into his human form and he storms off, shoving the weaker Demons out of the way. The behemoth stomps off, looking for some other prey that takes his fancy. The Demon with the gnarled fingers looks up at me and I gulp. He is a Gargoyle. We hold eye contact for a brief moment before he too disperses into the crowd.

  I spin back to Drescal, trying to figure this the fuck out.

  “I was here the whole time?” I ask him.

  He nods slowly. “Did you have a bad dream?” he asks carefully.

  “I don’t have nightmares,” I spit out.

  “You looked like you were having a bad dream,” he insists, but avoids the word nightmare for some reason that I can’t fathom.

  “I was down there,” I point out the window. “Powerless and vulnerable and…” I stop speaking. I can’t trust him with that information. “No, you’re right. It was just a bad dream,” I add with a bright smile. “I’m okay. What are you doing here?”

  I’m trembling inside, but he seems to buy what I’m selling and stands up to come closer to me, brushing my hair out of my face. “I was drawn here. I felt your fear,” he whispers to me, searching my eyes. “I didn’t know you got scared, Anna.”

  “I don’t,” I grit out, but he isn’t teasing me. He is serious and concerned.

  I lower my eyes, wishing suddenly that Elijah was here. I want his strong arms around me, his huge solid body protecting me. I don’t know what the fuck just happened, but I was definitely down there with all of those Demons being raped by a snake and Gargoyle, and who the fuck knows what else would have penetrated me had Drescal not “woken” me up.

  Astral Projection, maybe? I split my body in half but the half that moved had no powers. What does that mean? Did the Night Mare do it to me?

  Drescal leans in and brushes his lips over mine. I push him away as I really just can’t even think about sex right now. I need to go and douche so that any trace of snake and stone is gone from inside me.

  “Go, I’m fine,” I mutter and head into the bathroom, shutting the door firmly and then leaning against it. I hold my hand out and bring the fire of Hell to my palm. I feel better instantly, reassured and ready to face this. Those assholes who dared to touch me against my will are going to face my wrath.

  Just as soon as I’ve disinfected my whole body.



  I didn’t sleep.

  I stayed in bed, trying to get rest but there was no way that I was falling back asleep for that creepy Night Mare to return and force a powerless me out of my body.


  I shudder again as I crawl out of bed and get dressed.

  It’s early so I’m going to get a jump on this day. I usually come to around noon after a night of sex and booze.

  Not last night.

  I wasn’t even feeling it before the weird rape-y situation downstairs, and definitely not afterwards. Poor Drescal. I’ll have to find him later and make it up to him. I don’t think I’ve ever refused his advances before.

  As I open my closet, I reflect back on what Creepy said to me about Lucifer being my only fear. He is not wrong, but he’s not really right either. I mean, if someone let him out, I’d fight him for what’s rightfully mine regardless of who the fuck he thinks he is. I don’t fear him exactly, more the thought of losing everything that I’ve worked to gain down here. I wasn’t well received by the minions when my father presented me to Hell, so I’ve heard. Clawing my way to garner their respect and fear has been a difficult job and one that Dad had to help me with by letting me be ruthless and cruel in a public setting. He organized the Daily Dealings for me to exert my power, my strength and to show those bastards that I’m their true Ruler, even if I am a female.

  Not overlooking the fact that Creepy has been in my head and dredged this information up, which is worrying. If he tells anyone he knows that Lucifer isn’t really dead, then trouble could start for me, big time. It’ll be a pain in my ass that I’d like to avoid if at all possible. Plus, the whole him being in my head, worming around my thoughts, picking out weaknesses. I don’t like it and I’d thought I was immune to such parlor tricks. For some reason, he has a power that works on me. It needs addressing. Pronto.

  I pull out a purple leather dress with a zipper down the front from top to bottom. The dress is about knee length, but that’s okay because I can show off my cleavage instead of my ass. Not both. See how the Doc likes this attire.

  Slipping on my black heels, I open the bedroom door and nearly trip over Mouse. She is curled up after a night of whatever she was doing, tired out. I step over her and barge into Shax’s room unannounced.

  He is asleep in the darkened room.

  “What do you know about Night Mares?” I ask him, folding my arms and tapping my foot.

  He groans and cracks an eye open. He is alone with the soft growl of Death Metal coming from unseen speakers.

  I snort as I recognize the band. Morbid Angel.

  Well, it suits him. He fucking well is one.

  “Who?” he asks, not moving.

  “Night Mares,” I repeat.

  If anyone, Shax will know. There aren’t any creatures down here that he isn’t well informed on. He has an active brain and little to do, so he learns. Fucking nerd.

  He sits up and gives me the evil eye. “Night Mares. Ancient creatures that enter your subconscious while you’re sleeping and give you, well, nightmares,” he says. “Why?”

  “How many do we have here?”

  “One,” he answers to my surprise. “They are super rare and practically extinct. He is locked up in the prison in the center of Hell though. Got a little full on with the Demons’ fears a while back, caused chaos.”

