Pioneer Longing: The O’Rourke Family Montana Saga, Book Four

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Pioneer Longing: The O’Rourke Family Montana Saga, Book Four Page 25

by Flightner, Ramona

  “Yes,” Phoebe whispered. “She didn’t know what to do. We had little saved, and Uncle Harvey had just died, leaving his money to our cousins. Although he did leave us each $1,000. But, with how my sisters wanted to live, that money wouldn’t have lasted long.”

  “One thousand dollars?” Eamon asked.

  She nodded. “I don’t have much of it left. I spent most of my share on my fare here and on expenses since my mother died last summer.” Her eyes clouded.

  “I wonder if your other uncle, Uriah, learned about it. I wonder if he wanted it.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. He never mentioned it. And it wouldn’t do him much good now as it’s been spent.” Phoebe pressed into his embrace, in need of his comforting arms around her.

  He ran a hand through her tangled hair. “I still don’t understand, love. Why does Winnie resent you? Why won’t Lorena defend you, like a big sister should?”

  “Mother found out that Emory was poorer than a chimney sweep and looking to Winnifred to climb the social ladder of respectability and financial success. Mother ensured he understood our financial predicament. She also informed him of our parentage and intimated we would most likely take after our mother.”

  “Your own mother told you this?” Eamon asked, incredulous.

  Phoebe shook her head. “I overhead Mother’s discussion with Emory in our sitting room. And I was as shocked as you are now. For Winnie was her favorite.” Bee sighed. “Or maybe because Winnie was her favorite.”

  Eamon frowned, his gaze considering all she said and inferred. “You mean, your mother implied you’d act like prostitutes?” He rolled her onto her back, earning a gasp from her. “Why?”

  “In her misguided way, Mama believed she was protecting Winnifred from profound disappointment, and she hoped a better man would sweep Winnie off her feet.” Flushing, Phoebe murmured, “Somehow Winnie believes I’m the one who told Emory about our family. That I told him that she was not much better than a prostitute. That I forced him away because he was poor. And she won’t forgive me.”

  Studying her, Eamon murmured, “Because she’s so blinded by keeping up the facade of gentility, she believes that would be your only goal too.” At her nod, he let out a huff of frustration. “She should know you better.”

  “She’s heartbroken and angry and needs someone to blame.”

  His blue eyes glowed with a fierce fervency. “Perhaps, but I will never agree with her having the right to make you feel worse so she feels better. You are too precious and too fine a woman to ever have to suffer her abuse.”

  She traced a hand over his cheek and smiled. “One day she’ll understand what occurred. She’ll find a better man. And then she’ll believe me.”

  Eamon kissed her brow and then her nose. “Her lies are not your truth, beloved Bee.” At her nod, he smiled. “I imagine Lorena has a similar tale of woe.” She nodded soberly. “It’s unfortunate Declan’s away, for I believe they would have been perfect for each other.”

  “Why do you say that?” she whispered, her luminous eyes shining with love and adoration.

  “Because they both yearn for love,” he whispered, lowering his head to kiss her lips. “I’d hope Declan could be who she needed, but I fear I’ll barely recognize the brother I left behind when he finally returns to us.”

  Eamon leaned forward, kissing Phoebe softly. “I was afraid you were disappointed in me. That you couldn’t see me as a man who could protect you because I cannot force the saloon owner, Bell, to leave town.”

  “Eamon,” she breathed, as she ran her fingers over his strong chest. “No. Although he terrifies me, I think he’s an opportunist. And I was an easy mark for him. Now that I’m with you, I doubt he’ll even acknowledge that he ever met me. He’d never risk your wrath. He might be strong, but he could never match the combined force of the O’Rourke men.” She met his worried gaze with a reassuring smile. “I have faith in you. I trust that you will always protect me, my love.”

  He let out a sigh of relief, kissing her again.

  She ran her fingers over his cheek. “Forgive me?” she whispered. At his questioning stare, she murmured, “Forgive me for doubting? For giving credence to my fears, rather than having faith in you? In us?”

  He nodded, kissing her softly. “Aye, my precious Bee. I forgive you.” He nibbled at her throat, before leaning back and meeting her gaze. “We’ll have misunderstandings to work through during the many years of our marriage, but I will forgive you anything as long as you always love me.”

  She smiled luminously at him. “You should ask something more difficult, love. For I’ll love you forever.”

  * * *

  I hope you enjoyed Pioneer Longing- order the next book in the series- Pioneer Bliss- now! Available January 2021!

  Coming Soon! Pioneer Bliss!

  A sneak peek at a scene from the upcoming book!

  A week later, the steamboat docked in Fort Benton on a hot, dry day in early June. Declan stood at the railing, searching for any sign of his brothers or father. However, no one had come to meet this boat as it approached in the early evening hours. Whatever O’Rourke supplies that were on this boat would be set aside for retrieval tomorrow.

  “Don’t worry about our things,” he murmured to Samantha as they disembarked. “They’ll be delivered.” He motioned for her to follow him as he made his way across the muddy, wagon and rut filled Front Street, cutting down a side street away from the main thoroughfare that hugged the Missouri River. Instead, he focused on an area away from the thriving, boisterous town.

  “Home,” he murmured when he saw the large, two story residence with chicken coop in the back. An addition off the rear of the home ruined the precise symmetry of the house, but afforded more space inside for the residents. “We’re a large family, Samantha,” he murmured. “But they’ll accept you.” He saw the much younger woman shiver before forcing a look of bored interest. “There’s no need to be terrified.”

  He approached the rear porch. Memories of chasing his brothers up the stairs assailed him. Of sitting beside his youngest sister, Maggie, and chatting with her. Of watching his niece, Maura play as she chased a chicken. How much had everyone changed in his absence? Would they truly want him back?