  “How much of a while back?” I venture.

  “Couple of hundred years, I think.”

  “Hm, thanks,” I mutter and leave his room, slamming the door behind me. If there is only one down here, I’m pretty sure he isn’t locked away anymore. Someone has let him out, but who and the bigger question why. To mess with me or to mess with everyone?

  With this new worry hanging over my head, I make my way down to Gregory’s office. I knock and then push the door open.

  “Doctor Gregory,” I say in that husky way that he always ignores.

  He looks up from his workbook in surprise. He glances at his watch and then back at me. “Well, well,” he says, standing up. “To what do I owe this early call?”

  “I was up, figured I’d get you out of the way before I get some shit done, ya know?” I flop into the chair and cross my legs.

  “I see,” he murmurs and picks up another notebook. He sits opposite me, uncapping his pen and gives me a penetrating look.

  I sigh. “Okay, I get the drill. I’ll start. So, last night I decided that I wanted an early night. I fell asleep and was woken up by a weird Night Mare Demon thing. Shax says he’s like super rare and supposed to be in prison, but that’s not even the weirdest part. I was forced out of my body, but like a powerless me and then I was accosted
by all of these gross Demons until Drescal managed to wake me.” I stop speaking and search Gregory’s eyes.

  He blinks a couple of times. “A powerless you?” he croaks.

  “Yeah,” I snarl, “Remember the rules, human.”

  “Oh, how could I forget,” he drawls at me, holding his hands out to gesture his situation, his pen caught between two of his fingers.

  “I’m gonna need to hear it,” I inform him loftily.

  “Everything you say is confidential and protected, and if I utter a word to anyone you will string me up by my cock and cut off my body parts, starting with my tongue.”

  I give him a big beam. “Super.”

  He returns my smile with a weak one which drops off and his face goes serious again. “Accosted?” he probes.

  “Accosted, raped, whatever. Serpent Demon and a Gargoyle to be exact.”

  “Err,” he stammers. “Annabelle, this is serious, you…”

  “I’m fine,” I brush it off, because I really am. “I mean, yeah, it freaked me out last night but it’s over. Done. Dealt with and I will ensure it will never happen again.”

  “Have you faced your attackers?” he asks quietly.

  “Not yet, but oh, they’ll know I’m coming,” I growl, bringing my bat to my hand with a zing of magick.

  Gregory pales and swallows before putting his pen and notebook down and leans forward. “Annabelle.” His voice is full of concern. “Are you okay?”

  “I told you, I’m fine. Fuck this conversation. I’m more bothered about the creepy Night Mare and the Astral Projection.”

  “You know that if you ever need to talk about it, I’m here.”

  I’m about to spit out an acerbic comment, but he looks genuinely concerned. Not just about me as his patient, but about me. I cut him some slack and smile. “Thanks,” I say quietly. “Oh, before I forget, your bullshit tactics aren’t working. I shifted yesterday and I could’ve eradicated a Demon.”

  “You sound glad that you didn’t,” he says, sitting back and picking up his pen and paper again.

  “Pah,” I scoff. “He is an arrogant asshole. He is lucky I don’t go back there and fry him.”

  “Hmm,” he murmurs and scratches something down in his notepad.

  “What are you writing?” I ask with a frown. I lean forward and reach out, but he pulls it away.

  “Not for you to read,” he says.

  “Too damn bad,” I retort and with supernatural power, magick the book from his hand to mine. I look down with a smug smile as he splutters and chokes and scrambles to get it back.

  “You think I’m protesting too much?” I ask incredulously. “You asshole.” I fling the book back at him and he catches it with excellent reflexes for a man and quickly shuffles the pages. His cheeks are an adorable bright red and I get the feeling that I didn’t see what he was so bothered about. I am going to have to get my hands back on that book when he’s not watching. See what’s sooo blush worthy. Probably ravings about my cleavage being on show and my over made up face. Dickhead.

  “Well, are you?” he asks after clearing his throat.

  “I fucked him if that’s what you’re asking,” I say harshly. “I had to get rid of the rage. That’s the whole reason that you are here, though, isn’t it, Doc? To stop me from raging out in the first place.”

  “Did you try the technique?” he asks.

  “Yes, after I’d already shifted.”

  “Did it work?”

  “Well, yes…”

  “Then I am doing my job. What do I keep telling you, Annabelle? This isn’t an instant process. It will take time and practice. Next time you feel about to rage out, stop, count to three and smile.”

  “I don’t have time to,” I whine. “It comes on suddenly. One second I’m fine and the next someone says something to piss me off and…boom.” I make an explosion gesture with my hands.

  “I see. Okay, next time try and count to one before you…” He mimics my gesture. “Then the time after that try for two, and so on.”

  I nod slowly, taking that in. “Okay, I hear you.”

  He smiles at me and I return it. We sit there for a few moments and then I stand up. “I’ve got shit to do. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Actually, could you make time to pop by later?” he asks carefully.

  “Why?” I ask curiously.

  “I want to make sure that you’re doing okay,” he says quietly.

  I clench my jaw. “Sure,” I chirp, “If I have time.”

  “Of course,” he says.

  I nod and leave his office, bumping into a huge male with the most astonishing slate gray eyes.

  “Your Majesty,” he murmurs, giving me a deep bow.

  I give him a puzzled look, which turns to a smug one. Yes, more of my minions should bow down to me. I like this gigantic male already.

  “Aleister,” he says, straightening up and looking down into my eyes with a level gaze that I feel is tinged with sorrow.

  I blink and step back slightly. “You,” I state coldly.

  He shakes his head. “I am the Gargoyle Master,” he informs me, “I’m aware of what one of my subjects inflicted upon you.”

  He drops to his knees and takes my hands, looking up at me imploringly.

  I lick my lips. “Go on,” I press darkly when he hesitates to continue.

  “I wasn’t there last night, but I have a connection with all of my subjects. I can see through their eyes and I saw what he did. I apologize profusely for his disgusting behavior. He will be severely dealt with.”

  “If you saw what he did, why didn’t you stop him?” I ask the only question that I’m concerned about right now.

  “I latched onto his essence too late, my Queen. I was on my way when you vanished and then I saw you up in your room.”

  “You saw me through his eyes?” I inquire, trying to get this straight in my head. “You know exactly what he did to me and that I…” I pause, trying to decide how much to actually say. Although if he saw what happened, he must know that I had no powers, until I vanished.

  He stands up again, letting go of my hands. “I’m not here to judge your choices, Ma’am,” he says, lowering his eyes again. “I’m here merely to tell you that in spite of them, none of my subjects have the right to touch you.”

  “Ma’am?” I choke back on that, but then his words sink in and I balk. “You think I’m into rape play?” I croak.

  “I’m not judging,” he says again.

  “You dick!” I shriek. “I am not into rape play and I certainly wouldn’t have let the assholes touch me if I’d had a choice about it.”

  “Erm,” he stammers going bright red, his eyes darting to the side.

  I press my lips together as I suddenly find this amusing. I stifle my laughter, taking in his very handsome face. In fact, his whole body is rocking it hard. Makes sense, though if he turns to stone. His light brown hair is short, his eyes are to die for and those abs, rippling under his gray t-shirt are making me sweat in a good way.

  “I’ll explain,” I say, taking pity on him and losing any sense of wariness around him. He is too cute, like a giant puppy and for some inexplicable reason, I think I can trust him. I get that vibe from him. There are precious few people that I trust. I can count them on one hand, but this guy…I don’t know. There’s something about him. He seems, well, I hate to use the word good, but I have no other word for it. He has shown outrage on my behalf for something his minion did that genuinely seems to appall him, even though he is a creature of Hell. It’s delightful, delicious and so very sexy.

  I grab his hand and pull him away from Gregory’s office door and further down the hall. We are on the ground floor of my residence and not many rooms down here are used for anything. I push open a door a few down from Gregory’s and drag him in, shutting the door behind us.

  “I have this power,” I start. “I can be in two places at once, unfortunately in one of those places I have no powers. That’s what you saw last n
ight. I was on the heels of the Night Mare and got cornered.” I blink as I realize that I did in fact have some power to get down there in the first place. Maybe I used it all up, like it’s in reserve and flaming out uses it all? I dunno, something to think about another time. “I can assure you that I will never be in that position again and I can also assure you every Demon that was down there will be eradicated, including your minion.”

  “I would expect nothing less,” he mutters. “He is imprisoned, ready for you to exact your punishment when you are ready.”

  “I should point out that you are now aware of this predicament that I found myself in.” I wait for his response.

  He lifts his chin and takes it. “Do with me what you will,” he states.

  My heart thumps. Oh, I have every intention of doing all sorts of things with him but killing him isn’t one of them.

  “How come I have never seen you before?” I ask him.

  He gives me a surprised look. “We usually keep to our section of Hell.”

  “Noted, but I’ve met most of the Demon leaders. Why not you?”

  “We keep to ourselves,” he says again, almost shyly.

  Oh, I’m falling deeply in like with this male. He’s the type of creature that I could see myself with down the line.

  My eyes go wide as I stare at him. I don’t know where that thought came from.

  “Thank you for coming to me today,” I murmur seductively, inching closer to him. He doesn’t back away, but he does get a wary look on his face. I cool it immediately. If I pounce on him now, he will reject me, and I couldn’t stand the humiliation of that. “I will let you know when I’m ready to dole out the punishment.”

  He nods, his eyes searching mine at my abrupt change of tone.

  Dammit. I read that all wrong. If I’d jumped on him, I’d probably be getting a pussy full of rock-hard marble right now. I draw in a breath as he will literally be rock-hard. I shiver, my nipples puckering, but the moment has gone.

  “I’ll be waiting,” he says and then with a final bow, he goes.


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