  With a deep breath to ease his own doubts, Declan eased open the kitchen door, his gaze alert and head cocked to one side as he listened for the usual family chatter. When he heard the cacophony of conversation that heralded a typical O’Rourke family dinner, his hold on the bundle in his arms tightened and he stood rocking in place. Familiar voices washed over him as though a siren’s call, urging him to take the last few steps and to finally be home. Instead, he closed his eyes, hearing his father’s strong, cheerful voice as he called out loving words to his mum. A quieter voice that sounded like mum, but he suspected was his sister Maggie, as it was youthful and not as heavily redolent of Ireland. His brothers’s loud voices as they joked and jabbed at each other. Laughter, always laughter and joy.

  He took a deep breath. How had he borne the years apart from them? Would they be eager to see him?

  Gathering his courage he forced himself to take the final steps into his parent’s house. He walked soundlessly, stilling as he watched his family duck their heads for their Da to say grace.

  “May we always be fortunate enough to have plentiful work and food and a home to shelter us all. May we never forget the blessings of family and the joy of Mary and Maggie’s return. And may we see Declan returned to us sometime this year.”

  At the solemn ‘Amen’, he watched as his family dug into the meal and the controlled chaos as an O’Rourke meal commenced. Battling tears, he swallowed to clear a thickness in his throat before he rasped, “I’m home, Da.” His blue eyes shone with pain and relief as he met his da’s startled gaze.

  “Declan!” Seamus yelled out, dropping his spoon and leaping up. He knocked his chair to the floor in his haste to reach his son who’d been absent nearly two years. “Is it truly you? Hav
e you come back to us?” He clasped Declan’s shoulders in a bruising grip as though afraid he were a ghost or that he would disappear again so soon after returning home.

  Declan nodded, a tear leaking out of each eye as he met his father’s incredulous stare. “Aye,” he whispered. “I’m finally home.”

  “But you look nothin’ like Declan,” Ardan, his eldest brother whispered as he gaped at him.

  Declan shrugged, knowing he appeared much altered since the last time anyone in his family had seen him. Gone were the shaggy hair and the unkempt beard. Instead, he had a genteel appearance about him with a close- cropped haircut and a trimmed beard. His suit was finely styled and nothing like the backwoodsmen clothes he had favored. “’Tis I, Ardan.”

  * * *

  Order Pioneer Bliss (The O’Rourke Family Montana Saga, Book Five) Now! Available to Read in January 2021!

  Don’t Miss A Ramona Flightner Update!

  Thank you for reading Pioneer Longing! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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  Also by Ramona Flightner

  The O’Rourke Family Montana Saga

  Follow the O’Rourke Family as they settle in Fort Benton, Montana Territory in 1865. Coming in 2020!

  Sign up here to receive the prequel, Pioneer Adventure to the new Saga as a thank you for subscribing to my newsletter!

  Pioneer Dream (OFMS, Book 1)- Kevin and Aileen

  Pioneer Desire- (OFMS, Book 2)- Ardan and Deirdre

  Pioneer Yearning- (OFMS, Book 3) Niamh and Cormac

  Pioneer Longing (OFMS, Book 4)- August 2020! Eamon’s story!

  Pioner Bliss (OFMS, Book 5) Coming Soon! Declan’s story!

  Pioneer Devotion (OFMS, Book 6) Maggie’s story! Coming in 2021!

  Bear Grass Springs Series

  Never fear, I am busy at work on the next book in the series! If you want to make sure you never miss a release, a special, a cover reveal, or a short story just for my fans, sign up for my newsletter!

  Immerse yourself in 1880’s Montana as the MacKinnon siblings and their extended family find love!

  Montana Untamed (BGS, Book 1)- Cailean and Annabelle

  Montana Grit (BGS, Book 2)- Alistair and Leticia

  Montana Maverick (BGS, Book 3) Ewan and Jessamine

  Montana Renegade(BGS, Book 4) Warren and Helen

  Jubilant Montana Christmas (BGS, Book 5) Leena and Karl

  Montana Wrangler (BGS, Book 6) Sorcha and Frederick

  Unbridled Montana Passion (BGS, Book 7) Fidelia and Bears

  Montana Vagabond (BGS, Book 8) Ben and Jane

  Exultant Montana Christmas (BGS, Book 9) Ewan and Jessamine

  Lassoing a Montana Heart (BGS, Book 10) Slims and Davina

  Healing Montana Love (BGS, Book 11) Coming in September 2020!

  Runaway Montana Groom (BGS, Book 12) Coming in 2021!

  The Banished Saga

  Follow the McLeod, Sullivan and Russell families as they find love, their loyalties are tested, and they overcome the challenges of their time. A sweeping saga set between Boston and Montana in early 1900’s America. Finally, the Saga is complete!

  The Banished Saga: (In Order)

  Love’s First Flames (Prequel)

  Banished Love

  Reclaimed Love

  Undaunted Love (Part One)

  Undaunted Love (Part Two)

  Tenacious Love

  Unrelenting Love

  Escape To Love

  Resilient Love

  Abiding Love

  Triumphant Love

  About the Author

  Ramona is a historical romance author who loves to immerse herself in research as much as she loves writing. A native of Montana, every day she marvels that she gets to live in such a beautiful place. When she’s not writing, her favorite pastimes are fly fishing the cool clear streams of a Montana river, hiking in the mountains, and spending time with family and friends.

  Ramona’s heroines are strong, resilient women, the type of women you’d love to have as your best friend. Her heroes are loyal and honorable, men you’d love to meet or bring home to introduce to your family for Sunday dinner. She hopes her stories bring the past alive and allow you to forget the outside world for a while




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